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An Investigation on the human nature in philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming and Buddhism from a Kantian point of view (칸트의 관점에서 본 왕양명과 불교의 인간관)

  • Park, Jong-sik
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.131
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    • pp.165-197
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, I investigate on the human nature in philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming and Buddhism from a Kantian point of view. The core argument of the philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming, Buddhism and Kant is that all human beings have the pure abilities a priori to overcome themselves, to realize their own potentialities. This is called immanent transcendence. At this time human beings can be free. Kant, Wang Yang-Ming and Buddhism claim that all human beings themselves will overcome their desires from their mind and body through the immanent transcendence, reflection and contemplation on their own. When we give up the external knowledges, throw away obsessions with the selfish desires and go back to our inside, we can see our original nature. To have an insight into this inner nature, to respect the moral law a priori, this is to overcome the ourselves, and to be a Grate Man(聖人) and a Buddha. This way is the only way to be a Grate Man and a Buddha. The main proposition of Wang Yang-Ming's philosophy is expressed 'There are no things without mind.'(心外無物) The core of Kant's transcendental philosophy is called the Copernican Revolution by himself. Copernican Revolution means the transition from the object-centered epistemology to the subject-centered epistemology. 'Innate Knowing'(良知) and 'Perform Innate Knowing'(致良知), 'All human beings have the mind of Buddha'(一切衆生悉有佛性) contain the apriority, immanence of Moral Law. In this respect, the theory of Innate Knowing in Wang Yang-Ming and mind of Buddha in Buddhism, pure Moral Law in Kant has the same structure grounded in subjectivity. Even if we have the mind of Buddha, innate Knowing, moral law a priori, the reason why we don't know our original nature is that we fall into the obsessions with selfish desires, and that we have inclination to external interests. So the moment you see our original nature, ordinary people themselves turn into a Buddha. These changes and transitions are immanent transcendence. All human beings have the ability to do this changes and transitions. Buddha does not exist outside of us, but it exists with our reflections on our human nature. Buddha can not existed without our insight into the our innate Ego. Where there is our original nature, there is a Buddha. So Buddha is called the another name of the original figure of human beings.

A Study of the Dried-lacquer Amitabha Buddha Statue from Simhyangsa Temple (심향사 극락전 협저 아미타불의 제작기법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Ji-Yeon;Motoya, Myochin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.134-151
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with a review of the structure and production techniques of the Dried-lacquer Amitabha Buddha statue enshrined in Geungnakjeon Hall of Simhyangsa Temple, located in Daeho-dong, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Korea. To achieve this goal, X-ray date and two rounds of field research were performed. The data collected were reviewed, and a sample peeled off from the damaged part was analyzed to investigate the structure and material of the background layer. The results revealed that the Simhyangsa Temple Buddha statue was an almost empty Dried-lacquer(Hyeopjeo) Buddha statue where wood core had not been framed and inserted in the statue. It was thus observed that considering that the clothes wrinkles clearly remained, the same one as the irregularity of the outer clothes wrinkles, the Dried-lacquer layer was lifted made in an almost complete shape in the process of forming the clay figure as the origin form. The statue was found to be diagonally incised from the top of the head to the back of the neck to remove the clay and wood core. But in other sites, no incision was confirmed. It was observed that on the site of the head where the incision was made, an adhesives(lacquer or paste) was used. In addition, the black eyes were impacted with beads and the ears, hands, bands, and knots were made of wood. These features are identically shown in the Dried-lacquer Amitabha Buddha statue from Seonguksa Temple, known as a work of the late Goryeo dynasty; the Seated Dried-lacquer Buddha statue in Okura Museum of Art in Tokyo, Japan; the Seated Dried-lacquer Amitabha Buddha statue from Jungnimsa Temple, know as a work of the early Joseon dynasty; and the Seated Vairocana Buddha statue in Bulhoesa Temple, the Seated Dried-lacquer Amitabha Buddha and the Seated Dried-lacquer Buddha statue from Silsangsa Temple. The analysis of the back layer demonstrated that the ground layer and the red lacquer were the production of the time. In particular, the bone ash used for the ground layer was also coated for the ground layer of Buddha statues as well as for the production of the lacquerware during the Goryeo dynasty. It was also found that gold mending was conducted more than twice even in modern times and that the layer of the production time was well preserved despite gold mending several times.

