• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정보기술 교육과정

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Analysis of Presence and Immersion Elements of VR Game (VR게임의 실재감과 몰입감 요소 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Gyu;Jang, Woo-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2019
  • Backed by the fourth industrial revolution as the background of the research, VR, AR and MR have increased interest and wireless Oculus Quest is releasing, creating hardware recall and continuing virtual reality devices, and game software develop or service VR games using such devices. As a result, it is expected that VR game markets will continue to grow in the future. For this purpose, we understand the technical factors of presence and immersion that appear in virtual reality games and should be able to apply them when we produce VR games. Through the process, we analyzed elements of VR game concept, immersion, and presence and analyzed three games that were commercialized. As a suggestion, we need to take into account presence and immersion characteristics when developing and experiencing virtual reality games in the future.

Case Study on Enhancing Communication Skills of Adolescents With Mild Intellectual Disabilities Through a Group Rap Making (그룹 랩만들기의 치료적 적용: 경도지적장애 청소년의 의사소통기술 향상 사례)

  • Kim, Eunha
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to develop a group rap making program and examine its applicability to improve communication skills of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities (ID). Three adolescents with ID participated in a total of six 50-minute group sessions over 4 weeks. The group rap making program included three stages: understanding the context of communication, learning how to communicate with others, and applying the communicative behaviors in a group setting. To examine changes in the participants' communication skills, the rap lyrics constructed by participants were analyzed and communicative behaviors were observed during sessions and analyzed in terms of asking questions and providing information to others. Also, a social communication skills checklist was rated by the participant's caregivers. The analysis of rap lyrics showed that the expressions included in the rap were diversified as the session proceeded. Changes in observed behaviors supported that participants became to engage in communication with others more actively in order to complete the group rap. While the social communication skills checklist tended to increase, there was a difference in degree of change depending on the level of language communication skills. These results indicate that a group rap making can be an effective option for these adolescents to learn how to communicate with their peers, which presents implications for how rap making can be used for therapeutic purpose with more diversified population.

Design of Web based Simulation Provenance Data Sharing Service (웹 기반 시뮬레이션 이력출처 데이터 공유 서비스 설계)

  • Jung, Youngjin;Nam, Dukyun;Yu, Jinseung;Lee, JongSuk Ruth;Cho, Kumwon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1128-1134
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    • 2014
  • Web based simulation service is actively utilized to computably analyze various kinds of phenomena in real world according to progress of computing technology and spread of Network. However it is hard to share data and information among users on the services, because most of web based simulation services do not share and open simulation processing information and results. In this paper, we design a simulation provenance data sharing service on EDISON_CFD (EDucation-research Integration Simulation On the Net for Computational Fluid Dynamics) to share the calculated simulation performance information. To store and share the simulation processing information, we define the simulation processing step as "Problem ${\rightarrow}$ Plan, Design ${\rightarrow}$ Mesh ${\rightarrow}$ Simulation performance ${\rightarrow}$ Result ${\rightarrow}$ Report." Users can understand a problem solving method through a computer simulation by searching the simulation performance information with Search/Share API of the store. Besides, this opened simulation information can reduce the waste of calculation resource to process same simulation jobs.

Spray Visualization Using Laser Diagnostics (레이저를 이용한 분무 가시화)

