• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지각된 광고정보성

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Untangling the Way Smartphone-based Multiscreening Influences Attitude toward Mobile Video Advertising (스마트폰 기반 멀티스크리닝과 모바일 비디오 광고태도: 매개효과 검증)

  • Lee, Ki-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to explore whether and how smartphone-based multiscreening affects a consumer's attitude toward mobile video advertising. For the latter purpose, this study proposed and empirically tested whether perceptions of advertising informativeness and advertising intrusiveness mediate the impact of smartphone-based multiscreening on attitude toward mobile video advertising. The results of an online survey (n=155) indicated that smartphone-based multiscreening was significantly and positively related to consumer attitude toward mobile video advertising and that the effects of multiscreening were partially transmitted via perceived advertising informativeness. Unexpectedly, however, the mediating role of perceived advertising intrusiveness was not supported in this study.

A Comparative Analysis on Ad Avoidance of Korean and Chinese Mobile Advertising Audiences based on Country and Age (한국과 중국 모바일광고 수용자의 광고회피에 관한 국가 및 연령별 비교연구)

  • Xie, Kuang-Yi;Lee, Bo-Hui;Kim, Byung-Dae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how the consumer's entertainment, information, relevance, reliability, and perceived invasion affect the avoidance of advertising. Besides, the purpose of this study was to examine whether there is a difference according to the country and age in the effect of advertisement characteristics on the evasion. This study investigated the avoidance of mobile advertising among 254 Koreans and Chinese publics in their 20's and 40's, evaluated the results in terms of comparative analysis. Collected data were verified by multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The higher the advertising entertainment and relevance, the lower the avoidance of advertising. The higher the perceived penetration, the higher the avoidance of advertising. Besides, there were differences by country and age in the effects of advertising entertainment, information, relevance, and reliability on ad avoidance. The implications of this study are to find out how to reduce the mobile advertising avoidance of consumers by identifying the predictive factors that cause the avoidance of advertisements by country and age.

What are the factors affecting avoidance the effects of the application display advertising? (애플리케이션 디스플레이 광고의 회피효과에 영향을 미치는 요인은 무엇인가?)

  • Joung, Jin-Teck
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2012
  • This study were investigated to the factors affecting smart phone applications to avoid display ads. The results of this study are as follows. First, factor analysis, propensity for advertising intrusion was the result of a single factor. Also showed significant effect advertising intrusion ad avoidance tendency. Second, the smartphone motivation for the use of the results of factor analysis, seven factors were, Entertainment, information acquisition, learning/work use, multimedia use, ease of life, time leverage, respectively. Showed low levels of advertising avoidance learning/working synchronous usability and ease high motivation life. Finally a smart phone for involvement that there is no significant difference in advertising intrusion tendency appeared. High involvement group was obtaining information, entertainment, social relationships, and multimedia use, ease of living, time management motivation significantly higher than the low involvement group. The results of this study it is expected that the smartphone application smartphone users to reduce evasion of advertising practitioners to give answers to create display ads advertising.

The Effects of Sports Star Influencer Advertising Value and Consumer Team Identification on Brand Equity (스포츠 스타 인플루언서 광고가치와 소비자 팀동일시가 브랜드자산에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jin Kyun;Um, Namhyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.180-196
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    • 2021
  • The goal of this research is to examine the effects of sports star influencer advertising value on brand equity in social networking sites. In particular, this study identifies the moderating role of consumer team identification. A total of 350 university students participated via online survey. To test proposed hypotheses, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multi-group analysis were employed. It was found that informativeness, entertainment, and credibility showed significant positive effects on brand equity. Also, significant moderation effects of team identification were found in that consumers with high team identification compared to those with low team identification perceived higher value of entertainment. On the other hand, consumers with low team identification perceived more irritation than those with high team identification. This study contributes to the understanding of sports star influencer advertising in social networking sites. Theoretical and practical implications as well as suggestions for future research in this area are provided.

