• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지원요구

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A Comparative Study on the Design Element in Traditional Palaces Korea, China and Japan (한 중 일 의장 문화 비교 연구 - 궁궐전출을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Park, Young-Soon;Choi, Ji-Young;Hwang, Jung-Ah
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to ascertain the design element in traditional palaces of Korea, China and Japan. It takes threesteps to proceed this study. Firstly, it needs to be established the analysis framework from the documents. In second step, the design elements - the form, the material, the pattern and the color - should be collected and investigated through the observation of the actual traditional palaces the Changduckung, the Forbidden City, the Nijo castle. The third step is the analysis of the results of the investigation of the design elements from step two. To sum up similarities and dissimilarities among the design element in traditional palaces of Korea, China and Japan is as the following It is to be noticed that the mainly common characteristics of the artistic design are 'naturalism', 'harmonious ideas' and 'confucianism'. But the representation style of the design element is differed from the country. : The typical features of China are symmetry, glassy surface by artificial process, the meandered curve, the magnificent pattern and the constrable color. In Japan, the mathematical asymmetry, made-up rough surface by artificial skill, decorativepattern with abbreviation and achromatic color are important feature of the design element. While the major features of Korean design element are asymmetrical balance with nature, rough surface by natural process, moderate pattern and harmonious color.

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Exploring the Creativity of the Scientific Gifted from Analyzing Descriptive Experiment-Design (서술적 실험 설계분석을 통한 과학 영재 창의성 탐색)

  • Kim, Se-Mi;Cho, Mi-Young;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.129-145
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated factors of creativity and interaction between factors that are revealed when gifted students designed scientific experiments. For this, we firstly developed items which required the written process of designing experiments to explore creativity factors. Then, we used these items as a part for letters of self-introduction to students who applied for 2011 correspondence education of general physics for the Korea Physics Olympiad. 513th letters of self-introduction which were analyzed to investigate factors of creativity in view of creativity definition after researchers' consultation, which specifically means a combination of divergent and convergent thinking. The results were as follows; (1) in the step of hypothesis building, we could not only find Originality and the Flexibility & Fluency, which were factors of divergent thinking, but also Coherency and Elaborateness, which were factors of convergent thinking. (2) in the step of the hypothesis testing, we could explore Originality, Flexibility & Fluency in divergent thinking and Coherency, Reliability, Clarity, Elaborateness in convergent thinking. (3) we also figured out three creativity types of gifted students from the viewpoint that creativity is a consequence of interaction between divergent thinking and convergent thinking; a) Type A showed divergent and convergent factors of creativity in the step of hypothesis building. However, type A did not include divergent factors of creativity on the process of the hypothesis testing. b) Type B had divergent and convergent factors of creativity on the process of the hypothesis testing, but it had not convergent factors of creativity on the step of hypothesis building. c) Finally, in Type C, only divergent factors of creativity appeared on the process of the hypothesis testing, but convergent factors of creativity could be found on the step of hypothesis building and hypothesis testing.

An Investigation of Microbial Contamination of Ready-to-Eat Products in Seoul, Korea (서울지역 유통판매 중인 즉석섭취.편의식품의 위해 미생물 오염도 조사)

  • Kim, Hee-Yun;Oh, Seon-Woo;Chung, So-Young;Choi, Seon-Hee;Lee, Ji-Won;Yang, Ji-Yeon;Seo, Eun-Chae;Kim, Yong-Hoon;Park, Hee-Ok;Yang, Cheul-Young;Ha, Sang-Chul;Shin, Il-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to examine microbiological contamination of ready-to-eat products and to propose a draft-standard and specifications according to food types. RTE foods were classified into 6 groups including fish products, meat products, breads, rices, salads, and fresh cut foods. The prevalence rates of pathogens detected from all samples were compared among food categories. The pH ranges for all RTE samples were between 3.8 and 7.3. Total aerobic cell counts ranged from 2 to 6 log CFU/g. Bread, rice and fresh-cut foods showed significantly higher counts, which ranged above 4.0 log CFU/g among the samples. Two kinds of rice were above the level of the KFDA Food Code standard for Eschrichia coli. The prevalence rate of E. coli in the rice was 6.7%. For Staphylococcus aureus, one fish product and one bread-product had levels above 2 log CFU/g. Bacillus cereus counts for all samples were below the level of 3 log CFU/g. Listeria monocytogenes was not detected in the samples. Therefore, these data suggest that the primary microbial hazard factors for ready-to-eat foods and risk assessments should focus on E. coli, S. aureus, and B. cereus.

