• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정원관

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Study for the prediction of damping and sound radiation characteristics due to structural shape changes (형상변경에 따른 구조물 감쇠특성 및 소음 특성 예측기술 연구)

  • Yoo, Ji Woo;Suh, Jin-Kwan;Lee, Sang Woo;Park, Jong Won;Park, Jun Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.332-335
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    • 2014
  • Applying damping sheets or dampers (dynamic or mass) can reduce noise from vibrating structure as well as vibration. However, this approach requires increases of weight and cost. If one can reduce structural noise by only modifying the structural shape, which would be the best practice. It is natural that the noise characteristics change when the structure is modified, but the recent experiment on the sunroof frame showed that the modification of the frame beads results in change of the structural damping, so that the corresponding noise can be reduced. In this context, the reason why the structural damping and the related noise upon an impact excitation is changed is theoretically investigated. The change of dynamic and damping characteristics of the strip panels when their shapes are modified is experimentally found and it is shown that such behaviours can be predicted by computer simulation. Some experimental specimen, mainly strip-type panels, are examined for the numerical verification, and especially damping ratios are investigated.

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Effect of Splenectomy on the Blood Picture according to Gestation Periods in Rats (비장적출이 임신 rat의 혈액상에 미치는 영향)

  • 정원철;오석두;성환후;정진관;윤창현;이병오
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was examined the effect of splenectomy on the hematology in pregnant wistar rat. Only animals that had been shown regular 4-day estrous cycles for more than two cycles were used. The day after mating with the same male animal ws designated Day 0 of pregnancy. Spleen was removed from Day 0(early), 6(middle) and 13(late) of pregnant rat, respectively. Blood sample was collected at Day 1, 7, 14 and 21 of the pregnancy. 1. RBC was increased significantly(P<0.05) to the progress of pregnancy in control rat. The late splenectomized rats were decreased significantly(P<0.05) at Day 21 of pregnancy than control rats. 2. Hb was increased significantly (P<0.05) at 21th day of pregnancy in late splenectomized groups than others group. 3. In the late splenectomized rats, Ht was decreased significant (P<0.05) due to the progress of pregnancy and decreased significantly (P<0.05) at Day 21 of pregnancy in all splenectomized groups. 4. WBC was increased significantly (P<0.05) at Day 1 of pregnancy in splenectomized groups compared with control. 5. In differential leukocyte rate, the Basophils and Monocytes was not significantly changed. Neutrophils was increased significantly(P<0.05) at Day 14 and 21 than Day 1 and 7 of pregnancy in control. Lymphocytes was decreased significantly(P<0.05) in control due to progress of pregnancy. Neutrophils was increased and Lymphocytes was decreased significantly(P<0.05) in splenectomized groups compared with control.

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Effect of Splenectomy on the Blood Component and Reproductive Performance accordingto Gestation in Rats (비장적출이 임신 rat의 혈액성분 및 번식력에 미치는 영향)

  • 정원철;오석두;성환후;정진관;윤창현;이병오
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of splenectomy on the hematology and maintenance of pregnant rats. Those animals that had shown regular 4 or 5 day estrous cycles for more than two cycles were used. The day after mating ws designated Day 0 of pregnancy. Spleen was removed from Day 0(early), 6(middle) and 13(late) of pregnant rat, respectively. Blood was collected on Day 1, 7, 14 and 21 of the pregnancy. 1. The total serum protein was increased significantly (P<0.05) to the progress of pregnancy in control rat. All rats that splenectomized groups were decreased significantly(P<0.05) at Day 21 of pregnancy than control rats. 2. Albumin was not significantly changed. 3. Globulin was decreased significantly(P<0.05) between contol and middle treatment at Day 7, 14 of pregnancy. 4. Glucose was increased for the due to the pregress of pregnancy. It was no significance differences among the each groups. 5. Rate of abortion was increased in groups of early and middle of splenectomy compared with control. 6. Period of pregnancy was delayed in middle and late splenectomized gruops companed with control. 7. Litter size was lowed significantly (P<0.05) in early and middle splenectomized groups compared with control.

