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Shortening of Breeding Cycle by Forced Flowering in Forest Trees I. Induction of Flowering by Cultural Treatments in Seedlings and Grafts of Betula pendula Roth and Betula platyphylla var. japonica Hara (개화유도(開花誘導)에 의한 임목육종(林木育種)싸이클의 단축(短縮) I. 자작나무와 은자작나무 유묘(幼苗)에 있어서 재배환경(栽培環境) 조절(調節)에 의한 개화유도(開花誘導))

  • Ryu, Soo Hwan;Ryo, Yong Dong;Choi, Mun Kyu;Choi, Won Kyu;Shim, Jae Woo;Chung, Keuk Soo;Chung, Min Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.4
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    • pp.489-494
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    • 1995
  • Seedlings and grafts of Betula pendula and Betula platyphylla var. japonica were grown under partially controlled environments in a greenhouse and in a plastic-greenhouse installed inside a laboratory. Plant growth conditions such as photoperiod, temperature, nutrient supply were partially controlled to enhance the vegetative and reproductive growth of the birch seedlings and grafts. By the treatments twenty and seventy one percents of the seedlings, respectively, for the Betula pendula and Betula platyphylla var. japonica developed visible floral organs between 250 to 508 days after seeding. By the same treatments eighty and fifty three percents of the grafts, respectively, for Betula pendula and Betula platyphylla var. japonica developed visible male catkins between 51 to 497 days and female catkins between 365 to 396 days after grafting. Breeding cycle of birch species can be reduced to a great extent by the induction of precocious flowering at early stages of seedling and graft development.

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Fine-scale Spatial Genetic Structure of a Small Natural Stand of Populus davidiana in South Korea using AFLP markers (AFLP 마커를 이용한 소규모 사시나무림의 공간적 유전구조 구명)

  • Lee, Min Woo;Hong, Kyung Nak;Park, Yu Jin;Lee, Jei Wan;Lim, Hyo In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.105 no.3
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 2016
  • A locally adapted plant population under harsh environmental changes might survive for a long generation through maintaining proper level of genetic diversity. When it happens losing the genetic diversity too much fast, the population could be declining and probably become extinct. An isolated small population of Populus davidiana was investigated to study out the genetic diversity and the fine-scale spatial genetic structure. The estimated number of adult trees in the population of Mt. Worak, South Korea, was 350 in the total area of $14,000m^2$. The number of adults in a study plot ($70m{\times}70m$) was 123. The average age was 16-year-old and a 32-year-old tree was the oldest. The distribution of individuals was slightly aggregated in the plot. Sixty-one among the 123 individuals were randomly sampled to estimate genetic variation using AFLP markers. One hundred fifty-one (77%) of total 196 amplicons were polymorphic from six AFLP primer combinations. The average number of loci per primer combination was 32.7 (S.D.=7.2). Expected heterozygosity ($H_e$) and Shannon's diversity index (S.I.) were 0.154 and 0.254, respectively. These values were extremely lower than those of other P. davidiana populations in South Korea. Genetic patchiness was showed within 21 meters by spatial autocorrelation analysis and the isolated small size of population might be mainly attributed to the formation of such small patch size.

Genetic Variation of Korean Fir Sub-Populations in Mt. Jiri for the Restoration of Genetic Diversity (유전다양성 복원을 위한 지리산 구상나무 아집단의 유전변이)

  • Ahn, Ji Young;Lim, Hyo-In;Ha, Hyun-Woo;Han, Jingyu;Han, Sim-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.106 no.4
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2017
  • To provide a ecological restoration strategy considering genetic diversity of Abies koreana in Mt. Jiri, the genetic diversity and the genetic differentiation among sub-populations such as Banyabong, Byeoksoryeong, and Cheonwangbong were investigated. The average number of alleles (A) was 7.8, the average number of effective alleles ($A_e$) was 4.9, observed heterozygosity ($H_o$) was 0.578, and expected heterozygosity ($H_e$) was 0.672, respectively. The level of genetic diversity within sub-populations ($H_e=0.672$) was lower than those of both population ($H_e=0.778$) and species ($H_e=0.759$) level. However, the level of genetic diversity was high compared those of Genus Abies. Genetic differentiation was 0.014 from F-statistics ($F_{ST}$) and was 0.004 from AMOVA analysis (${\Phi}_{ST}$). There was no almost genetic differentiation among sub-populations in Mt. Jiri from bayesian clustering. Therefore, If the seeds are sampled sufficiently by selecting the parameters from three sub-populations, it is possible that we could obtain genetically appropriate materials for ecological restoration.

