• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정의적 측면

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원자력발전소에서 작업 절차서의 인간공학적 평가를 위한 점검표(checklist) 개발

  • 김수진;장통일;민유종;이용희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2003
  • 원자력발전소(이하, 원전)에서는 운전, 보수, 점검, 검사, 변경 등 모든 활동을 절차서 형태로 정의하고 있으므로, 절차서는 원전운영의 안전성을 유지하기 위한 핵심적인 수단이다. 따라서, 원전에서 절차서는 신기술 및 설계, 설비 변경 결과를 반영하여 주기적으로 검토 보완되고 있다. 절차서의 내용은 안전성 측면에서 철저한 확인을 거쳐 작성된다. 그러나, 절차 및 절차서의 인적요소는 그러한 기술적인 측면을 무력화시킬 수 있으므로 별도로 관리되어야 한다. 절차서의 평가에서는 절차 내용의 기술적인 타당성과 함께 인적요소를 평가하여 안전성에 부정적인 영향이 없는지를 확인하고 있다.(중략)

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State Based Functionality Testing Approach for WWW (웹의 상태 기반 기능 시험 기법)

  • 강제성;윤광식;오승욱;권용래
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.501-503
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    • 2000
  • 인터넷을 기반으로 웹이 급속하게 성장함에 따라 웹 기반 어플리케이션의 품질이 점차 중요시되고 있다. 이로 인하여 웹 어플리케이션의 품질을 검증할 수 있는 수단이 필요하게 되었고 산업계에서도 연구가 활발히 이루어 지고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 대부분의 연구가 웹 사이트에 대한 부하시험들에 치중하고 있고, 기능적 측면의 시험은 제대로 지원하고 있지 못한다. 본 논문에서는 웹의 기능적 측면을 시험할 수 있는 기법을 제시하려 한다. 웹을 기반 모델로 보고, 웹의 동적 행위를 웹의 상태 전이로 정의하였다. 이러한 상태 전이를 표현하기 위한 상태 전이 그래프를 제안하였고, 이를 기반으로 기존의 상태 기반 시험 기법을 도입하여 시험사례를 생성하는 기법을 제시하였다.

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A Profile of Mathematical Literacy on Korean Students in PISA 2003 (PISA 2003에 나타난 우리나라 학생들의 수학적 소양의 특징)

  • Na GwiSoo
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2005
  • This study intends to examine the characteristics of mathematical literacy on Korean Students in PISA 2003(Programme for International Student Assessment 2003). We study the mean performance, the distribution of student performance, the student performance in terms of mathematics contents and process and situation and item format, the differences in mean scores between PISA 2000 and PISA 2003, and the gender differences in student performance. In addition to, we study students' engagement with mathematics, students' beliefs about themselves, students' anxiety in mathematics, and students' teaming strategies. Finally, we discuss the reasons of the characteristics of mathematical literacy on Korean students in PISA 2003, and suggest the implications for mathematics educators and educational policy-makers.

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Prospective Elementary School Teachers' Perception on Using the History of Korean Mathematics (예비 초등교사의 한국수학사 활용에 대한 인식)

  • Choi, Eunah
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.491-511
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the perception of prospective elementary school teachers in relation to using the history of Korean mathematics. The results of this study showed that the pre-service teachers realized using the history of Korean mathematics more importantly than the history of mathematics. They thought that the contents of the history of Korean mathematics should be increased in mathematics education and pre-service teacher education. The participation experience in teacher education about the history of Korean mathematics had a positive effect on the perception of pre-service teachers. Finally, this paper asserted that teacher education is the key to the teacher perception on and using of the history of Korean mathematics.

Research Trends in Elementary Mathematics Education: Focused on the Papers Published in Domestic Journals During the Resent Seven Years (초등수학교육 연구동향: 최근 7년간 게재된 국내 학술지 논문을 중심으로)

  • Kim, YuKyung;Pang, JeongSuk
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends of elementary mathematics education in terms of topics, methods, subjects, mathematics content strands, and mathematical competencies. For this purpose, a total of 596 papers published in eight domestic journals during the recent seven years were analyzed. The results of this study showed that the popular research topics included learners' perspectives and abilities, analysis of curriculum and textbooks, and instruction and teaching methods, whereas studies on assessment and technology or manipulative materials did not get much attention. The results also showed that qualitative research methodology was used a lot with focus on students. The mathematics content strand which was most frequently studied was number and operations, and problem solving was most popular among the mathematical competencies. On the basis of these results, this paper includes several implications for the future research direction in elementary mathematics education.

A discursive approach to analysis of definition of graph in first year middle school textbooks (담론적 관점(discursive approach)에서 중1 수학 교과서의 그래프 정의 분석)

  • Kim, Won;Choi, Sang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Joong
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.407-433
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    • 2018
  • In order to analyze textbooks from a discursive approach, the purpose of this study is to structuralize an analytic framework based on previous literature review and apply it to analyzing the meanings and their syntheses developed by words and visual mediators appeared in the definition of graph in first-year middle school textbooks. The discursive approach consists of the communicational approach developed by Sfard(2008) and the systemic functional linguistics developed by Halliday(1985/2004). In this study, ideational meta-functions for ideational meanings and interpersonal meta-functions for interpersonal meanings were employed to analyze the meanings produced by words and visual mediators in textbooks, whereas textual meta-functions for textual meanings were used for analyzing the synthesized relationships between words and visual mediators. Results show that first, density in mathematical discourse was very high and subjects in mathematical activities were ambiguous in the ideational meanings of words, and behavior aspect was more emphasized than thinking aspect in the interpersonal meanings of words which request student participations. In the case of ideational meanings of visual mediators, there was a lack of narrative diagrams, whereas there were qualitative differences in the case of offer. Second, there was a need for promoting a wide range of diverse synthetic relationships between words and visual mediators for developing enriched mathematical meanings through the varying uses like specification, explanation, similarity, and complement. These results are so important that they provide a new analytic framework from a discursive approach to textbook analysis because not only words, but also visual mediators are analyzed as tools for producing meanings in mathematics textbooks and their synthetic relationships are also examined.

