• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정밀 도로 지도

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A Study on Precision of 3D Spatial Model of a Highly Dense Urban Area based on Drone Images (드론영상 기반 고밀 도심지의 3차원 공간모형의 정밀도에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yeon Woo;Yoon, Hye Won;Choo, Mi Jin;Yoon, Dong Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2022
  • The 3D spatial model is an analysis framework for solving urban problems and is used in various fields such as urban planning, environment, land and housing management, and disaster simulation. The utilization of drones that can capture 3D images in a short time at a low cost is increasing for the construction of 3D spatial model. In terms of building a virtual city and utilizing simulation modules, high location accuracy of aerial survey and precision of 3D spatial model function as important factors, so a method to increase the accuracy has been proposed. This study analyzed location accuracy of aerial survey and precision of 3D spatial model by each condition of aerial survey for urban areas where buildings are densely located. We selected Daerim 2-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul as a target area and applied shooting angle, shooting altitude, and overlap rate as conditions for the aerial survey. In this study, we calculated the location accuracy of aerial survey by analyzing the difference between an actual survey value of CPs and a predicted value of 3D spatial Model. Also, We calculated the precision of 3D spatial Model by analyzing the difference between the position of Point cloud and the 3D spatial Model (3D Mesh). As a result of this study, the location accuracy tended to be high at a relatively high rate of overlap, but the higher the rate of overlap, the lower the precision of 3D spatial model and the higher the shooting angle, the higher precision. Also, there was no significant relationship with precision. In terms of baseline-height ratio, the precision tended to be improved as the baseline-height ratio increased.

Georeferencing of GPR image data using HD map construction method (정밀 도로 지도 구축 방법을 이용한 GPR 영상 데이터 지오레퍼런싱)

  • Shin, Jinsoo;Won, Jonghyun;Lee, Seeyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.507-513
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    • 2021
  • GPR (Ground Penetrating RADAR) is a sensor that inspects the pavement state of roads, sinkholes, and underground pipes. It is widely used in road management. MMS (Mobile Mapping System) creates a detailed and accurate road map of the road surface and its surroundings. If both types of data are built in the same area, it is efficient to construct both ground and underground spatial information at the same time. In addition, since it is possible to grasp the road and important facilities around the road, the location of underground pipelines, etc. without special technology, an intuitive understanding of the site is also possible, which is a useful tool in managing the road or facilities. However, overseas equipment to which this latest technology is applied is expensive and does not fit the domestic situation. LiDAR (Light Detection And Raging) and GNSS/INS (Global Navigation Satellite System / Inertial Navigation System) were synchronized in order to replace overseas developed equipment and to secure original technology to develop domestic equipment in the future, and GPR data was also synchronized to the same GNSS/INS. We developed software that performs georeferencing using the location and attitude information from GNSS/INS at the time of acquiring synchronized GPR data. The experiments were conducted on the road site by dividing the open sky and the non-open sky. The road and surrounding facilities on the ground could be easily checked through the 3D point cloud data acquired through LiDAR. Georeferenced GPR data could also be viewed with a 3D viewer along with point cloud data, and the location of underground facilities could be easily and quickly confirmed through GPR data.

Establishment of Point Cloud Location Accuracy Evaluation Facility for Car-mounted Mobile Mapping System for Mapping of High Definition Road Maps (정밀도로지도 제작을 위한 이동식차량측량시스템(MMS) 점군 위치정확도 성능평가 시설 구축)

  • Oh, Yoon Seuk;Kwon, Young Sam;Park, Il Suk;Hong, Seung Hwan;Lee, Ha Jun;Lee, Tae Kyeong;Chang, Soo Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2020
  • Car-mounted MMS (Mobile Mapping System) is the most effective tool for mapping of high definition road maps(HD Map). The MMS is composed of various sensor combinations, and the manufacturing methods and processing software are different for each manufacturer, performance cannot be predicted only by the specifications of the parts. Therefore, it is necessary to judge whether each equipment is suitable for mapping through performance evaluation, and facilities for periodic performance evaluation. In this paper, we explained the MMS performance evaluation facilities built at the SOC Evaluation Research Center of Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology and analyzed the conditions that the evaluation facilities should have through a literature survey and field tests.

Construction of the Airborne Gravity Based Geoid and its Evaluation (항공중력기반 지오이드 모델 구축 및 검증)

  • Lee, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Lee, Bo-Mi;Hong, Chang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2009
  • To obtain the gravity data with consistent quality and good distribution over Korea, to overcome the difficulties in constructing precision geoid from biased distribution of ground data, to resolve the discrepancy between the ground and ocean gravity data, an airborne gravity survey was conducted from Dec. 2008 to Jan. 2009. The data was measured at the average flying height of 3,000m and the data with cross-over error of 2.21mGal is obtained. The geoid constructed using this airborne gravity data shows the range of 9.34 $\sim$ 33.88m. Comparing the geoid with respect to the GPS/levelling data, a precision of 0.145m is obtained. After fitting, the degree of fit to GPS/levelling data was calculated about 5cm. It was found that there exists large biases in the area of south-western and northern part of the peninsular which is considered to be the effect of distorted vertical datum in Korea. Thus, more investigation on vertical datum would be needed in near future.

