• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중재병합

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Consolidation of Arbitral Proceedings and Appointment of Arbitrators in Multiparty Arbitration (다수당사자(多數當事者) 중재(仲裁)에 있어서 절차병합(節次倂合)과 중재인선정(仲裁人選定))

  • Lee, Gang-Bin
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.35-54
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    • 1998
  • In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of large-scale projects involving construction, public works and the installation of industrial plants. These projects usually require the participation of a number of public and private entities and involve more than one contract. When disputes arising in connection with these projects are to be submitted to commercial arbitration, the parties often wish to have all disputes decided by one arbitral tribunal, in a single comprehensive proceeding. It has become apparent that the resolution of all major disputes which may arise in connection with such a project in a single comprehensive arbitration proceeding presents a number of advantages. The arbitral institution can provide for a multiparty arbitration proceeding only where all of the parties have agreed to it either at the time the disputes arise or at the time the parties enter into their various contractual arrangement. The discussion about multiparty arbitration centers on the question whether courts should have the power to order the consolidation of arbitration proceedings absent the consent of the parties. As the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly denied certiorari to cases presenting the consolidation-question, the conflict between the Court of Appeals' positions remains. The common method of selection in a bilaterial proceeding is the formula by which each party appoints one arbitrator and the two party-chosen arbitrators then mutually agree on a third, neutral arbitrator. This popular method poses, however, both a policy and practical problems In a 3-party-proceeding. It seems that the better solution is to have courts or arbitral institutions appoint all arbitrators for a multiparty proceeding. American courts have employed a variety of methods to appoint arbitrators for multiparty disputes in cases in which the parties had not provided for or could not agree upon a method themselves.

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Effects of Integrated Palliative Care Intervention on Quality of Life in Terminal Cancer Patients: A Meta-analysis (통합적 완화 돌봄 중재가 말기암환자의 삶의 질에 미치는 효과: 메타분석)

  • Jo, Kae Hwa;Park, Ae Ran;Lee, Jin Ju
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.136-147
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of integrated palliative care intervention on quality of life in terminally ill patients. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed via PubMed, Cochrane Library CENTRAL, LWW (Ovid), CINAHL and several Korean databases. The main search strategy was to combine terms indicating palliative care intervention, presence of terminal illness and study design. Methodological quality was assessed using Cochrane's Risk of Bias for randomized studies and Risk of Bias Assessment tool for non-randomized studies. Data were analyzed by the Stata 10 program. Results: Eight clinical trials met the inclusion criteria with a total of 356 participants. Integrated palliative care interventions were administered for a mean of 6.5 weeks, 5.6 sessions and an average of 47.8 minutes per session. Effect sizes were heterogeneous, and subgroup analysis was done. Integrated palliative care interventions had a significant effect on quality of life (ES=1.83, P=0.018, $l^2=92%$), spiritual well-being (ES=0.78, P=0.040, $l^2=0$), depression (ES=0.86, P<0.001, $l^2=32$) and anxiety (ES=0.69, P=0.041, $l^2=71.1$). But integrated palliative care interventions had no significant effect on pain (ES=0.365, P=0.230, $l^2=69.8$). Conclusion: Results support findings that integrated palliative care interventions were helpful in lessening depression and anxiety and improving quality of life and spiritual well-being, however, the interventions did not assist pain management in terminal cancer patients. These findings suggest that various integrated palliative care interventions can assist terminal cancer patients with better quality of life in the socio-psycho-spiritual dimension.

Effects of Heat and Exercise Combination on Self-taping Therapy for the Reduction of Menstrual Pain among Female College students (여대생의 월경통 완화를 위한 자가테이핑요법 적용 시 온열 및 운동 병합의 효과)

  • Lee, Ji-Soo;Lee, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of developing and applying taping therapy combined with heat and exercise therapy to reduce dysmenorrhea and menstrual discomfort and improve daily living ability of female college students. The study consisted of 46 female college students complaining of dysmenorrhea at K University in D city, 23 in the experimental and control groups. Questionnaires were collected and data were analyzed using SPSS statistics. The comparison of kinesi taping with heat and exercise therapy showed that taping therapy with heat and exercise therapy was more effective in reducing dysmenorrhea (t = -3.034, p = .004). The combined heat and exercise taping therapy developed in this study was found to be a more effective nursing intervention for relieving dysmenorrhea and improving daily life performance of female college students. This taping therapy is a simple method. It suggests a study to develop self-nursing education programs for girls in the community with menstrual pain and to verify the effectiveness by applying individualized education programs.

Effects of Meaning Enhancement Program on Meaning of Life for Korean College Students: A Systematic Review (의미증진 프로그램이 우리나라 대학생의 삶의 의미에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Do, Eunna;Cho, Sunhee
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to review the literature on the effects of the meaning enhancement program for college students studied in Korea, and to analyze the content and formal characteristics and the meaning enhancement effects of the program for college students. The literature was collected for studies aimed at enhancing meaning of life in college students among research papers and dissertations published in Korea until May 2021. Six databases were used to conduct searches with 'logotherapy' in Korean and English OR "meaning therapy" OR "meaning of life" OR 'meaning'. Two independent researchers performed an assessment of bias risk and research quality using a standardized tool, with seven final selected papers. All seven meaning enhancement programs were effective in discovering the meaning of life among college students, and both single and merged interventions were found to be effective. In order to analyze the effect size of meaning enhancement programs for college students, randomized control experimental studies need to be conducted in the future.