Studies on the technique of cultivating Gastrodia elata using small diameter log (참나무 소경목(小徑木)을 이용한 천마재배기술 연구)

  • Jo, Woo-Sik;Lee, Seonghak;Choi, Herim;Sul, Pilgeom;Lee, Suk-Hee;Son, Jin Wook;Lim, Myeong Ho
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.69-72
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    • 2017
  • Diversification to develop oak pruned neck utilization technology reduction of operation cost of cheonma(Gastrodia elata) farmers is the purpose of this research, but the results of the experiment are as follows. The soil chemistry of the plantation was very weak in 2015 when the pH was 5.7, weakly acidic and EC was 0.41 (ds/m), but the faux spring area was very sunny, but at the end of May, early June, late July And so on were at a maximum temperature of $25^{\circ}C$ or more, and underground temperature fell below freezing in late January 2016. In the content of the survey of the harvested volume, treatment with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm appeared in 1,366 g total weight and in treated plots with a diameter of 20 cm or more, appeared in 1,542 g, confirming that the number and weight of the interspaces from the small neck is higher than the practice.

Economic Analysis of Rice Transplanting Method using Pot Raised Seedling for Environment-friendly Agriculture (친환경 쌀 생산을 위한 포트육묘 이앙의 경제성 분석)

  • Shin, Yong-Kyu;Choi, In-Young;Kwon, Young-Rip;Moon, Young-Hun;Choi, Dong-Chil;Lee, Wang-Hyu
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.456-462
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    • 2012
  • In the new changing scenario, the goal of agriculture is shifting from traditional to sustainable and environment-friendly agriculture. Therefore, in this experiment, we analyzed economic efficiency of two methods of rice cultivation i.e. new cultural method and conventional method, at farmers' fields. In the new cultural method, cost of materials and machines (rice-transplanting and sowing machine) was found 245% higher than the conventional method. Depreciation of cost and working hours were also higher in the new cultural method by 1.9 and 1.1 time, respectively. However, cost of seeds and seedbed soil were 44.0% and 49.2% lower and total material cost was 4.4% lower than the conventional method. In the new cultural method, overall working cost of nursery raising and transplanting per 10a was 229.8% higher than the conventional method. However, in spite of high input cost, yield of rice in new cultural method was higher by 6.7% than the conventional method. Our results showed that new cultural method was better than the conventional method except the input cost. If government provide 80% subsidy for machine cost then its input cost will be reduced by 45.4% than the conventional method.

Hibiscus syriacus 'Dasom', A New Flower-Color Mutant Variety Developed by Radiation Breeding (방사선 육종에 의한 화색변이 무궁화 신품종 '다솜' 육성)

  • Kim, Sang Hoon;Kim, Dong Sub;Kim, Jin-Baek;Ha, Bo-Keun;Lee, Duk Man;Song, Hi Sup;Kang, Si-Yong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.298-301
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    • 2015
  • A new Hibiscus syriacus variety, 'Dasom', was developed by radiation breeding using gamma ray exposure at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Seeds of the original variety, 'Hongsun', were collected in 1993. These seeds were irradiated at 100 Gy dose and $M_1$ seeds were planted in a field of the KAERI in 1994. Lines with preferred flower color that were going to be used for street trees were initially selected in 1998. Analyses of characteristics were conducted from 2005 to 2010. The 5-year-old 'Dasom' plants were approximately 106 cm in height and averaged 19 branches, and thus were suitable for street trees. The flowers of 'Dasom' were semi-double type with medium red color and red eye spots. Petal length and width were about 4.0 cm and 3.3 cm, respectively. Flower diameter was slightly small, at about 5.8 cm, because of highly overlapping petals. The flowering period of 'Dasom' was about 105 days, which was 6 days shorter than that of the original variety, 'Hongsun'. However, the main charactersistics of 'Dasom' including leaf shape were similar to those of the original variety, 'Hongsun'.

