• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제내지

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Studies on the Petroleum hydrocarbon-utilizing Micro-organisms(Part 2) - On the Production of Single Cell Protein from Petroleum hydrocarbon with a yeast strain - (석유 탄화수소 이용 미생물에 관한 연구 (제 2 보) - 효모를 이용한 석유탄화수소로 부터 단백질 생산에 관하여 -)

  • Lee, Ke-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Kyung
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1971
  • In order to obtain basic information on the production of single cell protein from petroleum, more than 400 yeast strains were isolated from various soil samples in Korea utilizing petroleum hydrocarbon as the sole carbon source. A yeast strain showing the highest cell yield among the isolated strains was selected and identified. The optimal culture condition was searched in the flasks shaken throughout the procedure. And the growing characteristics for the selected yeast strain and chemical analysis of the yeast cell component were carried out. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The selected yeast strain was identified as Candida curvata and we named it Candida curvata-SNU 70. 2. The composition of the medium proposed for the present yeast strain is: Light Gas Oil 30ml, Urea 400mg, Ammonium sulfate 100mg, Potasium phosphate (monobasic) 670mg, Sodium phosphate (dibasic) 330mg, Magnesium sulfate 500mg, Calcium carbonate 3g, Yeast extract 50mg, Tween 20 0.05ml, Tap water 1,000ml. 3. Other culture conditions employed for the yeast were pH 5.5-7.0, temp. $30^{\circ}C$ under an affluent aerobic state. 4. Addition of light gas oil in portions to the culture media as the growth proceeded was more effective, especially in the cultivation on the higher oil concentration media. 5. Studies on the propagation of the yeast cells in the light gas oil medium revealed that the yeast has the lag phase lasted 16 hours and the logarithmic growth phase covered 16 to 28 hours. The specific growth rate was about $0.22\;hr^{-1}$ and doubling time was 3.2 hrs. during the logarithmic growth phase. 6. Under the cultural condition employed, the cell yield against the amount of light gas oil (wt%) was 16.1% and the protein content of the dried yeast cells was 48.4%.

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A Study on the Product Design Process in I-Business Environment Focusing on Development of the Internet-based Design Process - (e-비지니스환경에서의 제품디자인 프로세스에 관한 기초연구-인터넷기반의 디자인 프로세스 개발을 중심으로-)

  • 이수봉;이돈희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.181-198
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a on-line design tool for effectively coping with e-Business environment, or product design process into a Cyber model for traditional manufacturers which attempts new product development under such environment. It was finally developed as a model named $\ulcorner$Design Vortal Site; e-BVDS) that was based on the structure and style of internet web site. Results of the study can be described as follows ; \circled1 e-Business is based on the Internet. All processes in the context of e-Business require models whose structure and method of use are on-line styles. \circled2 In case that a traditional manufacturing business is converted into e-Business, it is better to first consider Hybrid Model that combines resources and advantages of both such traditional and digital businesses. \circled3 The product design process appropriate for e-Business environment has to have a structure and style that ensure utilization of the process as an Internet web site, active participation by product developers and interactive communication between participants in designing and designers. \circled4 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) makes possible the use of designers around the wend like in-house designers, overcoming lack in creativity, ideas and human resources traditional business organizations face. However, the operation of $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ requires time and budget investments in securing related elements and conditions. \circled5 Cyber designers under $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ can easily perform all design projects in cyber space. But they have some limits in playing a role as designers and they have difficulty in getting rewards if such projects completed by them are not finally accepted. \circled6 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS) ensures the rapid use of a wide range of design information and data, reception of a variety of solutions and ideas and effective design development, all of which are not possible through traditional processes. However, this process may not be suitable to be used routine process or tool. \circled7 $\ulcorner$e-BDVS$\lrcorner$ makes it possible for out-sourcing or partners businesses to overcome restrictions in time and space and improve productivity and effectiveness. But such they may have to continue off-line works that can not be treated on-line.

