• 제목/요약/키워드: 제도적 지원방안

검색결과 326건 처리시간 0.024초

A Review of Laws and Evaluation Criteria on Health, Nutrition, and Safety in Child Care Centers (어린이집 건강과 영양, 안전관리 현황과 과제)

  • Choi, Hye Jin;Nam, Mi Kyoung;Son, Won Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.43-71
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    • 2014
  • This study reviews recent trends of laws and evaluation criteria of heath, nutrition, and safety in child care centers, and addresses future research directions on them. To this end, we analyzed Child Care Laws, Child Care Acts, Child Care Program Accreditation Standards and Criteria, as well as master's theses, doctoral dissertations and journals that have been published on these issues since 1991. Through a comprehensive and critical review, we revealed three following findings in terms of child heath, nutrition, and safety. First, it is necessary to strengthen regulations for all children's heath, nutrition, and safety, or to discuss measures corresponding to those regulations to provide the best possible care to every child. Second, a careful examination of accreditation standards on health, nutrition and safety found that, although specific actions and criteria on these issues were already prepared, their implementation is not mandatory and the quality of provided health, nutrition and safety is not properly guaranteed. This finding shows that what is still necessary is to devise effective plans for handling institutional frameworks and processes of child care program accreditation standards. Third, among the three categories of health, nutrition, and safety, the topics on safety were found to be studied most frequently, whereas the other two topics were considered much less. It thus indicates that more research on health and nutrition are necessary.

Study on the Establishment of the Act on the Prevention and Protection of Technology Leakage ('기술유출방지 및 보호지원에 관한 법률'제정에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Jae-Chul;Ko, Zoon-ki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제17권7호
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    • pp.487-497
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    • 2017
  • South Korea needs reorganization of dispute resolution system due to the frequent occurrence of a case that trade secret or technique are leaked. First, the distributed various laws are established and enforced by enacting and enforcing individual laws. Therefore, the redundancy problems, the collision of individual laws, the decline in diversity, integrity, and connectivity are issues. An independent legal system is needed by Act on the Prevention and Protection of Technology Leakage. Thereby, The support system of technological protection that is sprayed in government departments such as the Small and Medium Business Administration, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Patent Office, the Fair Trade Commission, the Trade Committee, the National Police Agency, and the Spy Agency integrates and unifies institutionally, and it is necessary to advance a policy with functional division. Second, the Patent Tribunal, the Invention Promotion Act, the Industrial Property Right Dispute Mediation Committee by the patent law, the Industrial Technical Dispute Mediation Committee on the Industrial Technology Outflow Prevention and Protection Law and the Medium and Small Firm Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Committee on Small Business Technology Protection Support Law are installed. However, since it established the integrated law on the Act on the Prevention and Protection of Technology Leakage, it is desirable to set the merged operation of establishment on the Technical Dispute Mediation Committee under the Small and Medium Business Administration or the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

Suggestions for Settlement Stable Employment Culture of Dental Hygienist (치과위생사의 안정적인 고용문화 정착을 위한 제언)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the causes of career interruptions among dental hygienists, institutional measures required for their long service and ways of creating a stable employment culture for them in determine how to resolve labor shortage, create stable jobs, and step up the reemployment of idle manpower. In addition, the following suggestions are made for the establishment of a stable employment culture for dental hygienists by analyzing related literature, research materials, and information such as forums for establishing appropriate jobs for female dental workers. First, a system should be set up to prevent career interruption among dental hygienists. The work environment should be improved to prevent career breaks, and the wages, working hours, and working style should be efficiently structured to maintain the tenure of employees. Second, a plan should be devised to make use of idle manpower, and a variety of necessary programs should be developed. With respect to regular working hours, the time conversion system should be used, which reduces the amount of time one would want to work while receiving a national subsidy. Third, dental hygienists working in different occupations for marriage, childbirth, childcare, school and personal hygiene should make a way to return to the dental system immediately when they want. Fourth, the government should take institutional measures and offer down-to-earth support and benefits for women consideration their social characteristics to guarantee a balance between work and childcare.

A Study of Infant Care Teacher's Training Program and Its Effectiveness : Implications for Research and Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care (영아보육교사의 전문성 향상을 위한 현직교사교육 프로그램의 현황, 효과검증 및 향후 과제)

  • Seo, So Jung;Oh, Sun Jin
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.169-192
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    • 2012
  • This study reviewed the current status of in-service education programs for infant care teachers in early childhood education and care settings. In addition, the training program(titled "infant specialist program") which had been developed in one district of Seoul in order to assist the job performance and speciality for infant care teachers was discussed. The focus in the development of the training program, its teaching content and method were addressed in detail. The results related to evaluation of the training program of interest were reported. The infant care teachers who had participated in the training program reported that the levels of their teaching efficacy and those of knowledge of infant development from post-tests were significantly increased over time. In line with the main results of this study, implications for practice and policy were discussed.

