• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 참여

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The effect of global disaster competency development program on paramedic and nursing undergraduate students (글로벌 재난 역량 개발 프로그램이 응급구조과와 간호학과 학생에게 미치는 효과)

  • Kang, Sun-Joo;Piao, Mei-Hua
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : This study assessed the improvement of competency levels for participants, as well as their satisfaction from completion of the special international disaster response program. Methods : The program structure followed an intensive two-week course that included a combination of lectures, discussions, case studies, and field trips. "ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies" was used for designing the program. A pre-post survey was done to measure the change in the competencies of students and assess their satisfaction after finishing the program. Focus group interviews were also performed to further understand the attitudes of participants toward the disaster issues. Results : The overall pre-program test score for disaster competency was $2.18{\pm}0.68$ and the post-program test score was $6.30{\pm}0.84$, which showed statistically significant gains in all competency items (p <.001). The general satisfaction of participants with the program was quite high, demonstrated by a mean score of $4.5{\pm}0.51$. The benefits for students from program participation included increased knowledge and better understanding of the important roles of international organizations and NGOs. Conclusion : The international disaster education programs are necessary to provide an opportunity for students to increase their disaster competency. In addition, future development of a unified educational competency framework is also necessary.

An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul (서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석)

  • Choe, Ji-Young;Zoh, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • The History and Culture Park and the Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall will be built in Songhyeon-dong, Seoul. Political games from the Joseon Dynasty to the present greatly influenced the historicity of Songhyeon-dong. However, place analysis was limited to changes in landowners and land uses rather than a historical context. Therefore, this study analyzed the context in which the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed according to the emergence of cultural hegemony using the perspective of modern cultural geography and comparative history. As a result of the analysis, cultural hegemony in historical transitions, such as Sinocentrism, maritime expansion, civil revolutions, imperialism, nationalism, popular art, and neoliberalism, was found to have created new intellectuals in Bukchon, including Songhyeon-dong, and influenced social systems and spatial policies. In this social relations, the placeness of Songhyeon-dong changed as follows. First, the founding forces of Joseon created pine forests as Bibo Forests to invocate the permanence of the dynasty. In the late Joseon dynasty, it was an era of maritime expansion, and as Joseon's yeonhaeng increased, a garden for the Gyeonghwasejok, who enjoyed the culture of the Qing dynasty, was built. Although pine forests and gardens disappeared due to the development of housing complexes as the population soared during the Japanese colonial era, Cha Gyeong's landscape aesthetics, which harmonized artificial gardens and external nature, are worth reinterpreting in modern times. Second, the wave of modernization created a new school in Bukchon and a boarding house in Songhyeon-dong owned by a pro-Japanese faction. Angukdongcheon-gil, next to Songhyeon-dong, was where thinkers who promoted civil revolution and national self-determination exchanged ideas. Songhyeon-dong, the largest boarding house, served as a residence for students to participate in the March 1st Movement and was the cradle of the resulting culture of student movements. The appearance of the old road is preserved, so it is a significant part of the regeneration of walking in the historic city center, connecting Gwanghwamun-Bukchon-Insadong -Donhwamunro. Third, from the cultural rule of the Government General of Joseon to the Military Government, Songhyeon-dong acted as a passage to western culture with the Joseon Siksan Bank's cultural housing and staff accommodations at the U.S. Embassy. Ancient and contemporary art coexisted in the surrounding area, so the modern and contemporary art market was formed. The Lee Kun-hee Donation Hall is expected to form a cultural belt for citizens with the gallery, Bukchon Hanok Village, the Craft Museum, and the Modern Museum of Art. Discourses and challenges are needed to recreate the place in harmony with the forests, gardens, the street of citizens' birth, history and culture park, the art museum, and the surrounding walking network.

The Group Counseling Program for Terminal Cancer Patients and their Family Members in the Seoul National University Hospital (말기 암환자와 가족을 위한 집단상담 프로그램 - 서울대학교병원 경험의 분석-)

