• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리공간 분석

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Delineation of Functional Economic Areas in Korea based on Inter-firm Transaction Networks (기업 간 거래망에 기초한 기능적 경제권의 설정)

  • Park, Sohyun;Kwon, Kyusang;Park, Soyoung
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to identify economic interdependencies between regions and define functional economic areas of Korea by analyzing inter-firm transaction networks. Previous research has relied on pre-given administrative boundaries or cultural homogeneity and used data such as commuting, population movement, and cargo flows which could not fully explain economic activities. To overcome the limitations, this study applies a community detection method to inter-firm transaction networks derived from the CRETOP+ database of Korean corporate data. The novel dataset and the network analysis enables us to identify Korea's functional economic areas based on actual inter-firm linkages. The result shows that there are six to seven economic blocs in the networks as of 2018. In particular, one huge economic bloc is formed integrating the Seoul metropolitan area, Chungcheong, and Gangwon provinces. Meanwhile, North Jeolla and South Jeolla provinces form two economic blocs separately rather than being tied up in one bloc due to the low frequency of transactions between each other. The two big economic blocs of Daegu-Gyeongbuk and Busan-Gyeongnam exist, and interestingly, Ulsan, Gyeongju, and Pohang form a separate middle-sized bloc across the administrative boundaries. The results reveal that the future balanced national development policies should be implemented based on functional economic areas derived from empirical data.

Settlement and Adaptation Status of Urban to Rural Migrants and Policy Implications : the Case of Gyeongbuk Province (귀농·귀촌인(가구)의 정착 및 적응 실태와 정책적 함의 - 경상북도를 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Chul Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.207-225
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    • 2015
  • This study attempts to explore settlement and adaptation status involved in differing urban-to-rural migration types in Gyeongbuk Province and suggests policy implications based on this analysis. The attributes of urban-to-rural migrants in Gyeongbuk Province differ spatio-temporally, and their status of settlement and adaptation is also different depending on urban-to-rural migration types. "U-turn" migrants who are mostly first-generation rural-to-urban migrants with experience in farming and rural community life engage primarily in crop agriculture. "J-turns" and "I-turns," who have no experience in farming or rural community life, migrated for idyllic rural life. The household income of these types is relatively low compared to U-turn type. U-turns' degree of adaptation is relatively lower than the other types, and U-turn migrants mainly rely on family and community assets in order to solve problems. J-turns' and I-turns' degree of satisfaction is relatively high. However they typically have substantial difficulties in adapting due to lack of pre-migration preparation. Policy implications are : 'switching away from general and inclusive policies of support,' 'transition to policies embedded in the attributes of regions and migration types,' 'improvement of policy governance,' 'enhancement of support for pre-migration preparation and customized support based on the needs of migrants,' and 'comprehensive improvements of settlement environment to better integrate migrants with current residents.'.

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A Study of Hierarchical Stepwise Migration and Depopulation : focusing on city rank-size and NIR change, 1995~2014 (도시 계층성에 따른 단계적 이동과 과소화 검토 -1995~2014년 도시 순위-규모와 자연적 인구증가율 변화를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Chung Sup;Eun, Seog In
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.120-134
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to investigate the hierarchical stepwise migration and its influences on regions (metropolitan areas, cities and counties of Korea administrative district) through analyzing the city rank-size and the changes of natural increase of population. The result shows that the inter-regional migration has been associated to the decrease of the population and the decline of NIR in the regions where outflows have been persisted. Also, theses demographic events have sequentially occurred through the hierarchy of settlement system: gradually from rural (gun) and lower ranked regions in the system of city rank-size, to urban (si) and regions in the high ranks in the system. Based on the result of this study, it is possible to understand and expect the major origins of inter-regional migration, the presence of the hierarchical stepwise migration and most significantly, the spatial expansion of depopulation problems.