유전자 변형 농산물의 개발 실태와 전망

  • 최양도;정종주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.3-42
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    • 2002
  • 21세기에는 인구의 폭발적 증가와 함께 가속화된 산업화로 말미암아 경지 면적은 줄고 농업 환경은 더욱 피폐해질 것으로 예상된다. 지금도 이미 화석 에너지원의 고갈로 대체 에너지 개발이 시급히 요구되고 있으며, 지구의 자연 환경 보존 목소리도 그 어느 때 보다 높다. 한마디로 식량, 에너지, 환경 문제가 새 세기에 우리가 시급히 해결해야할 과제로 주어져 있다. 이에 과학계에서는 식량 및 대체 에너지원의 공급을 증대시키고 환경을 보존할 수 있는 보편적인 수단으로 환경 친화적 유전자 변형 (GM)작물의 활용이 제시되고있다. 따라서 선진국들은 이의 기반이 되는 식물유전체 연구에 대규모 투자를 아끼지 않고 있으며, 이를 이 용한 식물 생명공학산업을 국가 전략 산업으로 집중 육성하고 있다. GM작물 제조 기술은 유용 유전자의 발굴 및 재조합, 식물세포로의 이식 및 재분화를 통한 완전한 식물체 재생, 이를 품종으로 실용화하는 단계로 구성되어 있다. GM작물은 1983년 항생제 저항성 담배가 개발된 것을 시점으로 하여, 1994년에는 연화지 연 토마토 Flaver Saver이후 지금까지 개발 실용화된 작물은 제초제 저항성 콩, 카놀라, 목화, 그리고 해충 저항성 옥수수 등이 있으며,2001년까지 세계적으로 상품화 승인을 얻은 경우는 15 작물 68품종에 이른다. 2001년 경우 GM작물 종자시장은 약 30억 달러에 달하고 있으며, 미국, 아르헨티나, 캐나다 등 세계적으로 52.6백만 ha에 이르는 면적에서 재배되었다. 그러나 GM농산물의 식품 및 환경 안전성에 대한 의구심이 일기 시작하였고, 따라서 이의 생산 및 소비에 대한 전반적 인 문제가 뜨거운 쟁점으로 부각되기도 하였다. 이 에 각국 정부는 객관적 인 안전성을 확보하기 위한 제도적인 장치를 마련하고 있으며, 아울러 과학기술자들은 더욱 안전한 형질전환 기술 개발을 도모하고 있다. 다음 세대의 GM작물은 단순한 제초제 및 병해충 저항성을 넘어서서 특정 영양 또는 건강기능성을 향상시켜 부가가치를 증가시킨 신품종 맞춤작물이 지속적으로 개발 상업화될 것이다. 따라서 고유성을 가진 유용 유전자의 대량 확보 여부가 산업적 경쟁력을 결정하게 될 것이다. 지금까지 개별 유전자 중심으로 이루어지던 유용 유전자 발굴 작업은 유전체학의 출현으로 규모가 대량화되고 그 효율이 증진되었다. 따라서 진 각국은 유용 유전자 발굴에 국가적 차원의 역량을 집중하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라는 정부와 민간의 소규모 지원으로 근근히 기술 습득 차원에 머물러 왔으며, 산업적 경쟁력의 무기가 될 고유한 유용 유전자와 형질전환 기술이 거의 없는 어려운 상황에 놓여 있다. 최근 정부가 시작한 생명공학 분야 대규모 연구지원 사업 기대를 모아 보며 이 분야 과학기술자들의 노력을 촉구한다.

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Breeding of New Varieties by Ovule Culture of Intergeneric Hybrid in the Aurantioideae (속간교잡 후 배주배양에 의한 감귤류 신품종 육성)