A Study on the Necessity Verification of Convex Probe Disinfection (Convex Probe 소독 필요성 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kwan-Yong;Yoo, Se-jong;Lee, Jun-ho;Hong, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 2019
  • The study was conducted surveying ultrasound room workers on hospital infection awareness in Daejeon and Choong-chunng region. The contamination of ultrasonic probes used in clinical trials was measured using ATP, and the results were verified after using 70% alcohol sterilization. It was measured on the group's general characteristics and the specific categories such as academic background, job type, having professional certificate and infection education. After the examination, the gel removal and method, disinfection status of the probe and variable correlation analysis were performed to analyze the recognition of the ultrasonic probe disinfection. After examination in ultrasound room, it was found that towels were used the most for cleaning, and the gel container was not replaced for more than three months. After 70% alcohol disinfection, ATP contamination was reduced from $1055.4{\pm}944.2$ to $133.5{\pm}93.2$ and the result was analyzed to be statistically significant.(${\rho}<0.01$) The found bacteria were CNS, Gram positive bacillus, and Micrococcus specs. In order to solve this problem, 70% alcohol sterilization was applied and the bacteria were not detected after the treatment. The research shows that regular training on infection control and efforts to prevent infection are necessary, and that 70% alcohol is effective in disinfect the bacteria. Therefore, the medical institution should provide active hospital infection control education to improve the awareness of hospital infection among workers and contribute to the prevention of patient infection. It is also understood that proper use of the results of this study will help prevent infection by means of ultrasonic probes.

Notes on the Status and Conservation of Callipogon Relictus Semenov in Korea (장수하늘소 현황 및 보전방안)

  • An, Seung Lak
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.260-279
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    • 2010
  • The analysis on bibliography and field investigation of Callipogon relictus Semenov, 1898 (Korean natural monument number 218) shows that the size varies from country to country, and Korean specimens, for which male is 85~120mm and female is 65~85mm, are found to be the largest. The average diameter and length of egg are 2.60mm and 6.72mm respectively. The larva has milky color and is about 100~150mm in length. The pupa is nearly 70~110mm. An adult generally appears from June to September in Korea in the broadleaf forest of lowland, whereas it appears from June to July in China. It is known that the pupa largely feed on the old tree trunk of Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) blume in Korea, but no such data have been reported in China and Russia, showing differences in host plants. While the larva period is not exactly known in Korea, it is reported to be two years in China. It appears that the species inhabits in very limited regions of approximately between geographical latitude $37.5^{\circ}{\sim}47.8^{\circ}$ and longitude $126^{\circ}{\sim}140^{\circ}$ including Korea, China and Russia. To conserve the long-horned beetle in Korea, this research drew out following some conclusions through analyzing the references and field survey data. First, it need to perform precise survey on the natural environment of occurring and collected area or place including host plant kinds, temperate, humidity, latitude, longitude etc. Second, habitat region must be designated as a restricted development area, and it need to exclude or reduce the damage factors to prosper reproduction of the species. Third, it is necessary to keep loosing cautiously artificial breeding individuals in the reported sites, not disturbing scope of natural populations. Fourth, it needs to educate or publicize many people importance and value of this species through many methods.

A Study on the Sketch of Trikaya Banner Painting in the Suta-sa Temple (수타사 삼신불괘불도(三身佛掛佛圖) 초본(草本) 연구)

