• Title/Summary/Keyword: 점토 물질

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Factor Analysis of the Continental Shelf Sediments off the Southeast Coast of Korea and Its Impplication to the Depositional Environments (한반도 동남해역 대륙붕 표층퇴적물의 요인분석과 그 퇴적역사)

  • Park, Yong-Ahn;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1986
  • A Q-mode factor analysis for 115 surficial bottom sediments on the continental shelf off the southeast coast of Korean Peninsula(the Korea Strait) has been carried out to determine the depositional environments. The first four factors are taken as the "principal" factors, and the results are considered to represent the depositional history and sedimentary processes in relation to the Holocene sea-level changes. The fact implies that the sediments are grouped as outer-shelf relict sand sediments, inner-shelf modern muddy sediments, and finally the palimpsest sediments that are mainly distributed within and around the Korea Trough.

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Numerical Analysis for the Geological Engineering Characteristics of Unconsolidated Sediment (미고결 퇴적물의 지질공학적 특성에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • CHO Tae-Chin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 1990
  • Finite element model capable of solving coupled deformation-fluid diffusion equations for the fully saturated porous medium was developed using Galerkin's residual method. This model was used to study the mechanical and hydraulic behaviors of unconsolidated sediment near South Harbor, Pusan. The vertical displacement of top surface clay sediment, when subjected to the external load, is significantly affected by the excessive pore pres- sure buildup and its decay due to the pore fluid diffusion. The sand deposit overlain by the much less permeable clay layer serves as a flow channel. Consequently, the fluid diffusion due to pore pressure difference is significantly facilitated, which also affects the diffusion-dependent sediment deformation.

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Hydraulic Conductivity and Strength Characteristics of Self Recovering Sustainable Liner (SRSL) as a Landfill Final Cover (SRSL 매립지 최종 복토층의 투수 및 강도 특성)

  • Kwon, Oh-Jung;Lee, Ju-Hyung;Cho, Wan-Jei;Jung, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2011
  • Conventional designs of landfill covers use geosynthetics such as geomembrane and GCL, and clay liners to lower the permeability of final covers of landfill sites. However, differential settlement and the variation of temperature or humidity in landfill sites cause the development of cracks or structural damage inside the final cover. This study examined the application of a Self Recovering Sustainable Liner (SRSL) as an alternative landfill final cover material. SRSL consists of double layers, which have chemicals, can generate precipitates filling the pores of the layers by chemical reaction. The interface material forms an impermeable layer and in case of internal cracks, the reactants of the two layers migrate towards the crack and heal it by forming another liner. In this study the applicability of SRSL material for landfill final cover was examined by performing flexible wall permeameter tests to prove that the hydraulic conductivity is lower than the regulations and unconfined compression tests to judge whether the strength satisfies the restriction for the landfill final cover. Furthermore, the environmental impacts on the permeability and strength were evaluated. The experimental results show that the SRSL has lower hydraulic conductivity and higher strength than the regulations and is little influenced by climatic changes such as wet/dry or freeze/thaw process.

Environmental Geological Characteristics of Suspended Matter and Turbidity Water at Gachang Dam in 2004 (2004년 가창댐 탁수의 원인과 부유물질의 환경지질학적 특징)

  • Choo Chang-Oh;Koh Eun-Young;Oh Soo-Jiu;Lee Seong-Woo;Kim Byoung-Ki;Lee Ji-Eun;Kim Yeong-Kyoo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1 s.47
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2006
  • This study was undertaken to investigate the origin of suspended matter to induce turbidity water in Gachang dam in view of environmental geology. During the period from May to August 2004, field works and sampling were carried out three times at the dam and along its streams, and chemical and mineralogical analyses such as ICP, IC, particle size analyzer, XRD and SEM were made on water, soil and suspended matter in water. Electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, the contents of cation and anion increase from upstream toward the dam mostly due to the geological factors such as weathring of the rocks causing the increase of the total ion content. Vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, quartz, feldspar and iron hydroxide are commonly found in suspended matters in water and soils. Finer particles (d10) in soil increase slightly toward downstream and the vermiculite content is highest in the dam water. Since geological differences are not significant, mineralogy are similar in suspended matters and soils. Clay mineral compositions present in suspended matters were alsmost the same as those in soils, indicating the origin of soils by weathering of host rocks and being transported to the dam by stream water.

