• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진동이력분석

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A New Methodology for the Assessment of Liquefaction Potential Based on the Dynamic Characteristics of Soils (II) : Verification (지반의 동적특성에 기초한 액상화 평가법 (II) : 타당성 검토)

  • 최재순;홍우석;박인준;김수일
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2002
  • In this study, a new methodology fur the assessment of liquefaction potential is proposed and characteristics of the proposed methodology are verified. The experimental parameter of this methodology, that is, the plastic shear strain trajectory, is compared with the dissipated energy. It is shown that this parameter can express the liquefaction behavior which is generated by excess pore water pressure. This methodology takes advantage of the shear strain time history determined from the site response analysis based on the real time history of earthquake. In this site response analysis, shock type and vibration type records of similar predominant frequency are inputted. The liquefaction safely factors based on the proposed methodology and Korean detailed assessment related to the classical method are calculated from the results of the site response analysis and laboratory dynamic tests. Through this study, it is found that the proposed methodology can not only simulate the liquefaction behavior of saturated soils hut also express the seismic characteristics reasonably : leading type, predominant frequency, maximum acceleration, duration time.

Stability Analysis of an Mounting Equipment for External Pod on Aircraft by Road Test (항공기 외장형 포드 장착장비의 주행 안정성 분석)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak;Jang, Jong-Youn;Kang, Young-Sik;Choi, Ji-Ho;Kang, Dong-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.424-429
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    • 2013
  • The trolley carrying the pod moves along by the airfield runway. The pod through the trolley are subjected to vibration arising from the ground state, the precision optical components in the pod can have a significant impact. The road tests were conducted by using the measurement pod to remove the risk for the project. The measurement pod was composed with the ACRA, sensors, battery. The accelerometers were attached to get the acceleration through the road condition. The PSD envelop was calculated by FFT from the acceleration. The driving safety was proven through comparing the measurement data and MIL-STD-810G specification.

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Seismic Damage Assessment and Nonlinear Structural Identification Using Measured Seismic Responses (실측 지진응답을 이용한 지진손상도 평가 및 소성모형 추정)

  • 이형진;김남식
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the nonlinear parameter estimation method using the estimated hysteresis of each structural members was studied for the purpose of efficient seismic damage prediction and estimation of MDOF nonlinear structural model in the shaking table test. The hysteresis of each structural members can be obtained by the conversion of measured response histories into relative motions of each structural members and member forces. These hysteresis can be used to evaluate various kinds of damage indices of each structural members. The MDOF nonlinear structural model for further analysis(re-analysis) can be easily reconstructed using estimated nonlinear structural parameters of each structural members. To demonstrate the proposed techniques, several numerical and experimental example analyses are carried out. The results indicate that the proposed method can be very useful to assess local seismic damages of structures.

Response Spectrum Analysis of Floor Structure Subjected to Group Dynamic Loads (복수의 동적하중을 받는 바닥판 구조물의 응답스펙트럼 해석)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Han, Duck-Jeon
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2008
  • In general, the response spectrum analysis(RSA) method is wifely used for seismic analysis of building structures, and the time history analysis(THA) is applied for computation of structural vibration caused by equipments, machines and moving loads, etc. However, compared with the RSA method, the THA method is very complex, difficult and time consuming. In this study, the maximum responses for the vertical vibration are calculated conveniently by the RSA method. At first, the process for the RSA in excitation is proposed, and the maximum modal responses are combined by CQC and SRSS methods. Also, the responses obtained by the two modal combination methods are compared to the responses by the THA. And the correlation coefficients for human activities is proposed, and the RSA responses obtained by used to the correlation coefficients are calculated. Finally, results of the proposed method are compared with those of the time history analysis and correlation coefficients should be considered for the RSA of floor structure subjected to group dynamic loads.

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A Study on Rolling Contact Behaviors of a Flat Rough Surface with a Smooth Ball (구와 평면간의 구름접촉거동에 관한 연구)

  • 김경모;정인성
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.554-570
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    • 1990
  • he rolling contact behaviors between a smooth ball and a flat rough surface under dynamic load are intricately affected by many factors, such as the diameter of a ball, normal load and the roughness of a flat surface etc. Accordingly, the experimental study is done to find them on the base of elastic hysteresis loss as theoretical approach is very difficult. The experimental apparatus composed of damped-free vibration system is used. This paper investigates the damping characteristics on the rolling contact area through rolling friction force and logarithmic decrement versus displacement obtained in accordance with the variations of those factors, and presents a new experimental method to find out contact width using the relations of logarithmic decrement and rolling friction force with displacement.

