• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제도적 지원방안

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A Study on the Awareness about Agriculture and Rural Community of Youths (농심함양 프로그램 참여 청소년의 농업·농촌에 대한 인식 조사 연구)

  • Choe, Yeong Chang;Lee, Chae Shik;Lee, Eun Young;Kim, Young Ae
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.205-233
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study were to analyze the awareness about agriculture and rural community of youths and suggest the implications. The data were collected from 291 youths who are participated the agriculture-understanding programs conducted by Korea 4-H Association. For the comparing with 182 non-participants survey were together. The following conclusions were drawn from this study, (1) the program participants were aware of importance and multifunctionality roles of agriculture. (2) on the other hand, non-participants did not recognize or had little interest of the agricultural issues. (3) youths participated programs were have positive consensus of agriculture and rural community compared to non-participants. Based on the conclusion of this study, some implications were summarized as followings: (1) some programs need to motivate youths to complete course, (2) establish network system for the better activities, (3) support to extension teachers' expertise, (4) the programs need to expended to non-4H members.

A VE Incentive System for Construction Industry (건설VE 인센티브 제안)

  • Song, Yong-Chul;Song, Nak-Hyun;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1019-1022
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    • 2007
  • Recent construction projects are becoming larger, more complex and higher rising. Accordingly, necessity of the VE is emphasized as more suitable for expense, function and quality. However, the VE is not functional because of difficulty of application process or of the methods in use in the field of construction. One of the alternative is to introduce the incentive system to activate the VE in the field of construction. By using the incentive system, employers can reduce the relevant project's prime cost and builders will maximize profit creation. In domestic case, they presented the systematic support policy 'Technical development compensation system' which is similar to the 1992 American's VE incentive system about builder's technical development effort but the result was not positive. This study investigates both domestic and other country's construction VE incentive system and reported problems in the construction VE incentive system to executives and construction VE experts. From this survey, conclusions were drawn about problems in the domestic construction VE incentive system's similarity system: 'Insufficiency of the construction VE incentive's article and standards', 'Insufficiency of the appraiser of the construction VE and of the full charge department' etc. I had interviews with the experts of the construction VE which were based on the above-mentioned problems and then presented 'Improvement of the construction VE's incentive system relevant law and system', 'Construction VE experts and construction formation' etc. for ways to bring acceptance of the construction VE in the construction industry.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Construction Safety Education through the AHP (계층분석기법(AHP)을 통한 건설안전교육 실효성 확보 방안 연구)

  • Ha, Jun-Tae
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This paper is for the improvement of the safety education system in the construction industry, which has become a great threat to domestic industrial safety. Among the industrial sectors, the accident rate and death rate in the construction industry are the highest, and measures for falls in the litigation work are needed. Method: The application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) resulted in the following conclusions. Results: The management group of the construction industry was divided into a group of on-site workers. In addition, the practical education system was reviewed by analyzing differences in perceptions of safety education. The survey results of the two groups were analyzed through AHP by dividing the construction safety education system into three layers. Conclusion: The results showed that managers showed a great deal of importance, such as actual conditions for implementation related to education, while on-site workers indicated importance for items that were somewhat site-oriented compared to managers. In addition, the two groups did not place much weight on the effectiveness of AR and VR, which have been expanding into safety education recently.

Establishment of Korea National Counter-terrorism System and Development Plan (국가대테러체제의 구축 및 발전방안)

  • Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2015
  • As the post-cold war era and globalization go on, national security problems which were not traditional national security problems such as terrorism, crime, environmental disasters, economic crises, cyber-terrorism, diseases, and energy problems threat humanity and nations and demands changes. Also, with the change, the concept of "big government" has emerged as the role of nation expanded. The modern society sees every country change from small government to big government in order to realize the establishment of welfare state. A comprehensive interpretation of security is needed in order to comprehensive protection of citizens beyond outside invasion such as crime, new disaster, terrorism. In Korea, incidents such as Cheonan-Ham, Yeonpeyong-Do, foot-and-mouth disease, Ddos terrorism, pirates hostages, mad cow disease, AI are happening and the humanitarian support for North Korea and the summit of South and North Korea are at a standstill. Also, National emergency management system, comprehensive emergency management center, countrol tower, national security system, cooperation with citizens, establishment of legal and institutional system are needed. The importance of this research is on the reestablishment of new national security and emergency management system according to the comparison between the national security and counter-terrorism system of Korea and that of the United States which is a leading country in this field. Also, the establishment of national emergency management act is needed as a statute for effective function as currently various laws and administrative organizations are dispersed.

