• Title/Summary/Keyword: 집단 선별 검사

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A Cost-benefit Analysis on Neonatal Screening of Phenylketonuria and Congenital Hypothyroidism in Korea (한국에서의 페닐케톤뇨증과 선천성 갑상샘 저하증에 대한 신생아 집단 선별 검사의 경제성 분석)

  • Yun, Hoe Cheol;Kim, Nyeon Cheon;Lee, Dong Hwan
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Many inborn errors of metabolism can be completely cured with early detection and early treatment. This is why neonatal screening on inborn errors of metabolism is implemented worldwide. In this study, a cost-benefit analysis was performed on the neonatal screening of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism in Korea. Methods : This study included 2,908,231 neonates who took the neonatal screening on phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism in Korea from January 1991 to December 2003. From those neonates, the incidence rates of phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism were measured. Furthermore, based on 495,000 babies born in 2002, were calculated and compared the total costs in case when neonatal screening on phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism is implemented, and when not. Results : If the neonatal screening on phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism is implemented, benefits far exceed costs at a ratio of 1.77 : 1 in phenylketonuria, and 11.11 : 1 in congenital hypothyroidism. In terms of wons, the present neonatal screening on phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism will gain us more than 29 billion wons every year. Conclusion : This study only concerns the monetary aspects of the neonatal screening. Therefore, the benefits of the neonatal screening is underestimated by ignoring precious but not measurable values such as quality of life. However, the present neonatal screening on phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism is found to be beneficial and should continue for the good of the nation as well as that of the patients.

Development and Validation of Figure-Copy Test for Dementia Screening (치매 선별을 위한 도형모사검사 개발 및 타당화)

  • Kim, Chobok;Heo, Juyeon;Hong, Jiyun;Yi, Kyongmyon;Park, Jungkyu;Shin, Changhwan
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 2020
  • Early diagnosis and intervention of dementia is critical to minimize future risk and cost for patients and their families. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate Figure-Copy Test(FCT), as a new dementia screening test, that can measure neurological damage and cognitive impairment, and then to examine whether the grading precesses for screening can be automated through machine learning procedure by using FCT imag es. For this end, FCT, Korean version of MMSE for Dementia Screening (MMSE-DS) and Clock Drawing Test were administrated to a total of 270 participants from normal and damaged elderly groups. Results demonstrated that FCT scores showed high internal constancy and significant correlation coefficients with the other two test scores. Discriminant analyses showed that the accuracy of classification for the normal and damag ed g roups using FCT were 90.8% and 77.1%, respectively, and these were relatively higher than the other two tests. Importantly, we identified that the participants whose MMSE-DS scores were higher than the cutoff but showed lower scores in FCT were successfully screened out through clinical diagnosis. Finally, machine learning using the FCT image data showed an accuracy of 73.70%. In conclusion, our results suggest that FCT, a newly developed drawing test, can be easily implemented for efficient dementia screening.

The Effect of a Time Management Program on Drinking-Habit and Self-Efficacy in College Student With Problematic Drinking (시간관리 프로그램의 적용이 문제음주 대학생들의 음주습관과 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Young-Ju;Kim, Yu-Seok;Park, Su-Jung;Park, Ji-Yeon;Bang, Ji-Hyun;Song, Ji-Won;Chang, Moonyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a time management program on self-efficacy and drinking-habit of college student with problematic drinking. Methods : Thirty subjects with problematic drinking were randomly assigned to either a experimental group or control group. The intervention applied to the experimental group was a time manage program which was consisted of two times of sessions per week and provided for five weeks. There was no specific intervention applied to the control group. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-Korean (AUDIT-K) was used to measure problematic drinking behaviors and Self-Efficacy Test was used to evaluate self-efficacy of the subjects. Results : Experimental group showed a significant improvement in AUDIT-K after intervention between groups. In change scores within group, experimental group showed a significant improvement in both AUDIT-K and Self-Efficacy Test, and control group showed a significant improvement in AUDIT-K only. Conclusion : The result of this study showed that time management program is an effective method for college student with problematic drinking.