Relevant perceptual features on advertising and indirect advertising effectiveness factors of Chinese viewers (중국시청자의 간접광고 효과요인과 광고기능 관련성 지각)

  • Yu, Seung-Yeob;Kang, Hyun-Jik
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was targeting Chinese viewers. Awareness of factors affecting indirect advertising effects were investigated. What is the awareness of advertising features for Chinese viewers also examined. Advertising and indirect advertising effectiveness factors examined relationships recognized. Chinese viewers were collected through surveys. Firstly, factors affecting indirect advertising effects was seven. Sponsor, celebrity involvement, and blatantly portrayed, reliability, brand differentiation, ethics and information provided is a factor. Second, the advertising capabilities of the Chinese viewers were relatively positive perception. Indirect advertising effects of Chinese viewers, features and advertising on the relevance factors, there was a significant relationship. Celebrity involvement and brand differentiation, blatantly portrayed, and ethical factors had an impact on the function of advertising. These results provide indirect advertising of China and South Korea produced implications for practitioners. Korea also interested in entering the Chinese enterprises will provide the basic material in the production of indirect advertising.

The Effects of Endorsers' Gender on Ads and Product Attitude: Cross-cultural Perspective(Korea vs. Uzbekistan) (광고모델의 성별이 광고 태도와 제품 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교문화적 연구: 한국 vs. 우즈베키스탄)

  • Lee, Dong-Yub;Yulduz, Kudratova;Kim, Gwi-Gon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2021
  • This study is a cross-cultural study examining whether differences in perceptions of social gender roles in Korea and Uzbekistan have different effects on ad attitudes and product attitudes through the endorsers' gender. In particular, this study was focused on the difference between the facial expression of the endorser and the moderating effect of the ad situation in these relationships. The research results are as follows. First, the difference in the perception of social gender roles was larger in Uzbekistan than in Korea. Second, the influence of gender of endorser on ad attitude was perceived to be higher in Uzbekistan than in Korea. Third, the moderating effect of facial expression(Placid vs. Cold) in the effect of gender of advertising model on advertising attitude was found only in Uzbekistan. Fourth, the moderating effect of the ad situation (Office work vs. Family life) in the relationship between the endorsers' Gender and ad attitude was also found only in Uzbekistan. Fifth, the effect of consumer's ad attitude on product attitude showed a statistically significant positive relationship in both countries. This study reveals that cultural differences in the masculinity (or femininity) dimension between Korea and Uzbekistan are also affecting the effectiveness of ads. Therefore, this study suggests that global marketers should consider not only the existing information source effects such as reliability, professionalism, and attractiveness, but also the gender, facial expression, and ad situation of the endorser according to cultural differences when selecting an ad model.