  • Lee, Young-Sook;Heo, Dae-Seog;Yun, Young-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Kyung-Sook;Yun, Yeo-Jung
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Seoul National University Hospital developed a group counseling program for the terminal cancer patients and their family members. This program consists of each of doctor, nutritionist, nurse, pharmacist, and social worker to provide them with the information and to enhance their ability to cope with terminal cancer. This research aims to introduce this new program per se, and to appreciate its validity and applicability to the terminal cancer patients and their family members by analyzing the concerns and specific questions of the participants. Methods : The methodological approach employed in this research is 1996 content analysis of the group counseling reports, and interview of the 312 participants. The analysis includes the general characteristics of the subjects, family relationship to the patients, times of attendance to the group session, source of information to the program. Results : The participants consist of 261 family members(84%) and 51 patients(16%). Majority responded to the program with a single-attendance. Diagnosis are mainly lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer. The ratio of participants by family members is decreased in the order of spouse, children, daughter-in-law, brothers and sisters, and parents. The source of information to the program is largely through medical staff(69%) as compared with posters in the hospital (26%). The participants are interested primarily in the medical information. Their interests are various, such as pain control, patient care, nutrition, psychosocial problem and etc. Conclusion : This program is characterized largely as a family-supporting program which primarily offers information for terminal cancer. This program is a sort of a hospice program, which maximizes the present quality of living of the terminal cancer patients as long as life continues by encouraging them to live with terminal cancer. Thus, this group program can be employed as an active support network for the patients and their family. In order to develop comprehensive care-giving services, it is required to have 24-hour telephone service, hospice facilities, home care service, and communication between the referral hospitals and the primary care physicians, in particular. Such a development of services is the ultimate goal for improving care. But the immediate goal of the program is to make possible better education for the patients and their family to live with terminal cancer.

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Understanding Female High School Students' Science-Related Career Choice and it's Change -Focus on the Science Career Cultural Capital Perspective- (일반계 여자고등학교 학생들의 과학관련 진로선택 및 변화 이해 -과학진로 문화자본 관점을 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Joo Young;Yun, Sun Mi;Kim, Chan Jong;Choe, Seung Urn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2017
  • This study seeks to explore high school students' changing attitudes toward science-related career choices with focus on the scientific career cultural capital perspective. We developed a questionnaire and surveyed female high school students. We used the survey results to explore the scientific career cultural capital factors and characteristics of the students who have chosen a science-related career. We selected twelve participants through science-related career choice type and then conducted in-depth interviews with them. Through the in-depth interviews, we explored how the factors of scientific career cultural capital affect the students' career choices. The result shows that the students developed internal resources through norms of obligation and reciprocity within the structure (family, school, community) based on external resources. The internal resources affected their science-related career choice. In elementary school, the students' interests in science and science-related occupations are the most influential in their choice of career directions. In high school, however, the students also considered career cognition, aptitude cognition, and career-value factors in their career choices. The interests in science were formed mainly due to education activity and daily-life activity. Over time, education activity's effect increased. The interests in science-related occupations were formed mainly due to daily-life activity during elementary school. In high school, the interests in science-related occupations formed due to diverse internal and external resources. Students who maintained a science-related career attracted external resources. Furthermore, they reinforced internal resources through interacting with various external resources. This study has implications for science education concerning students' science-related career choices.

Analysis of the Environmental Index and Situation Naturalized Plants in the Stream of Downtown Jeonju (전주 도심 하천의 귀화식물 현황과 환경지수 분석)

  • Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Beon, Mu-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.248-257
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    • 2006
  • Total naturalized plant species in the streams of Jeonju were listed as 109 taxa; 24 families, 75 genera, 106 species, 3 varieties. Dividing by stream, Jeonju stream has 75 taxa; 20 families, 55 genera, 73 species, 2 varieties. Samcheon stream has 86 taxa; 19 families, 64 genera, 84 species, 2 varieties. Soyang stream has 80 taxa; 21 families, 60 genera, 77 species, 3 varieties. Urbanization Index (UI) of total streams (109 taxa) was 40.2%. UI was 27.7% in Jeonju stream (75 taxa), 31.7% in Samcheon stream (86 taxa), 29.5% in Soyang stream (80 taxa). Dividing by degree of naturalization classification, 25 taxa (9.2%) were found in class 5, 17 taxa (6.2%) in class 4, 32 taxa (11.8%) in class 3, 27 taxa (9.9%) in class 2 and 8 taxa (2.9%) in class 1. Dividing by introduction period, 48 taxa (44%) aye in period I, 19 taxa (17%) in period II, 42 taxa (39%) in period III. Dividing by growth type, 48 taxa (44%) are annuals, 25 taxa (23%) are biennials, 33 taxa (30%) are perennials. Dividing by the place of origin, 39 taxa (35%) are from Euyope, 33 taxa (30%) from North America, 11 taxa (10%) from Tropic America, 9 taxa (8%) from Europe Asia,5 taxa (5%) from South America, 5 taxa (5%) from China.