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A Study on the Heat Transfer Performance Using Various Grooved Heat Transfer Tubes (다양한 전열관 내부 홈 변화에 의한 열전달 성능에 관한 연구)

  • Han, K.I.;Chung, W.K.;Ye, S.S.;Park, S.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2000
  • Single-phase heat transfer performance and pressure drop for internally grooved tubes with angles were studied. Experiments were carried out in a counter flow heat exchanger with water as a working fluid. Two commercially available internally grooved tubes and smooth tube were tested. The internal diameter of the smooth tube was 16.5mm and the internal diameters of grooved tubes were 15.4mm, 14.9mm, 15.0mm, 16.7mm, respectively. Grooved angles in the tubes were $37^{\circ},\;43^{\circ},\;45^{\circ},\;50^{\circ}$, respectively. An experimental device to measure the friction factor and heat transfer coefficient was constructed. The experimental results were obtained for the fully developed turbulent flow of water in tube on the condition of uniform heat flux. As the increase of flow rate, Reynolds number, numbers of groove and grooved angle led to the increase of pressure drop. Also this paper showed that heat transfer rate increased with increasing numbers of groove and grooved angle. An empirical relation taken from this study represented most of the data within ${\pm}25%$.

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현상설계경기 - 강원전문대학

  • Korea Institute of Registered Architects
    • Korean Architects
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    • no.9 s.329
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    • pp.112-115
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    • 1996
  • 강원전문대학신축설계경기의 당선작이 지난 6월21일 발표되었다. 총 9개의 작품이 응모한 이번 설계경기에서는 주.엄앤드이건축사 사무소(이각표)와 주.종합건축사사무소 산(한광호)의 공동안이 당선작으로 선정되었으며 주.건축사사무소 원.시공.형제(정상원)와, 주,건축사종합건축사사무소(공순구)의 안이 각각 우수작으로 선정되었다. 이 설계경기는 강릉시 주문진의 주문진소속고등학교 4만 8천여평 부지의 기존교사동, 실습동 증축과 대학본관, 도서관 등을 비롯 부대시설을 건립하는 것으로, 한국교육개발원의 '강원전문대설립방안 및 중.장기발전계획연구'에 의거 전문대학의 설립이념 및 목적, 설치학과 및 학생정원, 시설확충계획의 반영, 옥외시설 오픈스페이스 등을 충분히 고려하여야하는 것을 기본 설계방향으로 잡았다. 이번 심사는 한봉기(기획관), 이중근(건설교통국장)과 강원대, 관동대, 삼척산업대, 춘천교육대의 건축 및 조경학과 교수 등 총 10명이 맡았다. 당선된 주.엄앤드이건축사사무소와, 주.종합건축사사무소 산의 공동안은 적절한 조닝캠퍼스 내외의 접근성양호와 보차분리와 토지이용계획의 우수 등 여러 부분에서 심사위원들의 높은 점수를 받았다.

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A Design of e-book Service Dedicated to Textbooks for Collage Students (대학생을 위한 교재용 e-book 서비스 설계)

  • Bang, SangHyun;Moon, Sungkyoung;Jeong, Won gyu;Lee, ChungMin;Ha, Ok-Kyoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2021.07a
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    • pp.475-476
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    • 2021
  • 일반적으로 대학생들은 연간 약 50만원이 소요되는 전공 서적 구매비용에 부담감이 있는 것으로 조사된다. 이러한 대학생들을 위해 비교적 저렴한 교재용 전자책 서비스를 전문적으로 제공해 주는 애플리케이션이 없다. 본 논문에서는 대학생들을 위한 전공 및 교양 교재를 대상으로 대여를 포함한 전자책 제공 서비스가 가능한 모바일 앱을 설계한다. 제시하는 서비스 앱은 교재용 전자책을 대상으로 온라인 서점, 출판사, 도선관 등으로부터 전자책 정보를 수집하여 사용자에게 제공하고, 이를 대상으로 대여 또는 구매가 가능한 서비스를 제공한다. 제공되는 전자책 파일은 불법 배포를 방지하기 위해 DRM 방식을 사용하여 전용 뷰어를 통해 제공되어지도록 설계한다. 개발되는 앱을 통해서 대학생이 겪는 문제 중 하나인 교재비용 경감과 더불어, 종이책 생산을 줄임으로써 지구환경 보존에 기여할 수 있다.