  • Kim, Chang Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.112-131
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    • 2009
  • The Trikaya Banner Painting in the Suta-sa Temple at Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do draws attention as it was painted not on flax but on paper, and used the water color painting technique on the sketch rather than the deep color painting technique, which is most common in Buddhist paintings created during the Chosun Dynasty. Nevertheless, there is not any information on the creation of the Trikaya Banner Painting in the painting record on the painting, in Sutasasajeok(壽陀寺史蹟), or in Sutasagogirok(壽陀寺古記錄), so it is uncertain when the painting was created. Furthermore, because it was not drawn by the deep color painting technique, it has been difficult to compare it with other banner paintings. For these reasons, the Trikaya Banner Painting has been studied little except brief introduction. In recent preservation treatment that removed multiple-layered paper from the back of the painting, however, an inked inscription written on Korean paper 118cm high and 87.5cm wide was discovered on the back. It is a kind of placard notifying a number of acts prohibited in order to follow Buddha's teachings correctly, and was found to have been written on April 15, 1690. The inked inscription is a very valuable material for estimating the creation date of the Suta-sa Trikaya Banner Painting, and provides crucial clues for approaching the contents and nature of the painting more precisely. When the image, form, and style of the Suta-sa Trikaya Banner Painting were examined and its creation date was estimated based on the inked inscription, first, the painting is presumed to have been created in around 1690 as suggested by 'the placard' attached on the back instead of a painting record. Second, the painting is highly likely to be the first standing Trikaya banner painting showing the basic icons of Trikaya banner paintings in the Chosun Dynasty since the Trikaya Banner Painting in the Gap-sa Temple in Gongju (1650). Furthermore, considering the shape of the Trikaya in the painting, screen composition, background treatment, solemn and affectionate facial expression, harmonious and adequate body proportion, etc., the painting is believed to have had a considerable influence not only on Trikaya banner paintings of similar style in the 18thcentury but also on deep-color Trikaya banner paintings in the 19thcentury. Third, although the Suta-sa Trikaya Banner Painting is not acompleted work but a sketch, it exhibits the typical water color painting technique in which the strokes are clearly visible. Thus, it is considered highly valuable in understanding and analyzing stroke styles and in studying the history of Buddhist paintings. As there are not many extant banner paintings of the same style in form and expression technique as the Suta-sa Temple Trikaya Banner Painting, this study could not make thorough comparative analysis of the work, but still it is meaningful in that it laid the ground for research on standing Trikaya banner paintings in the 18thand 19thcenturies in the Chosun Dynasty.

A Study on the Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture Construction Principles by the Type Outside Relics (발굴유적 외부공간의 유형별 경관계획 및 조경시공 원칙 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to present specific standards for landscape planning and construction applicable to landscaping areas in various historical sites. The results are as follows: First, the types of historical sites are classified according to their preservation status and processing techniques, and the classification according to their status is divided into those that have been buried underground, such as those that have been exposed to the ground, such as buildings and structures, and those that have a reputation or a record of the sites. The classification according to the wartime processing technique was classified by such techniques as closures that isolate the site, penetration that can be seen on the site, and overlays where a separate protection facility is installed on the site. Second, the principles of landscape planning for display of historical sites are divided into the items that make up the historical site, surface treatment of the sites, tree planting, and installation of facilities. If the site is not a circular space, the area separating the space by different materials between the components is required. In the event that preservation of the historical site is required, it is deemed desirable to use the soil, and to do so, the use of grasses and shrubs is effectively considered to be effective. The introduction of plants and plants should be considered according to the nature of the space. Depending on the area and nature of the monument, the facility is required to take a cautious approach by reviewing its influence on the landscape and the additional excavation of the monument. Third, the readjustment method derived as a result of looking at the landscaping principle in the historical site space was classified as conservation of status, installation of protection facilities, burial, restoration, relocation, and reproduction. Preservation of the status quo is essential for limited landscape planning and should not affect the prototype of existing relics. The protection facility shall be installed where necessary to protect the relics, and when the soil is formed, the surface treatment shall be required to remove trees that could damage the site and prevent soil and soil oil from being lost after the site. The restoration shall establish a landscaping plan according to the circular preservation based on the clues to the circle. The transfer requires a landscaping plan to create an environment similar to the outer space of an existing site and should be able to highlight the value or location of the original site. The reenactment should have a landscaping plan to revive the landscape and atmosphere of the past for the now-defunct remains. Fourth, landscaping can simultaneously satisfy the preservation of excavation sites and the increase in exhibition effects. In order to protect the traces of the past and vitalize the site of the ruins today, specific measures are required, the creation of a park for historical sites that preserve the functions and value of the relics, and the formation of a shape of linked contents can be suggested as alternatives.

