• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정출

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Geochemical Studies on Petrogenesis of the Cretaceous Myeongseongsan Granite in the Northwestern Gyeonggi Massif (경기육괴 북서부에 분포하는 백악기 명성산 화강암의 성인에 대한 지화학적 연구)

  • Yi, Eun Ji;Park, Ha Eun;Park, Young-Rok
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.327-339
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    • 2017
  • The Cretaceous Myeongseongsan Granite in the northwestern Gyeonggi Massif consists of a major pale pink-colored biotite monzogranite and a minor white-colored biotite alkaligranite. Low Sr and high Ba concentrations, negative Eu-anomalies in REE plot, negative Sr anomalies in spider diagram, a negative correlation between Sr and Rb, and positive correlations between Sr and Ba and $Eu/Eu^*$ indicate that a fractional crystallization of both plagioclase and K-feldspar played a significant role during magma evolution. The Myeongseongsan Granite is plotted in I-& S-type granites on I, S, A-type granite classification scheme. While the biotite monzogranite is plotted in unfractionated I-& S-type granite, the biotite alkaligranite is plotted in fractionated I-& S-type granite, which indicates that the biotite alkaligranite is a more differentiated product. In order to elucidate the nature of the protoliths of the peraluminous Myeongseongsan magma, we plotted in $Al_2O_3/TiO_2$ vs. $CaO/Na_2O$ and Rb/Sr vs. Rb/Ba diagrams, and they suggest that the Myeongseongsan Granite was derived from clay-poor metagreywackes and meta-psammites or their igneous counterparts. Whole-rock zircon saturation temperature indicates that the Myeongseongsan magma was melted at $740-799^{\circ}C$.


  • Choi, Won-Hyuk;Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Young-Jin;Nam, Soon-Hyeun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2005
  • Maxillary median diastema is the term used when there is spacing between maxillary central incisors. The space between maxillary central incisors are often observed during ugly duckling stage. In most of the cases, as maxillary permanent canines erupt, it gradually disappears. Maxillary median diastema needs to be treated when there is up to 2mm of space between the incisors even after eruption of permanent canines or when there is 3mm of space, at least, before the eruption of the canines. Particulary, for the latter case, orthodontic treatment is recommended because not only the esthetic point of view but also to regain the eruption space for maxillary lateral incisors and canines. The appliance used for orthodontic treatment are removable appliances, using finger spring and etc, and fixed appliances, using rubber elastics and coil spring. If rubber band alone was used to treat median diastema without any other appliance such as band, tube or bracket, it will gradually move downward along the root surface. Then it will destroy the peridontal ligament and causes tooth mobility, extrusion, and avulsion. This report presents cases of damaged tooth due to improper use of rubber band when treating maxillary median diastema.

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Compositional Variations of Arsenopyrite from Gold-Silver Deposits in Korea (한국 금은광산에서 산출되는 유비철석의 조성변화)

  • Choi, Seon-Gyu;Choi, In-Sik
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1998
  • The gold-silver mineralizations in Korea are closely related to Jurassic Daebo igneous activity (121 and 183 Ma) and Cretaceous Bulgugsa igneous activity (60 and 110 Ma). A compilation and re-evaluation of chemical data in arsenopyrite suggest that the As contents vary, reflecting different genetic environments or mineral assemblages. The gold-silver vein deposits from various mineralized area were investigated using arsenopyrite geothermometer. Arsenopyrites from the Jurassic Au-dominant deposits are distinct by high As contents (29.68~33.46 atomic %) with narrow variations, equivalent to a temperature range of $370{\sim}450^{\circ}C$ and a sulfur fugacity of about $10^{18}-10^{-6}$ atm. On the contrary, arsenopyrites from the Cretaceous Au-Ag and Ag-dominant deposits show a wider range in atomic % As composition of 27.47-32.74. They may have formed at temperatures of $250{\sim}350^{\circ}C$ and about $f_{S_2}=10^{-12}-10^{-10}$ atm. The data of arsenopyrite geothermometer, electrum-sphalerite geothermometer, fluid inclusions, vein morphology and emplacement depth of igneous rocks indicate that the gold mineralizations of Group IIA occurred at temperatures between 300 and $500^{\circ}C$ at depth of several tens km or more (about 4-5 kbar), and the gold-silver deposits of Groups III, IV and V were formed at a temperature range of about $170{\sim}370^{\circ}C$ under the shallow environment (<1 kbar).

