• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직접영향권

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Simulation Based Study to Verify the Required Operational Capability of the Para-Observation Munition (관측포탄 작전운용성능 검증을 위한 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Ha, Set Byul;Kwon, Ojeong;Lee, Youngki;Cho, Namsuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2021
  • Required Operational Capability(ROC), which means the performance of a weapon system, is determined when estimating the requirements of a new weapon system. It is very important to define the ROC as it has a decisive influence from acquisition of a weapon system to tactical operation. In this study, we propose a simulation methodology to verify the ROC of the Para-Observation Munition(POM), a newly developed weapon system. To this end, we propose a discrete-event simulation model that takes main performance of the weapon system constituting the ROC and environmental factors that affect performance of the weapon system as input values, and outputs operational effect as a result value. It describes various simulation logic required to implement a simulation model, and explains how to verify ROC using various simulation results such as sensitivity analysis. POM is a weapon system that does not have a similar one and that is difficult to directly utilize the military analysis model. This study can be used as a methodology to analyze the ROC and predict operational effects of weapon systems such as POM.

Validation of a Path Model for Subjective Happiness of Nursing Students (간호대학생의 주관적 행복감 경로모형 분석)

  • Kwon, Young-Chae;Jeong, Chu-yeong;Seo, Young-sook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the fitness of a path model for the relationship among self-esteem, social support, self-efficacy, major satisfaction, and subjective happiness in nursing students. The subjects consisted of 416 nursing students, and data were collected during from 10 March to 10 April, 2017, through self-report questionnaires. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlations that used PASW 21.0, and AMOS 18.0. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. There were correlation self-esteem, social support, self-efficacy, major satisfaction, and subjective happiness of in nursing students. Second, There were self-esteem, social support, self-efficacy, and major satisfaction showed direct effects on subjective happiness in nursing students, while self-esteem, social support, and self-efficacy showed indirect effects on subjective happiness in nursing students. Third, self-esteem, social support, and self-efficacy showed direct effects on major satisfaction in nursing students, while self-esteem, and social support showed indirect effects on major satisfaction in nursing students. Self esteem, and social support showed direct effects on self-efficacy in nursing students. The hypothetical path model for subjective happiness of nursing students was proven correct. Based on the outcomes of this study, it is necessary to design an intervention program that emphasizes the enhancement of self-esteem, social support, and self-efficacy in order to subjective happiness of nursing students.

Evaluation on Effectiveness of the Parallel Importation Policy in Korea: Luxury Apparel Brands (한국의 병행수입에 따른 정책의 유효성 평가: 럭셔리 의류브랜드)

  • Kwon, Soongi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1583-1592
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    • 2001
  • 연구의 목적은 병행수입제도의 정책운용적인 관점에서 고가품 수입의 큰 비중을 차지 하고있는 럭셔리의류 브랜드를 중심으로 병행수입제도 도입 이후 현 시점에서 공정경쟁의 관점에서 병행수입의 문제점 추출과 대안을 도출함으로써 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 연구 방법은 문헌조사와 in-depth 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 연구 결과 제도적 측면에서는 병행수입제도 도입 당시 병행수입과 직접 관련된 지적재산법과 독점규제법 사이에는 전용사용권자의 보호와 규제라는 입법적 목적이 서로 다른 이유로 병행수입 도입 여부에 대한 논란이 있는 것으로 나타났다 , 상표권 침해 기준의 모호, 세관절차에 있어서의 문제점 등이 추출되었다. 럭셔리의류 산업적 측면에서 병행수입제도는 수입물품의 가격인하를 선도하여 소비자 이익 증진에 기 여 하는 반면에 명품의 유통경로가 다양해짐에 따라 위조상품의 처벌실적 이 증가하고, 이월상품과overrun된 제품의 저가수입 등의 문제점이 야기되고 있다. 이에 대한 정책적 해결방안으로는 공정거래법의 개정을 통한 병행수입 허용기준의 보완, 지적재산권법 에 병행수입허용 규정 명시 , 소비자 관점에서의 병행수입 제품에 대한 정확한 정보의 전달 등의 내용 보완이 이루어져 야 한다. 본 연구의 시사점은 정책당국에게 경쟁조건의 Global Standard라는 견지에서 제도적 운용의 개선이 시급히 이루어져야 하는 논거와 토대를 제공하였다. 또한 전용사용권자와 병행수입업체에는 정보의 비대칭성에 의존한 판매전략을 지양하고 소비자 보호와 적 정 한 상표권 보호의 합리적 조화가 궁극적으로 생존의 핵심전략임을 인식시켜 줄 수 있는 계기를 마련해 주었다.가치관은 이들의 의복관심과 의복착용 그리고 구매에 지대한 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있다.포제로 평가되었다. 모든 남자포제가 전통적, 순수한 이미지의 포제로, 철릭을 제외한 모든 포제가 단순한 이미지로 나타나 조선시대 남자 포제가 공통적으로 가지는 이미지는 단순하고 순수한 이미지를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 3. 남자 포제의 시기별 복식이미지에서는 조선전기(철릭, 답호, 직령)의 포제는 관할성 요인이 높은 의례적인, 관할한, 특이한 이미지로 평가되었고 조선중기(도포, 창의)의 포제는 품위있는, 절제된, 풍성한 이미지로 평가되었으며, 조선후기(주의)의 포제는 활동적인, 단순한, 직선적인 이미지로 나타났다. 따라서 시대별 남자 포제의 이미지는 시대적 여건과 상황에 따라 변화되어 왔으며, 시대에 따라 추구하는 이미지가 달랐다는 것을 알 수 있이러한 논란의 해결방안으로 관세법 고시에 의한 우회적 도입을 결정한 정부의 방침에 대해 제도적 측면에서의 문제점으로 저작권 침해 기준의 결여다.lavonoid 함량의 판단지표로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.

