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Awards 1 - Good Design 2017 (2017 우수디자인(Good Design) 선정품 - 포장 부문 -)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.297
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    • pp.85-101
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    • 2018
  • 2017년 우수디자인(GD)상품선정 시상식이 지난해 12월 19일 코리아디자인센터 컨벤션홀에서 열렸다. '우수디자인(GD)상품선정제도'는 1985년부터 산업디자인진흥법 제6조에 의거하여 상품의 경제성, 사용성, 환경친화성, 심미성 등을 종합적으로 심사하여 디자인이 우수한 상품과 서비스에 GD마크를 부여하는 제도로, 산업통상자원부가 주최하고 한국디자인진흥원이 주관하고있다. GD마크는 우수한 디자인 상품 개발을 장려하여 국가경쟁력을 확보하고 국민 삶의 질을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 선정하고 있다. 또한 창의 디자인강국 구현을 위해 세계적 인증가치를 구축하고, 유니버설디자인, 서비스디자인, 전통시장 산업단지 디자인을 고도화(우수디자인 선정 장려 등)함으로써 사회적 문제해결과 지속가능한 창조경제 실현에 그 의의가 있다. 올해 선정대상품목은 제품, 커뮤니케이션, 포장, 공간환경, 서비스 등의 부문에서 39개 항목으로 출품됐고, 포장부문은 소비자제품, 식음료, 뷰티/헬스, 의약품, 산업/B2B, 기타포장 등 6개 항목으로구성됐다. 올해 포장 부문에서는 엘지전자(주)의 'LG TONE+ 포장디자인'과 팅크웨어(주)의 '블랙박스 패키지디자인'이 산업통상자원부장관상을, 해브앤비(주)의 '닥터자르트 쉐이킹 러버'가 조달청장상을, 삼성전자(주)의 '갤럭시 S8 패키지'와 '웨어러블, 모바일 프리미엄 액세서리 패키지 아이덴티티', 엘지전자(주)의 '코드제로 핸디 청소기 포장디자인'이 KIDP원장상을, 애터미(주)의 '애터미 앱솔루트 셀랙티브 스킨케어 세트'가 중소벤처기업부장관상을 수상했다. 다음에 우수디자인으로 선정된 포장부문 제품들을 살펴보도록 한다.

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Increased Antioxidative Activity of Fermented Ligusticum striatum Makino Ethanol Extract by Bioconversion using Lactobacillus plantarum BHN-LAB 129 (Lactobacillus plantarum BHN-LAB 129의 생물전환공정을 통한 천궁 발효 추출물의 항산화 활성 증대)

  • Kim, Byung-Hyuk;Jeong, Su Jin;Jang, Jong-Ok;Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Park, YeEun;Kim, Jung-Gyu;Kwon, Gi-Seok;Hwang, Hak-Soo;Lee, Jung-Bok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.846-853
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    • 2019
  • Phytochemical compounds of Ligusticum striatum Makino are used as traditional medicinal herbs in Asia. These compounds are reported to have pain relief and antioxidant activities in gynecological and brain diseases. In this study, we investigated the antioxidant effects of Ligusticum fermented ethanol extract from Lactobacillus plantarum BHN-LAB 129 isolated from Kimchi, a Korean traditional food. The total polyphenol and total flavonoid contents increased by about 116.2% and 281.0% respectively, in the fermented Ligusticum extract as compared with those in the nonfermented Ligusticum ethanol extract. Superoxide dismutase-like (SOD), DPPH radical scavenging, ABTS radical scavenging, and reducing power activities increased by around 139.9%, 199.6%, 301.0%, and 137.1%, respectively, in the fermented Ligusticum ethanol extract as compared with these parameters in the nonfermented Ligusticum ethanol extract, respectively. In conclusion, the fermented Ligusticum ethanol extract with L. plantarum BHN-LAB 129 was effective in increasing the antioxidant effects. The bioconversion process in this study points to the potential of using Ligusticum to produce phytochemical-enriched natural antioxidant agents with high added value. The findings may prove useful in the development of improved foods and cosmetic materials.

