• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제주지역

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A study of cavern resources in CHEZU-ISLAND (제주도의 동굴자원 연구)

  • 강승삼
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.44 no.45
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1996
  • 한라산을 중심한 제주도에는 수많은 용암류가 흘러 제주도를 형성하고 있다. 한라산 정상 화구에서 혹은 수많은 기생화산 화구에서 용암이 흘러 내려 이 용암지역에 수많은 용암동굴이 형성되고 있다. 세계에는 용암동굴이 1,000개소가 있고 그 중 50%가 미국의 서부에, 이탈리아에 186개, 후지산에 100개, 제주도에는 70개 정도가 알려지고 있다. 제주도 동,서 사면에는 광대한 용암대지가 있다. 점성이 작고 유동성이 강한 표선 현무암층이 분포한 관계로 세계적인 용암동굴 지대를 형성하고 있다.(중략)

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제주도의 동굴자원 연구

  • 배두안
    • Proceedings of the Speleological Society Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 1997
  • 한라산을 중심한 제주도에는 수많은 용암류가 흘러 제주도를 형성하고 있다. 한라산 정상 화구에서 흑은 수많은 기생화산 화구에서 용암이 흘러 내려 이 용암지역에 수많은 용암동굴이 형성되고 있다. 세계에는 용암동굴이 1,000개소가 있고 그 중 50%가 미국의 서부에, 이탈리아에 186개, 후지산에 100개, 제주도에는 70개 정도가 알려지고 있다. 제주도 동, 서 사면에는 장대한 용암대지가 있다. 점성이 작고 유동성이 강한 표선 현무암층이 분포한 관계로 세계적인 용암동굴 지대를 형성하고 있다.(중략)

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Analysis of Surplus Solar Energy in Venlo Type Greenhouse (벤로형 온실의 잉여 태양에너지 분석)

  • Choi, Man Kwon;Shin, Yik Soo;Yun, Sung Wook;Kim, Hyeon Tae;Yoon, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2013
  • This research analyzed surplus solar energy in Venlo-type greenhouse using acquired typical meteorological year (TMY) data for designing a heat storage system for the surplus solar energy generated in the greenhouse during the day. In the case of paprika, the region-dependent heating loads for Jeju, Jinju, and Daegwanryong area were approximately 1,107.8 GJ, 1,010.0 GJ, and 3,118.5 GJ, respectively. The surplus solar energy measured in Jeju area was 1,845.4 GJ, Jinju area 1,881.8 GJ, and Daegwanryong area 2,061.8 GJ, with the Daegwanryong area showing 11.7% and 9.6% higher than the Jeju region and Jinju region respectively. In the case of chrysanthemums, regional heating loads were determined as 1,202.5 GJ for the Jeju region, 1,042.0 GJ for the Jinju region, and 3,288.6 GJ for the Daegwanryong region; the regional differences were similar to those for paprika. The recorded surplus solar energy was 1,435.2 GJ, 1,536.2 GJ, and 1,734.6 GJ for Jeju, Jinju, and Daegwanryong region, respectively. The Daegwanryong region recorded heating loads 20.9% and 12.9% higher than in the Jeju and Jinju region, respectively. From the above, it can be said that cultivating paprika, compared to cultivating chrysanthemums, requires less heating energy regardless of the region and tends to yield more surplus solar energy. Moreover, if the Daekwan Pass region is excluded, the surplus solar energy exceeds the energy required for heating. Although the required heating energy differs according to regions and crops, cucumbers were found to require the highest amount, followed by chrysanthemum and paprika. The amount of surplus solar energy was the highest in the case of paprika, followed by cucumber and chrysanthemum.

Electrical Surveys in coastal areas of the Cheju Island (제주도 해안지역의 전기비저항 탐사)

  • 이기화;김형수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1994
  • Electrical soundings and mappings were conducted to elucidate the geoelectrical structures of the local area of Cheju Island. The areas of the electrical surveys are coastal areas of Cheju Island, Gwagji, Sinpung-Sincheon. Generally, the geoelectrical structures of these areas are closely related with hydrogeological structures and it is very important to elucidate the geoelectrical structures for the water supply problems. Even though the results of electrical surveys in coastal areas of Cheju Island differ from place to place, there exists a general tendency of resistivity decrease with depth and the zone in the vicinity of mean sea level has low resistivity value. Also, there is good correlation between the low resistivity zone and the ground water distribution in the survey areas. A careful examination of the results of this study enabled resistivities of the rocks in Cheju Island to be divided in some categories. The resistivities of rocks unsaturated with ground water are greater than about 1000 ohm-m. The rocks saturated with fresh water have the resistivity value of about few hundreds ohm-m. Last, the rocks saturated with saline and/or brackish water have the resistivity value of about few tens ohm-m. The subsurface resistivity distribution of Cheju Island seems to be strongly dependent on the hydraulic characteristics of the rocks, and the amount and the salinity of the ground water in the rocks rather than the surface geology of the area.