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A Study on Value of Geumseonjeong as a Scenic Spot (금선정의 명승적 가치에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Young;Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2012
  • The Confucian culture of the Chosun Dynasty has a great effect on the construction of ByeolSeo gardens. Among them, especially the gardens built in Gyeongsang Province areas, where a great number of Confucian scholars were produced in the beautiful natural environment, have maintained various heritage of Confucian culture established by the scholars. Along with the Nakdong River, we can find so many cultural assets of buildings such as head houses, ByeolSeo gardens, including the literary remains such as administrative certificates, poetry and prose, and records of pavilions, which show the trace of the scholars who followed the instructions of the doctrines of Chu-tzu. The Geumseonjeog located in Punggi County, Gyeongsangbuk Province, which was the ByeolSeo gardens possessed by Geumgye Whang Jun-ryang(1517-1563), who was the governor of the area and one of the representative students of Toigye Lee Whang. The building is located nearby the Geumseon Valley with beautiful natural scenery under Sobaek Mountain. Especially the pine forest around the valley boasts a unique natural setting. This study is aimed to analyze the value of natural scenic spot of the Geumseonjeong through the surveys on surroundings, topography, vegetation and water system. including the value of humanistic elements focused on the writings such as 'Geumgyejip' written by Whang Jun-ryang and Lee Whang, another 'Geumgyejip' written by Ryu un-ryong, and 'Geumgyejeongsajungsugi' written by Hong Gyeong-ryeom. And also, the scenic spot value of the signboards such as the 'Geumgyejeongsajungsugi' written by Ryu un-ryong, 'Geumgyejeong' by Lee Han-il, 'Geumgyejeong' written by Jo Un-hyeong and 'Geumgyejeongsa, written by Lee Jung-gi, was analyzed. And the historical and cultural value was analyzed through the semantic interpretation of the series of poetry and pose and the old map established in 1872. In respect of the scenery, the surroundings of the Geumseon Valley boast the outstanding settings as the clean mountain stream in front of the Geumseonjeong makes a beautiful harmony with the pine forest. The pine forest surrounding the Geumseon Valley has played a secret role in the history of the village. Considering the fact that the pine forest was expressed in the map of Punggi County produced in 1872, it may be assumed that the forest was regarded to have historical and scenic value in those times. Considering the fact that the words like 'Beautiful' and 'Scenic spot' were used in the writings like 'Geumgyejip' and there were meeting places around the valley, we can recognize the value of the place as a scenic spot. The beautiful natural scenery surrounding the ByeolSeo gardens, and the increase in humanistic value of the poetry and prose, including the administrative certificates, has recently brought about the cases in which some scenic spots of the ByeolSeo gardens were designated as cultural assets. According to the value as a scenic spot and semantic interpretation of the Geumseonjeong, the pavilion appeared to have a great scenic spot value as a ByeolSeo gardens, so that this study was designed to prepare criteria with which the pavilion may be designated as a scenic spot of ByeolSeo gardens.

The Effects of Knowledge Sharing Culture and Strategy of Hotel Companies on the Psychological Ownership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of MZ Generation Employees (호텔 기업의 지식공유문화와 전략이 MZ세대 종사원의 심리적 주인의식과 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Sohyun Park;Hyunkyu Kim;Jeongwon Choi;Namho Chung
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.233-250
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    • 2022
  • This paper aims to verify how the knowledge sharing culture of hotel companies affects psychological ownership awareness and organization citizenship behavior through knowledge sharing of millennials and generation Z employees. It also assumed that two types of knowledge, such as tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, would have the effect of controlling knowledge sharing culture and knowledge sharing. This paper collected data from 138 employees working in hotels in the metropolitan area. As a result of the empirical analysis, it was found that the knowledge sharing culture of hotel companies influenced knowledge sharing. In addition, it was confirmed that it had a positive effect on psychological ownership and organizational citizenship behavior. In the case of hotel companies, it was found that the tacit knowledge was more effective in inducing knowledge sharing among employees that the explicit knowledge. If a company provides a knowledge-sharing culture using various forms of tacit knowledge strategies, it is expected to increase the organizational citizenship behavior and psychological ownership of MZ generation employees.