A Study of the Moderating Role of Heterogeneity in the Process of Customer Satisfaction Formation on Public Services (공공서비스의 이질성 정도에 따른 고객마족혀엉과정 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ku;Kim, Kyoung-Hwan;Ha, Young-Chul
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.8
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    • pp.207-232
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    • 2001
  • Many customer satisfaction studies have accepted the confimation/disconfirmation paradigm, but the findings as the antecedents of consumer satisfaction are mixed. So rather than asking whether or not there is a direct effect of a certain variable on satisfaction, it is necessary asking when does a certain variable have a direct effect on satisfaction. According to this result, we assume that the situation has a direct effect on satisfaction. So this study has investigated the moderating role of perceived heterogeneity as a unit of situation, in the process of customer satisfaction formation, especially on public service. We have found such thing as follows. 1) situation has an effect on customer satisfaction. 2) perceived heterogeneity of the customers, as a situation variable, lets the process of their satisfaction formation differ. 3) through these studies, the confirmation/disconfirmation paradigm are able to extend on public services.

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Costume Images of the Chosun Period′s Po for Men(Part I ) - Constituent factors, Type, Reflection of the Period - (조선시대 남자 포제에 나타난 복식이미지(제1보) -남자포제 이미지구성 요인 및 유형별, 시기별 복식이미지-)

  • Ju-Yeun Do;Young-Suk Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1695-1706
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구는 조선시대 남자 포제(포제에 나타난 복식이미지의 구성요인을 밝히고 남자포제 유형별(철릭, 답호, 직령, 도포, 창의, 주의), 시기별(전기, 중기, 후기) 복식이미지를 알아봄으로서 조선시대 남자포제가 가진 복식이미지를 밝혀 현대 전통복식 디자인에 응용될 수 있는 기초적인 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 의복 자극물은 남자 평상복을 중심으로 하여 조선초기(1477년∼1543년)의 남자 포제로는 철릭, 답호, 직령 3점과 조선중기(18세기)는 도포, 창의 2점, 조선후기(17세기 후기∼20세기 초)는 주의 1점으로 하였고, 당 시대의 정화한 복식이미지를 살펴보기 위해 유물을 복원 제작하여 사용하였다. 이것을 모델에게 착장시켜 슬라이드로 제작한 후 자극물로 제시하였다. 의미지분척도외 구성은 자유언어연상법으로 형용사를 수집하여 23쌍의 형용사쌍을 구성하였다. 패널단은 대학생 남·여 총 600명으로 하였고 자료분석은 SAS을 이용하여 요인분석 분산분석 등을 사용하였다. 1. 조선시대 남자 포제의 요인구조는 품위성 요인(25.2%), 활동성 요인(l4.2%), 관할성 요인(37.9%), 현시성 요인(6.7%), 경연성 요인(5.7%)으로 구성되었으며, 이들 5개 요인의 전체변량 62.7% 중에서 품위성 요인, 활동성 요인, 관할성 요인이 전체변량의 50%를 넘어서 이 세 요인이 남자 포제에서 기본적으로 느껴지는 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있다. 2. 조선시대 남자 포제 유형별 복식이미지의 차이를 알아본 결과, 철릭은 가장 부자연스러운, 주름있는, 곡선적인, 부드러운, 특이한 이미지의 포제로 나타났으며, 답호는 가장 절제된, 직선적인 딱딱한, 특이한 이미지로, 직령은 가장 비활동적인, 답답한, 전통적인 이미지로 도포는 가장 품위있는. 관할한 이미지로 창의는 다른 포제에 비해 평범한, 단순한, 이미지로 주의는 가장 품위 없는, 일상적인, 활동적인, 단순한, 순수한 이미지의 포제로 평가되었다. 모든 남자포제가 전통적, 순수한 이미지의 포제로, 철릭을 제외한 모든 포제가 단순한 이미지로 나타나 조선시대 남자 포제가 공통적으로 가지는 이미지는 단순하고 순수한 이미지를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 3. 남자 포제의 시기별 복식이미지에서는 조선전기(철릭, 답호, 직령)의 포제는 관할성 요인이 높은 의례적인, 관할한, 특이한 이미지로 평가되었고 조선중기(도포, 창의)의 포제는 품위있는, 절제된, 풍성한 이미지로 평가되었으며, 조선후기(주의)의 포제는 활동적인, 단순한, 직선적인 이미지로 나타났다. 따라서 시대별 남자 포제의 이미지는 시대적 여건과 상황에 따라 변화되어 왔으며, 시대에 따라 추구하는 이미지가 달랐다는 것을 알 수 있다.