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The Etiologic Agents and Clinical Outcomes of Adult Community-acquired Pneumonia in Jeju (제주지역 성인 지역사회획득 폐렴의 원인균 및 임상양상)

  • Jeon, Bong-Hee;Kim, Miok;Kim, Jeong Hong;Shin, Sang Yop;Lee, Jaechun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.66 no.5
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    • pp.358-364
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    • 2009
  • Background: The appropriate empirical antimicrobial choice in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) should be advocated by community-based information on the etiologic pathogens, their susceptibility to antimicrobials, clinical characteristics and outcomes. Jeju is a geographically isolated and identical region in Korea. However, there is no regional reference on adult CAP available. This study investigated the etiologic agents and clinical outcomes of adult patients diagnosed with CAP in Jeju, Korea, to help guide the empirical antimicrobial choice. Methods: A prospective observational study for one year in a referral hospital in Jeju, Korea. Patients diagnosed with CAP were enrolled with their clinical characteristics. Microbiological evaluations to identify the etiologic agents in the adult patients with CAP were performed with blood culture, expectorated sputum smear and culture, antibody tests for mycoplasma, chlamydophila, and antigen tests for legionella and pneumococcus. The clinical outcomes of the initial empirical treatment were analyzed. Results: Two hundred and three patients with mean age of 64 and 79 females were enrolled. Ten microbials from 90 cases (44.3%) were isolated and multiple isolates were confirmed in 30. Among the microbial isolates, S. pneumoniae (36.3%) was the most common, followed by M. pneumoniae (23.0%), C. pneumoniae (17.0%), S. aureus (9.6%) and P. aeruginosa (5.9%). The initial treatment failure (23.8%) was related to the isolation of polymicrobial pathogens, elevated inflammatory markers, and the presence of pleural effusion. Among the 30 isolates of S. pneumoniae, 16 (53.3%) were not susceptible to penicillin, and 19 isolates (63.3%) to erythromycin and clarithromycin. However, 29 isolates (96.7%) were susceptible to levofloxacin and ceftriaxone. Conclusion: S. pneumoniae, M. pneumoniae, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa are frequent etiologic agents of adult CAP in Jeju, Korea. The clinical characteristics and antibiotic resistance should be considered when determining the initial empirical antimicrobial choice. Respiratory quinolone or ceftriaxone is recommended as an empirical antimicrobiotic in the treatment of adult CAP in Jeju, Korea.

A Case Study on the Smart Tourism City Using Big Data: Focusing on Tourists Visiting Jeju Province (빅 데이터를 활용한 스마트 관광 도시 사례 분석 연구: 제주특별자치도 관광객 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Junhwan Moon;Sunghyun Kim;Hesub Rho;Chulmo Koo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2019
  • It is possible to provide Smart Tourism Service through the development of information technology. It is necessary for the tourism industry to understand and utilize Big Data that has tourists' consumption patterns and service usage patterns in order to continuously create a new business model by converging with other industries. This study suggests to activate Jeju Smart Tourism by analyzing Big Data based on credit card usage records and location of tourists in Jeju. The results of the study show that First, the percentage of Chinese tourists visiting Jeju has decreased because of the effect of THAAD. Second, Consumption pattern of Chinese tourists is mostly occurring in the northern areas where airports and duty-free shops are located, while one in other regions is very low. The regional economy of Jeju City and Seogwipo City shows a overall stagnation, without changes in policy, existing consumption trends and growth rates will continue in line with regional characteristics. Third, we need a policy that young people flow into by building Jeju Multi-complex Mall where they can eat, drink, and go shopping at once because the number of young tourists and the price they spend are increasing. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide services for life-support related to weather, shopping, traffic, and facilities etc. through analyzing Wi-Fi usage location. Based on the results, we suggests the marketing strategies and public policies for understanding Jeju tourists' patterns and stimulating Jeju tourism industry.

Optimal Groundwater Development Estimation to Prevent Saltwater Intrusion in Western Jeju Island (제주 서부 지역 해수침투 방지를 위한 적정 양수량 산정기법)

  • Kim, Min-Gyu;Chang, Sun Woo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2018
  • Agricultural activities of western Jeju island has suffered from saltwater intrusion seasonally. Objectives of this study are to prove the occurrence of saltwater intrusion in the coastal aquifer and to consider a management plan using MODFLOW-family code SEAWAT model. Model results show that the saltwater-freshwater interface intrudes inland only a few meters and that upconing phenomenon is rather the cause of the severe disaster of the agricultural water contamination. This study selected Gosan area as a representative site to estimate optimal groundwater development regulation against upconing by seasonal pumping for agriculture. The suggested optimal groundwater development estimation method considers the groundwater levels of representative monitoring wells for regulatory alarms.