Effects of Physical Activity Programs on Sleep among Community-dwelling Elders in Korea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (한국 지역사회 노인의 신체활동 프로그램이 수면에 미치는 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Kim, Ahrin;Chae, Myung-Ock;Jeon, Hae Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.186-197
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    • 2018
  • This study was a systematic review and meta-analysis designed to investigate the effects of physical activity programs on sleep among community-dwelling elders in Korea. Based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines, research articles published until November 20, 2016 were systematically analyzed and a total of seven papers were finally selected. Meta-analysis of the studies was conducted using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3.0. The results showed that the total effect of the physical activity program for elderly people, such as healing yoga, aerobic dance, aquarobics, Korean dance, BeHas exercise, exercise programs and Tai Chi exercise on sleep was Hedges' g=0.577 (95% CI: 0.337-0.817) The BeHas exercise program had the largest effect size on elderly's sleep, with a Hedges' g=0.758 (95% CI: 0.248-1.267). This was followed by the Tai Chi exercise program (Hedges' g=0.697; 95% CI: 0.071-1.324) and the exercise program (Hedges' g=0.650; 95% CI: 0.141-1.159). Therefore, when applying nursing interventions to improve quality of sleep of elderly people living in the community, it would be helpful to apply the BeHas exercise and the Tai Chi exercise, which have a positive effect on sleep of the elderly.

Effects of Death Education Programs among Korean Aged in the Convergence Era: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (융복합 시대 한국 노인의 죽음교육 프로그램 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Kim, Hyunsim;Park, Seurk
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to identify the effects of death education programs among Korean aged on death anxiety and attitudes toward death in the convergence era. The searched kew words were included aged, death education program, death anxiety, and attitudes to death in the research papers published in Korea. Finally, 11 studies were selected and the effect size was calculated. Death anxiety and death attitude were selected as dependent variables, and publication type, total duration of intervention, and frequency of intervention were selected as moderator variables. The total of 11 papers were selected to estimate the effect sizes of interventions. As a result, the overall effect size of the death education program for the aged was 1.07. The overall effect size showed death education program was able to lower death anxiety (Hedges' g=1.30, 95% Cl=0.80~1.80, p<.01) and improve attitudes to death (Hedges' g=0.93, 95% Cl=0.49~1.37, p<.01) compared with the no intervention group. In the moderator analysis to identify the cause of heterogeneity, significant results were found in the frequency of intervention. We propose a study that repeatedly verifies the effect of related studies in the future by providing the theoretical basis and basic data for the development of the death education program.

Risk Assessment of Arsenic by Human Exposure of Contaminated Soil, Groundwater and Rice Grain (오염된 토양, 지하수 및 쌀의 인체노출에 따른 비소의 위해성 평가)

  • Lee Jin-Soo;Chon Hyo-Taek
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.5 s.174
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    • pp.535-545
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    • 2005
  • Environmental survey from some abandoned metal mine areas was undertaken on to assess the risk of adverse health effects on human exposure to arsenic influenced by past Au-Ag mining activities. Elevated levels of As were found in tailings from the studied mine areas. This high concentration may have a impact on soils and waters around the tailing piles. In order to perform the human risk assessment, chemical analysis data of soils, rice grains and waters fur As have been used. The HQ values fer As via the rice grain and groundwater consumption were significantly higher compared with other exposure pathways in all metal mine areas. However, there were minimal soil and water dermal contact risks. The resulting Hl values of As from the Dongil, Okdong and Hwacheon mine areas were higher than 5.0, and their toxic risk due to drinking water and rice grain was strong in these mine areas. The cancer risk of being exposed to As by the rice grain route from the Dongil, Okdong and Hwacheon mine areas was $5.2\times10^{-4},\;6.0\times10^{-4}\;and\;8.1\times10^{-4}$, respectively. The As cancer risk via the exposure pathway of drinking water from these mine areas exceeded the acceptable risk of 1 in 10,000 fer regulatory purposes. Thus, the daily intakes of groundwater and rice grain by the local residents from the Dongil, Okdong and Hwacheon mine areas can pose a potential health threat if exposed by long-term arsenic exposure.