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A Study on Legal Argument to the Overstorage Charge on the Long Storage Containers (장기체화 화물에 대한 경과보관료 적용에 관한 법률쟁점 - 부산지방법원 2011. 8. 18. 2009가합14442 판결 평석 -)

  • Ji, SangGyu
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.275-298
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    • 2012
  • Terminal operators have provided special services such as loading, discharging, stowage of cargo to the owner, and carriers of the sea, which contribute the domestic and international logistics. For smooth flow of logistics, container terminal should reserve spaces for inbound and outbound logistics. However, if it is unable to provide the spaces, which can be caused by labour strikes or terminal lockouts and so on, national logistic system and financial management of terminal operators can be seriously affected. In order to minimize these kinds of problems, terminal operators impose high rate of charges ("overstorage charge") to the accumulated cargoes and/or containers, which are stipulated in terminal service agreement. Nevertheless, if there is no terminal service agreement with an owner of cargo and/or container, any kind of charge can cause legal problems (conflict ??) between the cargo and terminal operator. In this regard, I would like to study on the definition of overstorage charge and the legal issue of it based on the Busan district court's judgment. In particular, I will propose a special right of commercial lien and public auction for terminal operators to settle accumulated cargoes in container terminal.

Social Capital Formation Model in the Resident Participation Greening Projects - For the Greening Project of the Living Area in Seoul - (주민참여형 마을녹화사업의 사회적 자본 형성 모형 - 서울시 생활권녹화사업을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Ai-Ran;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2018
  • Social, economic and environmental problems caused by rapid urbanization have been recently overcome by various civic participation projects. Local governance and resident - led partnership through field - based cooperative operating systems from urban regeneration to village projects are considered success factors. Among these, the village greening project which directly affects the residents and requires spontaneity requires the role and cooperation of the various participating actors due to the sharing of public space and private space. Social capital plays a key role in the sustainability and participation of the above - mentioned business as a relational capital centered on trust and participation, network and norms. Therefore, empirical research is needed. In this study, basic research was carried out to build a formation model of social capital in participation - type greening project expanding urban green space system to living area. We analyzed the elements of participation, the components of business progress, and the factors of social capital formation through literature review and in - depth interviews with participating experts. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data of social capital formation model for analyzing sustainability and activation strategies in the future.

Distribution of Nutrients and Chlorophyll α in the Surface Water of the East Sea (동해 표층수 중 영양염과 Chlorophyll α의 분포 특성)

  • Yoon, Sang Chol;Yoon, Yi Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2016
  • During the period between July 3 and 27 of 2009, water samples were collected from the Russian coast at a depth of 30m from 26 stations (including Ulleung and Japan basins) onboard the Russian survey vessel R/V Lavrentyev following 4 lines (D, R, E, and A). The samples were analyzed for nutrients and chlorophyll a contents. All parameters exhibited higher values in warm waters than in cold waters ($NH_4:1.8-fold$, $PO_4:1.8-fold$, $SiO_2:1.2-fold$, and chlorophyll-${\alpha}$:1.9-fold), except nitrates, which was 1.4-fold higher in cold waters than in warm waters. The horizontal distribution of ammonia, phosphate, and chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ was very similar to each other and showed the highest values in the waters near Russia, where a upwelling influence of cold current and bottom water prevails, while relatively low distribution was observed at the Ulleung Basin. On the other hand, nitrates showed the highest concentration at the Ulleung Basin, which is under the direct influence of the Tsushima warm water, and showed a gradual decrease northward. The N/P ratio showed the highest value in the Tsushima middle water, rather than in the North Korean Cold Water, the Tsushima Warm Water was the primary source of nitrate flow into the East Sea. However, the average concentration of phosphate in the warm waters was < $0.2{\mu}M$, thereby limiting phytoplankton growth, while a high concentration of phosphate in cold waters showed a direct correlation with chlorophyll-${\alpha}$. The results of principal component analysis for the identification of primary factors that influence the marine environment showed that principal component I was water temperature and principal component II was influenced chlorophyll-${\alpha}$ and nutrients. Therefore, Study area has greatest influenced by water temperature, and clearly distinct cold and warm water regions were observed in the East Sea.