A Report on Patterned Ground in the Baekdusan (백두산 일대에 나타나는 구조토 보고)

  • CHOI, In-Sook;SEONG, Yeong Bae;KIM, Jong Wook;PARK, Seung-Phil;LI, Chun Jing
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2010
  • This study is based on the observation on the patterned ground found in the northern part of the Baekdusan during two fieldtrips of 2008 summer. The patterned grounds are found in two areas-Dalmun and Socheonji. The patterned ground found around Dalmun are well-sorted, having fine materials in the center and coarse (boulder size) materials in the rim, and stretching in the form of stairs. Meanwhile, the types of patterned ground found around Socheonji are various, including polygon, stripe, and circular patterns. The particle size analysis and morphological analysis of comprising materials are carried out only for the patterned ground of Socheonji. The mean short and long axis of the patterned grounds are 91cm and 163cm, respectively. The distribution pattern of material size from the most samples increase toward the rim, indicating the patterned grounds are well-sorted. The comprising materials are dominated by silt, which is very susceptible for freeze-thaw cycle. The lower ratio of clay (low less than 10%), suggests that physical weathering is more dominant rather than chemical weathering. The involution structure found in the vertical section of the patterned grounds is likely to have formed by active cryoturbation which is one of the dominant geomorphic processes in the periglacial environments like the study area.

A study on the manufacture of humidity sensors using layered silicate nanocomposite materials (층상 실리케이트계 나노복합 소재 적용 습도센서 제조에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Byoung-Ki
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2024
  • In this study, evaluated the properties of layered silicate-based nanocomposite sensitive film. For the fabrication of nanocomposite materials, we selected organically modified layered silicate materials, specifically Cloisite® and Bentone®, which were treated with quaternary ammonium salts. The impedance of the humidity sensors containing organically modified montmorillonite/hectorite clay decreased with increasing relative humidity(RH%). In the case of the Cloisite® humidity sensor exhibited slightly better impedance linearity and hysteresis compared to the Bentone® 38 humidity sensor. Additionally the impedance of the sensor with Bentone® 38 addition was the lowest when compared to the Cloisite®-modified sensor. Comparing the Cloisite®-modified sensors individually, we observed different moisture absorption characteristics based on the hydrophilic properties of the organic-treated materials. The response speed of Cloisite® 93A tended to be slower due to differences in moisture evaporation rates influenced by the hydrophilic organic components. Based on these results, moisture barriers utilizing organically modified layered silicate materials may exhibit slightly lower moisture absorption properties compared to conventional polymer-based moisture barriers. However, their excellent stability, simple processing, and cost-effectiveness make them suitable for humidity sensor applications.

Major Elemental Compositions of Korean and Chinese River Sediments: Potential Tracers for the Discrimination of Sediment Provenance in the Yellow Sea (한국과 중국의 강 퇴적물의 주성분 원소 함량 특성: 황해 니질 퇴적물의 기원지 연구를 위한 잠재적 추적자)