  • 윤영빈
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.87-112
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    • 2005
  • 분무를 정량적으로 측정하는 것은 노즐의 설계와 개발을 위해서 뿐만 아니라 연소 시스템 전반의 효율 및 불안정성의 제거, 공해 저감 등의 요구 조건을 만족하기 위해서 중요하다. 이를 위해 이전에는 분무장 내에 수집관을 삽입하는 기계적 패터네이터(Mechanical Patternator)와 같은 삽입식 측정 방식을 이용하여 왔으나, 최근에는 고속카메라, Malvern particle analyzer, PDPA, 광학 패터네이터(Optical Patternator)와 같은 분무장을 교란시키지 않으면서도 빠른 측정이 가능한 가시화 기술들이 적용되고 있다. 특히 광학 패터네이터는 레이저 평면광을 이용하여 분무를 측정하는 비삽입식 기술로 단시간 내에 분무장 내 액체 연료의 질량 및 액적 크기의 단면 분포를 동시에 얻어낼 수 있는 장점을 갖고 있다. 그러나 분무 액적들의 수밀도가 증가하는 경우에는 이들 액적에 의한 입사광 및 신호 감쇠, 다중산란 등에 의한 오차가 심하게 발생하여, 기존의 PDPA, PLIF 등의 광학 기법으로는 충분히 신뢰할 만한 결과를 얻기가 어렵게 된다. 이러한 분무를 정량적으로 측정하기 위해서는 입사광의 감쇠뿐만 아니라 분무장 내 액적들에 의한 신호의 감쇠 과정에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 주면 액적들의 영향을 최소한으로 줄이기 위해서는 레이저 평면광을 사용하는 광학 패터네이터와 달리 레이저 광선을 분무장에 조사하여 고압에서 나타날 수 있는 다중 산란에 의한 오차를 최소화할 수 있다. 이러한 이미지 처리 기법을 이용하는 광학 선형 패터네이터(Optical Line Patternator)를 이용하여 기존 레이저 계측기법으로 측정이 곤란하였던 고압 환경 하에서의 스월 동축형 인젝터의 분무 특성을 해석할 수가 있다. 2015(년도) 6,388, 2025(년도) 13,367, 2035(년도) 18,756, 2045(년도) 22,595, 시장점유율 증가로 인한 수출액 증가분 누적(억원) : 2015(년도) 3,411, 2025(년도) 8,847, 2035(년도) 14,433, 2045(년도) 18,005 또한 시나리오 비교평가를 실시하여 본 결과, 본 연구에서 정의한 순편익 누적(Cumulative Net Profit) 변수를 적용하면 현재 연구비 추세 대비 $30\%$ 까지 연구비를 증가 시키는 것이 효율적임을 알 수 있었다.성, 생산 용이성, 제품 디자인의 우수한 정도가 a=0.01 수준 하에서 유의적으로 추정되었다. 이들 변수들 중에서 품질경쟁력에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 측정변수는 제품의 기본 성능, 수명(내구성), 신뢰성, 제품 디자인의 순서로 추정되었다. 이것은 한국 제조업이 아직 산업 디자인이 품질경쟁력에 크게 영향을 미치는 성숙단계에 이르지 못하였음을 의미한다. (2) 제품 디자인에게 영향을 끼치는 유의적인 변수는 연구개발력, 연구개발투자 수준, 혁신활동 수준(5S, TPM, 6Sigma 운동, QC 등)이며, 제품 디자인은 우선 품질경쟁력을 높여 간접적으로 고객만족과 고객 충성을 유발하는 것으로 추정되었다. 상기의 분석결과로부터, 본 연구는 다음과 같은 정책적 함의를 도출하였다. 첫째, 신상품 개발과 혁신을 위한 포괄적인 연구개발 프로젝트를 품질 경쟁력의 주요 결정요인(제품의 기본성능, 신뢰성, 수명(내구성) 및 제품 디자인)과 연계하여 추진해야 할 것이다. 둘째, 기업은 디자인 경영 마인드 제고와 디자인 전문인력 양성을, 대학은 디자인 현장 업무를 통하여 창의력 증진과 기획 및 마케팅 능력 교육을, 정부는 디자

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Comparative Study on Effects of Sexuality Education in Elementary School Students (초등학생의 성교육 효과에 관한 비교연구)