Constructing A Local Network for Effective Implementation of Integrated Coastal Management (연안통합관리계획의 효과적 실행을 위한 지역 Network 시범모델 연구)

  • Lee, Dae-In;Cho, Hyeon-Seo;Cho, Eun-Il;Lee, Yung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2007
  • Integrated Coastal Management(ICM) has been recommended by international organizations and experts as a desirable way of dealing with the current problems of ocean pollution and ocean conservation and dealing with the conflicts among the various users of coastal and ocean resources. As a response, the Korean government legislated Coastal Management Act in 1999. following the Act, local governments were required to make a local integrated coastal management plan(LICMP). Though the LICMPs are made, it is not easy to put LICMP in effect, because the mandates of the Coastal Management Act are not clear and there are conflicts regarding the jurisdiction of the coastal areas among relevant departments of the government and because it is not easy to monitor and supervise the activities along the vast areas of coasts and oceans. The traditional method of Implementing the LICMP was not simply feasible. Community-based approach to the ICM was proposed as an alternative to the traditional method. This study aims to examine and introduce the community-based network of organizations as an alternative form of organization best suited to the integrated coastal management. This study is composed of four major parts. First, it examines the advantages of the network as a form of organization vis-vis the market and the hierarchy. Second, it reviews three well-known cases of integrated coastal management programs - Xiamen ICM program in China, Coastcare in Australia and Atlantic Coastal Action Program in Canada. Third, on the basis of the case study, it proposes principles and guidelines which we need to consider when we introduce the community-based approach to the ICM in Korea. Fourth, this study also reports on the actual networking processes in Yeosu City(the Yeosu Network for the effective implementation of integrated coastal management plan). The networking in Yeosu will serve as a demonstration of networking various stake-holders concerned with the balance between the development and conservation of finite ocean resources.

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A Study on Estimation of Caring Demand for Extended Care Facilities by Activities of Daily Living (ADL(Activities of Daily Living)을 이용한 무료노인요양시설 수용노인의 돌봄필요도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chul-Woung;Moon, Ok-Ryun;Lee, Sang-Yi;Yoo, Jae-Won;Yi, Sang-Gu
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.564-578
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    • 1998
  • Most extended care facilities have admitted both the healthy and unhealthy elderly, among which members' average caring demand vary. The Aged Welfare Law, however, currently provides no reasonable basis on the staffing policy for extended care facilities. It just reflects the admitted number of the elderly rather than differences in members' average caring demand among facilities. This study is designed to estimate the need for caring staff on the basis of the correlation between the individual health status measured by various tools including Activities of Daily Living and caring demand by actual service time for each one. The sample included all of the admitted elderly(187 persons) in 4 extended care facilities, two in Seoul and the other two in Kangwon-Do over the survey period October 5 through October 20, 1996. The survey process consisted of 3 stages. (1) The current staffing information was collected through self-completed written questionnaires left for head of official in each facility. (2) Six graduate students at School of Public Health interviewed all residents to collect information on their health status and sociodemographics. The response rate for the interview was relatively high(85%). (3) Information on direct and indirect caring time consumed for each residents came from self-completed written questionnaires given to nurses and helpers in each target facilities. Analysis of the data was made using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression technique through SAS program. Based on this procedure, the following was found. 1. No facility meet the staffing standard in the Aged Welfare Law completely. 2. It is actual service time that is most correlated with ADL(Activities of daily living). 3. When all of the elderly are divided by four groups based on the level of ADL, the mean values of needed caring time in each group are 15, 21, 36 and 88 minutes respectively. 4. There is no significant difference among facilities in distribution of elderly person by group. 5. No facility meets the estimated number of nurses and helpers which reflects health status of the admitted elderly. Therefore, it is required that severity of the admitted elderly be considered in establishing staffing standard for extended care facility.

