• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진로산업

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Effect of Parental Support for Multicultural Youth on Career Attitude Determinism: Mediating Effect of Bicultural Acceptance Attitude (다문화 청소년에 대한 부모 지지가 진로 태도 결정성에 미치는 영향: 이중문화 수용 태도의 매개효과)

  • In-Suk Jeong
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm the determination of the career attitude of multicultural youth, which will be the growth engine of Korean society in the future, and to determine the effect of parental support for multicultural youth on career attitude determination. Multicultural adolescents experience more difficulties in parental support and career attitude determination than ordinary adolescents due to confusion over biculturalism exposed at birth. Therefore, this study confirmed the effect of parental support of multicultural adolescents on career attitude determination and verified the effect of bicultural acceptance attitude. To this end, data from the 8th year of the Multicultural Youth Panel (MAPS) conducted by the Korea Youth Policy Institute were used, and a total of 1,229 multicultural teenagers in the 2nd year of high school participated in the study. For data analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, path model suitability verification, path model coefficient, and mediating effect verification were conducted. Based on the results of these studies, it was intended to provide basic data for developing an integrated program that improves parental support and career attitude determination of multicultural adolescents.

The Impact of Personal, Home, and School Environmental Factors on Middle School Students' Career Adaptability: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Grit (중학생이 인지한 부모양육태도가 진로적응성에 미치는 영향: 그릿의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Su-Jeong Lee;Ki-Seong Lee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of middle school students' perceived parenting attitudes (positive parenting attitude, negative parenting attitude) on career adaptability and to verify the mediating effect of grit in these influence relationships. For this purpose, 2,235 first-year middle school students from the Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey 2021 were selected as research subjects. Data analysis methods included frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis using the SPSS 26.0 program. The main research results are as follows: First, in the impact of parenting attitude on career adaptability, positive parenting attitude was significant as positive (+), and negative parenting attitude was negative (-). Second, in the effect of parenting attitude on grit, positive parenting attitude was significant as positive (+), and negative parenting attitude was negative (-). Third, grit was positively (+) significant to career adaptability. Fourth, in the relationship between parenting attitude and career adaptability, the mediating effect of grit was found to be a complete mediating effect with positive parenting attitude and a partial mediating effect with negative parenting attitude. Through this, practical suggestions were provided to improve middle school students' career adaptability.

Influence of Career Maturity of College Students Majoring in Beauty on Immersion in the Major (미용 전공 대학생의 진로성숙도가 전공몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • So-Hee Moon;Hyun-Jin Jeon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we tried to investigate the influence of the career maturity of college students majoring in cosmetology on their devotion to the major. Research results As a result of analyzing the correlation between the career maturity level of cosmetology majors and the sub-factors of devotion to majors, all questions showed positive correlations between the career maturity of cosmetology majors and devotion to majors. as a result of analyzing the influence of career maturity on major activity sub-factors of major involvement, the crystallinity of career maturity , readiness statistically. As a result of analyzing the effect of career maturity on the major satisfaction subfactor of major immersion, the crystallinity of career maturity , readiness, and certainty were shown to have statistically significant positive effects. Through research results, we aim to develop a positive career maturity for cosmetology majors, improve their immersion in their majors, and establish a sense of values through correct theory and practical education. Immersion education and ongoing guidance seem necessary. Through this research, we hope that active discussions will be held on the career maturity of college students majoring in cosmetology and their devotion to the major.

The Effect of High School Students' First SW Education Experience on SW-related Career Orientation (고등학생의 SW 교육 경험 시점이 SW 관련 진로지향도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jaeho;Lee, Sinyoung
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2021
  • Training SW talent can have a positive impact on social development by increasing the competitiveness of our society in the era of The 4th Industrial Revolution. In order to train SW talent, this study analyzed 436 students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade at B High School in S-si, Gyeonggi-do, how SW education is perceived by students, and how the timing of SW education affects students' SW-related career orientation. This study shows that the expansion of SW education in public education was necessary and groups which got an SW education since elementary school have higher career orientation related to SW than other groups. As a result, it could be inferred that getting SW education at an early stage had a positive impact on students' career orientation. Studies will be needed to analyze how SW education in the early stages works specifically on SW-related career orientation.