  • Seo, Soon-Hee;Hong, Jee-Young;Lee, Moo-Sik;Na, Baeg-Ju;Lee, Jin-Yong;Bae, Seok-Hwan;Yoo, Se-Jong
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.11b
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    • pp.513-516
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 성교육이 학생들의 성 지식, 태도, 역할 정체감에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위해 실험군과 대조군으로 집단을 나누어 실험군에게 의도적인 성교육 실시하여 그 결과를 살펴보고 향후 학교에서 실시되는 성교육 계획 수립에 도움을 주고자 하는 실험연구이다. 본 연구의 대상은 충청북도 제천시에 위치한 J초등학교 5학년 6개 학급을 대상으로 실험군 100(남 50, 여 50), 대조군 100(남 50, 여 50) 총 200명을 대상으로 실시하였으며 자료 수집은 2009년 10월 15일부터 2009년 11월 25일까지 실시하였다. 연구도구는 문헌고찰을 통해 성 지식, 성 태도, 성역할 정체감에 사용한 설문지를 구성타당도 검증을 통해 문항을 구성 선정하였으며, 신뢰도는 Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ 값으로 검증하였다. 연구 대상자의 일반적 특성을 보면 92%의 학생이 부모님이 있고, 88.5%가 형제자매가 있으며, 집안 분위기는 60%가 자유스럽고, 7%가 엄한 것으로 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 성관련 특성으로 가정에서 성교육을 받아본 경험이 있는 경우는 36%로 나타났으며, 성과 관련된 정보를 얻는 순서는 87.5%의 학생이 학교 보건선생님한테 성 관련 정보를 얻는 경우가 대부분이었고, 다음 순서로는 부모님, 서적류, 담임선생님, 영상매체, 친구, 형제자매 순으로 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 신체변화정도를 살펴보면 여자의 경우 월경이 있는 경우는 20%정도, 가슴의 변화는 84%로 나타났으며, 남자의 경우 몽정이 있는 경우는 4%로 나타났으며, 남녀 모두 변성기, 여드름, 발모, 몽정, 월경, 가슴변화 등 한 가지 이상 신체변화가 나타난 경우는 56%로 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 성지식 사전 사후 점수를 비교해보면 두 집단 모두 사전보다 사후 점수가 증가하였다. 사후검사에서 교육을 받지 않은 대조군의 성지식 점수는 소폭 증가하였으나 성교육을 실시한 실험군의 성지식 점수는 더 큰 폭으로 높았으며, 특히 신체발달에서 사전검사에 대조군은(M=2.17), 실험군은 (M=1.66)으로 실험군의 점수가 낮았으나, 사후검사에서는 대조군은(M=2.76), 실험군은(M=3.90)으로 실험군의 점수가 더 높았다. 이상의 결과를 종합해보면 학교에서의 체계화된 성교육은 학생들의 성 지식, 태도, 성 역할 정체감 형성에 도움을 줄뿐만 아니라 성교육을 부끄러워하고, 쑥스러워하며, 어색해 하던 아이들이 문제 중심 학습을 적용하여 자기 주도적으로 문제를 해결하고, 체험, 실습, 역할극, 토의 등의 활동적인 수업에 적극 참여하고, 자연스럽게 활동하여 긍정적인 '밝은 성(性)'으로 변해가는 모습을 관찰할 수 있었다. 성교육은 인간의 성장과 발달에 따라 변화하는 과정이라는 것을 인식하여 건전한 성, 건강한 성을 함양하기 위해 체계적이고 발달 단계에 맞추어 이루어져야 할 것이다.

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Design and implementation of an AI-based speed quiz content for social robots interacting with users (사람과 상호작용하는 소셜 로봇을 위한 인공지능 기반 스피드 퀴즈 콘텐츠의 설계와 구현)

