• Title/Summary/Keyword: 천적

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자판기 천적 관계를 조명한다

  • 한국자동판매기공업협회
    • Vending industry
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    • v.2 no.7 s.8
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2003
  • 자연계의 모든 생물은 대체로 천적이 있다. 생물은 언제나 많은 천적으로 둘러싸여 있으며 이로 인해 자연의 평형이 이루어지고 있다. 그런데 이런 천적관계는 비단 생물에 있어서만 적용되는 게 아니다. 자판기 분야도 그 외부환경 요인이라든가 경쟁 대상 품목 등에 있어 천적의 관계를 형성하고 있는 경우가 많다. 필수 불가결한 품목특성을 갖지 못하는 자판기 특성상 유난히 이러한 천적의 연결고리를 많이 찾아 볼 수 있다. 금호 기획취재에는 자판기의 천적 관계를 조명해 보는 시간을 마련했다. 이 천적관계도 산업의 발전을 막는 나쁜 면으로서 만이 아닌 싫든 좋든 공존 공생해야 하는 동반자적 관계이다. 이러한 측면에서 천적관계 조명을 통해 보다 자판기 산업의 자생력을 강화할 수 있는 계기를 만들고자 함이 본란의 기획취지이다.

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천적을 이용한 해충방제 전망 - 농약과 천적 동시활용방안 강구돼야

  • 김정부
    • The Bimonthly Magazine for Agrochemicals and Plant Protection
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    • v.10 no.3 s.90
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 1989
  • 최근에 이르러 농약의 살포량 증가에 따른 여러가지 부작용이 대두되므로 무엇보다 살충제를 적게 살포하면서 해충방제의 효력을 경제적 수준 이상으로 높여보자는데 천적의 역할을 평가하지 않을 수 없게 되는듯 싶다. 따라서 작물 해충에 대한 천적들의 종류와 분포상황, 기존 천적들을 보호 증식하는 문제 또는 병원 미생물 천적을 배양하며 농약과 함께 살포하는 문제 등 다양한 연구가 활발히 진행중에 있다고 본다. 그러나 살충제를 살포하지 않고 순수 생물적 방제 수단으로 작물을 재배할 수 있다면 더없이 이상적인 작물재배가 되겠으나 인구 증가에 따른 식량 증산은 필수적이므로 해충방제에 있어서 천적과 화학적 살충제를 동시에 적용하여 방제할 수 있는 종합방제가 바람직할 것으로 생각되어 간략히 소개해본다.

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Current Status and Future Perspectives of Natural Enemy Research in Korea: Analysis of Research Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Applied Entomology from 1990 to 2020 (우리나라 천적 연구의 현황 및 미래 전략: 1990년부터 2020년까지 한국응용곤충학회지 게재 논문 분석)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong Hwan;Seo, Meeja;Choi, Seon U;Lim, Un Taek;Lee, Kyeongyeoll
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.287-304
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    • 2021
  • Since 1995, researches on natural enemies have been conducted extensively in Korea. Research papers on natural enemies published in the Korean Journal of Applied Entomology from 1990 to 2020 were 130, which is 8.4% of all published papers during the same period. In 1990s, most research papers study the searching and biological characteristics of natural enemies, whereas the proportion of research papers related to the field application using the developed natural enemies has been increasing since 2010s. A total of 37 excellent natural enemies have been developed including 24 indigenous and 13 introduced natural enemies. In addition, 28 kinds of booklets and/or manuals were developed for field application of natural enemies. Although successes in research and development have been achieved since that period, more researches on search for and/or introduction of excellent natural enemy suitable for the Korean cultivation environment, mass production technology that can reduce cost, and quality control program in producing and distributing natural enemy remain to be pursued in the future. Furthermore, there is a need to develop the technology that can be used in compatible way with natural enemies and other crop protection agents including synthetic insecticides.

Evaluation of Chrysanthemum as a Potential Banker Plant of Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) (미끌애꽃노린재(노린재목: 꽃노린재과)의 천적유지식물로서 국화의 효율성 분석)

  • Hye-Won, Shin;Hwal-Su, Hwang;Jae-Kyoung, Shim;Kyeong-Yeoll, Lee
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2022
  • Banker plants are non-crop plants that can be used to maintain natural enemies of crop pests. Orius laevigatus (Fieber) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) is an important natural predator used to control pest insects, such as thrips, in horticultural crops. The development of suitable banker plants is necessary to maintain O. laevigatus populations within agricultural areas and to effectively improve thrips control. The oviposition rate of O. laevigatus was compared when reared on various flowering plants, such as sedum, rose moss, and chrysanthemum; oviposition rate was highest on the yellow-flowered chrysanthemum variety than on any other plant. This study provides important information for the practical application of banker plants to improve the efficiency of O. laevigatus in agricultural areas.