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동물 결핵

  • Jo, Yun-Sang
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.803-818
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    • 2008
  • 동물의 결핵은 Mycobacterium bovis의 감염에 의한 만성 소모성 질병이며 인수공통전염병이다. 동물로부터 사람으로의 결핵 전염은 생유 섭취하던 시대에 상당히 많이 보고되었다. 우유의 살균처리와 소에서 피내진단에 의한 양성우 살처분 및 보상금 지급 정책을 전개하면서 M. bovis의 사람전염은 급격히 감소하였다. 소 결핵은 우리나라에서 연간 0.15% 내외의 발생을 보이고 있으며, 발생의 주원인으로는 외부입식소, 인근발생농장, 과거발생농장의 사후관리소홀 등이다. 사람 결핵의 주원인균인 M. tuberculosis와 M. bovis는 유전체가 99.9% 유사하며, M. bovis를 M. tuberculosis의 아종으로 분류하기도 한다. 두 세균은 M. tuberculosis complex에 속하며, M. tuberculosis와 M. bovis이외에도 M. africanum, M. canettii, M. microti, M. pinnipedii 등이 있다. M. bovis는 M. tuberculosis complex중에서 가장 넓은 숙주범위를 가진다. M. bovis의 대표적인 숙주는 종이름에도 나타나 있듯이 소이다. 소결핵 전파원으로서는 M. bovis에 감염된 소가 가장 중요하다. 소 이외에도 면양, 산양, 말, 돼지, 사슴, 엘크, 영양 (antelope, kudus, elands, sitatungas, oryxes, addaxes), 개, 고양이, 흰족제비 (ferrets), 낙타, 여우, 밍크, 오소리, 쥐, 영장류, 라마, 맥 (tapirs), 코끼리, 코뿔소 (rhinoceroses), 주머니쥐, 땅다람쥐 (ground squirrels), 수달 (otters), 물개, 산토끼 (hares), 두더쥐 (moles), 너구리 (raccoons), 코요테, 사자, 호랑이, 표범, 살쾡이 (lynx) 등에 감염될 수 있으나, 대부분 종결숙주 (spillover host)로 가축의 결핵방제가 유지되고 있는 국가에서는 야생동물 결핵의 가축 전염이 문제시되고 있다. M. bovis는 주로 호흡기와 소화기를 통하여 감염되며, 결핵결절이 형성되는 부위를 관찰하면 감염경로를 추정할 수 있다. 결핵에 감염되면, 초기에는 뚜렷한 임상증상을 보이지 않으나, 아침, 추운 날씨, 또는 운동 중에 심한 기침을 하며, 호흡곤란을 일으킬 수 있다. 결핵은 감염되어도 대부분 무증상이기 때문에 피내진단, 결핵결절 병리소견, 원인균 분리 등에 의해 진단하여야 한다. 감염된 결핵균은 탐식세포에 탐식되어 특징적인 육아종성 결절 병변으로 진행된다. 