  • Oh, Hyun-Jung;Kang, A-Reum;Kim, Do-Yun;Jeong, Gu-Min
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.611-618
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a design and implementation method of speed quiz content that can be driven by a social robot capable of interacting with humans, and a method of developing an intelligent module necessary for implementation. In addition, we propose a method of implementing speed quiz content through the process of constructing a map by arranging and connecting intelligent module blocks. Recently, software education has become mandatory and interest in programming is increasing. However, programming is difficult for students without basic knowledge of programming languages to directly access, and interest in block-type programming platforms suitable for beginners is growing. The block-type programming platform used in this paper is a platform that supports immediate and intuitive programming by supporting interactions between humans and robots. In this paper, the intelligent module implemented for the speed quiz content was used by blocking it within a block-type programming platform. In order to implement the scenario of the speed quiz content proposed in this paper, we implement a total of three image-based artificial intelligence modules. In addition to the intelligent module, various functional blocks were placed to implement the speed quiz content. In this paper, we propose a method of designing a speed quiz content scenario and a method of implementing an intelligent module for speed quiz content.

Research about CAVE Practical Use Way Through Culture Content's Restoration Process that Utilize CAVE (가상현실시스템(CAVE)을 활용한 문화 Content의 복원 과정을 통한 CAVE활용 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Yul;Ryu, Seuc-Ho;Hur, Yung-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2004
  • Virtual reality that we have seen from the movies in 80's and 90's is hawing near based on the rapid progress of science together with a computer technology. Various virtual reality system developments (such as VRML, HMD FishTank, Wall Type, CAVE Type, and so on) and the advancement of those systems make for the embodiment of virtual reality that gives more sense of the real. Virtual reality is so immersive that makes people feel like they are in that environment and enable them to manipulate without experiencing the environment at first hand that is hard to experience in reality. Virtual reality can be applied to the spheres, such as education, high-level programming, remote control, surface exploration of the remote satellite, analysis of exploration data, scientific visualization, and so on. For some connote examples, there are training of a tank and an aeroplane operation, fumiture layout design, surgical operation practice, game, and so on. In these virtual reality systems, the actual operation of the human participant and virtual workspace are connected each other to the hardware that stimulates the five senses adequately to lend the sense of the immersion. There are still long way to go, however, before long it will be possible to have the same feeling in the virtual reality as human being can have by further study and effort. In this thesis, the basic definition, the general idea, and the kind of virtual reality were discussed. Especially, CAVE typed in reality that is highly immersive was analyzed in definition, and then the method of VR programming and modeling in the virtual reality system were suggested by showing the restoration process of Kyongbok Palace (as the content of the original form of the culture) that was made by KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) in 2003 through design process in virtual reality system. Through these processes, utilization of the immersive virtual reality system was discussed and how to take advantage of this CAVE typed virtual reality system at the moment was studied. In closing the problems that had been exposed in the process of the restoration of the cultural property were described and the utilization plan of the virtual reality system was suggested.

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An Analysis of Elementary School Students' Interpretation of Data Characteristics by Cognitive Style (초등학생의 인지양식에 따른 자료해석 특성 분석)

  • Lim, Sung-Man;Son, Hee-Jung;Yang, Il-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.78-98
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze elementary school students' interpretation of data characteristics by cognitive style. Participants were elementary students in sixth grade who can use integrated inquiry process skills. The students were divided into two groups, analytic cognitive style and wholistic cognitive style according to their response to Cognitive Style Analysis. They performed scientific interpretation of data activity. To collect data for this study, participants recorded the result on scientific interpretation of data activity paper and researcher recorded the situation on videotape and interviewed with participants after the end of interpretation of data to get additional data. And the findings of this study were as follows: First, the study analyzed interpretation of data characteristics by the operator regarding different situations of interpreting data according to cognitive style. For example, in the intermediate state, analytic-cognitive style students showed high achievement in identifying variables, and wholistic-cognitive style students were active in using prior knowledge to interpret data. Second, the result of analysis on the direction of interpreting data and preference for data types in interpreting data activities according to cognitive style are as follows: Wholistic-cognitive style students showed relatively high perception of information through the top-down approach. On the other hand, analytic-cognitive style students usually used the bottom-up approach gradually expanding detailed information to the scientific question-related answer and showed a preference data of the table type. Through the result, this study aimed to help establish a data interpretation strategy for learners to solve problems based on understanding of interpretation of data characteristics according to learners' cognitive style, and purposed the instruction design suggesting the data requiring various data interpretation strategies to develop learners' data interpretation ability.