A Study on the Health Status and Dietary Intake of Rural Elderly Women in Kyeonggi Province (경기도 농촌 지역 여성노인의 건강 및 식생활 실태조사)

  • 이종현;김민선;이연숙;박양자
    • Korean Journal of Rural Living Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 1994
  • This study was carried out to investigate health status and nutritional status based on dietary intake and food habit of elderly women in rural area of Keyonggi Province. The subject of this study were 133 elderly women aged 60 and over and interviewed with a questionaire. Main result was as follows : 1) Health score based on modified Cornell Medical Index, CMI(45 out of 195 items) was the average $29.1\pm6.8$ and was not significantly different with family size educational level and farmwork participation. In age, 44.0% of the subject in 60~65 years old was low score of CMI(11~25), but 50% of the subject in older than 80 years old was high score(33~44). The subject with disease was 82% and disease of musculoskeletal system was main type. 2) Dietary intake data obtained by a semiquantitative food frequency questionaire showed the average daily intake of energy, protein, Ca, retinol and riboflavin was lower than RDA Daily energy, protein and Ca intake was individually 84%, 67% and 55.1%. It was retinol that was the least sufficient as 49.1% of RDA. 3) The relation between CMI score(divided into three level : low, middle and high) showed low level was significantly different with others according to daily intake of energy, protein, retinol, thiamin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. The correlation between CMI score and all nutrient intake were highly significant (p<0.001), thus we knew that health status was affected importantly by nutrient intake. 4) Family size, educational level and age showed not significant correlation with all nutrient intake. 5) In food habit, 84.8% of the subject had regular mealtime and 14.4% were skip meal sometimes. The main reason of skip meal was a poor appetite. Preference for salty taste of subject was insufficiently salty of somewhat salty. Preference for fishes and meats showed the subject consumed fishes more than meats, but 23.5% of the subject didn't consume both. The subject eaten supplement was 38.3%.

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Alexithymia in Major Depressive Disorder and Subclinical Depression (주요 우울장애와 준임상적 우울증에서의 감정표현불능증)

  • Kim, Seog-Ju;Yu, Seung-Hee;Kim, Seong-Youn;Kim, Dong-Wook;Cho, In-Hee;Cho, Seong-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The objective of the present study was to investigate alexithymia in major depressive disorder(MDD) and subclinical depression(SCD). Methods : Three hundred eighty-six community-dwelling adults(238 females and 148 males, age 19-79; mean age $43.0{\pm}13.9$) were recruited. Structured clinical Interview for DSM-IV(SCID) was conducted for the diagnosis of MDD or other Axis I psychiatric disorders. The Center for Epidemiological Studies for Depression Scale(CES-D) and the Totonto Alexithymia Scale(TAS) were administered to assess depressive symptom and alexithymia, respectively. Among subjects without MDD, those who had minor depressive disorder on the SCID or high scores(i.e. over 16) on the CES-D were defined as subjects with SCD. TAS total score and factor I, II, III scores of TAS in MDD, SCD, and non-depressive controls were compared. Results : Among 386 subjects, 38 subjects(9.8%) were diagnosed as MDD by DSM-IV criteria, while 57 subjects(14.8%) were classified into SCD group. There were significant differences between 3 groups(MDD, SCD and non-depressive controls) in total score($F_{2,383}=14.0$, p<0.01), factor I(difficulty in identifying feeling)($F_{2,383}=23.4$, p<0.01) and factor II(difficulty in describing feeling)($F_{2,383}=7.8$, p<0.01), but not factor III(external oriented thinking)($F_{2,383}=1.8$, p=0.16) of TAS. In post-hoc analysis, both MDD subjects and SCD subjects had higher scores in TAS total, factor I and factor II, compared to non-depressive controls(all p<0.01). In contrast, there were no significant differences between MDD subjects and SCD subjects in any TAS factor. Conclusion : In this study, both MDD subjects and SCD subjects were more alexithymic than non-depressive control subjects. These findings suggest that SCD, as well as MDD, is also related to alexithymia.

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The Policy of Park Asset Transfers in England: A Move toward Community Ownership and Park Management (커뮤니티의 공원 소유와 관리·운영 방안으로서 영국의 공원 커뮤니티자산이전 정책)

