A Study on the Evaluation Scheme for Company to Based on Dependability Management Systems (신인성경영시스템을 기반으로 한 기업 평가 방안 연구)
- Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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- 2013.11a
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- pp.185-197
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- 2013
우리나라는 선진국 진입을 눈앞에 두고 있다. 하지만 세계시장 진입의 장벽과 고객신뢰 및 자원의 한계로 인해 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이러한 한계점을 극복하기 위해서는 신인성경영시스템을 기반으로 한 기업 평가가 이루어져야 한다. 즉 제품의 기능과 성능 등의 적합성(Conformity)특성 중심의 기업생존을 위한 기본전략 평가에서 이제는 기업노력 대비 고객만족과 경영성과를 높일 수 있는 수명과 내구성, 안전성 등의 시간 종속성(Dependability) 중심의 평가가 시급하다. 본 논문에서는 국가 품질상에 대한 구조를 분석해보고 국가 경쟁력 분석을 통한 문제점을 도출하여 신인성경영시스템을 기반으로 한 기업 평가 방안의 타당성과 구체적 실행방안을 제시하고자 한다.
일반적으로 실무에서 공학적인 상충(Trade-offs)의 문제를 해결하는 가장 대표적인 방법론으로 트리즈(TRIZ)가 있다. 지금까지 트리즈관련 연구에 의하면 공학적 파라미터간의 모순을 해결하는 데는 트리즈의 유용성이 이미 확인되었다고 볼 수 있다. 하지만 제품 설계에 있어 트리즈의 사용 범위를 반드시 공학적인 파라미터간의 모순을 해결하는 데 사용을 국한시킬 필요는 없다. 관점을 달리하여 선행설계 엔지니어가 처음부터 소비자의 요구사항에 대한 컨조인트(Conjoint)단계에서 모순을 푼다면 공학적인 문제로 환언(Reduce)시키거나 분화(Breakdown)시켜 제한조건하에서 지엽적이고 복잡한 모순 문제를 풀지 않아도 될 것이기 때문이다. 본 논문에서는 고객 니즈 중심의 컨조인트와 공학 파라미터 모순 해결의 트리즈의 사고를 자연스럽게 연결하기 위해서 제약이론(TOC)의 갈등해소도(CRD : Conflict Resolution Diagram)를 도입하도록 한다. 갈등해 소도는 목적을 달성하기 위해 전행조건의 갈등요소를 확인한 후 타협안을 찾지 않고 잘못된 가정을 엎을 대책으로서 주입(injection) 제시하여 목표를 달성하는 방법이다 따라서 컨조인트의 고객 니즈 최적화를 달성하기 위해 세부 고객 니즈의 갈등요소를 확인하고 트리즈를 주입시켜 제품 설계 목적을 달성할 수 있게 적용하고자 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 제약이론(TOC)의 사고를 바탕으로 트리즈를 이용하여 고객니즈의 모순관계를 해결하는 진보된 컨조인트 방법론을 제시하는 것이다. 이 방법론을 앞으로 Conjoint-TRIZ라 표기하도록 하겠다. 둘째, 본 연구에서 제시한 Conjoint-TRIZ 방법론을 자동차 인테리어 설계의 새로운 접근법으로 적용을 시도하여 그 유용성을 검증한다.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the health food consumption patterns and their relationship to dietary behavior in middle-aged women (45-60 years). Methods: The exclusive face-to-face interviews by well-trained interviewers guaranteed a scientific data collection and the quality of survey data of 731 women. Subjects were divided into two groups according to the intake of the health foods, 'Intake' group (
The major obstacle in the popularization of Chungkookjang is the short shelf-life of
1. Introduction: Contrast to the offline purchasing environment, online store cannot offer the sense of touch or direct visual information of its product to the consumers. So the builder of the online shopping mall should provide more concrete and detailed product information(Kim 2008), and Alba (1997) also predicted that the quality of the offered information is determined by the post-purchase consumer satisfaction. In practice, many fashion and apparel online shopping malls offer the picture information with the product on the real person model to enhance the usefulness of product information. On the other virtual product experience has been suggested to the ways of overcoming the online consumers' limited perceptual capability (Jiang & Benbasat 2005). However, the adoption and the facilitation of the virtual reality tools requires high investment and technical specialty compared to the text/picture product information offerings (Shaffer 2006). This could make the entry barrier to the online shopping to the small retailers and sometimes it could be demanding high level of consumers' perceptual efforts. So the expensive technological solution could affects negatively to the consumer decision making processes. Nevertheless, most of the previous research on the online product information provision suggests the VR be the more effective tools. 2. Research Model and Hypothesis: Presented in
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes of guardians, and nutritional status of infants and toddlers as well as the relationships between these variables. Methods: The participants were selected among applicants for low-income family financing provided by the government and included 115 infants and toddlers as well as their guardians. Demographic data, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, and nutrition intakes were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire, biochemical examination, and 24 Hour-Recall method. Results: The score for guardians' nutrition knowledge was 12.97 points of a possible 15, and the score for dietary attitudes was 53.38 points of a possible 75. The nutrition knowledge and dietary attitudes showed significant differences by education level (p < 0.05) and family structure (p < 0.05). Energy intakes of subjects aged 6 ~ 24 months and over 25 months were lower than the DRI for Koreans. The intakes of carbohydrates, protein, and