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Sprachtypologische Fehleranalyse - Im Vergleich der deutschen und koreanischen Sprache - (독일어와 한국어를 비교한 언어 유형적 분석)

  • Park Jin-Gil
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.7
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2003
  • 우리는 지금까지 독일어와 한국어 두 언어간의 오류분석을 논의해 왔다. 특히 언어유형학적인 측면에서 몇 가지 오류유형과 분석을 시도했다. 그 결과는 대체로 다음과 같이 요약될 수 있다. 독일어와 한국어가 서로 근본적으로 상반되는 언어현상과 더불어 약간의 공통성을 나타내며 일정한 유형을 나타낸다. 이는 두로 인간의 언어습득장치에 기인된 언어습득의 결정주의(Determinismus)에서 비롯될 것이다. 언어특성/문제의 체계성/규칙성 또는 일관성은 이를 반영한다. 거대한 언어자료 중에 극히 미미한 일부, 즉 언어최소량를 정복함으로써 그 효용성을 극대화할 수 있는 것은 매우 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 이를 연구 이용하는 경우에는 엄청난 효과와 가능성을 기대할 수 있을 것이다. (1) 독일어와 한국어의 학습 및 오류분석에서 가장 핵심적인 것은 언어유형학적으로 드러난 언어특성, 즉 전치성(독일어/영어)과 후치성(한국어)이다. 이를 토대로 형성된 대립적인 면과 공통적인 문제를 체계화하는 것이 역시 오류분석 문제의 관건이다. 또한 독일어가 아직 후치성 언어(한국어(TXV))에서 출발해서 전치성 언어(영어(SVX))로 발전/변화해 가는 과정, 즉 중간단계인 TVX에 머물고 있다는 사실이 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 즉 그들의 대극성과 유사성을 연결하는 실마리로 볼 수 있기 때문이다. (2) 일치(Kongruenz)/상관(Korrelation) 및 반복(Wiederholung) 현상, 그리고 격변화와 인칭변화 현상은 어순문제와 더불어 형태론적 문제를 통해 문법적인 확인수단으로 작용한다. 이들은 대부분 체계적/구조적으로 나타나기 때문에 학습자는 흔히 같은 유형에서 반복적으로 오류를 범하기 마련이다. 이를 극복하기 위해서 언어 유형학적 오류분석을 이해하고 또한 이를 통해 오류를 줄이거나 예방하는 학습이 필요하다. (3) 명사가 한정사구 안에서 성/수/격에 따라 변화하는 것과 동사가 동사구에서 주어의 인칭/수에 따라 인칭변화 하는 것은 우리 한국인에게는 아주 이색적인 현상이다. 이는 양면적인 수식구조에 대한 확인수단 및 원자가에 의한 강력한 형식위주 언어인 독일어와 전위적인 단일 수식구조와 부정형 동사를 특성으로 형성된 핵/최소문 언어간의 필연적인 적응관계 및 결과라고 볼 수 있다. 이 두 가지 유형 역시 언어특성에 따라 도식화/공식화 할 수 있다. (4) 괄호현상, 즉 으뜸머리(Hauptkopf)가 버금머리(Nebenkopf)와 분리하는 것은 우리 한국인에게는 아주 이색적인 언어현상이다. 한국어에는 머리의 이동이 없기 때문이다. 긴 구문에서 버금머리를 잊어버리거나 실수하는 것은 모든 괄호구문에서 예견되는 결과이다. 그러나 이는 정치성과 후치성 언어간의 전이 과정으로 이해될 수 있다. 으뜸머리가 원래의 자리를 박차고 소속 구/문의 앞자리로 도약한 것처럼 느껴지기 때문이다. (5) 전치 및 후치 수식이 유동적으로 작용하는 독일어는 전치 수식만으로 고정된 한국어보다 복잡하지만 균형적인 언어구조이다. 이러한 수식구조에서 한국인은 흔히 형태 및 어순에서, 그리고 번역에서 오류를 범하고 만다. (6) 그러나 가장 중요한 것은 아는 것을 제대로 이용하는 문제이다. 모국어/L2를 자유로이 말하고 쓸 때까지, 즉 언어습득에는 일체이 문법이나 도표/도식을 이용할 필요가 없다는 사실이다. 이는 17세기 서구의 이성주의 철학자들의 한결같은 경고이다. 오늘날 초고속 과학문명에서 더욱 빛을 발하는 것은 당연한 결과이다. 한 언어 속에 들어있는 문법체계를 익혀 가는 것이 곧 언어습득 과정이지만, 이를 달성하는 가능성 내지 첩경은 실제적인 언어자료와 체험이지 결코 문법이나 추상적인 개념적 접근이 아님을 웅변하고 있기 때문이다. 핵심적인 문제는 모국어교육에서도 최대 장점인 대화를 통한 언어연습/대화 기회를 최대한 보장하는 데 있다. 또한 언어간섭 현상을 조장하는 분위기를 막아야 할 것이다. 이러한 의미에서 교수법 개발이 외국어/L2 성공의 관건일 것이다. (7) 언어학습에서 오류를 극복하는 데는 일차적인 실제 상황에 부합하는 대화적인 연습, 그리고 효과적인 언어자료 접촉, 즉 독서와 모방이 중요하다. 이차적이고 직접적인 것은 통사(Syntax) 및 형태론(Morphologie)를 익힐 수 있는 말/문을 끊임없이 익히는 일이다. 이것이 또한 언어최소량을 충족시켜 언어습득에 이르는 첩경이다. 자연 생태적인 모국어 학습 또는 조정 및 제도적인 언어학습에서도 실제상황에 어긋나는 문법적인 체계에 얽매이는 도식 및 도표 위주의 텟스트는 일시적인 기대일 뿐이다. 인간의 언어습득장치를 이해하지 못한 결과이기 때문이다. 문법적인 개념위주 접근은 상당한 설명이 필요해서 절박한 자료와 체험까지 앗아가기 마련이다. 더구나 이를 위해 수준을 무시하고 모국어로 일관하여 벙어리와 문맹을 자초하는 것은 참으로 어리석은 일이다. 지식 정보화 시대 및 세계화 시대에는 무엇보다도 교육 및 언어정책이 국가 발전의 원동력이다. 특히 영어를 비롯한 외국어 학습능력과 학습방법은 매우 중요하다. 학습자에게 말하고 쓰는 기본 능력을 보장하는 것이 급선무이다. 이를 위한 작업의 하나가 바로 언어간의 오류분석일 것이다. 언어의 습득과 활용이 체계적이듯이 오류분석 역시 상당히 체계적이다. 그래서 인간의 언어습득과 언어습득장치를 두고 결정론(Determinismus)이 지배적이다. 이러한 의미에서 언어습득의 3대 요소, 즉 언어습득장치를 구비한 인간으로 태어나고, 해당 언어를 통한 일관된 언어체험/학습으로 언어최소량을 충족해야 한 언어를 정복할 수 있다는 것은 결정적인 사실이다. 학생고객에게 다가서는 책임교육으로 교육개방에 대비하는 일 역시 시대적인 상황이요 또한 결정적인 단계임엔 틀림이 없을 것이다.