Interactivity and User-Centered Design Strategies of Instructional Systems used in Web Environments (학습자 중심 웹 기반 교수-학습체제의 설계전략과 상호작용성)

  • Kim, Mi-Ryang
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 1999
  • 'Interactivity' is considered as a key factor of user-centered interactive instructional systems design in Web environments. To provide an optimal level of interactivity for learners is an ideal goal in instructional systems design(ISD) process. Based on the primary concern of interactive systems design which pursues how the power of interactivity can be utilized and put to work, several interactive design strategies in Web-based systems are recommended through this research.

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  • Cho, Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 1999
  • Human being can be defined in several ways. These are biological, psychological, social and religious, ethical and philosophical aspects. The first two viewpoints refers to the intrapersonal aspects and the last two viewpoints deals with the interpersonal aspects. There have been numerous thoeries and hypotheses to explain the human behavior and psychopathology, but the author does not find any theory or hypothesis to integrate the biological and psychological viewpoints. In addition, The author does not find any theory to integrate the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects in interpersonal relationships. Thus, the author proposed one model to explain the human behavior. In proposing this theory, the author has the following hypotheses:1) All human being can not exist by oneself. 2) The ultimate goal of all human being is to achieve 'Survival'. 3) There are four kinds of survivals and they are biological, psychological, social and religious, ethical and philosophical survivals. 4) Power and control are two prerequisites for survival and there are four kinds of power and control. 5) The four elements of power and control are biological, psychological, internal and external ones. 6) The conflict between buman being can also be explained in terms of power, control and survival. 7) Normality and abnormality of human behavior can be explained in terms of the harmony and balance among the powers and controls.

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운전석 위치에 따른 운전자의 지각 불편도 평가

  • 이상규;박우진;정의승;기도형;최재호;박성준
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 1997
  • 오늘날 자동차는 자동차 자체에 대한 기능적 측면뿐만 아니라 운전자 및 탑승자에게 적절한 거주 공간을 제공하여야 한다는 인간공학적 측면을 동시에 만족시켜야 한다. 특히 부적절한 거주 공간에서 비롯된 좋지 않은 운전 자세는 운전시 신체 각 부위에 과다한 피로를 유발시키고 운전 성능에도 영향 을 미칠 수 있기 때문에 안전 측면에서도 매우 중요하다. 거주 공간의 설계시 출발점이 되는 것은 SgRP(Seating Reference Point)이며 이의 설정은 운전 자세에 직접적인 영향을 미치므로 운전자의 불편도 (Discomfort)를 최소로 하며 운전성능을 높일 수 있도록 설정되어야한다. 본 연구에서는 Driving Simulator 를 이용하여 운전자가 취할 수 있는 Seat의 전후, 상하 위치에 따른 여러 운전 자세에서 운전자가 느끼는 불편도 및 각종 Control의 조작성등의 주관적인 Measure와 운전시의 운전성능을 나타내는 객관적 Measure를 측정, 평가하였다. Seat의 위치는 Whole Body Discomfort, Steering Wheel, Gear, Pedal의 조작성 등의 주관적 종속 변수에는 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 객관적 종속변수에는 유의한 영향이 나타 나지 않았다. 실험 결과를 바탕으로 Regression식을 도출하였으며 이를 바탕으로 Isocomfort Surface를 제시 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 한국인에 적합한 SgRP 및 Seat Track 설정의 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대 된다.

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A Small Review in the Subscriber Access Part of Mobile Communication Network (이동통신망의 가입자 접속부문에 관한 소고)

  • Kim, M.S.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.17 no.2 s.74
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2002
  • 모든 통신망에서 가장 중요한 요소 중에 하나이며, 가장 많은 투자 재원이 필요한 것이 가입자 접속 부문이다. 기존 PSTN 등의 고정망과는 다르게 가입자의 이동성에 따른, 그리고 무선 전파 자원과 기존의 유선 교환 및 전송망을 이용한다는 특성으로 인하여 이동통신망의 가입자 접속부문에 대한 명확한 정의나 개념이 모호한 상태이다. 이에 본 고는 CDMA 이동통신망을 대상으로 BTS, BSC, MSC 등의 서브시스템에 대한 고찰을 통해 보다 체계적이고, 이동통신망의 여러 특성을 충분히 반영한 기능적 관점에서의 가입자 접속부문에 대한 대안적 정의를 제안한다. 특히, 가입자 접속 부문에 대한 기능적인 측면에서의 체계적인 정의는 유무선의 통합화와 이동통신에서의 IP 서비스 제공 등 이종 망간 그리고 서비스간 통합화를 위한 기술 개발 추진과 사업자 및 정책 당국자의 기술전략 수립의 기초 자료로서 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.