A study of Diagnostic Significance of Simultaneous Examination of Proteinuria and Hematuria in the Urinary Mass Screening (집단뇨검사(Urinary mass screening) 방법으로 단백뇨와 혈뇨의 동시검사가 가지는 진단적 가치에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kyoun;Lee, Chong-Guk
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To evaluate the diagnostic significance of simultaneous examination of hematuria and proteinuria in the urinary mass screening for early detection ot incipient renal diseases. Method and Object : During the period of 4 months from August to December in 1997, we did urinary mass screening on students of first grade of high school (16 years aged group) nationwide together with Korean Association of Health(KAH). In the first screening test, Comber-10 $N^{(R)}$ M dipsticks were used to detect proteinuria, hematuria, pyuria and nitrite simultaneously. Total 26,508 students (16 years aged group) from 33 high schools in every province in Korea, respectively, complied to the urinary mass screening. After then, one high school in Seoul was selected to reveal the true incidence of incipient renal diseases among students who showed hematuria in the initial screening through intensive examinations. Those who had hematuria and/or proteinuria visited the Paik hospital, and underwent blood tests and ultrasonographic examinations. The results were evaluated. Results 1) The initial screening revealed that the prevalence of proteinuria, hematuria, pyuria and positive nitrite urine, were $0.73\%,\;2.69\%,\;0.23\%\;and\;0.03\%$, respectively. 2) The first urinary screening among 875 students from one high school in Seoul selected fir the second test showed proteinuria, hematuria, pyuria and positive nitrite urine, were $0.91\%,\;4.68\%,\;0.34\%\;and\;0\%$, respectively. a) Total 8 among 875 students showed proteinuria, but one of them had orthostatic proteinuria and those remaining 7 students had transient proteinuria. b) There were 41 students who had hematuria in the initial screening. Among 33 who complied the second test, only one student showed asymptomatic isolated hematuria and those remaining students were normal. Conclusion : 1) Because of high false positive hematuria rate in the urinary mass screening, it dosen't seem to be appropriate that hematuria screening using dipsticks be included in the urinary mass screening. 2) A unified organization is needed from the fret that so various results of urinary mass screening came out. 3) Positive rates of pyuria and nitrite were so low that validity of urinary mass screening for urinary tract infection needs more studies.

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A Study on Assessment of Personality Test using Data Mining (데이터 마이닝을 이용한 신인성검사 판정 연구 - 복무적합도검사를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, YoungGill;In, Hoh Peter;Kim, Nunghoe;Lee, Jungbin
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.1373-1376
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    • 2012
  • 복무적합도 검사는 정신질환이나 사고가능성이 있는 병사를 감별하고, 입대 후 적응문제로 조기 전역할 수 있는 집단을 예측하는 신인성검사 중 하나로, 현재 군에서 징병 및 입영단계에 실시하는 인성검사이다. 이는 전체 검사대상자를 상대로 정신과적 문제 식별을 위한 개별면담이 불가능하기 때문에 위 검사를 통해 대상자를 효율적으로 선별하기 위함이다. 본 연구는 데이터 마이닝을 통해 복무적합도 검사의 판정을 예측 할 수 있을지 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 데이터 마이닝의 기법 중 회귀분석의 로지스틱 회귀분석 기법이 복무적합도검사 판정에 우수한 성능을 보임을 확인하였고, 로지스틱 회귀분석의 추정된 회귀계수를 이용하여 만든 반응확률에 대한 예측 모형식은 높은 정분류율을 보였고 평가 결과 통계적으로 의미가 있음을 증명하였다. 따라서 본 연구 결과를 활용하면 소수의 문항으로 복무적합도 검사 이전의 선별용 검사 개발이나 자가 진단용 검사 개발로 활용이 가능 할 것으로 기대한다.

Developing the speech screening test for 4-year-old children and application of Korean speech sound analysis tool (KSAT) (4세 말소리발달 선별검사 개발과 한국어말소리분석도구(Korean Speech Sound Analysis Tool, KSAT)의 활용)

  • Soo-Jin Kim;Ki-Wan Jang;Moon-Soo Chang
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop a three-sentence speech screening test to evaluate speech development in 4-year-old children and provide standards for comparison with peers. Screening tests were conducted on 24 children each in the first and second halves of 4 years old. The screening test results showed a correlation of .7 with the existing speech disorder evaluation test results. We compared whether there was a difference between the two groups of 4-year-old in the phonological development indicators and error patterns obtained through the screening test. The developmental indicators of the children in the second half were high, but there were no statistically significant differences. The Korean Speech Sound Analysis Tool (KSAT) was used for all analyses, and the automatic analysis results and contents of the clinician's manual analysis were compared. The degree of agreement between the automatic and manual error pattern analyses was 93.63%. The significance of this study is that the standard of speech of a 4-year-old child of the speech screening test according to three sentences at the level of elicited sentences, and the applicability of the KSAT were reviewed in both clinical and research fields.

Development and Validation of Short Form of the Normal Depression Scale for Individual Screening (개인선별용 일상우울척도 단축형의 개발 및 타당화)

  • Lee, Soonmook;Kim, Jong-Nam;Chae, Jungmin;Choi, Seungwon;Seo, Dong Gi
    • Stress
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2018
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to develop a short form of the normal depression scale for individual use in the school, health, industry, organization, and counseling settings, based on the original normal depression scale (17 items). Methods: To achieve this purpose, we selected five items from the original test and analyzed data using Mplus 7.4 and SPSS 21.0. Results: The normal depression scale-short form consists of 5 items. The reliability of the short form (test-retest reliability) was good. The content validity and internal structure validity (1 factor model) were verified. The cut score between normal and dysfunctional depression was determined to be 18. Conclusions: The normal depression scale-short form for individual screening is verified to have good reliability and validity, so it is expected to be useful to perform quick screening of normal depression in the practical settings.