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Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Evolution of the Mn-Fe Phosphate Minerals within the Pegmatite in Cheolwon, Gyeonggi Massif (경기육괴 철원지역 페그마타이트 내 망간-철 인산염광물의 광물-지화학적 특징 및 진화과정)

  • Kim, Gyoo Bo;Choi, Seon Gyu;Seo, Jieun;Kim, Chang Seong;Kim, Jiwon;Koo, Minho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.181-193
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    • 2017
  • Mn-Fe phosphate mineral complexes included within the pegmatite are observed at Jurassic Cheolwon two-mica granite in Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea. The genetic evolution between the Cheolwon two-mica granite and pegmatite, and various trend of Mn-Fe phosphate minerals is made by later magmatic, hydrothermal, and weathering process based on mineralogical, geochemical analysis. The Cheolwon two-mica granite is identified as S-type granite, considering its chemical composition (metaluminous ~ peraluminous), post-collisional environment, low magnetic susceptibility, and existence of biotite and muscovite. The K-Ar age (ca. 153 Ma) of pegmatite is well coincident with age of the Cheolwon two-mica granite ($151{\pm}4Ma$). It indicates that these two rocks are originated from the same magma. Pegmatite indicates the LCT geochemical signature, and was classified as muscovite-rare element class / Li subclass / beryl type / beryl-columbite-phosphate subtype pegmatite. The triplite $\{(Fe^{2+}{_{0.4}},Mn_{1.6})(PO_4)(F_{0.9})\}$ is dominant phosphates in later magmatic stage which partly altered to leucophosphite $\{KFe^{3+}{_2}(PO_4)_2OH{\cdot}2H_2O\}$ and jahnsite $\{(Fe^{3+}{_{0.7}},Mn_{2.3})(PO_4)_2OH{\cdot}4H_2O\}$ by hydrothermal alteration. In particular, near fractures, the triplite has been separatelty replaced by the phosphosiderite ($Fe^{3+}PO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$) and Mn-oxide minerals during weathering stage.

Intrusion of the extruded maxillary central incisor using skeletal anchorage system and unilateral segmental intrusion arch (골성 고정원과 편측 분절호선을 이용한 정출된 상악 중절치의 압하 치료)

  • Kwon, Eun-Young;Baek, Young-Jae;Park, Soo-Byung;Kim, Seong-sik;Kim, Yong-il;Choi, Youn-kyung
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.180-190
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    • 2019
  • Patients who have a moderate periodontitis with pathologic tooth migration of maxillary incisors, it is necessary not only periodontal treatment for reduce periodontal inflammation, but also orthodontic treatment to teeth repositioning. For orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to apply less force and careful considerations of the center of resistance of the tooth and optimal force of tooth movement. At this time, the segmental arch applied only to the target teeth, is more effective and predictable, because applied force and direction can be controlled. In addition, to design the orthodontic appliance that can prevent the unwanted tooth movement that used as an anchorage is important. In recent years, various types of skeletal anchorage system have been used for preventing loss of the anchorage. We reported the patient who had extruded maxillary central incisor due to pathologic tooth migration, treated by a successful periodontal-orthodontic multidisciplinary treatment using an orthodontic appliance designed to apply less traumatic force and reduce an anchorage loss.

Restoration of patient accelerating anterior teeth wear by loss of posterior support: Case report (구치부 지지 소실에 의한 전치부 마모 가속화 환자의 수복: 증례보고)

  • Choi, Hyejin;Lee, Jaehoon
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.382-388
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    • 2019
  • Increased anterior teeth mastication following posterior teeth loss leads to greater anterior occlusal force. It may cause greater attrition of anterior teeth, traumatic force occlusion (TFO), also often followed by antagonist extrusion and occlusal disharmony. This clinical report describes the treatment for a 67-year-old female patient diagnosed with loss of both maxillary and left mandibular posterior teeth, severe attrition of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth and extrusion of multiple teeth. A diagnostic cast was mounted on articular in centric relation (CR) position to evaluate vertical dimension (VD) and interspace. To provide adequate space for the prosthetic reconstructions, VD was increased by 3 mm on the anterior pin. And then diagnostic wax-up was completed upon that VD. Wax-up was converted to provisional restorations and verified in the patient's mouth and the final restorations were delivered. Clinical follow up examination held 3 months after temporary restoration owing to changes in vertical dimension revealed proper function in mastication without evidence of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This clinical report presents successfully restoring severe attrition case with increasing vertical dimension resulting in satisfaction in esthetics and function.