A Study on the Development of High Sensitivity Collision Simulation with Digital Twin (디지털 트윈을 적용한 고감도 충돌 시뮬레이션 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Ki, Jae-Sug;Hwang, Kyo-Chan;Choi, Ju-Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.813-823
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In order to maximize the stability and productivity of the work through simulation prior to high-risk facilities and high-cost work such as dismantling the facilities inside the reactor, we intend to use digital twin technology that can be closely controlled by simulating the specifications of the actual control equipment. Motion control errors, which can be caused by the time gap between precision control equipment and simulation in applying digital twin technology, can cause hazards such as collisions between hazardous facilities and control equipment. In order to eliminate and control these situations, prior research is needed. Method: Unity 3D is currently the most popular engine used to develop simulations. However, there are control errors that can be caused by time correction within Unity 3D engines. The error is expected in many environments and may vary depending on the development environment, such as system specifications. To demonstrate this, we develop crash simulations using Unity 3D engines, which conduct collision experiments under various conditions, organize and analyze the resulting results, and derive tolerances for precision control equipment based on them. Result: In experiments with collision experiment simulation, the time correction in 1/1000 seconds of an engine internal function call results in a unit-hour distance error in the movement control of the collision objects and the distance error is proportional to the velocity of the collision. Conclusion: Remote decomposition simulators using digital twin technology are considered to require limitations of the speed of movement according to the required precision of the precision control devices in the hardware and software environment and manual control. In addition, the size of modeling data such as system development environment, hardware specifications and simulations imitated control equipment and facilities must also be taken into account, available and acceptable errors of operational control equipment and the speed required of work.

Über die Struktur und die Problematik des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs - Im Vergleich vom Schwangerschaftsabbruch des deutschem Rechts - (낙태죄의 구조와 문제점 - 독일형법에서의 낙태죄 규제와의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.54
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    • pp.193-216
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    • 2018
  • Das Leben des Embryos ist als solche ein Rechtsgut, das einen durch das Strafrecht hinreichend $gesch{\ddot{u}}tzt$ werden sollen. Daher versteht es sich von selbst, $da{\ss}$ auch bei der Schwangere die ihren eigenen $empf{\ddot{a}}ngenen$ Embryo beseitigenden Handlungen nicht $unbeschr{\ddot{a}}nkt$ gebilligt werden $k{\ddot{o}}nnten$. Es $k{\ddot{o}}nnte$ bei der Schwangere wegen ihrer $Interessenverh{\ddot{a}}ltnisse$ mit ihrem Embryo z. B. endlosen deren Verantwortlichkeiten nur die $Erlaubnism{\ddot{o}}glichkeiten$ ${\ddot{u}}bergelegt$ werden. Wie der Bundesverfassungsgericht schon ${\ddot{u}}berzeugt$ hat, $k{\ddot{o}}nnte$ das Leben des Embryos keinen vom Strafrechtschutz $ausschlie{\ss}enden$ Teil anerkannt werden, sondern nur in besonderen $F{\ddot{a}}llen$ ausnahmsweise dessen Verletzung erlaubt werden. ${\ddot{U}}ber$ die Reichweite der ausnahmsweisen anerkannten Erlaubnisse gegen einer Rechtsgutsverletzung sollte es im Allgemeinen $abh{\ddot{a}}ngig$ unter Zeitraum und Umwelt konkret ausgefargt werden. Daher kann eine konkrete Diskussion ${\ddot{u}}ber$ Rechtsfertigungsgrund des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs nur erstenmal anfangen, nachdem ein strafrechtlicher Schutz des Embryolebens $pr{\ddot{a}}zis$ ausgeforscht wird. Bis jetzt hat das Strafrecht das Rechtsgut als Leben des Embryos zu leicht bewertet und damit hat die Strafe des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs zu niedrig bestimmt. Die niedrige Strafe des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs $enth{\ddot{a}}lt$ die Gefahr, die die Erlaubnisreichweite des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs ungerecht ausdehnt. Die Handlung der Schwangere sollte minder bestraft werden, um das Sebstbestimmungsrecht der Schwangere hoch $w{\ddot{u}}rdigen$ zu $k{\ddot{o}}nnen$. Letztlich braucht der Versuch des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs zu bestrafen. Der Versuch und die Vollendung ${\ddot{u}}ber$ die Verletzung des Embryolebens sollten deren Unterschiede im ihren Unrechtsgehalt anerkannt werden, weil der Normzweck des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs im Schutz des Lebens des Embryos besteht. Und damit in den $F{\ddot{a}}lle$, die in Folge des versuchten Schwangerschaftsabbruchs die Schwangere verletzt oder gestorben wird, $k{\ddot{o}}nnten$ die Meinungsstreiten $aufgeh{\ddot{o}}rt$ werden.