School Urine Screening Program in Korea (우리나라의 학교소변검사 프로그램)

  • Park, Yong Hoon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2014
  • A number of kidney diseases of childhood may present as isolated proteinuria or/and hematuria, without any overt signs or symptoms. Urinalysis is a simple and inexpensive test used to evaluate various renal disorders. A school urine screening (SUS) program for kidney disease was conducted in Korea in 1998. Several research reports, including case reports and systemic reviews of SUS data, claimed that early detection and confirmatory diagnosis by renal biopsy seems to be helpful for determining the prognosis and intervention of progressive chronic renal disease. However, there is no global consensus as to whether screening for chronic kidney disease (CKD) should be undertaken in children and adolescents. This paper reviews the SUS for CKD in Korea, including the history and structure of the program, its assessment, related research, and associated problems.

Prevalence and Clinical Features of Probable REM Sleep Behavior Disorder-An Epidemiological Study in Osan City (유력 렘수면 행동장애 환자 유병률과 임상 양상-오산시 역학 연구)

  • Choe, Young-Min;Yoon, In-Young;Kim, Ki-Woong;Lee, Sang-Don;Ju, Ga-Won;Park, Joon-Hyuk
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) has received little attention in epidemiologic studies. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of probable REM sleep behavior disorder (pRBD) in the elderly population and its clinical features. Methods: A random sample of 1,588 was selected from a roster of 14,050 elderly population living in Osan city. The subjects were asked to fill out the REM sleep behavior disorder screening questionnaire (RBDSQ). Subjects whose score were 5 or higher on RBDSQ underwent a diagnostic phase of person-to-person assessment by experts in RBD. Results: Among 1,588 subjects, 886 elderly subjects participated in the screening phase and 123 subjects were assessed in the diagnostic phase. Eleven subjects were diagnosed as having pRBD, so prevalence was 1.5% (95% CI=0.70-2.30%). The frequency of depression and cognitive decline was significantly increased in patients with pRBD compared to subjects without pRBD, and there was no difference in sleep disturbances between two groups. Conclusions: Probable REM sleep behavior disorder is not rare in the elderly but frequently under-recognized. More attention should be paid to evaluation and treatment of RBD.

Study on the Usefulness of Ultrasonography for Postpartum Depression and Thyroid Disease (출산 후 우울증과 갑상선질환에 대한 초음파검사의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Yi;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Park, Mi-Ja;You, In-Gyu
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 2012
  • Postpartum depression(PPD) of women with depression increased frequency of thyroid disease, and so the correlations for depression and thyroid disease has been the subject of discussed whether. The purpose of this study was to predict the prevalence of PPD and the correlation between PPD and thyroid disease through ultrasonography. January 2010 to November 2011, Obstetrics & Gynecology in M-clinical center admitted 230 patients within 1 year postpartum were enrolled. EPDS by PPD scale depression screening and general characteristics of subjects were investigated and thyroid was examined that ultrasonography and thyroid blood tests. A total of 230 patients non PPD group were 53.0% and PPD group were 47.0%. In ultrasonography, among 27 patients who changed in size of thyroid, non PPD group were 14.8% and PPD group were 85.2%. Among 124 patients who thyroid nodules were presence, non PPD were 35.8% and PPD group were 64.2%. In ultrasonography, PPD group were higher incidence than non PPD group were changes in size of thyroid and the presence of nodules. There was significant difference between the changed in size of thyroid and thyroid nodules were presence the two group. Definitive histopathological diagnosis was benign in 33 patients (non PPD group were 45.5%, PPD group were 54.5%), malignancy in 5 patients (only PPD group were 100%), thyroiditis in 3 patients (non PPD group were 33.3%, PPD group were 66.7%). The results of thyroid blood tests, abnormal TSH level were 7 patients (non PPD group were 28.6%, PPD group were 71.4%) and abnormal Free T4 level were 9 patients (non PPD group were 44.4%, PPD group were 55.6%). There was no significant difference between the abnormal TSH level and Free T4 level of the two group. 5 patients were diagnosed as thyroid dysfunction. Of these, 2 patients were subclinical hyperthyroidism in non PPD group, 2 patients were subclinical hyperthyroidism and 1 patient was subclinical hyperthyroidism in PPD group. This study was significant the correlation between PPD and thyroid gland disease through ultrasonography. And the objective results of this study might be able to provide guideline that understanding, prevention and treatment for PPD and thyroid disease.