The Effects of Occupation-Based Community Rehabilitation for Improving Occupational Performance Skills and Activity Daily Living of Stroke Home Disabled People: A Single Subject Design (작업기반 지역사회 재활이 뇌졸중 재가 장애인의 일상생활과 작업수행 기술에 미치는 효과)

  • Moon, Kwang-Tae;Park, Hae Yean;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.99-117
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to study the effects of occupation-based community rehabilitation on occupational performance skills and activities of daily living in stroke disabled persons living in the community, and to investigate the changes in occupation quality and satisfaction. Methods : In this single-subject ABA design study with follow-up evaluation, one severely disabled person diagnosed with stroke who lived in the community was recruited. The procedure consisted of a total of 25 sessions for 17 weeks. Intervention was according to occupation-based community rehabilitation, and the researcher visited the subject's home. Individualized intervention was applied according to the OTIPM. The intervention was composed of task assignment and feedback, home environment modification, information-related caregiver education, and community resource network. The evaluation of each session included the changes in the frequency of occupational performance skills, the quality of occupational performance in daily life, and the changes in occupational satisfaction, activities of daily living, quality of life, and maintenance of in the occupational performance skills during follow-up. The results were visually analyzed using a bar graph and a linear graph. Results : The results showed that the occupation-based community rehabilitation improved activities of daily living such as putting on socks, shoes slip-on, and upper body dressing garment within reach. Within the framework of the AMPS, it was confirmed that the quality of occupational performance was improved in all the subjects, and the degree of satisfaction also improved. Conclusion : This study showed that occupation-based rehabilitation can improve the occupational performance skills of stroke home disabled people positively affect the quality of occupational performance in daily life. Therefore, I think it is meaningful that useful for them.

The Process of the Quickening and Development of Science-Technology- Society Education in the United Kingdom (II) - During the 2nd Half of the 20th Century - (영국에서의 과학-기술-사회 교육의 태동과 발전 과정 (II) - 20세기 후반을 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.52-76
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    • 2000
  • Following the previous study focused on the period until the middle of the 20th century, this study tried to show how STS-related ideas have been developed historically in British science education, particularly focused on the period of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Like the USA, the UK witnessed the development of numerous academically-oriented programs, such as Nuffield projects, during the 1950-60s. However, during the 1970s, there had been growing criticism against the discipline-centered science education and some new noticeable approaches had been made to compensate the contemporary trend. For example, although its main focus was on the integrated approach in school science, the SCISP was quite successful to illustrate the importance of the relationship between science and society. Following this example, Science in Society and SISCON-in-Schools were more ambitious in developing genuine STS programs. These two projects were developed simultaneously and took the form of modules, rather than of textbooks. Nevertheless, Science in Society was more concerned with the applied and industrial aspects of science while SISCON-in-Schools was more inclined to the historical, philosophical and social aspects of science. During the 1980s, far more ambitious attempts had been made to develop full-scale STS programs, i.e. Salters' Chemistry/Science and SATIS. These two programs have been developed with the active corporation from the ASE and soon became the typical examples of the STS approach across the world. Besides the similarities between them, Salters' approach is more application-oriented, subject-oriented, and textbook-like while SATIS is more socially-oriented, issue-oriented and module-style. In summary, the history of STS approach in school science shows that the STS programs were developed under the different social backgrounds and initiated by different groups of the people who have different views towards the purposes of school science and that the STS approach is certainly not the exclusive characteristic of the last period of the 20th century. Finally, the features of the major STS programs developed in Britain during the 20th century are summarized and compared in relation to the Ziman's criteria of the possible approaches in STS education. And some general conclusion are drown based on the study of the history of the STS approaches in Britain.

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