Analysis of Ground Vibration Characteristics by Test Blasting in Southern Region of Jeju (제주 남부지역의 시험발파에 의한 지반진동 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Seung Hyun;Lee, Dong Wook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.419-429
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    • 2019
  • The characteristics of ground vibration have been analyzed by test blasting in southern region of Jeju (layered ground consisting of basalt and clinker). By grasping the principal component of ground vibration and depriving the prediction equations of ground vibration, the propagation characteristics of ground vibration have been compared to the domestic design guidelines. Ground vibration in layered ground has a small amplitude at a short distance. However, it has been confirmed that the vibration energy is transmitted further by virtue of the low attenuation of the ground vibration as it goes to a longer distance. Moreover, the frequency has been confirmed to be low frequency band. The outcome has been defined that it resulted because the clinker layer with a large pore transforms the blasting energy seismic wave with high frequency into a low frequency wave having a long waveform period. In addition, the limits of design guidelines were identified by comparing the ground vibration of Jeju and other bedrock areas. Thus, the necessity of the development of the prediction equations of ground vibration utilized in design that reflect the characteristics of the area has been suggested.

A Comparative Study on Residents' and Visitors' Perceptions on Six Heritages in Jeju Designated by UNESCO and UNFAO (제주도 UNESCO 및 UNFAO 세계유산에 대한 인식 비교 - 지역주민과 관광객을 중심으로 -)

  • You, Won-Hee;Seo, Se-Jin;Choi, Byung-Kil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2017
  • It has been 15 years since Jeju Island first was designated as one of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve areas. Jeju currently holds 5 UNESCO designations and the UNFAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage (GIAHS). The 5 UNESCO global heritages that Jeju honors are the World Natural Heritage, Biosphere Reserve, Global Geoparks Network, Chilmeoridanggut Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and JejuHaenyeo ICH. The UNFAO GIAHS that Jeju honors is Jeju Batdam Agricultural Heritage System. Those global titles are highly valued and recognized for environmental preservation and those global designations have attracted more visitors to the island. It is essential to see if Jeju global level heritages are recognized as they deserve attentions from home and abroad yet no holistic analysis on those 6 global level designations as a whole has been progressed to see the perception level among residents and visitors. The study aims to see the perception level of Jeju global Heritages, impact of global recognitions and the channels of the perception level. UNESCO World Natural Heritage and Haenyeo ICH have showed the highest perception level due to designation process and the amount of promotion by the managing division of Jeju municipality. The routine survey as per the result of the study regarding the perception level of those global designations could benefit Jeju tourism direction and help to preserve the island and culture.

Sero-epidemiology of the major swine infectious disease in Cheju (제주지역에 대한 돼지 주요 전염병의 혈청학적 역학조사)

  • Lyoo, Young-soo;Park, Choi-kyu;Kim, Lo-mi;Lee, Chang-hee;Choi, Sang-ho;Kim, Sung-il;Bae, Jong-hee
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.765-772
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    • 1997
  • 제주지역 돼지에서 각종 전염성 질병 원인체에 대한 항체를 조사하여 그간 전염성 병원체에 대한 역학조사가 미진하였던 부분을 보완하여 질병의 분포를 파악하고자 1995년부터 1996년에 걸쳐 제주도 전역에서 돼지의 혈청을 채취하여 각종 병원체에 대한 항체 분포율을 조사하였다. 본 연구에서 검사한 돼지 혈청 시료에서는 돼지 오제스키병 바이러스에 대한 항체는 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 돼지 콜레라바이러스에 대한 항체는 기대 수준 이하로 낮아 백신접종이 원활히 수행되고 있지 않음을 시사하였으며 특히 농장에 따라 항체 보유돈과 항체 음성돈이 혼재하는 농장과 항체가 전혀 검출되지 않는 농장 등 돼지 콜레라 방역의 사각지대가 존재할 가능성이 있음을 보여주었다. 유 사산 원인체인 돼지 파보바이러스 및 뇌심근염에 대한 항체가가 다양하게 나타나 일부 문제가 있을 것으로 사료되었다. 돼지 생식기호흡기증후군(PRRS) 바이러스에 대한 항체 분포율은 내륙 보다 다소 낮게 나타났고, 돼지 influenza virus, 위축성 비염, 흉막 폐염 등 각종 세균성 질환에 대한 항체수준도 다양하게 나타났다. 본 혈청학적인 연구결과는 제주지역에서의 양돈방역 정책수립 및 질병방제의 기초자료로 유용하게 이용될 것으로 사료된다.

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