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Main Issues in Korean Moral Education and Eastern Moral Education (도덕교육의 쟁점과 동양윤리교육)

  • Ko, Dae-Hyuk
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.333-374
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    • 2009
  • Korean traditional education emphasizes moral education than any other country or culture. Education is recognized as practical task for self-realization and self-transcendence in traditional Confucian community. This study starts from two questions. First, how moral education in Korea from late in the 19th, when the modernized schooling started, to now can be classified according to social and political circumstances? Second, what is the main issue of moral education in the progress of Korean education after independence from Japanese imperialism? Especially, this study focuses on reflecting and reviewing these issues by context of Eastern moral education. After late in the 19th century, moral education in Korea is divided into three types: "Education for loyalty and filial piety and Moral cultivation", "Citizenship education and Education for anti-communism", and "Moral education and Character education". This study mainly insists these types of moral education distort the sprit by political interests rather than inherit and develop sprit or basic value of moral education. Furthermore, this study discusses characteristic of moral education and way to improve based on important two issues in Korean society; "Nationalism in moral education" and "Western biased education" Making individual's free will into group consciousness in accordance with political power group's interests rather than developing moral community based on each one's character building, nationalism in moral education deepens self-alienation. Western biased education makes self-negation as it considers western as core, and Korea and other traditional ideas as side. This study emphasizes reanalysis Eastern moral education and need effort for understanding of Eastern moral education to overcome Western biased education in Korean moral education.

Alcohol content analysis for Takju, a representative traditional liquor in Korea (대한민국 대표 전통주 탁주의 알코올 도수 분석)

  • Oh, Chang-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.631-636
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    • 2022
  • Alcohol content, which is an important standard for Takju, a traditional multiple parallel fermentation liquor called makgeolli, is a factor that can affect the flavor. For alcohol content analysis, the distillation/hydrometry technique is mainly used. In this study, we analyzed the alcohol content of 14 commercially available Takju by the distillation/hydrometry technique and the improved GC method, respectively, after verifying the reliability of improved GC method. The precision and accuracy of the GC method were satisfactory, and LOQ and LOD were evaluated as 0.5% and 0.1% of ethanol contents, respectively. Among the three Takju exceeding the labelled alcohol content ±1, one Takju was quantitated as alcohol content 9.9% (by GC method) and 10.1% (distillation/hydrometry technique) exceeding labelled 6.0%. It was within the analytical error range of alcohol content for other two Takju, where the alcohol contents were exceeded -1.1%. The average precision (%RSD) of 14 Takju analyzed by the distillation/hydrometry technique (36.2%) and the GC method (12.8%), confirming that the GC method was better than the other. The improved GC method was evaluated to be effective in managing and improving the alcohol content standard of Takju with the wide range of alcohol content.

Exploring the Use of Traditional Science Knowledge by 'Being a Commentator on Korean Traditional Science Culture' Activities (우리 과학 문화 해설사 되어보기 활동을 통한 전통 과학 지식의 교육적 활용 방안 탐색)

  • Lee, Jihye;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.193-214
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to identify the reality of students' understanding of Korean traditional scientific knowledge (TSK), the educational contexts influenced their understanding of TSK, and their sense of value of TSK, through the science activity 'Being a commentator on Korean traditional scientific culture' as a way of finding direction to apply TSK to science education while maintaining the inherent meaning of our traditional science. Seventh grade students have discovered TSK contents in Changdeok Palace, prepared their own scripts for seven months, and finally, explained to fifth to sixth grade students. The video recordings of all lessons, scripts of explanation, reports of field activities, and individual interviews were all analyzed. Students understood TSK in four viewpoints: the traditional view of nature, the traditional science and technology, the traditional life using science, and the natural science contents. During their activities, communication with peers or elders both in classroom and in Changdeok Palace, the interaction with place, and the sense of responsibility as a commentator helped students understand the scientific aspects of TSK, form contextual and sensible scientific knowledge, and apprehend various scientific explanations of contents. Depending on their internalization of experiences, the students' experiences produced three types of interpretation: delivery, persuasion, and understanding. Students formed their TSK sense of value as scientific characteristics, the need of new perspective about science, the need to protect and maintain TSK as our culture. The results of this study show that TSK can provide integrated and actual contextual education in science education and can be used to understand the cultural diversity of scientific and scientific methods and the characteristics of oriental scientific thinking. In addition, the simultaneous approach of TSK and school science to traditional culture can contribute to ideal concept formation and subjective attitude toward our traditional culture.