  • Lim, Dhong-Il;Shin, In-Hyun;Jung, Hoi-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.311-323
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    • 2007
  • The Yellow and East China seas received a vast amount of sediment $(>10^9ton/yr)$, which comes mainly from the Changjiang and Huanghe rivers of China and the Korean rivers. However, there are still no direct sedimentological-geochemical indicators, which can distinguish these two end-members (Korean and Chinese river sources) in these seas. The purpose of this study is to provide the potential geochemical-tracers enabling these river materials to be identified within the sediment load of the Yellow and East China seas. The compositions of major elements (Al, Fe, Mg, K, Ca, Na, and Ti) of Chinese and Korean river sediments were analyzed. To minimize the grain-size effect, furthermore, bulk sediments were separated into two groups, silt $(60-20{\mu}m)$ and clay $(<20{\mu}m)$ fractions, and samples of each fraction were analyzed for major and strontium isotope $(^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr)$ compositions. In this study, Fe/Al and Mg/Al ratios in bulk sediment samples, using a new Al-normalization procedure, are suggested as an excellent tool for distinguishing the source of sediments in the Yellow and East China seas. This result is clearly supported by the concentrations of these elements in silt and clay fraction samples. In silt fraction samples, Korean river sediments have much higher $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio $(0.7229{\sim}0.7253)$ than Chinese river sediments $(0.7169{\sim}0.7189)$, which suggests the distribution pattern of $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratios as a new tracer to discriminate the provenance of shelf sediments in the Yellow and East China seas. On the basis of these geochemical tracers, clay fractions of southeastern Yellow Sea mud (SEYSM) patch may be a mixture of two sediments originated from Korea and China. In contrast, the geochemical compositions of silt fractions are very close to that of Korea river sediments, which indicates that the silty sediments of SEYSM are mainly originated from Korean rivers.

Hydrogeochemical Research on the Characteristic of Chemical Weathering in a Granitic Gatchment (水文化學的 資料를 통한 花崗岩質 流域의 化學的 風化特性에 關한 硏究)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1993
  • This research aims to investigate some respects of chemical weathering processes, espcially the amount of solute leaching, formation of clay minerals, and the chemical weathering rate of granite rocks under present climatic conditions. For this purpose, I investigated geochemical mass balance in a small catchment and the mineralogical composition of weathered bedrocks including clay mineral assemblages at four res-pective sites along one slope. The geochemical mass blance for major elements of rock forming minerals was calculated from precipitation and streamwater data which are measured every week for one year. The study area is a climatically and litholo-gically homogeneous small catchment($3.62Km^2$)in Anyang-shi, Kyounggi-do, Korea. The be-drock of this area id Anyang Granite which is composed of coarse-giained, pink-colored miner-als. Main rock forming minerals are quartz, K-Feldspar, albite, and muscovite. One of the chracteristics of this granite rock is that its amount of Ca and Mg is much lower than other granite rock. The leaching pattern in the weathering profiles is in close reltion to the geochemical mass balance. Therefore the removal or accumulation of dissolved materials shows weathering patterns of granite in the Korean peninsula. Oversupplied ions into the drainage basin were $H^+$, $K^+$, Fe, and Mn, whereas $Na^2+$, $Mg^2+$, $Ca^2+$, Si, Al and $HCO-3^{-}$ were removed from the basin by the stream. The consumption of hydrogen ion in the catchment implies the hydrolysis of minerals. The surplus of $K^+$ reflects that vegetation is in the aggravation stage, and the nutrient cycle of the forest in study area did not reach a stable state. And it can be also presumed that the accumulation of $K^+$ in the top soil is related to the surplus of $K^+$. Oversupplied Fe and Mn were presumed to accumulate in soil by forming metallic oxide and hydroxide. In the opposite, the removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al resulted from the chemical weathering of albite and biotite, and the amount of removal of $Na^+$, Si, Al reflected the weathering rate of the bedrock. But $Ca^2+$ and $Mg^2+$ in stream water were contaminated by the scattered calcareous structures over the surface. Kaolinite is a stable clay mineral under the present environment by the thermodynamical analysis of the hydrogeochemical data and Tardy's Re value. But this result was quite different from the real assemblage of clay miner-als in soil and weathered bedrock. This differ-ence can be explained by the microenvironment in the weathering profile and the seasonal variation of climatic factors. There are different clay forming environments in the stydy area and these differences originate from the seasonal variation of climate, especially the flushing rate in the weathering profile. As it can be known from the results of the analysis of thermodynamic stability and characteristics of geochemical mas balance, the climate during winter and fall, when it is characterized by the low flushing rate and high solute influx, shows the environmental characteristics to from 2:1 clay minerals, such as illite, smectite, vermiculite and mixed layer clay minerals which are formed by neoformation or transformation from the primary or secondary minerals. During the summer and spring periods, kaoli-nite is a stable forming mineral. However it should consider that the other clay minerals can transformed into kaolinite or other clay minerals, because these periods have a high flushing rte and temperature. Materials which are directly regulated by chemical weathering in the weathered bedrock are $Na^+$, Si, and Al. The leaching of Al is, however, highly restricted and used to form a clay mineral, and that of Si falls under the same category. $Na^+$ is not taked up by growing veget ation, and fixed in the weathering profile by forming secondary minerals. Therefore the budget of $Na^+$ is a good indicator for the chemical weathering rate in the study area. The amount of chemical weathering of granite rocks was about 31.31g/$m^2+$/year based on $Na^+$ estimation.

