• 제목/요약/키워드: 지각부담

검색결과 35건 처리시간 0.037초

The Effect of Care Burden of Elderly Spouses Caring for Dementia Elderly on Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Effect of Social Support (치매 노인을 돌보는 노년기 배우자의 돌봄 부담감이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 사회적지지의 조절효과)

  • Park, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of perceived care-related burden and social support on life satisfaction and the moderating effect of social support from elderly spouses caring for their elderly partners with dementia. The subjects were 165 spouses aged over 60 years, caring for their elderly partners afflicted with dementia, and living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The analysis results are as follows: First, the quantified total care-related burden shouldered by the participant spouses was 3.76 points (SD = .57), which was slightly higher than the median value. In the case of social support, informal support was scored 2.65 (SD = .78), and formal support was scored 2.60 (SD = .77), which was lower than the median value. Life satisfaction earned a score of 3.11 points (SD = .78), which somewhat exceeded the median. Second, subjective health status, income level, burden from social activity, and informal support influenced life satisfaction. Put differently, the higher the subjective health status of a caring spouse, the higher the income level, the lower the social activity burden, the stronger the informal support, and the greater the life satisfaction. Third, the interaction terms of social activity burden and informal support were significant. Therefore, informal support had a moderating effect on the relationship between social activity burden and life satisfaction among the elderly with dementia. In other words, even though the caring spouses experienced a burden from social activities, the higher the frequency with which they accessed informal support, the lower the decrease in life satisfaction.

A Case Study on 'Visual Affordance' of Short Form Video in Smart Media (스마트미디어 초단편 영상의 '시각 유도성' 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Hyunsook;Moon, Jaecheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제19권7호
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2019
  • With the advent of smart media, short and fast-paced video content appeared, and conditions for viewing changed to viewing in environments where the perception is dispersed due to distracting and complicated external situations in a short period of time. Accordingly, smart media videos are quickly delivering meaning while keeping the eyes of viewers who lack patience. Our eyes and brain have a hard time accepting image information that flows through the constraints of a small screen. Our visual perception is limited in terms of acceptable visual information and, in particular, less cognition in moving images, so the production of smart media images should be directed in a way that enhances perceptual understanding. To be able to effectively communicate what you want to talk about while reducing the visual burden, intuitive image comprehension is needed by applying intuitiveness and behavioral induction to the moving images. Close-up shot, stable structure such as frontality and three-division structure, and color have such 'visual affordance' Therefore we need to use that device appropriately.

A Study on Reinforcement Learning of Behavior-based Multi-Agent (다중에이전트 행동기반의 강화학습에 관한 연구)

  • Do, Hyun-Ho;Chung, Tae-Choong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2002년도 추계학술발표논문집 (상)
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    • pp.369-372
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    • 2002
  • 다양한 특성들을 가지고 있는 멀티에이전트 시스템의 행동학습은 에이전트 설계에 많은 부담을 덜어준다. 특성들로부터 나오는 다양한 행동의 효과적인 학습은 에이전트들이 환경에 대한 자율성과 반응성을 높여준 수 있다. 행동학습은 model-based learning과 같은 교사학습보다는 각 상태를 바로 지각하여 학습하는 강화학습과 같은 비교사 학습이 효과적이다. 본 논문은 로봇축구환경에 에이전트들의 행동을 개선된 강화학습법인 Modular Q-learning을 적용하여 복잡한 상태공간을 효과적으로 나누어 에이전트들의 자율성과 반응성을 높일 수 있는 강화학습구조를 제안한다.