Determination of Practical Dosing of Warfarin in Korean Outpatients with Mechanical Heart Valves (인공심장판막 치환환자의 Warfarin 용량결정)

  • Lee Ju Yeun;Jeong Young Mi;Lee Myung Koo;Kim Ki-bong;Ahn Hyuk;Lee Byung Koo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.11 s.256
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    • pp.761-772
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    • 2005
  • Background: Following the implantation of heart valve prostheses, it is important to maintain therapeutic INR to reduce the risk of thromboembolism. The objective of this study was to suggest a practical dosing guideline for Korean outpatients with prosthetic heart valves managed by a pharmacist-run anticoagulation service (ACS). Material and Method: A retrospective chart review was completed for all patients enrolled in the ACS at Seoul National University Hospital from March, 1997 to September, 2000. Patients who were at least 6 months post-valve replacement and had nontherapeutic INR value (less than 2.0 or greater than 3.0) were included. The data on 688 patients (1,782 visits) requiring dosing adjustment without any known drug or food interaction with warfarin were analyzed. The amount of adjusted dose and INR changes based on the INR at the time of the event were calculated. Aortic valve replacements (AVR) patients and mitral or double valve replacement (MVR/DVR) patients were evaluated separately. Result: Two methods for the warfarin dosage adjustment were suggested: Guideline I (mg-based total weekly dose (TWD) adjustment), Guideline II (percentage-based TWD adjustment). The effectiveness of Guideline 1 was superior to Guideline II overall in patients with both AVR and MVR/DVR. Conclusion: The guideline suggested in this study could be useful when the dosage adjustment of wafarin is necessary in outpatients with mechanical heart valves.

A Case of Gorham-Stout Disease with Life-threatening Chylothorax Successfully Treated with the Combined Therapy of mTOR Inhibitor and Beta-blocker (mTOR inhibitor와 beta-blocker 병합요법으로 성공적으로 치료된 Gorham-Stout 질환)

  • Ryu, Kyungguk;Seo, Go Hun;Kim, Yoon-Myung;Choi, Jin-Ho;Yoo, Han-Wook;Lee, Beom Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2017
  • Gorham-Stout disease is a rare disorder characterized by lymphovascular proliferation and destruction of osseous matrix. The etiology of this condition remains poorly understood. Chylothorax as a consequence of lymphatic leakage in thoracic cage may cause a severe life-threatening complication, accompanying respiratory difficulty. Currently, there is no standard management for this extremely rare condition. Here we describe a patient affected by Gorham-Stout disease successfully managed by the combined treatment of mTOR inhibitor and beta-blocker. A previously healthy 11-year-old female developed dyspnea and chest pain with a massive pleural effusion. The ligation of right thoracic duct and bilateral pleurodesis temporarily decreased her pleural effusion, which was aggravated repetitively and required frequent admission and tube thoracotomies. Along with bilateral pleural adhesiolysis with thoracotomy, the combined treatment of oral beta-blocker and mTOR inhibitor was commenced. After 1 month of oral medication, her pleural effusion was not increased and she was free of respiratory difficulty on room air without chest tubes. Over eleven months of treatment, no serious adverse reaction was noted and her condition has been stable with no further admission required.

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The Necessity for Coronary Angiography in Atherosclerotic Arterial Obstruction in the Lower Extremities and the Clinical Features of Accompanied Coronary Arterial Diseases (죽상동맥경화성 하지동맥폐쇄증에서 관상동맥조영술의 필요성 및 동반되는 관상동맥 질환의 양상)

  • Lee Jae-Wook;Yeom Wook;Park Young-Woo;Shin Hwa-Kyun;Won Yong-Soon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.8 s.265
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    • pp.619-625
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    • 2006
  • Background: Peripheral arterial disease is frequently accompanied with systemic arteriosclerosis and more than half of the cause of deaths is due to the development of coronary arterial disease. Moreover, it is known that the most frequent cause of death after a bypass surgery of chronic arterial obstruction is heart related complications. Especially in patients with atherosclerotic arterial obstruction in the lower extremities who had no history of heart disease or had no presenting symptoms of ischemic heart disease showed a high rate of postoperative mortality and for this reason we suggest preoperative evaluation in these patients to evaluate whether or not coronary arterial disease is accompanied. Material and Method: Since Feb. 2001 to Oct. 2004, we analyzed 52 patients who were operated on for atherosclerotic arterial obstruction in the lower extremities, with the exception of patients with a past history of heart disease or symptoms of ischemic heart disease. They underwent on the same day a coronary and femoral angiography for evaluation of accompanying coronary arterial disease. Of among these patients, we compared those who received bypass surgery of the arteries of the peripheral extremities alone to those who underwent combined coronary artery bypass surgery. Result: 63% of the reported cases of atherosclerotic arterial obstruction in the lower extremities were accompanied with coronary arterial disease. Old age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and hypercholesterolemia are known risk factors for arteriosclerosis and of these, only old age and hypertension had statistically significance in patients with severe atherosclerotic arterial obstruction in the lower extremities accompanied with coronary arterial disease. Diabetes, smoking, and hypercholesterolemia showed no statistical significance in this group. With the increase in severity of the range and the degree of atherosclerotic arterial obstruction, coronary arterial disease is frequently accompanied and its severity also increased. Patients who received both peripheral artery and coronary artery bypass surgery showed no difference in the period of hospitalization and ICU stay period compared with patients who received bypass surgery of the arteries of the lower extremities alone. Conclusion: Patients with atherosclerotic arterial obstruction in the lower extremities without symptoms of ischem to evaluate coronary arterial disease for active treatment, especially in the patients with old age, hypertension and high AVD scores.