  • 이만상
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 1995
  • This study was carried out to develop new varieties which are dwarf and tolerant to winter cold in the Aurantioideae by intergeneric crossing. to do that, the reciprocal crosses of Hwanggeumyooza and trifoliate orange, yooza and trifoliate orange were done and in vitro immature ovule culture of their hybrid was carried out .The callus formation from immature ovule was good in order of Hwanggeumyooza, Hwanggeumyooza $\times$ tifoliate orange, yooza, and trifoliate orange and best at 1 to 3 mg/L NAA+0.5mg/L zeatin on MT medium. In vitro germination percentage of 20week old hybrid of Hwanggeumyooza $\times$ tifoliate orange and trifoliate orange $\times$ Hwanggeumyooza were 41.3% and 37.7, respectively. The phenotype of hybrid (95%) of Hwanggeumyooza $\times$ trifoliate orange and that (100%) of trifoliate orange $\times$ Hwanggeumyooza were similar to that of trifoliate orange. After Hwanggeumyooza was pollinated by pollens of trifoliate orange, the pollen tubes grew on stigma after 3h of pollination and entered into micropyle after about 24~28 h. One gamete in pollen was fused with polar nuclei after 2 days and other one fused with egg nucleus at 3days after pollination. The fruit set percentage by intergeneric crossing was 14.0% in Hwanggeumyooza $\times$ trtfoliate orange and 17.5% in trifoliate orange $\times$ Hwanggeumyooza. The fruit set percentages of Hwanggeumyooza. and trifoliate orange were 34.2% and 39.5% by artificial self-fertilization, 34.2% and 39.5% by artificial cross fertilization, 3.1% and 1.4% by parthenocarpy and 13.0% and 3.0% by natural fertilization, respectively. The somatic and gametic chromosome numbers of Hwanggeumyooza, yooza, and trifoliate orange were 2n=18 and n=9.

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Prevention and Control of composting Odors Using Microbial Inocula, KMT-199 (미생물 종균제(KMT-199)를 이용한 퇴비제조 공정의 악취제거)

  • Nam, Y.;Kim, G.J.;Sung, K.C.;Park, K.D.;Kim, J.M.
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1999
  • Generation of gaseous ammonia has been a major problem in composting facilities. Microbial inocula. KMT-199(brand name: CompoBac$^{TM}$). was developed in INBI0NET CORPORATION and tested in the field for its ammonia reducing capability. When KMT-199 was applied. a ten-fold increase of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms was observed during the early stage of composting process. Also. the temperature and pH of early stage compost increased at a higher rate when compared to control. KMT-199 treated compost reached highest temperature of $75^{\circ}C$at day 9, indicating treatment could shift the maximum composting temperature to 3 days earlier The highest temperature also reached $3^{\circ}C$ higher than the control. The pH of compost gradually increased during composting. KMT-199 treated compost reached a plateau of pH 9.32 at day 15 after treatment, and then slowly decreased thereafter. On the other hand. pH of the control steadily increased until day 38 of composting. 29% reduction of gaseous ammonia generation during composting was observed compared to that of the control. KMT-199 amended compost resulted in a higher germination rate of radish seeds than the control. These results indicate that application of microbial inocula facilitates degradation of organic materials, including ammonia during the composting process.

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Growth Promotion of Tomato Plant under Drought Conditions by Treatment of Rhizobacteria Producing ACC Deaminase and Phytohormones (ACC Deaminase와 식물호르몬 생성 세균 처리에 의한 토마토 식물의 가뭄 조건에서의 생장)

  • Seo, Mi-So;Song, Hong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2013
  • Some rhizobacteria producing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase can make plant to continue growth under the stress conditions through lowering the level of phytohormone, ethylene which inhibits the plant growth and accelerates plant aging. In this study, some rhizobacteria producing ACC deaminase have been isolated from the rhizosphere of plants grown at sand beaches, and identified as Escherichia hermannii m-2, Enterobacter asburiae m-4, Pseudomonas thivervalensis BD2-26 and Pseudomonas brassicacearum subsp. neoaurantiaca BD3-35 through sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Strain BD3-35 showed the highest activity of ACC deaminase among the isolates, 20.26 ${\alpha}$-ketobutyrate ${\mu}M/mg$ protein/h. Strains BD3-35 and BD2-26 secreted a phytohormone cytokinin, and strains m-4 and m-2 could produce auxin and abscisic acid, respectively. When these bacteria were applied to the 7-day old tomato plant under drought stress for 7 days, strains BD3-35, m-2, and m-4 increased the length of tomato root by 14, 15, and 35%, respectively, and strains m-2, BD2-26 and BD3-35 increased the dry weight of tomato plant by 22, 33, and 68%, respectively compared to the uninoculated control tomatoes. Therefore, these rhizobacteria may be utilized as a microbial fertilizer for the plants under drought stress.