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Review and Prospects on International Physical Distribution Studies of Geography in the Globtlization Era (세계화 시대의 국제물류 연구동향과 과제)

  • 한주성
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1998
  • Recently. the interest in Physical distribution has increased in economic geography This paper aims to review and prospect the internatonal physical distribution studies of international trade and international freight flows. And it has examined the changes in methodology of international physical distribution. Author has defined international physical distribution as the physical distribution of international trade and international freight flow The results are as follows : (1) As the methodology of international physical distribution studies developes, the physical distribution should be recognized not only as transportation phenomenon but also as total logistics which is understood as the combination of production and consumption including information flow. (2) The studies about model of international physical distribution flow ill need to study regional relations including urban, in the future. And economic geography and location theory adding culture and behaviour elements will be restructured, because not only state but also multinational corporation appear as trade subject in global economy. (3) The studies for the relation of habor and its hinterland in Physical distribution need to analyze the factors causing habor use with decision-making behaviour of corporation. (4) After oil crisis. as air freight is important, the studies for hinterland and foreland of freight centering international airport are needed because of necessity of light and small freight. flexible Production system, free trade, and high speed freight transportation of freshing food and flowers and so forth.

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The Process of Local Adaptation in the Community with High Foreign Population: The Case of Chinese Ethnic Community in Jayang-Dong, Seoul, Korea (외국인 밀집지역 형성에 따른 지역사회 적응과정 연구 -광진구 자양동 중국인 밀집지역을 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Minkyung;Jang, Wonho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.225-241
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    • 2016
  • This paper looks into the process of the formation of a Chinese ethnic place in Jayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu. In doing so, the paper reviews Chinese immigrants with the approach of cultural adaptation. Specifically, in-depth interviews with both Chinese immigrants and Korean native people in Jayangdong has been conducted to analyze the local residents' reaction to the Chinese immigrants, the conflicts between the natives and the Chinese immigrants, and communications among them. Based on the analyses, the paper recognizes the change of relationship between the natives and the Chinese immigrants in the development of the ethnic place. The relationship between the Korean native people and Chinese immigrants in Jayang-dong turns out to be more positive than that in other Chinese towns. In Jayang-dong, in the early period of the formation of the area, the Korean native people and Chinese immigrants used to have conflicts. However, as time goes by, the conflicts has been resolved and they have embraced each other through interchanges between them based on mutual understanding and consideration. Cultural adaptation in Jayang-dong has occurred in the way that the immigrants have been integrated into the mainstream society based on the connectedness with both the native people and immigrants embracing each other.

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The Production of Riskscapes in the Korean Developmental State: A Perspective from East Asia (동아시아 맥락에서 바라본 한국에서의 위험경관의 생산)

  • Hwang, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.283-303
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    • 2016
  • The concept of a risk society, which was originally suggested by German sociologist Ulrich Beck, is insufficient to reveal how a certain risk materially and discursively unfolds on the ground and how its various dynamics are recognised by diverse actors because of the concept's spatial insensitivity. As an alternative approach, this paper introduces the concept of the riskscape, which was suggested by German geographer Detlef $M{\ddot{u}}ller$-Mahn, and analyses this concept in the context of the East Asian developmental state. It is meaningful that the East Asian developmental state thesis has strongly promoted the role of the state in stimulating national economic development in underdeveloped countries. However, it should also be noted that an active state role in encouraging modernisation and economic growth within a very short time produces consequences of what Beck calls 'manufactured risks', such as nuclear power plants. Therefore, it is essential to analyse the state in comprehending modernisation and the risk society in East Asia. More specifically, using the case of the location policy for nuclear power facilities, this article reveals how dominant social forces acting in and through the state constructed a national riskscape that minimises the gravity of local risks while prioritising the economic value of the national economy over local risks to produce rapid modernisation. Additionally, it is argued that a dominant national riskscape may become weak from competing with different riskscapes that are constructed based on contingency factors (e.g., political democratisation or a natural disaster). Based on these analyses, the article emphasises that interdisciplinary research using the concept of the riskscape is required to better explain the risks in East Asia.

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Classification of Unit Ecosystems in Damyang Riverine Wetland (담양 하천습지 내 단위 생태계의 분류)

  • Son, Myoung Won;Chang, Mun Gi;Yoon, Kwang Sung;Choi, Tae Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2013
  • Damyang Wetland Reserve with $980,575m^2$ area is located in Damyang-gun, Jeonlanam-do and Buk-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City. The purpose of this paper is to divide Damyang riverine wetland into several geomorphic units, to analyze their sediments, and to categorize small ecosystem units composing riverine wetland. Riverine wetlands are classified into three types such as riverbed-, floodplain-, and abandoned-channel-wetland, and Damyang riverine wetland belongs to riverbed-wetland type. In this paper to categorize small geomorphic units of riverine wetland, we divide small geomorphic units from aircraft images analysis, and modify and supplement them following field survey results. Damyang Wetland Reserve is categorized into 22 ecosystem units. That physical and chemical properties of their sediments are different spatially, implicate that inorganic environment of Damyang riverine wetland ecosystem is very extensive. On the basis of the results of this study, policymakers will be able to design a strategy which manage Damyang Riverine Wetland Reserve more effectively, and for them interdisciplinary researches on relationships between various fluvial landforms and various lifeforms inhabiting them in Damyang Riverine Wetland Reserve are required.