fat of subjects aged 6 ~ 24 months and over 25 months showed no significant differences by level of nutrition knowledge or dietary attitudes. The intake of Ca of subjects aged over 12 months showed significant differences by level of nutrition knowledge (p < 0.05). The intakes of Thiamin of subjects aged 6 ~ 11 months and P of subjects aged over 12 months showed significant differences by level of dietary attitudes (p < 0.05). There was a small positive correlation between education level and nutrition knowledge as well as between dietary attitudes. Nutrition knowledge showed a positive correlation with dietary attitudes. There was a positive correlation between nutrition knowledge and Ca, Riboflavin, as well as Vit C levels. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to consider an educational program for increasing the practical application of knowledge to nutrition management for improvement of nutrition intake in infants and toddlers.
The objective of the study is to explore how to influence SNS's characteristics on attitude formation toward jewelry product and online shopping mall. SNS's characteristics are contextuality, responsiveness, social presence, and interaction as independent variables. Consumer satisfaction, worth of mouth and purchase intention are considered as dependent variables. Data were collected from a survey of 317 consumers who have experience to purchase jewelry product to examine their attitude toward SNSs, jewelry product, and online shopping mall from November 1 to November 15 2013. In order to test hypotheses, CFA analysis with covariance structure analysis was conducted using EQS6b. SNS's users have a tendency to perceive SNSs as bridge to connect other people and to get new information as well as they are willing to feel familiarity on SNSs. Users, who have a higher contextuality, responsiveness, social presence, and interaction of SNS's characteristics, are willing to have word of mouth intention of jewelry product as well as have high satisfaction. The study found that interaction is not effect on consumer satisfaction because interaction factor is to evaluate SNSs as one of the media.
Yuhan Kimberly, a joint-venture company of Korean Yuhan Company and American Kimberly-Clark, opened a premium diaper market in Korea by launching Pull-Ups which was pants-typed diapers in 1993. Pull-Ups was imported as finished goods from Kimberly-Clark. However, in spite of its huge market share in United States, it failed to land down in Korean market because of wrong positioning strategy which did not consider domestic customers' tastes. In 1996, Yuhan-Kimberly brought out a pants-typed diaper, Huggies-Toddler, to Korean market again. This paved the way for the combination of Kimberly-Clark's production power and Yuhan-Kimberly's marketing power and led to launch new product superior to Pull-Ups. However, this product was unsuccessful in the market because of wrong positioning which did not catch domestic customer's life styles such as cultural, environmental and habitual differences in toilet training, the cost increase coming from IMF crisis in Korea, weak trust within the company, weak trust within the company, and too much higher price than regular diapers. In 2005, Yuhan-Kimberly redeveloped new pants market business strategy. It was organically combined with winning product development plan, winning communication strategy and the market structure change through the pants market creation. Customer's habit, usage and attitude were studied with total 55 times market investigations. Also, all processes from planning to designing were executed in the customer's view by investigating product research, positioning research and advertisement research. Yuhan-Kimberly repositioned new product as a wearing diaper not as a toilet training diaper and launched Huggies Magic Panty as a premium product which had 25% higher price than previous Huggies. Huggies Magic Panty was recognized as a great hit product in domestic diaper market and the sales recorded 37.6 bill won in 2006, 57.2 bill won in 2007, and 90 bill won in 2008 since launching in 2005. The reason of Huggies Magic Panty's success was the repositioning strategy deduced from the precise check of customer's usage habit. It was the winning strategy of Huggies that were market investigation in order to survive in domestic baby goods market where a lot of companies struggled intensively, the exact positioning based on its market investigation and aggressive 360 degree communication strategy to give customers impressions efficiently.