현재 결핵은 피내진단과 결핵결절 병리소견 등에 의해 판정하고 있다. 최신 진단법으로는 피내진단을 대체할 수 있는 인터페론 감마 검사법과 우군의 결핵 스크리닝과 말기 결핵 검사에 우수한 항체진단법이 개발되어 있다. 그러나, 소 결핵 근절을 위해서는 일관성있는 진단법과 진단기준을 적용하는 것이 중요한 성공요인중 하나이다. 소결핵 청정국인 호주와 캐나다에서는 피내진단과 도축장 결절검사를 결핵 양성우 색출방법의 근간으로 삼고 있으며, 소결핵 근절의 최종단계에 이르러서는 특이적인 검사법을 적용하였지만, 근절목적상 민감성이 높은 피내진단법을 사용하였다. 이와 더불어, 피내진단 양성우의 부검소견과 원인균 분리를 통해 결핵을 확진하여 출처농장의 역추적 검사를 통하여 결핵 양성소를 제거하였다. 한편, 결핵의 농장간 및 지역간 전파방지를 위해 결핵 청정농장과 결핵 오염농장, 결핵 청정지역과 결핵 오염지역 구분을 통하여 결핵 오염농장과 결핵 오염지역으로부터 결핵 청정농장과 결핵 청정지역으로의 이동전 결핵 검진을 통해 개체 이동에 따른 결핵 전파를 근본적으로 차단하는 시스템을 엄격히 적용한 것이 주요한 성공 요인중 하나였다. 호주 결핵 근절정책 성공요인을 요약하면, 일관성 있는 결핵진단법 적용, 양성우 출처농장의 철저한 역추적 검사, 개체 이동전 결핵 음성증명 확인, 농가단체의 경제적 및 방역상 적극적인 지원 및 협조 결핵의 지속적인 모니터 링과 현장요구에 부응하는 방제신기술의 지속적인 연구개발 등을 들 수 있다. 최근 들어 국내 동물 결핵은 소, 특히, 한우의 결핵발생이 증가하고 있으며, 사슴 결핵발생도 증가하고 있다. 농장간 및 지역간에 결핵 감수성 가축, 특히, 소와 사슴의 거래가 아주 복잡하게 이루어지고 있는 현실을 고려할 때, 결핵전파의 주원인인 결핵감염 소나 사슴의 농장내 반입을 철저히 차단해야 할 것이다. 이때, 개체 검사는 물론이고, 출처농장에 대한 결핵 음성을 확인한 후 입식하여야 할 것이며, 입식 후에도 60일정도 격리사육하면서 피내진단등 결핵검진 후 음성인 경우에만 합사하여야 할 것이다. M. bovis는 사람을 비롯한 거의 모든 온혈동물에서 결핵을 일으킬 수 있기 때문에, 결핵 감염소로 판정된 농장 종사자는 각 시도 보건소의 협조를 받아 결핵검진을 받도록 해야 한다. 농장 가축에 접촉할 수 있는 야생동물의 접촉을 차단하여야 하며, 특히, 농장 사료의 야생동물에 의한 오염을 방지할 수 있는 사료창고관리를 철저히 해야 한다. 결핵 감염소를 다룰 때는 분비물 또는 가검물에 의해 감염될 수 있기 때문에 개인방역장비 - 방역복, 마스크, 비닐장갑, 비닐장화 - 를 착용한 상태에서 다루어야 한다. 특히, 결핵 감염소를 매몰 또는 소각하는 과정에서 결핵 감염소의 배설물 및 분비물 처리를 철저히 하여야 한다. 모든 작업을 마친 후에는 개인방역장비, 매몰 또는 소각에 사용하였던 장비 등을 청소 및 소독하고 필요시 소각 또는 매몰하여야 하며, 개인감염위험과 타인 감염위험을 방지하기 위해 노출부위를 세척하여야 한다.