Community Structure of Phytophagous Arthropods and Their Natural Enemies at Different Weed Management Systems in Apple Orchards (사과원 잡초관리 방법에 따른 사과해충 및 천적의 군집구조)

  • 김동순;이준호;전흥용;임명순;김기열
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.256-265
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    • 1995
  • The effect ground-cover weeds on the occurrence of apple pests and their natural enemies was studied in an apple orchard in Ahnsung, Kyung-gi do during seasons of 1993 and 1994. The major apple pests and their parasitoids and predators were surveyed on the apple tree canopy in tow experimental plots; a weed-free lot where all weeds were removed by herbicide treatment, and a mowed plot where weeds were allowed restrictly by cutting with an asickle. Also, a sweep net sampling was taken from ground-cover weeds in the mowed plot. There were no significant differences in the abundance of mite and aphids between two plots, although mite densities tend to be lower in the mowed plot. The apple leaf miner, Phyllonorycter ringoniella, was significantly fewer in the mowed plot,. The densities of natural enemies of mites and aphids were slightly higher in the mowed plot. The parasitism of apple leaf miner in the mowed plot was 6~10% and 20~25% higher than that in the weed-free plot in 1993 and 994, respectively. Several natural enemies such as Apanteles kuwayamai (Braconidae), Orius sauteri (Anthocoridae), Chrysopa sp. (Chrysopidae), coccinellidae, and Eulophidae were collected both from weeds and the apple trees, However, potential apple pests were not observed on weeds. The development of insect community on the apple tree canopy was restricted by the pesticide spray on apple trees, while the insect community on weeds was maintained without significant destruction by pesticides spray on apple trees. Consequentely, the ground-cover weeds under apple trees affected occurrences of apple pests and their natural enemies in apple trees. te specialist natural enemies such as apple leaf miner's parasitoids dispersed from weeds to the apple canopy and affected apple leaf miner density significantly. However, generalist predators that have preys available on weeds stayed on weeds, hence their control effects for mites and aphids on the apple canopy were low.

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Spider fauna of the mulberry fields at Suwon, Korea (뽕나무밭의 거미상)

  • Paik Woon Hah;Namkung Joon;Paik Hyun Jun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 1973
  • 한국의 뽕나무 해충은 210종 이상이 기록되었다. 과거 4반세기 동안 다수의 합성농약이 농림해충 및 위생해충 방제에 큰 공헌을 해 온 것은 주지의 사실이다. 그러나 뽕나무의 해충에 대해서는 농약에 대한 내약력이 가장 약한 누에에 미칠 악영향 때문에 여러 가지 어려운 점이 많아서 외국에서도 잔효성이 짧은 TEPP 또는 DDVP등이 사용되고 있을 정도이다. 한국에서도 뽕나무순혹파리 방제를 위해서 초여름에 BHC 분제의 토양처리가 실천되어 왔으며 근래에는 뽕나무애바구미의 피해가 심해져서 몇 가지 살충제로 방제시험이 백에 의해서 이루어 졌을 뿐이다· 따라서 뽕나무해풍 방제를 위해서는 천적을 이용한 방제가 바람직하다 하겠다. 필자들은 우선 천적으로서의 거미의 분포 실태를 파악하기 위하여 수원시 소재 잠업시험장 뽕밭에서 1971-72년에 조사하였다. (Fig. 1) 조사된 뽕밭의 면적을 27a이었으며 9개의 조사구를 택하고 이것을 생태적 환경에 따라 3군으로 나누어 비교해 보았다. A, B 및 C구는 동쪽 가에 위치하며 가로등과 3개의 잠실의 등불의 영향을 받아 해충의 밀도가 높았으며 E, D 및 H구는 뽕밭의 중앙부이며 뽕나무 오갈병의 피해가 심하여 뽕나무가 작았고 또한 결주도 많았다. F, G 및 I구는 도로를 격하고 뽕밭 또는 초지에 면한 가장자리 이었 다. 이밖에 수시로 근처의 딴 뽕밭에서 채집한 것도 포함하여 4,987마리의 거미를 조사한 바 17과 47속 66종에 이르렀다. 이것을 Abe의 보고와 비교한 때 종수가 월등 많았으며 또한 Kayashima의 보고와는 달리 풀거미속(Agelena)거미가 훨씬 적은 것이 특이하였다. 채집된 거미를 그 생태에 기초하여 4군으로 나누어 천적으로서의 가치를 비교해 보면 다음과 같다. A군 : 대형의 둥근 망을 치는 종류들로서 날으는 곤충을 잡아먹는데 천적으로서 그다지 중요하지는 않다. 106주에서 245마리가 채집되었으며 (Tetragnatha squamata)가 우량종이었다. B군 : 소형의 둥근 망을 가지나 잎사이에 치는 종들로서 비록 몸은 작지만 가장 중요한 천적이다. 꼬마거미과 애접시거미과에 속하는 거미들이며 18종, 2,815마리가 잡혔다 우점종은 (Erigoridium raminicola),(Theridion octomaculata) (Enoplognatha spp.)이었다. C군 : 떠돌이거미로서 소형곤충을 잡아먹어 유력한 천적이다 26종 1,727마리가 잡혔으며 게거미과, 깡총거미과 및 염낭거미과의 거미들이 우점종이었다. D군 : 지상을 걸어다니는 떠돌이거미로서 늑대거미과가 약간 잡혔으나 천적으로서 중요한 것으로는 생각되지 않는다. 앞으로 이들과 해충과의 관계를 조사구명 해야 할 것이다.