전염병정보화사업의 현황과 발전 방향

  • Lee Jong-Gu
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한예방의학회 2001년도 춘계 심포지움 연제집
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2001
  • 전염병 정보화사업은 1995년 콜레라의 집단 발병을 계기로 1996년부터 추진되었다. 교통의 발달과 국제교류의 증가는 전염병의 전파와 확산속도가 빨라져 국민건강을 위협하고 있으며 기존의 수작업만으로 정보수집 및 효율적인 전염병관리가 어려워 체계적이고 효율적인 전염병관리를 위하여 국가적 D/B 구축, 전염병관리의 의사결정지원자료 축적의 필요성 제기되었으나 독자적인 망 구축에는 막대한 예산이 들고 망의 운영과 유지관리를 위한 예산과 조직의 한계가 있는 상황에서 콜레라 발생을 계기로 보건복지부 방역과, 국립보건원, 국립서울 검역소, 경기도 6개 보건소 및 경기 및 인천 보건환경연구원을 실험적으로 연계하여 전염병 관리에 필요한 정보의 내용과 흐름, 자료 관리를 위한 기관별, 자치단체별 역할과 기능 등에 관한 개념 정립 둥 전산개발과 함께 제도정비 방안 등이 동시에 수행되었다. 이러한 실험과 연구 결과를 토대로 1998년부터 인터넷을 활용한 전염병의 신고 보고, 전염병관련 자료의 D/B를 통한 전염병의 발생 예측, GIS 등 전염병에 관한 모든 정보를 제공할 수 있는 portal site 구축을 위한 2단계 정보화사업이 정보통신부 지원 하에 시도되었다. 약 2년간의 작업 결과 전염병관리의 전산화 가능성이 확인된 후 전염병예방법을 개정하여 전산 보고의 제도적 틀을 만들고 2000년 8월부터 법정전염병은 전산 보고가 이루어 지고 있다. 일방적이 보고이외 전염병관리의 쌍방화를 위하여 각종 지령/정보의 전파, 각종 통계, 지침, 교육자료, 전염병관련 논문 등을 제공하고 있으며, 상담, 민원접수는 전염병 관련 정보의 전문화와 함께 국민과 호흡할 수 있는 시스템으로 운영될 수 있도록 설계하였다. 그러나 현재 사용하고 있는 WEB EDI가 가진 속도 문제, 응용프로그램의 문제로 신고 보고를 C/S 버전으로 전환하여 사용자의 편리성을 증진하고 있다. 또한 예방접종자료의 전산화를 통한 이상반응 관리, 접종주기 관리, 예방접종으로 관리할 수. 있는 전염병관리(Vaccine preventable disease), 학교에서 발생하는 전염병의 감시 등 전염병 포탈 사이트에 걸맞게 정보 내용을 한층 확대하고 있고 일선의료기관도 활용할 수 있는 시스템으로 발전시키고 있다. 이를 위하여 정보관리과도 신설하였다. 그러나 전염병관리의 전산화는 궁극적으로 전염병 자료의 지역화와 그를 통한 전염병관리의 분권화 및 지방자치화를 이루고자 하는 것이다. 기술적인 측면에서 전산망은 쉽게 만들 수 있으나 전염병관리의 개선과 그 정착은 1-2년간의 전산프로그램개발 작업만으로 달성되기는 어려우며 범국가적인 노력과 더불어 일선보건요원의 교육과 훈련 및 보건소장 등 보건관리자의 전산마인드 개발 등의 작업도 매우 중요할 것으로 사료된다.

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A Study on the Intermediary Experience of Product Philanthropy between Corporations and NPOs: Exploring for the Development of Product Philanthropy Systems (기업과 비영리기관의 현물기부 중개 경험에 관한 연구 : 현물기부 시스템 개발을 위한 탐색)

  • Lee, Eun Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2014
  • Although the concern about various welfare resources in the private sector is increasing, it has been less discussed on product donation in comparison with cash donation. This study is to explore effective product donation system by understanding the intermediary process experience of product philanthropy between corporations and non-profit organizations. In order to understand such process in details, data was collected by conducting interview in-depth with 4 corporate staff and 2 NPOs staff in charge for product donation. Based on the findings of study, suggestions are discussed for effective intermediary systems of product donation including the use of new technology such as the on-line system of Good 360(formerly Gift In Kind International) and for improving the partnership between corporations and NPOs to activate product philanthropy. Also, these show that it is necessary to reinforce institutional support on tax-incentive and fair market value of giving product.