  • Kim, Yeun-Kum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.108-119
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the ways in which individual communities own and manage parks have been both discussed and realized in America and England. Some benefits of these asset transfers are that local governments can reduce the financial cost of management as well as improve the service of the parks. In addition, communities can develop these parks as unique assets. Ultimately, this is a new understanding of parks as community commons. This study examines the policy of park asset transfers to communities in England. These transfers, which involve reallocating land and building management and/or ownership from the public sector to a community group, are part of a policy agenda known as "Big Society", which aims to create a "small government" within a "big society". The agenda is pursued by both the English Conservative and Unionist Party governments. Eight case studies of community park asset transfers in England were examined in this study, under three categories-transfer process, partnership among stakeholders, and financial structure-and synthesized along three issues-financial contribution, level of public transparency, and closeness of the relationship between park and community. In some cases, new community groups were created specifically to receive park assets, while in other communities, existing groups became the park trustees. For most parks, community groups raise park maintenance funding through diverse methods; however, these groups are often not entirely financially independent from local government. Thus, many park trustees have already created, or are planning to create, other assets from which parks can benefit. Second, some efforts for public transparency include trusts that are registered as charities, of which their public nature is admitted officially. These trusts resolve important decisions through boards of trustees, in an effort to promote income-generating business while not excluding users. Ultimately, a close relationship between park and community empowers the community to participate in managing and maintaining the park; in turn, the park's capacities are improved. Current struggles include the many limits involved in communities accepting ownership and management of a park, and a lack of local government experience regarding public-private management and maintenance of a public asset. This study, however, details interesting policy implications for Korean community involvement as well as diverse financial methods to facilitate park management.

Analysis of Competency of Nursing Teacher in Specialized Vocational High School (특성화고등학교 간호과 교사의 역량 분석)

  • Yoon, In-Kyung;Jang, Myung-Hee;Kwak, Mi-sun;Park, Ji-Young
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.85-111
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the competence of nursing teacher in Specialized vocational high school. The knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the nursing teachers were verified and the competency groups and sub-competencies were verified and priorities were suggested. To do this, 23 nursing teachers who were currently working in the Specialized vocational high school were selected as expert panels and the study was conducted using Delphi and Layered Analysis(AHP) technique. The results of this study were as follows. First, the competency group of the nursing teacher in Specialized vocational high school showed teaching and learning methods & techniques, student guidance, curriculum development and operation, school management support, industry-academy cooperation, self-development and professionalism improvement. The total number was 6. Second, the sub-competency is composed of knowledge and skills related to the curriculum, planning and preparation of instruction, instruction operation, guidance of experiment and practice, instruction evaluation, development and utilization of teaching and learning medium, instruction environment, guidance on student education activities outside the curriculum, career guidance, life guidance, class management, guidance of technology and qualification, development of school curriculum, organization and operation of school curriculum, planning and operation of field practice, work planning, school management support, teacher evaluation and personnel management support, leaning support(practice place and equipment), establishment and operation of industry-academia cooperation, strengthening community cooperation, public relations in the school(department), field research for improvement of educational activities, participation in conferences and training, exploration of new knowledge and technology, The total number was 26. The most important of the relative importance was the curriculum development and operation. The subordinate competencies that have a high priority in each competency group were guidance of experiment and practice, guidance of technology and qualification, planning and operation of field practice, leaning support(practice place and equipment), management and work planning, establishment and operation of industry-academia cooperation, exploration of new knowledge and technology. The competency system derived from this study will be applied to the training and evaluation of nursing teachers in the future and can be used as basic data for related research.

A Review of Salvage Archaeology in Korea and a Joint Research and Excavation Plan for North Korean Cultural Heritage (남북 문화유산 조사 현황과 공동조사를 위한 제언)

  • Choi, Jongtaik;Seong, Chuntaek
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.20-37
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    • 2019
  • Three Inter-Korea summits and a North Korea-USA summit that were previously unexpected provide a basis for an optimistic outlook for the future development of Korean archaeology. While Korean archaeology has witnessed a great advance since the mid-20th century, it also exhibits significant weaknesses in explaining cultural changes in prehistory and the early historical period in the Korean Peninsula due to the paucity of information on archaeological evidence of North Korea. Recent development of favorable conditions for research and excavations of North Korean cultural heritage could be a valuable opportunity for Korean archaeology to overcome the current adversity. Especially, given the expected large-scale SOC industrial project in North Korea, we need to prepare for the systematic research and excavation of archaeological materials. The present essay attempts to provide a suggestion for the joint archaeological expeditions to excavate and manage cultural resources in North Korea based on a critical review of previous salvage excavations in South Korea, such as those conducted before the construction of the Korean rapid transit railway system (KTX). We suggest that professional archaeologists should be included in the project and oversee the planning and design of road and railway constructions and other SOC projects in order to minimize the cost of trial and error processes that were well exemplified by the KTX salvage excavations. The Korean Archaeological Society and North Korean Archaeological Society may organize a common association that will supervise joint archaeological expeditions. Importantly, The Korean Archaeological Society and other related institutions should prepare to build an organization that conducts impending archaeological excavation in North Korea. While we likely face challenges and difficulties during the various stages of archaeological research and excavations in North Korea, only through thorough and systematic preparation can we avoid the destruction of valuable cultural heritage and find an opportunity for the further development of Korean archaeology.