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Urban Development and Social Circulation of Water in Daegu (대구의 도시 발달과 물의 사회적 순환)

  • Choi, Byung Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to conceptualize the urban social circulation of water from the social constructivism and political ecology, and to analyze the history of development of social circulation of water, that is, the modernization process of water in Daegu. The development of social circulation system of water in Daegu can be divided into 4 stages, that is, the beginning stage of modernization of water mainly during the period of Japanese colonization, the take-off stage from the 1960s to the mid-1980s, the stage of reflexive modernization from the late 1980s to the 1990s, and that of neoliberalization of water since the 2000s. It can be seen that the development of social circulation system of water in Daegu has contributed the increasing urban population and economic development, especially supporting the spatial expansion of the city and the way of modern way of urban life. But the social circulation system of water in Daegu seems to meet with a lot of problems such as relocation of the water intake station, over-equipment of filtration plants, distrust on tap water, inequality of water use, readjustment of water charge, liquid waste from industrial complexes within the urban area, creative destruction of waterfront environment, and privatization of water.

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A Study on the Name of East Sea in the Francophone Media Source (불어권 언론 매체의 동해 표기 명칭 고찰)

  • Lim, Eunjin;Yi, Saangkyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.745-760
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    • 2016
  • The name of a place represents the social and political power relations as well as showing a certain physical space. In particular, the East Sea is not only a representative name of areas represent our country, but also the name of place being in competition with the Sea of Japan internationally. Korea is committed in many ways to spread the name of East Sea in the international community, and gradually expand its name power. The purpose of this study was to investigate the names used in the newspapers and broadcasting in Francophone countries except France by analyzing the newspaper articles and broadcasting contents, and to illuminate how the names of the East Sea produced in France, and the discussion about the names were diffused in Francophone countries and what kind of influence they had on those countries. This study selected Algeria in North Africa, Belgium and Luxembourg in West Europe, and Quebec in Canada for the research areas. As a result, while Algeria in North Africa and Luxembourg are showing inhospitality to the name East Sea, Belgium and Quebec are taking a flexible attitude toward this name. In general, most Francophone countries are provided with press releases from AFP in France. Even in same article provided by AFP, The result shows that some media stick to use the name Sea of Japan solely, and others demonstrate a will to use both name East Sea and Sea of Japan simultaneously. This study was able to show that the diffusion and spread of the place name was significantly influenced by social, political interests and powers, the mess geopolitics in pop cultural materials.

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Evolution Characteristics and Drivers of Gumi National Industrial Complex (구미국가산업단지의 진화 과정의 특성과 그 동인)

  • Jeon, Ji-Hye;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.303-320
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the characteristics of the evolution process of the Gumi National Industrial Complex as well as its external and internal drivers based on the cluster adaptation cycle model. The Gumi National Industrial Complex has made remarkable progress through expansion in spatial and industrial realm and has become a representative IT industry cluster in Korea. It evolved during a growth period from the 1990s, a maturity period from the mid-2000s, and a mature stagnation period from the mid-2010s. But it has now entered a period of decline. While external drivers at the international and national level greatly influenced the Gumi National Industrial Complex in its evolution from foundation-building to maturity, internal drivers such as the outflow of large firms as well as a lack of SME research capacity and institutional base have added to the management difficulties of SMEs in the mature stagnation period. Therefore, in order for the Gumi National Industrial Complex to move into a revitalization period that strengthens resilience against external shocks, it is necessary to enhance the capacity of SMEs by expanding the roles of the central government, local government, and support agencies. In addition, it is necessary to create and embed strong medium enterprises within the Gumi National Industrial Complex, so that the Complex can be reborn as a sustainable innovation ecosystem.