A Study of the Impractical Area and Boundary of an Outer Royal Garden "Hamchunwon" Attached to Gyeonghuigung Palace (경희궁 별원(別苑) 함춘원의 실지(實地) 경역 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Hong, Hyeon-Do;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the area and the original outer boundaries of Hamchunwon(含春苑), which was the outer royal garden of Gyeonghuigung Palace, which existed before the site of the Russian legation. The results of the study are as follows. First, examining the 3 types of drawings prepared for securing the Russian legation's site and constructing a new building, it was confirmed that two low peaks, which appear to be the original terrain of Hamchunwon, existed in the north and south directions inside the site. According to the initial plan of the of the legation's site, it appears that the entrance of the legation building is connected to the Saemunan-ro in the northwest. However, according to the report made at the time when the Russian temporary minister Veber purchased the legation's site, it was recorded that the site already had a narrow entrance and a dirt road in place, and hence, it was connected to Saemunan-ro. This fact makes it possible to learn that the line of movement for officials and the original gate were located to the northwest of the site planned as the entrance of the legation building towards Hamchunwon. Second, the site was created by cutting the top of the high hill at the time of the construction of the legation building, and as a result, a two tiered staircase typed terrace was built. The ground on which the main building and the secretary's building, etc., were erected was made by cutting the highest peak and solidifying it flat, and a large quantity of soil was used for grading. In the case of the northern area of the main building, the traces of leveling the terrain by cutting the mountains are apparent, and an observation typed garden with a walking path and pavilion was formed by utilizing the physical environment equipped with an easy view. This may be considered as a use which is consistent with the topographical conditions of creating an outer royal garden to block the civilian views on a high terrain overlooking the palace. Third, Hamchunwon's fences were partially exposed in the photos from the 1880s through the 1890s, which demonstrate the spatial changes made around the US, UK, and the Russian legations. As a result of the photo analysis performed, Hamchunwon occupies the northern area of the Russian legation's site, and it is estimated that the north, west, and east walls of the legation resembled those of Hamchunwon. The area to the south of the Russian legation was originally a place made available for civilian houses, and it was possible to examine the circumstances of purchasing dozens of civilian houses and farmlands according to various materials. Fourth, Hamchunwon, which was formed as the outer royal garden of Gyeongdeokgung Palace of Lord Gwanghaegun, lost its sense of place as an outer royal garden when the entire building of Gyeonghuigung Palace was torn down and used as a construction members during the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and faded away as the site was sold to Russia around 1885. The area where Hamchunwon used to be located transformed into a core space of the Russian legation where the main building and garden were located after the construction of the new building. Hence, Hamchunwon, which was limited to the northern area of the Russian legation, does not carry the temporal and spatial context with Gyeongungung Palace and Seonwonjeon which were constructed after 1897, and it is determined that the view of Seonwonjeon as Baehoorim or Baegyeongrim is not valid.

Gonadal Development and Sex Differentiation of a Korean Endemic Species, Black Bullhead Pseudobagrus koreanus (한국 특산종 눈동자개, Pseudobagrus koreanus의 생식소 발달과 성분화)

  • Park, Jin-Seok;Lee, Won-Kyo;Park, Chung-Kug;Heo, Seung-Joon;Ki, Se-Wun;Choi, Nak-Hyun
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2008
  • Sex differentiation process of the spotted Black Bullhead, Pseudobagrus koreanus, was investigated using fish samples of different age after hatching. The primordial germ cells appeared separately under air bladder in 1-day larva (total length: $6.63{\sim}6.95\;mm$). The primordial gonad with a genital ridge developed in 5-day prelarva ($7.50{\sim}9.36\;mm$). The ovarian differentiation started in about 25-day juvenile ($11.58{\sim}13.21\;mm$). The somatic tissues enlongated in the tip of one end of undifferentiated gonad and fused each other. Thus a small ovarian cavity appeared. The testicular differentiation was initiated in 30-day juvenile ($12.19{\sim}13.72\;mm$). The rudiment of sperm duct was appeared in the lower part of the undifferentiated gonad. In 50-day juvenile ($16.28{\sim}17.06\;mm$), the ovary started to fill with peri-nucleolus oocytes, and the spermatogonia started to develop. In 250-day juvenile ($35.49{\sim}51.12\;mm$), the ovary became bigger and filled with oocytes, and the number of spermatogonia started to increase. Considering these results, the spotted Black Bullhead could be a differentiated type in sex differentiation and gonochorism in sexuality.

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