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A Legislative Study on Cultural HeritageBetween 1945 and 1960 - Focused on the Cultural Heritage Protection Act Legislated in 1962 - (1945~1960년 문화재 관련 입법 과정 고찰 - 1962년 문화재보호법 전사(前史) 관련 -)

  • Kim, Jongsoo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.78-103
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    • 2019
  • The Conservation Decree of the Chosun Treasures Historic and Natural Monuments (hereinafter referred to as the Conservation Decree), which was enacted during the Japanese colonial period, was preserved in accordance with the provisions of article No. 100 of the constitutional law. However, legislative attempts were made to replace the Conservation Decree during the US military administration and early Korean Government. The first attempt was about the National Treasures Historic and Natural Monuments which were brought in by the Legislative Assembly of South Chosun (1947) during the US military administration. The second was a bill by the government for preservation of historical interests (1950), which was submitted to the National Assembly on March 15, 1950 (the so-called Preservation Act (1950)). These two bills were amended and supplemented on the basis of the existing contents of the Conservation Decree. Afterwards, from 1952 to 1960, the legislation of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act (1959) and the Cultural Heritage Bill (1960) were subsequently introduced and enacted. The government's attempt to enact such a cultural property bill was aimed at the legislature to replace the preservation order system that had been in effect since the Japanese colonial period. However, due to the political situation at the time, these laws did not reach final legislation. In October 1960, the government enacted the Regulations for the Preservation of Cultural Property, which was an administrative edict that was promulgated and enacted in November. This was the first official cultural property decree introduced by the Korean government. With the enactment and promulgation of the Cultural Heritage Protection Act in January 1962, Korea's judicial cultural property legislation was established, based on the Korean government's unremitting efforts and experience in legislation of cultural property. In that context, the Cultural Heritage Protection Act is a historical product. The Cultural Heritage Protection Act, which was enacted in 1962, is known to emulate or transplant Japan's Cultural Heritage Protection Act (1950). It was not fully recognized that it was an extension of the Korean government's legislative process of cultural property during the period of 1945-1960. Therefore, it is important to examine the legislative process of cultural property from 1945 to 1960 to understand the background of enacting the Cultural Heritage Protection Act in 1962 along with the establishment of the Korean Cultural Property Law.