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What Kinds of Rearing Stress Do the Mothers of the Gifted Have?: Using a Concept Mapping Approach (영재 자녀를 둔 어머니들의 양육 스트레스 분석: 개념도 기법을 활용하여)

  • Han, Ki-Soon;Lee, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.893-916
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    • 2012
  • This research investigates gifted students' mothers' rearing stress based on the concept mapping method. For this, 12 gifted students' mothers solicited, gathered and analyzed related statements, and then did multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. The stress value was .273 which was appropriate for the two level concept mapping study. In addition 101 mothers of gifted students rated for the rearing stresses they experience. Results were as follows. First, 79 concrete statements were solicited and as a result of concept mapping were categorized as 'burden and conflict as mothers of the gifted', 'possible negative characteristics due to the giftedness', and 'self-esteem and pressure by the title of the gifted'. Especially following items showed relatively high average: worrying about how to give the child a specific help for his/her career(M=4.65); worrying that she might be intervening too much in their child's behaviors(M=4.60); getting pressured supporting the child to get involved in the gifted education system continually(M=4.46); worrying if her child is not developing his/her talent enough due to the lack of time and money(M=4.44); being concerned that her high expectations might be putting her child under too much pressure (M=4.43). Implications of the study related to gifted education practices were discussed.

A Study on Development of Disney Animation's Box-office Prediction AI Model Based on Brain Science (뇌과학 기반의 디즈니 애니메이션 흥행 예측 AI 모형 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Eun;Yang, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2018
  • When a film company decides whether to invest or not in a scenario is the appropriate time to predict box office success. In response to market demands, AI based scenario analysis service has been launched, yet the algorithm is by no means perfect. The purpose of this study is to present a prediction model of movie scenario's box office hit based on human brain processing mechanism. In order to derive patterns of visual, auditory, and cognitive stimuli on the time spectrum of box office animation hit, this study applied Weber's law and brain mechanism. The results are as follow. First, the frequency of brain stimulation in the biggest box office movies was 1.79 times greater than that in the failure movies. Second, in the box office success, the cognitive stimuli codes are spread evenly, whereas in the failure, concentrated among few intervals. Third, in the box office success movie, cognitive stimuli which have big cognition load appeared alone, whereas visual and auditory stimuli which have little cognitive load appeared simultaneously.

Patients' perspectives on taking insulin in diabetes - Perspectives of convergence (인슐린 치료에 대한 당뇨병 환자의 지각과 경험 - 융복합적 관점)

  • Song, Youngshin;Ah, Eunkyong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제14권12호
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the cultural perspectives and experiences relating to insulin therapy among the diabetes. The authors conducted four semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews with 19 adults with type 1 and 2 diabetes, focusing on the personal experiences and thoughts regarding insulin therapy. Patients' perspectives and experiences relating to taking insulin formed three categories of themes: preoccupations about insulin, barriers to taking insulin, and benefits to taking insulin. The theme for preoccupations about insulin was "vague fear," while the theme of barriers to taking insulin were "worrisome insulin-related issues", "ambivalent feelings (trust/mistrust) about healthcare providers," "dependent life," "feeling about supporters(family, friends, and religion)," "inconvenience," "regret about the past," and "embarrassment." The theme of benefits to taking insulin were "recognition" and "physical recovery and confidence in regulating blood glucose". Based on this study, patients' feelings about their insulin should be respected by healthcare providers.

Personal Factors of Defecting North Korean Residents Obstructing Settlement in South Korean Communities and Job Burden Perceived by Police Officers Who are Providing Special Protection for Them (신변보호담당관을 통해 본 북한이탈주민의 지역사회 정착 장애요인과 신변보호담당관의 업무부담 : 개인적 요인들을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Soon-Hae;Park, Yun-Sook;Won, Mi-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제52권
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    • pp.223-240
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    • 2003
  • The present study is to identify personal factors of defecting North Korean residents that obstruct their settlement in South Korean communities. It will provide information about what perception, attitude and behaviors of defecting North Korean residents should be changed and what social skills should be improved in order to successfully adjust to South Korea. Personal obstacles were measured by police officers who are providing special protection for defecting North Korean residents, who are in a good position to observe behaviors of defecting North Korean residents because they are spending a great deal of time with them. They can even identify the personal obstacles not perceived by defecting North Korean residents themselves. Twenty-item scale was developed to measure the personal obstacles and was found to comprise 4 obstructing factors: self-supporting ability related factor, life style related factor, social and cultural adaptation related factor, and attitude toward police officer's support related factor. Among them, self-supporting ability related factor had the highest negative score. The study further revealed that self-support ability and life style related factors had a significant effect on the job burden of police officers. The findings suggested the necessity of ethical and moral education for the defecting North Korean residents.