Genetic Environment of the Pailou Magnesite Deposit in Dashiqiao Belt, China, and Its Comparison with the Daeheung Deposit in North Korea (중국 다스챠오벨트 팰로우 마그네사이트 광상의 생성환경 및 북한 대흥 광상과의 비교)

  • Im, Heonkyung;Shin, Dongbok;Yoo, Bong-chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.767-785
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    • 2021
  • World-class magnesite deposits are developed in the Dashiqiao mineralized district of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt in China. This belt extends to the northern side of the Korean Peninsula and hosts major magnesite deposits in the Dancheon region of North Korea. Magnesite ores from the Pailou deposits in the Dashiqiao district is classified into pure magnetite, chlorite-magnetite, chlorite-talc-magnetite, and dolomite groups depending on the constituent minerals. According to the result of petrographic study, magnesite was formed by the alteration of dolomite, and, talc, chlorite, and apatite were produced as late-stage alteration minerals that replaced the magnesite. Fluid inclusions observed in magnesite are a liquid-type inclusion, with a homogenization temperature of 121-250 ℃ and a salinity of 1.7-22.4 wt% NaCl equiv. The chlorite geothermometer, indicating the temperature of hydrothermal alteration, is 137~293 ℃, slightly higher than the homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions, and the pressure is calculated to be less than 3.2 kb. For magnesite mineralization in the study area, the initially formed-dolomite was subjected to replacement by Mg-rich fluid to form a magnesite ore body, and then it was enriched through regional metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration. It seems that altered minerals such as talc were crystallized by Si and Al-rich late-stage hydrothermal fluids. These results are similar to the genetic environments of the Daeheung deposit, a representative magnesite deposit in North Korea, and it is believed that the two deposits went through a similar geological and ore genetic process of magnesite mineralization.

Fixed prosthetic treatment for the patient with delayed eruption disorder (맹출 지연 장애환자의 고정성 보철치료)

  • Lee, Su-Yeon;Kim, Hee-Jung;Kang, Sung-Nam
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2017
  • Delayed eruption disorders caused by systemic or local conditions are mostly found during childhood and can be treated with orthodontic forced eruption. When the disorder is not found nor treated during childhood, however, orthodontic eruption might become a difficult option while prosthodontic restoration can be considered as an another option. Considerations for the prosthodontic treatment plan include the extent of tooth loss, interdental mesio-distal space and interarch space, and age of the patient. In this case report, oral rehabilitation of the patient with delayed eruption disorder through zirconia partial fixed prostheses for both maxilla and mandible was performed.

Surgical exposure of impacted tooth for orthodontic forced eruption : case report (교정적 견인을 위한 매복치의 수술적 노출 방법에 관한 증례보고)

  • Choi, Yongkwan
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2019
  • Tooth impaction make various problems which are pathologic changes, functional defect and esthetic troubles. Sometimes impacted tooth are extracted. But surgical exposure of impacted tooth and orthodontic forced eruption are usually used a lot to solve these problems. Impacted tooth for orthodontic treatment has two impacted patterns 1) Simple impaction outside alveolar bone covered soft tissue, 2) Fully impaction under alveloar bone. So I introduce way to exposure of impacted tooth for orthodontic treatment with various cases and literatures.


  • Kim, Min-Kyung;Min, Jeong-Beom;Hwang, Ho-Keel
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.147-152
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the quantity of debris which was extruded apically after canal instrumentation using different types of enlarging instrument in endodontic resin models. Five groups of 9 endodontic resin models were instrumented using each different technique : hand instrumentation without early coronal flaring. hand instrumentation after early coronal flaring. and three nickel-titanium engine-driven instrumentations (Hero 642, Protaper, $K^$). Debris extruded from apical foramen during instrumentation was collected on preweighed CBC bottle, desiccated and weighted using electronic balance. The results were analyzed using Kruskal-wallis test and Mann-Whitney U rank sum test at a significance level of 0.05. The results were as follows: 1. All of instrumentation techniques produced apically extruded debris. 2. Group without early coronal flaring extruded significant more debris than groups with early coronal flaring. 3. There was no significant difference among early coronal flaring groups. The early coronal flaring is very important to reduce the amount of debris extruded apically.