The Knowledge of Korean Ceremony Foods and Table Setting of Korea]1 American Housewives in the New York/New Jersey area (한국의례음식과 상차림에 관한 인식과 실행(재미 한인 주부를 중심으로))

  • 심영자;김정선;전희정
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 1999
  • The knowledge on Korean traditional ceremony foods was evaluated from 271 Korean American housewives residing in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan area. A questionnaire was designed to collect information on demographic background of the subject and their knowledge on ceremonial foods and table settings. Over half of the respondents considered table settings for ceremonial foods are important and most of them knew and learned Korean ceremonial foods from either their own mothers or mother-in-laws. About three-quarters responded that traditional table settings need to be simplified and half of them stated that family education is the best way of proceeding knowledge on ceremonial foods. Most of them have knowledge of table settings for a child's birthday, a baby's first birthday, a baby's hundredth day after birth, New Year's and full moon days. However, few respondents were knowledgable about other ceremonial foods. Practically, they are more likely to simplify the table setting for Korean traditional ceremonies, such as child's birthday, 60th birthday, wedding, and memorial days. The results of this study could be used to plan traditional cultural education programs for Korean immigrants in the U.S. so that they can make informed decisions in building cultural identities in the new environment.

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Rare Earth Elements (REE)-bearing Coal Deposits: Potential of Coal Beds as an Unconventional REE Source (함희토류 탄층: 비전통적 희토류 광체로서의 가능성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Woohyun;Park, Changyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.241-259
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    • 2022
  • In general, the REE were produced by mining conventional deposits, such as the carbonatite or the clay-hosted REE deposits. However, because of the recent demand increase for REE in modern industries, unconventional REE deposits emerged as a necessary research topic. Among the unconventional REE recovery methods, the REE-bearing coal deposits are recently receiving attentions. R-types generally have detrital originations from the bauxite deposits, and show LREE enriched REE patterns. Tuffaceous-types are formed by syngenetic volcanic activities and following input of volcanic ash into the basin. This type shows specific occurrence of the detrital volcanic ash-driven minerals and the authigenic phosphorous minerals focused at narrow horizon between coal seams and tonstein layers. REE patterns of tuffaceous-types show flat shape in general. Hydrothermal-types can be formed by epigenetic inflow of REE originated from granitic intrusions. Occurrence of the authigenic halogen-bearing phosphorous minerals and the water-bearing minerals are the specific characteristics of this type. They generally show HREE enriched REE patterns. Each type of REE-bearing coal deposits may occur by independent genesis, but most of REE-bearing coal deposits with high REE concentrations have multiple genesis. For the case of the US, the rare earth oxides (REO) with high purity has been produced from REE-bearing coals and their byproducts in pilot plants from 2018. Their goal is to supply about 7% of national REE demand. For the coal deposits in Korea, lignite layers found in Gyungju-Yeongil coal fields shows coexistence of tuff layers and coal seams. They are also based in Tertiary basins, and low affection from compaction and coalification might resulted into high-REE tuffaceous-type coal deposits. Thus, detailed geologic researches and explorations for domestic coal deposits are required.

인공신경망과 사례기반추론을 활용한 옵션가격결정에 관한 연구

  • 김명섭;김광용
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구는 데이터마이닝 기법과 전문가 지식을 활용한 옵션가격 결정모형을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 첫째, 데이터마이닝 기법 주의 하나인 인공신경망 기법을 활용하여 변동성과 옵션가격을 추정하고, 이를 전통적인 재무이론의 결과와 비교하였다. 인공신경망으로 추정된 변동성은 기존의 모형에 비해 개선된 성과를 보였으며, 가격결정모형은 대등한 성과를 보였다. 또한 모수적 기법과 비모수적 기법의 통합을 통해 성과의 개선을 가져올 수 있음을 보였다. 둘째, 시장 참여자들의 정보를 반영하여 옵션의 이론적 가격결정모형의 성과를 개선할 수 있는 사례기반추론시스템을 제안하였다.

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