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Review on Soil Erosion and Loss Management System of the Calgary City Government, Albert, Canada (캐나다 앨버트 주 캘거리 시의 토사관리제도에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Youngchul;Kim, Lee-Hyung;Hwang, Sung Woo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, soil erosion and soil loss management system (SMS) of the City of Calgary in Albert, Canada was reviewed. Regulatory basis supporting this soil management system, permit process and conditions, guidelines and principles for the SMS, and monitoring and repair duties, inspection were discussed. Permit process in the City of Calgary is handled mainly by Urban Development Division, in which special task force called CPAG (Coorporative Planning Application Group) (if necessary circulated through related subdivisions). Inspects all the permit conditions and decides permit or refusal, and LUM (Land Use and Mobility) advertises the approval, if there is no appeals, permit is released to developers. If permit is rejected, applicant can appeals Development Appeal Board, it can approve or reject. In addition to permit, the city has manual for soil management plan, which includes BMP selection, design, monitoring, maintenance, and inspection activities. Perfect SMS policy does not necessarily guarantee relieving the soil-particle related pollution problem, but in Korea, we have to recognize that construction works during development is potentially the most destructive stage of environmental pollution. The central and local governments must make preparations for the effective and tight regulations and ordinance which is appropriate for regional social-economic conditions.

Study on the effects of the male elderly's age discrimination experiences on their perception of the elderly and attitude toward the old age life -Examination of mediation effects of family function and peer relations- (남성노인의 차별경험이 노인인식 및 노년기 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 가족기능과 동년배관계의 매개효과 검증 -)

  • Nam, Seok In
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1297-1315
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    • 2008
  • Elderly males in retirement experiencing a change in their social status and role in the family are likely to develop negative perception toward the elderly and the elderly life. The purpose of this study is to examine how the experiences of age discrimination affect elderly male's perception and his attitude towards the elderly life, and to verify the mediation effects of the family and peer relations, which would necessitate the need for social welfare intervention. 215 participants, the elderly men registered at the welfare centers in Seoul Metropolitan area, participated in this research utilizing the structural equation modeling to verify the mediation effect. The findings are as follows. First, the elderly males's experiences of age discrimination is found not to have a significant effect on their perception towards the elderly. Second, the elderly males' discrimination experience has a significant effect on their attitude towards the elderly life. Third, it is found out that family function and peer relationship has complete mediation effect on the perception on the elderly experiencing discrimination in their perception towards the elderly life. Fourth, the family function and peer relationship has partial mediation effect on the elderly male experiencing discrimination in their attitude toward their life after retirement. This shows that more efforts are needed to reduce discrimination towards the elderly, and that strong family function and peer relations help the elderly to develop more positive perception and attitude towards the elderly life. In conclusion, it proposes an institutional approach towards the problem as well as increased support for elderly welfare service including family counseling intended to strengthen family function and alternative family, and more active social activities aimed at strengthening of peer relationship.