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Distribution Patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen Contents in the Sediments of the Northeast Equatorial Pacific Ocean (북동 적도태평양해역 퇴적물의 탄소 및 질소함량 분포특성)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Hong;Hyun, Jung-Ho;Son, Ju-Won;Son, Seung-Jyu
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.210-221
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    • 2008
  • The mesoscale environmental surveys were conducted between $5^{\circ}N\;and\;17^{\circ}N$ mainly along the $131.5^{\circ}W$ meridian from 1997 to 2002 to investigate controlling factors of carbon and nitrogen contents in bottom sediments. Sediments of the study area showed zonal distribution pattern depending on latitudinal position and can be classified into four types; calcareous ooze($5{\sim}6^{\circ}N$), siliceous sediments($8{\sim}12^{\circ}N$), pelagic red clay($16{\sim}17^{\circ}N$), and mixed sediments($7^{\circ}N$). Inorganic carbon(IC) contents varied depending on water depth and carbonate compensation depth(CCD). Carbonate materials were well preserved in the low latitude region, where water depths are shallower than CCD. In contrast, the higher latitude region dominated by siliceous sediment and pelagic red clays has low productivity in water column as well as the water depths deeper than CCD. Thus, most of carbonate materials were dissolved, which resulted in IC contents of less than 0.05% in the sediments. Organic carbon(OC) and total nitrogen contents(TN) in siliceous sediments were higher than in pelagic red clay sediments simply because of higher primary productivity in the siliceous sediment dominated area. The contents of OC and TN were lower in the calcareous ooze than in the siliceous sediments. It is attributed to the high input of calcareous material to the bottom due to relatively shallow water depth of the area, which diluted organic matter contents in the sediment. Overall results indicated that water depth relative to CCD, primary production in water column, and sedimentation rate largely controls the large-scale distribution of carbon and nitrogen contents in the study area.

Controls on Diagenetic Mineralogy of Sandstones and Mudrocks from the Lower Hayang Group (Cretaceous) in the Daegu Area, Korea (대구 부근 하부 하양층군(백악기) 사암과 이암의 속성 광물과 속성 작용의 규제 요인)

  • Shin, Young-Sik;Choo, Chang-Oh;Lee, Yoon-Jong;Lee, Yong-Tae;Koh, In-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.575-586
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    • 2002
  • Authigenic minerals found in sandstones and mudrocks of the Lower Hayang Group (Cretaceous) in the central part of the Kyungsang Basin are carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite), clay minerals (illite, chlorite, C/S, I/S and kaolinite), albite, quartz and hematite. Characteristic diagenetic mineral assemblages are as follows: albite-chlorite (including C/S)-hematite in the Chilgog Formation, albite-illite-calcite in the Silla Conglomerate, illite-chlorite-hematite in the Haman Formation and albite-chlorite-dolomite in the Panyawol Formation, respectively. Among clay minerals reflecting the physical and chemical change of the diagenetic process, illite, the dominant clay mineral, occurs in every formation in the study area. Chlorite occurs mainly in green or gray sandstones and mudrocks, or in sandstones and mudrocks of the Chilogok Formation which contains a high content of volcanic materials. Based on the mineral assemblage, diagenetic minerals are strongly related with source rocks. Judging from the illite crystallinity, diagenesis of sandstones and mudrocks in the study area reached the late diagenetic stage or low grade metamorphisim. The diagenetic process was much influenced by intrusion of the Bulguksa granite, content of organic materials, grain size, and depositional environment rather than burial depth.