A Comparative Analysis of News Frame on U. S. Beef Imports and Candlelight Vigils (미국산 수입쇠고기와 촛불시위 보도에 나타난 뉴스 프레임 비교 연구)

  • Im, Yang-June
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.108-147
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    • 2009
  • This study explores the news frames on the U. S. beef imports and candlelight vigils covered by the two national dailies such as ChosunIlbo and the Hankyoreh Shinmun; the KwangwonIlbo, a local daily. The news frames extracted based on the models of Iyengar(1987), Semetko & Valkenburg(2000) and other researchers are attribution of responsibility, economic sequences, protest against the authorities, national health and governmental public relations and so on. The result shows that the news reports are consisted of the straight news(75.9%), feature stories(11.7%) and editorials(6.3%). More specifically, there is a comparatively hight ratio of editorials(11.0%) for the ChosunIlbo, feature stories(20.9%) for the Hankyoreh, and the straight news(89.7%) for the KwangwonIlbo. In terms of the news frames stressed by the three dailies, the ChosunIlbo focuses and stresses on the national health(17.8%) and the attribution of responsibilities(10.6%). However, the Hankyoreh have a tendency to stress on the protest against the authorities(31.3%) and attribution of responsibilities(38.4%); the KwangwonIlbo, focuses on the protest against the authorities(38.4%) and the economic sequences(17.9%). Finally, in the case of the main characteristics of the dailies, the governmental public relations frame is found only on the ChosunIlbo that has a comparatively high ratio; the Hankyoreh also has a high ratio of the feature stories on the U. S. beef imports. Even thought the KwangwonIlbo has a high ratio of the economic sequence frame, the ratio of opinion pages, such as editorial and columns, the local newspaper has not spoken up for the potential economic crisis of the local Kwangwon province beef industry, mainly caused by the U. S. import beef.

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International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Debris (우주잔해 손해에 대한 국제책임)

  • Kim, Dong-Uk
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.173-205
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    • 2008
  • Space debris have frequently caused damage to space objects like satellites in orbits and sometimes have fallen on the earth. Such increase in space debris will lead to the high possibility of threatening space activities of mankind. However, it is not so easy for the damage caused both by identified and by unidentified space debris to be recovered since in the regime of the current international law, there is no legislation of prescribing the damage done by space debris. For overcoming the limitation it seems desirable that either the Liability Convention should partly be amended or new international law regime should be established. For instance, 'space debris' should be included in the new definition of 'space object' and the range of launching should also be defined clearly by making the concept of 'launching' somewhat more specified. Moreover, the subject of international liability for damage caused by space debris should be divided into two classes: the subject before and after registration. While in case of before-registration launch states should be held liable for any damage jointly or individually, in case of after-registration 'the state of registry' or 'owner' of the space debris should be. In the event of damage being caused elsewhere than on the surface of the earth to a space object of other State, 'fault-based liability' is currently applied. But it needs to be changed into 'absolutely liability'. In this paper, 'Liability Pool', 'Insurance', 'Market-Share Liability' are presented as aid devices of the damages resulting from unidentified space debris. They should be defined through the amendment of the Liability Convention or another international treaty. Some day there comes a time when our country shall possess many of the astronomical price of satellites. It means that we can't be free from the damage by the increasing number of space debris. Provided that our satellites are damaged by such space debris, it will do the satellites damage and cause impaired functioning or troubles in operation. As a result, if we are not paid for the damage by space debris, we will be confronted with tremendous economic loss because it is necessarily connected with the excess burden of taxation. Thus, an international agreement regarding the measures of the compensation for space debris damage must be made very soon.