A Study on the Relation between the Community and the Mask dramas of Korea southeast region (한국 동남부 탈놀음과 공동체와의 상관성 고찰)

  • Chung, Sangbak
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.32
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    • pp.7-30
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    • 2016
  • The inter­relationship of Korea southeast region community related to a mask dramas in depth. The Folk mask dramas are, for traditional community members to live well and enjoy cultural practices in society. Even if a mask drama would be performed in the 21st century, it would be the one of traditional society. It shows the life of traditional society and proposes the issue of traditional society. The thing is handed down well with technology of a mask drama assigned as intangible cultural asset. The Korea southeast region, Kyongsang Provinces, or Yeongnam area has been handed down several kind of mask dramas. These are Byeolsingut Talnori with religious, the Ogwangdae of wandering play team, the Ogwangdae of local residents, and the Dulnorum of local residents. The mask dramas of Korea southeast region are specified as intangible cultural asset, many traditional mask play were restored. The restoring is imitation. These things are difficult to assigned as the intangible cultural asset. But though it is the imitation of the mask dramas, it is culture phenomenon. So we need to make the fostering system.

A Study on the Emergence of Family-Care worker: Why Families choose to be Care Worker in Korea? (가족요양보호사의 발생에 대한 탐색적 연구: 한국의 노인장기요양보험제도에서 가족은 왜 요양보호사가 되었나?)

  • Yang, Nan Joo
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate causes of the emergence of so-called 'family-care workers' in the Long-term Care Insurance system in Korea. The LTCI system introduced in 2008 financially support the utilization of formal care services for the eligible elderly with care needs by paying for services of their care workers. Interestingly, 38.4 percent of payments for the in-home services were claimed by family members registered as qualified long-term care workers in 2012. We interviewed ten family care workers in depth and analyzed the needs of the aged and their families to explain the emergence of family care workers. The emergence of family-care workers is an inevitable result of choice by family members who face a dual burden of living and caring; be the additional choice following discharge the duty to support the elderly; be the alternative choice to fulfill unaccepted needs for services. These results suggest the needs for a comprehensive public provision of both income and social service support for the aged and an introduction of financial support for family care complementing the formal care support in the LTCI in Korea.

Shift Work Female Nurse Turnover Intention Structural Equation Modelling: Focused on Tertiary Hospitals (교대근무 여자간호사 이직의도 구조모형: 상급종합병원을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Hang Nan;So, Hyang Sook;Jang, Aeri
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2021
  • This study uses a structural equation model for the turnover intention of female nurses performing shift work at a tertiary hospital. Data collection was conducted from November 11 to December 20, 2015, and 283 samples were included in the final analysis. As a result, 12 of the 19 hypotheses of the final model were supported. It was confirmed that external employment opportunities, nursing professional value, nursing organizational culture, job stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and burn out accounted for 47.8% of the turnover intention. Burn out(+) and organizational commitment(-)had direct effects on turnover intentions, and nursing professional, relationship-oriented nursing organizational culture, and job stress showed indirect effects. Therefore, in order to reduce the turnover intention of female nurses working in shifts at tertiary hospitals, it is necessary to prevent burnout, increase organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. For this purpose, measures to strengthen relation-oriented nursing organizational culture and nursing professional intuition are required. In terms of hospital manpower management, the institutional arrangements of hospitals that enable flexible working hours adjustment, mutually respectful relationship-centered organizational culture, education, and policy support to reinforce nursing professional intuition, and the institutional system of hospitals to work with pride should be implemented.

A Study on the Sustainability of Social Enterprises Focusing on Companies in the Field of Culture and Arts (문화예술분야 사회적기업의 지속가능성에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.668-680
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    • 2021
  • Recently, measures for successful settlement and sustainability of social enterprises have become an important topic. Accordingly, researches related to social enterprises are increasing, but studies measuring sustainability are still insufficient. In this study, in order to seek the sustainability and development of social enterprises in the field of literature and arts, a theoretical model for the sustainability of social enterprises in the field of culture and arts was presented. To this end, interviews were conducted with social enterprises in the field of culture and arts, and the results were analyzed to derive the concept and categorization of sustainability of social enterprises in the field of culture and arts. In addition, the integration between the derived categories is illustrated. For a social enterprise in the field of culture and arts to be sustainable, differentiated culture and arts services are important, and each company must constantly strive for its mission and vision, and a differentiated branding strategy unique to companies is required. This research is expected to lay the foundation for empirical research on social enterprises in the culture and arts sector as data for entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs who run social enterprises in the field of culture and arts.