Pre-service Earth Science Teachers' Perceptions about Water Cycle (물의 순환에 대한 예비 지구과학 교사들의 인식)

  • Jeong, Jin-Woo;Kim, Yun-Ji;Jeong, Ku-Song
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of pre-service teachers, which directly affect the concepts and ways of thinking of students who are studying Earth science. This work further seeks to identify pre-service Earth science teachers' Earth science-centered ways of thinking regarding the components and the process of water cycle. The concept sketch method was used to survey 50 pre-service teachers who majored in Earth science education at a National Teachers' University. The survey analyzed the preservice teachers' perceptions of a subordinate concept of Earth systems from the applied components of water cycle, and to code the applied concepts with the components of the water cycle based on a subordinate concept of Earth systems including Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, Geosphere, and Biosphere. The preservice teachers only perceived the components of the water cycle as ones in Hydrosphere and Atmosphere. In Biosphere, many participants lack the knowledge about how the actions of plants and animals, and human beings impact the water cycle. About the process of water cycle, the majority of the participants only perceived evaporation and precipitation as the process of cycling: their understanding about the underground flow of water was more lacking than the surface flow.

Analysis of Chloride Ion Penetration Properties into Concrete on Road Facilities Depending on the Deterioration Environments (국도 상 도로시설물 대상 열화환경 조건 별 콘크리트 염화물 침투 특성 분석)

  • Min, Jiyoung;Lee, Jong-Suk;Lee, Tack-gon;Cha, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2021
  • The deterioration environments caused by de-icing salt and airborne chlorides in the seashore, evaluated in the "Detailed guideline for safety and management practice of facilities (performance evaluation)", were reviewed in terms of penetrated chlorides into concrete on various road facilities. Target concrete structures, in this study, were 4 concrete barriers in Gangwon area, 3 concrete barriers and 1 retaining wall in Busan area, and 4 bridges in Gangwon-do, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Busan. The deterioration environments were classified into three categories: direct and indirect de-icing salt attack, and airborne salt attack depending on the distance to seashore and the height of pier, and the penetrated chlorides in to concrete were analyzed. The results showed that (1) the regional deterioration environments were clearly classified by de-icing salt sprayed days (snowfall days), (2) the penetrated chlorides increased significantly when leakage occurred through slabs or expansion joints, and (3) the airborne chlorides affected to a height of 20 m concrete in the seashore, Busan. From these, it could be confirmed that the chloride ion penetration properties depend on the exposed aging environment, member location and height, and deterioration status, even on the same structure, so the selection of target members and location is very important in the inspection and maintenance. If the database of penetrated chlorides properties in various deterioration environments is constructed, it is expected that the proactive durability management on concrete structures will be possible in the field.

Older Drivers' Perception and Attitudes Towards Driving Cessation (노년기 운전중단 결정 인식과 태도에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Moon Jeong;Oh, HakJun;Suh, Yi-Jong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.593-605
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    • 2018
  • This study examines factors that influence older drivers to consider stopping driving in advance and whose advice plays an important role in the driving cessation decision. Data came from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of community-dwelling older adults (N=2,076). About two thirds reported that they have considered stopping driving (62.8%) and they preferred to decide by themselves (66.0%). Logistic regression results showed that women and residents in urban areas were twice as likely to consider voluntary driving cessation compared to their counterparts. Each one year increase in age contributed to the probability that respondents would consider driving cessation by five percent. Those with greater difficulties in ADLs due to chronic illnesses were also more likely to consider driving cessation. No sociodemographic and health factors were related to whether older drivers preferred to decide by themselves or listen to others. These results imply that policies to promote self-motivation to stop driving among older drivers would be effective. Furthermore, they suggest it could be important to help older drivers plan their driving cessation in advance while still at a young-old age, and that more attention needs to be paid to men and those living in rural areas among older drivers.

The Impact of the Manufacturing AI Introduction Environment on Technology Trust and Intention to Utilize: Focusing on the TOE Framework (제조AI 도입환경이 기술신뢰와 활용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: TOE 프레임워크를 중심으로)

  • Wan-Soo Lim;Hyeon-Suk Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2024
  • This study empirically analyzed the factors affecting the intention to utilize manufacturing AI in SM-sized manufacturers by applying the TOE framework. Independent variables that are expected to influence were applied, focusing on TOE factors and managerial characteristics that reflect the characteristics of SME manufacturers. In addition, the mediating effect of technology trust and the moderating effect of factory location were analyzed. The results are as follows. First, the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable was tested, and the direct effects of the independent variables(complexity, organizational innovation, IT ability, competitive pressure, partner support, and managerial innovation) on the dependent variable were all statistically significant, except for compatibility. Second, the mediation effect of technology trustness was verified to have a full mediation effect between compatibility and utilization intention, and a partial mediation effect between managerial innovation and utilization intention. Third, among the seven independent variables, the moderating effect of factory location(metropolitan and non-metro) between the three independent variables of IT ability, competitive pressure, and partner support and the utilization intention was found to be significant. To increase the intention to utilize manufacturing AI for SM-sized manufacturers, it is recommended that more diverse and broader studies are needed, not only the factors identified in this study, but also the understanding and awareness of manufacturing AI.