인적판매원을 활용한 구매시점고광고 연구: 정보전달형태에 따른 효과 분석

  • Park, Sun-Chan;O, Sang-Do
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2016.04a
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    • pp.154-156
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    • 2016
  • 이 연구의 목적은 소비자의 구매의도를 자극하고, 판매를 촉진시켜주는 구매시점광고(POP Ad: Point Of Purchase Advertising)의 소매판매 유통점 활용영역에서 정보전달형태 변화에 따른 광고효과 차이가 있는지를 연구하는데 있다. 연구의 배경과 방법은 통상의 구매시점광고가 정보전달 방법에 있어서 소비자 구매활동 장소 내 외에서 단순 비치, 설치된 상태로서 기능과 역할을 수행하고 있음을 착안, 광고소구형태를 시각, 청각 그리고 인적판매원이 관여된 혼합(시각, 청각)형으로 분류하여 정보를 전달 한 후 소비자의 태도 및 매출 비교를 위해 실증적 실험을 했다. 본 연구의 핵심 가설은 '인적판매원이 개입된 혼합형(시각, 청각) 구매시점광고가 소비자 태도(신뢰도/호감도/구매의도) 및 매출( + / -)영향도가 더욱 높게 나타날 것이다'이다. 이는 소비자에게 시각, 청각이 동시에 전달되는 혼합소구유형은 정보전달력이 우수하고, 광고 효과성이 높을 것이다를 검증하기 위한 것이다. 본격 연구 전에 실시한 1차 사전적 실증 실험결과 소비자가 지각하는 관점에 따라 시각형(광고의 정보내용을 인쇄물로 제공), 청각형(광고의 정보내용을 소리전달형태로 제공), 시각, 청각 혼합형(인적판매원이 시각형 정보를 활용 광고내용을 직접 전달)분류한 3가지 유형간 정보전달 효과의 차이는 없는 것으로 나왔다. 하지만, 본 연구는 생계형 소매유통 창업현장에서 활동하고 있는 소상공인들이 구매시점광고를 광고의 활용측면에서 능동형 마케팅 활동 도구로 사용할 수 있는지에 대한 실증적 사례 분석을 했다는 것에 의의를 두고자 한다. 업종별 차이는 있지만 대부분의 소상공인들의 마케팅 환경은 열악하다. 마케팅 전담 인력의 부재, 마케팅 지식의 부족, 전방위적 마케팅 전개 시간의 한계 등으로 인해 체계적으로 마케팅활동을 펼 칠 수 없는게 현실이다. 이에 현장 활용성이 높은 효율적이고 효과적인 구매시점광고의 광고정보전달 연구 및 개발이 요구된다고 보며, 이에 관한 지속적인 후행적 연구와 노력이 필요하다고 사료된다.

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The effect of information seeking style and news literacy of card news users on recommendation intention: Focused on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (카드뉴스 이용자의 정보추구성향과 뉴스 리터러시가 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 기술수용모델(TAM) 모델을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Myung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was applied to explore the process of using card news. Card news users are found to be active in searching and selecting appropriate news for themselves, information seeking style and news literacy were established as antecedent variables that can influence card news usage. A survey of 400 university students with experience of using card news was conducted. For statistical analysis, SEM was conducted. The analysis showed that information seeking style significantly affects perceived ease of use (PEU) and that news literacy influences neither PEU nor PU. PEU was found to have a significant effect on PU, and both PEU and PU had a significant effect on recommendation intention.

A Study of Relation between Consumers' Product Placement Effect Factors and Attitude of Advertisement (PPL 광고효과요인이 광고태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Seung-Yeob
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at finding out if there are consumers' belief perception of influential factors on product placement. In addition to the difference between the perception of product placement effect factors and that of relevance on attitude of ad. For this work, this study surveyed male and female consumers. As the result, firstly we could find out the consumers perception in factors such as participation of public entertainer, undisguised description, confidence on sponsor, distinction among brands, and offer of information. Secondly, it showed that there were differences between mail and femail consumers' recognition on PPL advertisement attitude. Thirdly, there were perception on product placement effect factors and relevance on attitude of advertisement. These results will not only offer product placement making working group data describing what important belief factors are but also provide basic data for strategy of product placement maker to advertising agency, who has interestin planning to extend its business to PPL field.

A Study of Influence Factors that effect on Consumer Fatigue in the Adoption of Convergence Products (컨버전스 제품 수용에 있어 소비자의 기능적 피로에 영향을 미치는 요인에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Moon-Tae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.83-106
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    • 2013
  • This study testified the influence factors like quantities of advertising, number of hardware and software that are converged, effect on feature fatigue of convergence product. When consumers perceive higher numbers of hardwares in a smart phone, they feel its higher usefulness and complexity. This means that numbers of hardwares is the major factor that enhances consumer's usefulness but, at the same time, it cause perceived leads to higher usefulness in using smart phone, it didn't effect on complexities. It is also important strategy for smart phone companies to provide a lot of useful softwares(applications) to satisfy consumers. Finally, complexity was important factor that lead to higher feature fatigue of consumers. This indicates that smart phone companies have to find adequate numbers of convergence for their new smart phone.

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