Development of an Analysis Model for UPS System of LNG Receiving Terminal Facilities (천연가스 생산기지 내 UPS시스템의 해석모델 개발)

  • Kook, Seung-Kyu;Hong, Seong-Kyeong;Kim, Joon-Ho;Choi, Won-Mog;Park, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.539-545
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    • 2016
  • UPS system in the liquefied natural gas(LNG) receiving terminal is one of the fundamental equipment that need to sustain operation during earthquake. In this study, modal identification test of UPS system was performed based on IEEE Std. 693-2005 and natural frequencies and modal damping, mode shapes had been identified. In addition, tri-axial time history test was performed to check the behavior and stress of the equipment during earthquake. Eigenvalue analysis was performed and analysis model was modified by reflecting the results of the test. Static analysis by dead weight and response spectrum analysis were performed to compare the combined stresses with the stress results of test. Dynamic characteristics and combined stresses under seismic load condition of the improved analysis model were similar to the test results and in this regard the compatibility was proved.

A Study on the Blasting Dynamic Analysis using the Measurement Vibration Waveform (실측진동파형을 이용한 발파 동해석 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 최성웅;박의섭;선우춘;정소걸
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.108-120
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    • 2004
  • Dynamic analysis has been increased recently to analyze the effect of the blasting vibration on the rock mass as well as the surrounding structures. The major input parameter far the general dynamic analysis, however, is merely the blasting pressure which can be obtained from the blasting pressure-time history curves. But in case of the complicate geological condition it is not simple to apply the blasting pressure on the numerical analysis because e ground vibration characteristics should be obtained considering the complexity of ground condition. Therefore the authors tried to use the blasting vibration waveform as an input data This vinylation frequency could be obtained from the test blasting in the Pasir mine, Indonesia. Through the dynamic numerical analysis on the slopes in Pasir, the current situation of this slope could be simulated precisely.

Three-axis Spring Element Modeling of Ball Bearing Applied to EO/IR Camera and Structural Response Analysis of EO/IR Camera (EO/IR 카메라에 적용된 볼 베어링의 3축 스프링 요소 모델 및 EO/IR 카메라의 구조 응답해석)

  • Cho, Hee-Keun;Rhee, Ju-Hun;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.39 no.12
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    • pp.1160-1165
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    • 2011
  • This study is focused on the structural dynamic responses, i.e., vibration analysis results of the high-accuracy observation multi-axial camera, which is installed and operated for the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and helicopter etc. And, the authors newly suggest a modeling technology of the ball bearing applied to the camera by using three-axis spring elements. The vibration analysis results well agreed to the randum vibration test results. Also, the vibration responses characteristics of the multi-axial camera through the time history analysis of the random vibration were analyzed and evaluated. The above results can be applied to the FE-modeling of the ball bearings used for the space cameras.

Influence of shear on seismic performance and failure mode of RC piers (전단이 RC 교각의 지진성능 및 파괴모드에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Do-Hyeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, influence of shear on the seismic performance and failure mode of reinforced concrete piers subjected to earthquake loading is investigated. Comparative study has been carried out for reinforced concrete column tests to verify the shear-axial interaction model presented in this paper. Comparison shows that predicted shear hysteretic response agrees well with the test results. Also conducted is a nonlinear time-history analysis of a reinforced concrete bridge damaged by the Kobe earthquake using the current development. Displacement response for piers reveals that maximum displacement is considerably increased due to the effect of shear coupled with axial force variation, which leads to overall stiffness degradation and period elongation. It is therefore concluded that the response considering both shear and axial force gives better explanation regarding the seismic damage evaluation of reinforced concrete bridge piers.

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Dynamic Characteristic of the Seismic Performance of Uninterruptible Power Supply with Combined Isolator Using Shaking Table Test (복합면진장치를 적용한 무정전전원장치의 1축 진동대실험 기반 동적특성 분석)

  • Lee, Ji-Eon;Lee, Seung-Jae;Park, Won-Il;Choi, Kyoung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2022
  • In this study, three types of combined isolator consisting of High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDRB) and wire isolator were developed for Uninterruptible Power Supply system (UPS). The dynamic characteristics of the combined isolator were investigated through one-axis shaking table test. The input acceleration were generated in accordance with ICC-ES AC156 code. Scale factors of the input acceleration were designed to be 0.5-2 times the required response spectrum defined in ICC-ES AC156. Based on the test results, damage and dynamic characteristics of the UPS were investigated: including natural frequency, damping ratio, acceleration time history response, dynamic amplification factor and relative displacement. Based on that, it was found that the combined isolator developed in this study could improve the seismic behavior of the UPS, in particular, the response acceleration.