스타트업 활성화를 위한 대학생 스타트업 교육 방향 및 사례

  • Kim, Jae-Gun;Song, Yong-Jun
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2022.04a
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2022
  • 오늘날의 4차산업혁명시대에서는 전통적인 대기업보다는 신속하게 사업을 추진하는 스타트업이 혁신을 주도하고 있다. 스타트업은 문제 해결에 도전하는 활동을 수행하는 프로젝트 조직으로서, 개인사업자 또는 법인 등 법적으로 인정되는 기업을 설립하는 단계인 창업과는 분명히 구분되어야 한다. 다시 말해, 스타트업 활동을 통해 일정 수준 이상의 사업성을 검증하는 준비 단계의 창업 전 스타트업과 그 결과로 창업 과정을 거친 창업 후 스타트업으로 구분해야 한다. 또한, 현재 대부분의 대학교에서는 다양한 창업 교육교과/비교과 프로그램들을 진행하고 있는데, 실제 대학생 졸업 후 취업률 대비 창업률은 비율이 극히 낮은 실정이다. 이를 감안할 때 대학생에게 창업을 목표로 하기 보다는, 도전적인 창업가 정신을 함양하고 스타트업 활동 중심의 교육을 통해 자신의 진로 적성을 찾고, 그 분야의 스타트업에의 취업을 우선 목표로 하는 교육이 스타트업의 인력난 문제를 해결한다는 측면에서 볼 때 스타트업 생태계 발전에 보다 바람직하다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 캠퍼스 스타트업 문화 확산을 위한 교육 방향으로 스타트업 관련한 '경험 확대 - 진로 선택 - 실무 체험 - 진로 실행' 단계별 지원을 제안한다. 다음으로 실제 대학교에서 개설하고 운영한 일련의 교육 프로그램으로서 진로 지도, 스타트업 활동 이해, 스타트업 활동용 디지털 리터러시, 스타트업 협력 프로젝트, 스타트업 인턴 준비 교육 과정 및 결과들을 사례로 소개한다.

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The Effect of Multicultural Adolescent's Depression on Their Life Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of School Adjustment and Career Attitude (다문화청소년의 우울감이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 학교생활적응과 진로태도의 매개효과)

  • Park, Soon-Jin;Paik, Jina
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2021
  • The objective of the study was to examine the factors affecting the life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents and to verify the mediating effects of school adjustment and career attitude between depression and life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents.. For the purpose, 1079 subjects were selected from the 7th (2017) data of the Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study (MAPS), and the data collected were verified through analysis methods such as structural equation and Bootstrapping analysis. The results founded are as follows. First, the depression of multicultural adolescents was shown to decrease their life satisfaction. Second, school adjustment played a partial mediating role in the causal relationship between depression and life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents. Third, the effect of depression of multicultural adolescents on the life satisfaction was partly mediated by their career attitude. On the basis of the findings, practical programs and policy alternatives to enhance life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents were discussed.

The Effects of a Cosmetology Education for Reemployment Women on Career Preparation Behavior (미용교육이 재취업여성의 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soo-Jeong;Lee, In-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4432-4440
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    • 2015
  • The object of this study is the effects of a cosmetology education for career discontinuity women who receive a cosmetology education for reemployment on career preparation behavior, so I analyzed reemployment characteristics, cosmetology education satisfaction, and career preparation behavior for 300 women in thirties to fifties who receive a cosmetology education for reemployment. Reemployment women's reemployment characteristics are various according to age, level of education, major field, training period, and educational institution, and sub factors of cosmetology education satisfaction affects meaningfully to improve career preparation behavior. Especially, educational contents and consultation about getting a job and career casts a long shadow relatively to career preparation behavior, so educational contents and consultation service about getting a job and career are important to make reemployment rate through career preparation behavior high. Based on such factors, the study will fulfill students' demand in cosmetology educational institutions, will highlight the importance of an efficient cosmetology education for developing industrial settings once more, and will offer base line data of consultation service about getting a job and career that can make satisfaction and credibility of educational institutions high, so will help the development of a cosmetology education and career discontinuity women's reemployment.