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Petrochemical Study on the Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks in Kageo island, Korea (가거도(소흑산도)의 백악기 화산암류에 대한 암석화학적 연구)

  • 김진섭;백맹언;성종규
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 1997
  • This study reports the results about the petrography and geochemical characteristics of 10 representative volacanic rocks. The Cretaceous volcanic rocks distributed in the vicinity of the Kageo island composed of andesitic rocks, dacitic welded tuff, and rhyolitic rocks in ascending order. Sedimentary rock is the basement in the study area covered with volcanic rocks. Andesitic rocks composed of pyroclastic volcanic breccia, lithic lapilli tuff and cryptocrystallin lava-flow. Most dacitic rocks are lapilli ash-flow welded tuff. Rhyolitic rocks consists of rhyolite tuff and rhyolite lava flow. Rhyolite tuff are lithic crystal ash-flow tuff and crystal vitric ash-flow tuff with somewhat accidental fragments of andesitic rocks, but dacitic rocks. The variation of major and trace element of the volcanic rocks show that contents of $Al_2O_3$, FeO, CaO, MgO, $TiO_2$ decrease with increasing of $SiO_2$. On the basis of Variation diagrams such as $Al_2O_3$ vs. CaO, Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb, and $Ce_N/YB_N$ vs. $Ce_N$, these rocks represent mainly differentiation trend of calc-alkaline rock series. On the discriminant diagrams such as Ba/La and La/Th ratio, Rb vs. Y + Nb, the volcanic rocks in study area belongs to high-K Orogenic suites, with abundances of trace element and ternary diagram of K, Na, Ca. According to the tectonic discriminant diagram by Wood, these rocks falls into the diestructructive continental margin. K-Ar ages of whole rocks are from andesite to rhyolite $97.0{\pm}6.8~94.5{\pm}6.6,\68.9{\pm}4.8,\61.5{\pm}4.9~60.7{\pm}4.2$ Ma, repectively. Volcanic rocks in study area show well correlation to the Yucheon Group in terms of rock age dating and geochemcial data, and derived from andesitic calc-alkaline magma that undergone low pressure fractional crystallization dominated plagioclase at <30km.

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The Physiological Efficacy of Aloe Gel (Aloe Gel의 생리 효과에 대한 고찰 - Gel의 다당류와 미량 성분을 중심으로 -)

  • 서화중
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1026-1038
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    • 1995
  • Although aloe lost a lot of its previous popularity in modern clinical uses as medicine numerous scientific researches still have claimed the beneficial properties(curing and general tonic effect) of aloe gel. Whereas considerable contradictory reports have helped to confuse the aloe gel issue and continually aroused controversy about aloe gel efficacy. However health food, cosmetic and medicinal products made from aloe gel are widely available in the world market especially in U.S.A. so the growing of Aloe plant and the processing of A. vera gel have become big industries in some countries. In some previous papers the salicylic acid, one of the common trace gel components, was thought to have an analgetic and antinflammatory effect. Large amount of Mg ion in the gel was suggested to act as anesthetic, Mg-lactate as antihistamic, and Aloctin A(a glycoprotein) as wound healer by promoting the cell growth. The carboxypeptidase and bradykinase activity in the gel were proposed to have the pain relieving and antiinflammatory effect. But any of thes etheories concerining the physiological action of the trace gel components has not been demonstrated by modern pharmacology, and failed to be supported by clinical research. It was suggested by some research workers that trace amount of anthraquinone compounds in the gel play an important role to act as false substrate inhibitors for PG and TX production(antiprostanoid effect), by which, they believed, inflammation, burn and frostbite, and infected wound could be healed. This hypothesis has not been substantiated. Butthe suggested antimicrobial action, antidiabetic, and antidotic effect of aloe gel are likely to be attributed to the trace anthraquinone compounds. In a lot of recent experimental reports it has been claimed that aloe gel polysaccharides(acetylglucomannan, acetylmannan, and glycoprotein) have the antimicrobial, antinflammatory, antitumour, and infected wound healing effect by immunoenhancement. It is hoped that these effects will be soon documented in clinical studies, then the controversy on aloe gel beneficial effect will cease. In the 30 days subchronic toxicity test the lowest observed adverse effect level of acemannan(acetylmannan) on dog was 5.0 mg/kg, IP. But the aloe gel is generally agreed to be harmless and non toxic even for the internal use such as health food. In the case of idiosynrasy one must keep the delayed type hypersensitivity reaction of aloe gel in mind. In conclusion it seem to be impossible to simply refuse a lot of evidences made by research workers who have claimed aloe gel's beneficial effects and to deny the fact that there had been long therapeutic histories of Aloe plants.