Machine Learning Based MMS Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation (머신러닝 기반 MMS Point Cloud 의미론적 분할)

  • Bae, Jaegu;Seo, Dongju;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_3
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    • pp.939-951
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    • 2022
  • The most important factor in designing autonomous driving systems is to recognize the exact location of the vehicle within the surrounding environment. To date, various sensors and navigation systems have been used for autonomous driving systems; however, all have limitations. Therefore, the need for high-definition (HD) maps that provide high-precision infrastructure information for safe and convenient autonomous driving is increasing. HD maps are drawn using three-dimensional point cloud data acquired through a mobile mapping system (MMS). However, this process requires manual work due to the large numbers of points and drawing layers, increasing the cost and effort associated with HD mapping. The objective of this study was to improve the efficiency of HD mapping by segmenting semantic information in an MMS point cloud into six classes: roads, curbs, sidewalks, medians, lanes, and other elements. Segmentation was performed using various machine learning techniques including random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), and gradient-boosting machine (GBM), and 11 variables including geometry, color, intensity, and other road design features. MMS point cloud data for a 130-m section of a five-lane road near Minam Station in Busan, were used to evaluate the segmentation models; the average F1 scores of the models were 95.43% for RF, 92.1% for SVM, 91.05% for GBM, and 82.63% for KNN. The RF model showed the best segmentation performance, with F1 scores of 99.3%, 95.5%, 94.5%, 93.5%, and 90.1% for roads, sidewalks, curbs, medians, and lanes, respectively. The variable importance results of the RF model showed high mean decrease accuracy and mean decrease gini for XY dist. and Z dist. variables related to road design, respectively. Thus, variables related to road design contributed significantly to the segmentation of semantic information. The results of this study demonstrate the applicability of segmentation of MMS point cloud data based on machine learning, and will help to reduce the cost and effort associated with HD mapping.

Deriving the Role of Sign Facilities Recognized by Autonomous Vehicles (자율주행차량이 인식 가능한 표지 시설의 역할 도출)

  • Young-Jae JEON;Jin-Woo KIM;Chan-Oh KWON;Jun-Hyuk LEE
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • With the advent of the 4th industrial revolution era, interest in autonomous driving technology is increasing. Accordingly it is necessary to seek safe driving by recognizing surrounding situations using sensors attached to autonomous vehicles along with the applicability of existing traffic facilities to autonomous driving lanes and the utilization of HD maps. In this study, in order to deduce the role of sensor only physical facilities which recognized through a laser scanner on an autonomous vehicle developed to improve road and traffic infrastructure, through comparative analysis with existing road facilities such as road signs, safety signs, and gaze guidance facilities. Sign facilities can promote driving safety by allowing autonomous vehicles to perform specific actions directly. In order to promote safe driving by recognizing sign facilities by using sensors for autonomous vehicles, it is necessary to prepare standards for installation, management, and use, and it is considered that management and supervision should be carried out continuously according to the standards.

Comparison of Liquefaction Probability Map Regarding with Geotechnical Information and Spatial Interpolation Target (공간보간 대상 및 지반정보에 따른 액상화 확률지도 비교)

  • Song, Seongwan;Hwang, Bumsik;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2021
  • The interest of expecting the liquefaction damage is increasing due to the liquefaction in Pohang in 2017. Liquefaction is defined as a phenomenon that the ground can not support the superstructure due to loss of the strength of the ground. As an alternative against this, many studies are being conducted to increase the precision and to compose a liquefaction hazard map for the purpose of identifying the scale of liquefaction damage using the liquefaction potential index (LPI). In this research, in order to analyze the degree of precision with regard to spatial interpolation objects such as LPI value and geotechnical information for LPI determination, liquefaction hazard map were made for the target area. Furthermore, based on the trend of precision, probability value was analyzed using probability maps prepared through qualitative characteristics. Based on the analysis results, the precision of the liquefaction hazard map setting the spatial interpolation object as geotechnical information is higher than that as LPI value. Furthermore, the precision of the liquefaction hazard map does not affect the distribution of the probability value.

Precise Survey of Dokaebi Road Using CDGPS (CDGPS를 이용한 도깨비 도로의 정밀 측위)

  • Kee, Chang-Don;Kim, Jeong-Han
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 1999
  • Using GPS carrier phase whose cycle ambiguities are resolved, it is possible to perform precise survey requiring centimeter-level positioning accuracy. Because of an optical illusion, we cannot recognize the exact slope of Dokaebi Road. In this paper, we performed kinematic survey experiments in order to calculate the exact slope of Dokaebi Road with high positioning accuracy of CDGPS. By post-processing experimental data using CDGPS, it was possible to generate the exact vertical trajectory of Dokaebi Road with centimeter-level accuracy.

  • PDF

Utilization of High-precision Spatial Information Based on Large-scale Digital Map (대축척 수치지도 기반의 정밀 공간정보 활용방안)

  • Park, Hong Gi;Park, Hyun Mi;Park, Jin Yi;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2014
  • A digital map of 1/5,000 scale provides basic information to be utilized in various businesses, such as in land management, urban information system of a local government, navigation of private sectors and others. 1/5,000 digital map, which contains information of the entire land of South Korea, is performed as a national fundamental map, however, comparing to 1,000 digital map, it has some difficulties in terms of positional accuracy and attribute data for applying in urban areas. Also, since the paradigm of spatial information services has been changed, more accurate positional information and rich attribute information are required for the government businesses and private map services. Particularly, demands for the high precision spatial information based on large-scale digital map is increasing in facility managements due to rapid changes in urban areas and various spatial analyses. For those reasons, this study proposes how to apply and use precise spatial information based on 1/1,000 digital. Firstly, an analysis of legal system related to large-scale digital map and spatial information is conducted in the research. Afterwards, the ways are suggested to improve systematical utilizations of 1/1,000 digital map. We also define existing applications of spatial information in public and private sector, and recommend methodology that can be utilized high precision spatial information.