Establishment of a Process for Collecting Video Scripts on a Disaster Site based on Public-private Partnerships: Focus on 2019 Practical Activities during Typhoon in the Korean Peninsula (민관협력 기반 재난현장 영상정보 수집 및 활용체계 구축: 2019년 한반도 태풍 내습 시 실전활동 사례 중심)

  • Lee, Sohee;Lee, Junwoo;Cho, Sibum
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • 제36권5_4호
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    • pp.1167-1177
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we established the process for collecting and utilizing video scripts of disaster site based on public-private partnerships. It is for the purpose of actively utilizing private capabilities in disaster management, and quickly sharing video scripts to identify field conditions. Based on the experience of actual operation of public-private partnerships system in the event of typhoon in 2019, we also derived implications for continuous operation of the process. Results are meaningful in that the government established the process for collecting and utilizing video scripts through public-private partnerships during the initial disaster response phase. And we also confirmed the possibility of spreading positive perception of disaster management organizations. However, there is a limit to the actualization and practical use of performance as an experimental pilot operation in the R&D stage. In addition, for continuous operation of the system, it is necessary to prepare institutional support measures such as organization, infrastructure for operating, programs of education and training, and policy making.

A Study on the Process Improvement for Interoperability between National R&D Performance Evaluation and Budget Planning (국가 R&D 성과평가 및 예산 연계를 위한 프로세스 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joon;Kim, Jae-Soo;Kook, Youn-Gyou
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.44-67
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    • 2010
  • Because of the difficulties on budget estimation of National R&D projects, it is expected that the errors of decision making can be reduced if the information on project performance and its evaluation result is provided to the decision stakeholders in a timely manner, as a reference. In reality, however, the result of project evaluation is not utilized in its own purpose. One reason is that the information on evaluation result and budget is not shared at the right time. The other is that the interconnection between systems to support those information is not realized yet. Therefore, the current status of National R&D projects is analyzed in terms of before and after the reign of current government. In particular, this paper is focused on the improvement through the procedural and systematic approaches and attempted to suggest the enhanced process for the seamless interconnection between National R&D performance evaluation and budget information.

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The Impact of Job Stress and Work-Family Conflict among Married Workers in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises on Turnover Intention (중소기업 기혼근로자의 직무스트레스와 직장-가정갈등(WFC)이 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Soo-Chan;Lee, Ji-Sun;Lee, Eun-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to verify the impact of job stress on turn over intention among the married workers in small and medium sized enterprises in South Korea, as well as to examine mediation effect of work-family conflict between the two variables. For this research, 135 workers were selected through a web-based survey from February to March, 2015. As results, job stress was statistically influential on turnover intention and work-family conflict. Work-family conflict implied the partial mediation effect of turnover intention, with both direct and indirect impacts on depression. The findings suggest that preventive programs against job stress and work-family conflict, such as Employee Assistance Programs(EAPs), should be launched in order to reduce the problems. Korean government must legislate for family-friendly work environment to help company could activate the assistance programs for the employees who suffer from the work-family conflicts.

A Study on the Factors Obstructing Prostitutes' Escape from Prostitution (성매매 여성들의 탈성매매 저해요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Keun-Moo;Yu, Eun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2006
  • Since enforcement of the anti-prostitution law, in spite of systematic setting helping escape prostitution of the women who engage in prostitution that they have had the will lasting prostitution. Therefore, this study aimed to devise intervention plan helping their escape prostitution and return to social by examining individual and structural factor obstructing their escape prostitution The data were collected through the in-depth interview and text. And these were analysed according to coding, constitution of concept, matching, construction of explanation on the phenomenon. The nine women who engaging in prostitution were participated in this study. As a result of the data analysis, 46 concepts and 10 categories were generated. By classification of individual and structural factor, the outcomes of an interpretation were as follows: The cause obstructing Prostitutes' escape prostitution were (1) distrust on the policy of the government, (2) life-script was made by reaction-formation, (3) predestined resignation caused by anxiety, (4) body as capital goods, and (5) the commensal model with pimp. Based on this result, we proposed practical and political alternative plans for prostitutes.

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