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Study on Morphological Characteristics of Rice Soils in Mangeong-Dongjin and Yeongsan Watersheds (영산강(榮山江)과 만경(萬頃)·동율강유역(東律江流域)의 답토양분포(畓土壤分布)에 관(關)하여)

  • Kim, Han-Myoung;Cho, Guk-Hyun;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Eun, Mu-Young;Rho, Sung-Pyo;Shin, Yong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 1984
  • To obtain the basic date for the improvement of cultural and managemental problems caused by soil characteristics and soil productivity in rice cultivation of Honam area, morphological characteristics of rice soils were investigated in Mangeng-Dongjin and Yeongsan Water-sheds, and compaired differences between two major Watersheds. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. According to U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy Classification System, eight great groups are distributed in rice soils of two major Watersheds. More than 50% of rice paddy soils are classified as Haplaquepts. 2. Two Watersheds are quite different in soil parent materials. In Mangeong-Dongjin Watershed, most soils (55.1%) are derived from fluvic-marine deposits. Remainders are derived from local alluvium (24.7%) and alluvium (14.2%). But in Yeongsan Watershed, the order is local alluvium>alluvium>fluvio-marine deposits. 3. Rice soils occur mostly in coastal and inland flat-site with the slope of less than 2% (57.8%) in Mangeong-Dongjin Watersheds. However, in Yeongsan Watershed, flat-site and low undulating terrace are mostly distributed (52.9%). 4. About 81.9, 61.4 and 53.3% of rice soils are classified as fine textured in Yeongsan, Dongjin, and Mangeong Watersheds, respectively. 5. More normal paddy soils and less sandy paddy soils are distributed in Yeongsan Watershed. The results indicate that more rice soils are classified as productivity classes of I and II in Yeongsan Watershed than in Mangeong-Dongjin Watersheds.

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Nammyeong Jo-Sik's Practical Social Reformism (남명 조식의 현실적 사회개혁론 - 경(敬)·의(義)를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, mi rim
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.39
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    • pp.29-52
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    • 2013
  • Philosophy of respect righteousness advocated by Nammyung points to what first needs to be done to drive social changes. It is consistent with the Confucianism, which views the world from within oneself. After all, developing a proper view of the society starts from looking at oneself in the right perspective. The view that personal cultivation can develop into cultivation and eventually reform of the entire society is also present in Confucius' belief that one can only be at peace after disciplining oneself and observe good manners only after perseverance. Also, one can lead the world in peace only after disciplining one's body and mind. In other words, it suggests that individuals and the community where they belong to are not independent from one another. Rather, individuals gather to create a society and righteous individuals are the basis for righteous society. These principles of social system in Confucianism can be understood as a mutual or layered division and integration. The society is not conflicted with individuals or the nation but rather perceived as moral communities to co-exist. Hence, power of execution observed in the philosophy of respect and righteousness by Nammyung is identical to power of execution applied to the society. The power of execution shows up as 'the execution of righteousness' in Nammyung's philosophy of respect and righteousness. It is also demonstrated in the acts by Nammyung's disciples when the nation was at crisis. This is what differentiates Nammyung's new-Confucianism in Joseon Dynasty from Toegye or Yulgok as he tried to deliver 'the execution of righteousness.' It does not mean that neo-Confucian scholars did not emphasize the importance of execution, but Nammyung, in particular, warned how deceitful ideological or inner-directed thinking can be since they fail to come up with concrete solutions to social issues. In summary, Nammyung's moral discipline and training based on respect and righteousness cannot be evaluated in a state of vacuum separate from social and historical aspects but under the context of enlightening virtue and social execution. This can draw the conclusion that Nammyung's execution of respect and righteousness is in the starting point of the realistic 'theory of social reform' for creating a better world.