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우리나라의 출산력과 가정경제행태에 관한 연구

  • 노공균;조남훈
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.17-45
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    • 1987
  • This study contributes to understanding women's labor market behavior by focusing on a particular set of labor force transitions - labor force withdrawal and entry during the period surrounding the first birth of a child. In particular, this study provides a dynamic analyses, using longitudinal data and event history analysis, to conceptualize labor force behaviors in a straightforward way. The main research question addresses which factors increase or decrease the hazard rates of leaving and entering the labor market. This study used piecewise Gompertz model, following the guide of the non-parametric analysis on the hazard rates, which allowed relatively detailed description on the distribution of timing of leave and entry to the labor market as parameters of interest. The results show that preferences and structural variables, as well as economic considerations, are very important factors to explain the labor market behavior of women in the period surrounding childbirth.

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The Influential Factor Analysis in the Technology Valuation of The Agri-Food Industry and the Simulation-Based Valuation Analysis (농식품 산업의 기술평가 영향요인 분석과 시뮬레이션 기반 기술평가 비교)

  • Kim, Sang-gook;Jun, Seung-pyo;Park, Hyun-woo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.277-307
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    • 2016
  • Since 2011, DCF(Discounted Cash Flow) method has been used initiatively for valuating R&D technology assets in the agricultural food industry and recently technology valuation based on royalties comparison among technology transfer transactions has been also carried out in parallel when evaluating the technology assets such as new seed development technologies. Since the DCF method which has been known until now has many input variables to be estimated, sophisticated estimation has been demanded at the time of technology valuation. In addition, considering more similar trading cases when applying sales transaction comparison or industry norm method based on information of technology transfer royalty, it is an important issue that should be taken into account in the same way in the Agri-Food industry. The main input variables used for technology valuation in the Agri-Food industry are life cycle of technology asset, the financial information related to the Agri-Food industry, discount rate, and technology contribution rate. The latest infrastructure building and data updating related to technology valuation has been carried out on a regular basis in the evaluation organization of the Agri-Food segment. This study verifies the key variables that give the most important impact on the results for the existing technology valuation in the Agri-Food industry and clarifies the difference between the existing valuation result and the outcome by referring the support information that is derived through the latest input information applied in DCF method. In addition, while presenting the scheme to complement fragment information which the latest input data just influence result of technology valuation, we tried to perform comparative analysis between the existing valuation results and the evaluated outcome after the latest of reference data for making a decision the input values to be estimated in DCF. To perform these analyzes, it was first selected the representative cases evaluated past in the Agri-Food industry, applied a sensitivity analysis for input variables based on these selected cases, and then executed a simulation analysis utilizing the key input variables derived from sensitivity analysis. The results of this study is to provide the information which there are the need for modernization of the data related to the input variables that are utilized during valuating technology assets in the Agri-Food sector and for building the infrastructure of the key input variables in DCF. Therefore it is expected to provide more fruitful information about the results of valuation.

GWB: An integrated software system for Managing and Analyzing Genomic Sequences (GWB: 유전자 서열 데이터의 관리와 분석을 위한 통합 소프트웨어 시스템)

  • Kim In-Cheol;Jin Hoon
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we explain the design and implementation of GWB(Gene WorkBench), which is a web-based, integrated system for efficiently managing and analyzing genomic sequences, Most existing software systems handling genomic sequences rarely provide both managing facilities and analyzing facilities. The analysis programs also tend to be unit programs that include just single or some part of the required functions. Moreover, these programs are widely distributed over Internet and require different execution environments. As lots of manual and conversion works are required for using these programs together, many life science researchers suffer great inconveniences. in order to overcome the problems of existing systems and provide a more convenient one for helping genomic researches in effective ways, this paper integrates both managing facilities and analyzing facilities into a single system called GWB. Most important issues regarding the design of GWB are how to integrate many different analysis programs into a single software system, and how to provide data or databases of different formats required to run these programs. In order to address these issues, GWB integrates different analysis programs byusing common input/output interfaces called wrappers, suggests a common format of genomic sequence data, organizes local databases consisting of a relational database and an indexed sequential file, and provides facilities for converting data among several well-known different formats and exporting local databases into XML files.

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A Study on Trust and Commitment between Buyer and Supplier of Industrial Parts, and Their Usage of Information Technology (산업재 부품 구매자와 공급자의 신뢰와 몰입, 그리고 정보기술의 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hun;Yun, Hui-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.47-68
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to determine the association structure of the behavioral relationship variables, such as trust, commitment, cooperation, communication and coercive power, in the relationship between the buyers and suppliers of industrial parts. It also investigates the impact of the use of IT technologies on the relationships quality. Data was collected from 216 part suppliers of machinery, electronics and automobiles located in Incheon. Data supported all of the proposed hypotheses. First, it was confirmed that parts suppliers' trust in buyers leads to the commitment into relationships with buyers. Second, cooperation and communication showed a positive influence on parts suppliers' trust in buyers, and coercive power gave a negative influence on trust. Third, the use of IT technologies like Internet and E-Mail between parts suppliers and buyers was verified to have generally a positive influence on the quality of relationships. At the same time, cooperation and communication were confirmed to have a positive influence on each other, and cooperation and coercive power as well as communication and coercive power were confirmed to have negative influence on each other. This study is a pioneering attempt to examine the relationships between suppliers and buyers of industrial parts, and the influence IT technologies on the relationship quality. Also, the findings will be practically much helpful to find how to reinforce the relationships between parts suppliers and buyers.

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