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A Study on Rent burden and Family Economic Problem Perception - Focus on Seoul City's Rental Households - (서울시 임차가계의 임대료부담과 가계경제문제지각)

  • Lee, Kee-Choon;Bae, Soon-Young
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • 제9권1호통권17호
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    • pp.241-257
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    • 1991
  • The objectives of this study are : to measure the level of rent burden. to examine the independent influences of the variables related to rent burden. to measure the level of family economic problem perception. to examine the differences in the level of family economic problem perception due to rent burden, household characteristics, housing characteristics and rent incresing. For these purpose, a survey is conducted using questionaires. The data used in this study included 369 renters living in Seoul. Statistics uses for data analysis were Frequency Distribution. Percentile, men, Pearson's Correlation, Partial Correlation, One-way ANOVA, Breakdown and Multiple Regression Analysis. Major findings are as follows : The average score of rent burden was 35.87, Therefore rent burden of large cities, rental households is very heavy. Family income, housing facility quality, rent type, and rent incresing have independent influences on rent burden. The average of family economic problem perception is above the mid-point of the scale. The level of family economic problem perception differs due to rent burden, family income, family life cycle, family size, occupation of household head, education leval of household head and homemaker, rent type, housing type, housing size, housing facility quality and rent increases. If the level of rent burden is below 25, family economic problem perception is adequate.

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Rhetorical Analysis of News Editorials on 'Screen Quota' Arguments: An Application of Toulmin's Argumentation Model (언론의 개방담론 논증구조 분석: 스크린쿼터제 관련 의견보도에 대한 Toulmin의 논증모델과 Stock Issue의 적용)

  • Park, Sung-Hee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • 제36권
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    • pp.399-422
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    • 2006
  • Whether to reduce the current 'screen quota' for domestic films in conjunction with the FTA discussions between Korea and the United States is one of the hotly debated issues in Korea. Using Toulmin's Argumentation Model, this study attempts to trace the use of data and warrants for each pro and con claims as portrayed in newspaper editorial columns and to find its rhetorical significance. A total of 67 editorial columns were collected from 9 nationwide news dailies in Korea for the purpose. The rhetorical analysis of those articles showed that the major warrants used in each pro and con opinion were absent of the potential issues of the opponents, which inherently fails to invite rebuttals from the opposite sides. This conceptual wall in each argumentation models implies an inactive conversation and subsequent absence of clash between the pro and con argumentation fields. It is thus suggested for opinion writers to find more adequate evidences to support the data and warrants to hold persuasive power of their respective claims, ultimately to enhance the public discourse among citizens.

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A potential user' Need of Utilization and Development Direction of Day Care Center (노인주간보호시설에 대한 잠재이용자의 이용욕구 및 발전방향)

  • Jeong, Ji-Na
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify a potential user's need for use and operational of the elderly day care center and to identify the problems and suggest development directions. The data collection was conducted on 320 ordinary people living in J-do through a questionnaire, and sought to understand the operational status of in-depth interview institutions for the heads and employees of six center. As a result of the analysis, a potential user's ware not aware of the functions and specific roles of day care center, the cost of facilities was covered by the government, and that facilities and the environment were important factors when using the center. In-depth interviews show that the current policy or system is far from reality and does not fit the status or role of the workers and the operational status of the agency, requiring the re-establishment of the on-site system. Based on the research results, the development direction of day care facilities requires active promotion and strengthening of family support for improving and enhancing awareness of day care facilities to citizens at the national level. Second, the quality of nursing services should be enhanced through improvements in facilities and the environment that reflect users' needs. Third, The government should improve the quality of nursing services by improving the poor employment conditions and treatment of workers to fit the reality.