Temperature change and performance of bur efficiency for two different drill combinations (두 가지 임플란트 드릴 조합에 따른 온도 변화 및 효율 비교)

  • Hwang-Bo, Heung;Park, Jae-Young;Lee, Sang-Youn;Son, Keunbada;Lee, Kyu-Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2022
  • Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance efficiency of two different drill combinations according to the heat generated and drilling time. Materials and methods. In this study, cow ribs were used as research materials. To test the specimen, cow bones were rid of fascia and muscles, and a temperature sensor was mounted around the drilling area. The experimental group was divided into a group using a guide drill and a group using a Lindmann drill according to the drill used before the initial drilling. The drilling sequence of the guide drilling group is as follows; guide drill (ø 2.25), initial drill (ø 2.25), twist drill (ø 2.80), and twist drill (ø 3.20). The drilling sequence of the Lindmann drilling group is as follows; Lindmann drill (ø 2.10), initial drill (ø 2.25), twist drill (ø 2.80), and twist drill (ø 3.20). The temperature was measured after drilling. For statistical analysis, the difference between the groups was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and the Friedman test was used (α = .05). Results. The average performance efficiency for each specimen of guide drilling group ranged from 0.3861 to 1.1385 mm3/s and that of Lindmann drilling group ranged from 0.1700 to 0.4199 mm3/s. The two drill combinations contained a guide drill and Lindmann drill as their first drills. The combination using the guide drill demonstrated excellent performance efficiency when calculated using the drilling time (P < .001). Conclusion. Since the guide drill group showed better performance efficiency than the Lindmann drill group, the use of the guide drill was more suitable for the primary drilling process.

Tranexamic Acid Reduces Postoperative Blood Loss in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (역행성 견관절 전치환술에서 트라넥삼산의 출혈 및 수혈 감소 효과)

  • Park, Kee Young;Kim, In Bo;Kim, Eun Yeol;Lee, Kwang Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Tranexamic acid (TXA) can reduce perioperative blood loss and the frequency of blood transfusions in lower extremity surgery. On the other hand, the effects of TXA on reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (rTSA) remain undetermined. This study evaluated the efficacy of TXA on perioperative blood loss, transfusion requirements, and the change in the hemotologic index. Materials and Methods: This study evaluated patients who underwent rTSA from September 2009 to July 2020. The patients were classified into two groups. The TXA group were administered TXA intravenously and topical TXA during surgery. The non-TXA group was not administered TXA. The quantity of hemovac drainage, which represented the postoperative blood loss, transfusion requirements, and postoperative change in hemoglobin and hematocrit level, were recorded. Results: The TXA and non-TXA groups consisted of 93 and 84 patients, respectively. The preoperative demographics showed no significant differences in age (72.0±7.0 vs. 71.5±5.8, p=0.656), sex (male:female, 28:65 vs. 23:61, p=0.689) and the prevalence of hypertension and diabetes (hypertension:diabetes:both, 36:3:13 vs. 32:3:8, p=0.806) between the two groups. There were significant differences in the requirements of transfusion (0 vs. 9, p=0.001), hemovac drainage at the 1st (98.8±61.2 ml vs. 162.7±98.8 ml, p<0.001), the 2nd postoperative day (73.8±48.4 ml vs. 91.5±54.5 ml, p=0.024), hemoglobin level at the 1st (11.7±1.2 g/dl vs. 11.2±1.4 g/dl, p=0.048), 3rd (10.9±1.2 g/dl vs. 10.2±1.2 g/dl, p<0.001), and 6th (11.2±1.3 g/dl vs. 10.7±1.3 g/dl, p=0.020) postoperative day, and the hematocrit level at the 1st (35.0%±3.6% vs. 32.5%±3.8%, p=0.001), 3rd (32.3%±5.0% vs. 29.8%±3.6%, p<0.001), and 6th (33.5%±3.8% vs. 31.5%±3.7%, p<0.001) postoperative day between the two groups. Conclusion: Intravenous and topical intra-articular TXA can reduce the transfusion requirement and blood loss in rTSA.