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Biological Control of Tetranychus urticae Koch on Strawberry Using "Natural Enemy in First (NEF)" Method (시설딸기에서 Natural Enemy in First (NEF) 기법을 적용한 점박이응애 방제효과)

  • Ham, Eun Hye;Jun, Hye Jeong;Lee, Jun Seok;Lim, Un Taek;Lee, Young Su;Park, Jong Kyun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.319-320
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    • 2019
  • We have developed simple and reliable new habitat plants system with natural enemies names as "Natural Enemy in First (NEF)" method. As a result, NEF without monitoring and release of just natural enemy with monitoring showed higher bio-control effects, i.e., 83% and 70%, respectively than environmental friendly agricultural material (EFAM) treatment. In addition, the average population density of predatory mites on NEF method was higher (three times) than other treatment.

Natural Enemies of Citrus Red Mite, Panonychus citri McGREGOR, and Seasonal Occurrence of Major Predators on Yuzu tree (Citrus Junos) (유자에서 귤응애의 천적종류와 주요종의 발생소장)

  • 김규진;최덕수
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2000
  • This studies was carried out to investigate the natural enemies of citrus red mite, pononychus citri and seasonal occurrence of its major beneficial insects in Yuzu groves (Chonnam province) from 1996 to 1998. Natural enemies against citrus red mite were 9 species including Oligota kashmirica benifica, 0. yasumatsui, Stethorus punctillum, Chrysopa pallens, Propylea japonica, Orius sauteri, Scolothrips takahashii, Amblyseius womersleyi and one unidentified species of thrips (Family: Phlaeothripidae). Among them, Oligota kashmirica benzficu and Stethorus punctillum were found to be dominant species. 0 . kushmirica henifica had 4-5 generations from middle May to middle November with peak in early September. S. punctillum had 3 generations from late May to late October with peak of late June to middle July. Population dynamics between predator ( 0 . kushmiricu benifica and S. punctillum) and prey (Panonychus citri) were quite well synchronized until September but predator density was decreased abruptly after October.

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Status of the Occurrence of Insect Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Soybean Fields in Honam Province (호남지역 콩 재배지 주요해충 및 천적류)

  • Paik, Chae-Hoon;Lee, Geon-Hwi;Choi, Man-Young;Seo, Hong-Yul;Kim, Doo-Ho;Hwang, Chang-Yeon;Kim, Sang-Soo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 2007
  • This survey was conducted to illustrate insect pests and their natural enemies in soybean fields in Honam area. A total of 23 pest species in 13 families and 13 species of natural enemy were observed during 2002 to 2003. Delia platura, Medythia nigrobilineata, Spodoptera exigua and Aphis glycines occurred relatively with high population densities during the early growth stage of soybean. Dolycoris baccarum, Riptortus clavatus, Nezara antennata, Piezodorus hybneri and Halyomorpha halys began to occur between mid July to early August and lasted until the harvest time. Lepidopteran insect pests, Leguminivora glycinivorella, Pleuroptya ruralis, Scopula missaria, Macdunnoughia purissima and Spodoptera litura occurred significantly in late August in soybean field. Natural enemies of soybean insect pests observed in this survey were seven parasitoids, five predators, and an entomopahogenic fungus. Two egg parasitoid species for R. clavatus, two parasitoid species for P. ruralis, and five natural enemy species (including parasite, predator and entomopathogenic fungi) for either S. litura or A. glycines were identified, respectively. Among them two egg parasitoid species, Gryon japonicum and Ooenyrtus nezarae for R. clavatus, for and one parasitoid species for P. ruralis, that belong to Bethylidae, were new to Korea.