As digital technology evolves and consumers shift their information processing to online, startups need new strategies to maximize their experience and market effectively. Short-form content, with its low production costs and rapid dissemination, has become a tool for startups to take a greater role in digital marketing. This study focuses on the importance of short-form content in the marketing strategy of startups, analyzes its impact on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention, and empirically examines its impact on brand attitude. The study categorized short-form content characteristics into playfulness, credibility, creativity, and interactivity to examine the impact of each characteristic on brand attitude, and further analyzed the impact of brand attitude on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention. The data was collected through a survey, and the empirical analysis yielded the following results. First, the playfulness, credibility, and interactivity of short form content positively influenced brand attitude. Creativity had no significant effect on brand attitude. Second, positive brand attitude had a positive effect on both purchase intention and recommendation intention, i.e., the more positive the perception of the brand, the more likely consumers were to purchase the product and recommend it to others. Third, brand attitude was found to mediate the relationship between short-form content characteristics and purchase intention and recommendation intention. This means that short-form content not only directly affects purchase and recommendation intentions, but also strengthens them by creating a positive attitude toward the brand. This suggests that startups can use short-form content marketing to increase brand awareness and build positive consumer attitudes to increase purchase and recommendation intentions.
This study examines the background and necessity of the product certification (KS) and the system authentication (ISO 9000), and their characteristic so as to compare and analyze the possibility of interaction of product certification and system authentication. It tries to suggest an efficient operation system as an integrated management system and analyzes the certification case of K, a manufacturer of kitchen utensils. We believe that the study will help companies minimize their expenses and efforts to establish, operate, and maintain the corporate standard system. In addition, to effectively achieve our goal, we have also made a study of both literature and case and suggested technical guidance to get integrated management system certification. By these methods, we analyzed the effects and problems that come with the introduction and application of the integrated system of product certification and system authentication in order to set up a system to fit to the mechanism of Korean companies. Moreover, we have suggested the model of integrated operation and the benefits that come after acquiring certification.
indicates that our experimental manipulation of the moderate effect of the product type was successful. 3.3. Results As
indicates, there was a significant main effect on the only one dependent variable(attitude toward the shopping mall) by the information types. As predicted, VR has highest mean value compared to other information types. Thus, H1 was partially supported. However, main effect by the product types was not found. To evaluate H2 and H3, a two-way ANOVA was conducted. As
indicates, there exist the interaction effects on the three dependent variables(information usefulness, overall product quality and purchase intention) by the information types and the product types. As predicted, picture of the product with the real-person model has highest mean among the information types in the case of portable product. On the other hand, VR has highest mean among the information types in the case of installed product. Thus, H2 and H3 was supported. 4. Implications: The present study found the moderate effect by the product type of usage situation. Based on the findings the following managerial implications are asserted. First, it was found that information types are affect only the attitude toward the shopping mall. The meaning of this finding is that VR effects are not enough to understand the product itself. Therefore, we must consider when and how to use this VR tools. Second, it was found that there exist the interaction effects on the information usefulness, overall product quality and purchase intention. This finding suggests that consideration of usage situation helps consumer's understanding of product and promotes their purchase intention. In conclusion, not only product attributes but also product usage situations must be fully considered by the online retailers when they want to meet the needs of consumers.
Study on the correlation between nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes of guardians, and nutritional status of infants and toddlers - Nutrition-Plus program in Jeonju
(보호자의 영양지식 및 식생활태도와 영유아의 영양상태와의 관계연구 - 전주지역 영양플러스 참여자를 중심으로)
The Effect of SNS's Characteristic on Attitude Formation toward Jewelry Product and Jewelry Online Shopping Mall
(SNS 기능적 속성이 주얼리 제품 및 온라인 쇼핑몰에 대한 태도형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)
Success Strategy of Yuhan-Kimberly's Huggies Magic Panty through Product Repositioning
(제품 리포지셔닝을 통한 유한킴벌리 <하기스 매직팬티>의 성공전략)
The Impact Of Short-form Digital Marketing On Purchase Intention And Recommendation Intention Of Startup Companies: The Mediating Effect Of Brand Attitude
(숏폼(Short-form)을 활용한 창업기업의 디지털마케팅이 구매의도와 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 브랜드태도의 매개 효과)
A Study on the Integrated Operation of Product Certification and System Authentication
(제품 인증과 시스템 인증의 통합운영에 대한 연구)
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