• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전통주

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A Study on Korean-American Writer Hong-Eun($1880\~1951$) focusing on Mong-yu siga(Traditional Korean Poetry, gasa and sijo of strolling in the dream) (재미작가 홍언의 몽유가사$\cdot$시조에 나타난 작가의식)

  • Park Mi-Young
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.21
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    • pp.77-110
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    • 2004
  • This study is an exploration of a Korean-American writer, Hong-Eun's Mong-yu siga. Hong-Eun immigrated to the United States during the colonial rule of the Japanese government. He was a publisher of The New Korea Times, and contributed various literary works to it. The purpose of this study is to analyze his two Mong-yu sigas published in 1935 and 1947 and elucidate their meanings. Using dream as a primary motif, the intention of Mong-yu mode is to achieve desire which is impossible to reach in reality. While his staying in the United States, Hong-Eun could not return his home country for two reasons, that is, political and financial ones. To return Korea desperately, he wrote sigas by adopting Mong-yu mode. His first attempt was reflected as eight pieces of consecutive poetries titled This Mountain In My Dream, I am Home. This Mountain was published on the 25th of April, 1935 and In My Dream, I am Home was contributed from May the 9th of 1935 to July the fourth of the same year. These works were published in the The New Korea Times' poetry column under the pen name of Donghae-soboo , Representing gasa of the enlightenment era, this poetry depicts historical identity of Chosun dynasty, especially focusing on before and after the 1900s. As a result of it, the poetry sketches the ideology of the Middle Ages. His second attempt was A Country and Hometown written as a form of prelude on the 25th of September, 1947. In addition, A Country in My Dream was published as a form of six pieces of consecutive poetry from October the second to November the sixth of 1947. He chose sijo as a major form of poetry, and the image of the poetry seemed to be the continuation of his first attempt. Confronting the reality of the his own country which is divided, the writer expresses his antagonism toward America and Russia. Although he could eventually return his country later, he rationalized himself by saying that his it is not the ideal place to go. Mong-yu mode is a traditional poetic technique which the intellectuals of the Middle Age used to use as one pattern of allegory. In addition to this, in the period of the enlightenment of Korea, Mong-yu was used to avoid the Japanese censorship and experiment on the diverse ways of writing. In terms of literary history, the significance of Hong-Eun's creation of Mong-yu sigas is that Hong-Eun shares the same intention with Korean intellectuals of the enlightenment period.

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A study on Food Preference of Workers for Meal Served by Industry Foodservice (산업체 급식에 대한 근로자들의 기호도 조사 연구)

  • 조희숙
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to investigate the information of food preference of workers for meal served by industry foodservice. The subjects were composed of 212 office workers and 220 laborers. The results were obtained as follows : 50.7% of the subjects were 30∼39 years old ; 72.0% of them had high school education ; the type of favored food was Korean style cooked rice ; food taste was the most important point in food selection. Preference form main foods : Cooked rice was preferred the most by the subjects. Both office workers and laborers liked Kalkooksoo and vegetable bread and cooked rice covered with beef was preferred by office workers and cooked rice covered with raw fish pieces was preferred by laborers. Also they disliked Hash rice, Curry rice and rice-cake soup in the pattern. Preference for side-dish : The Acceptances for side-dishes were high in soybean paste soup(office workers : 37.5%, laborers : 31.5%), hot chowder of corvina(26.1%, 25.7%), kimchi stew(30.5%, 28.8%), beef broiled in soy(32.5%, 30.5%), baked fish(32.5%, 31.9%), pachon(20.7%, 25.9%), a meat inside a razor clam(25.1$, 29.2%) and Chinese cabbage kimchi(44.5%, 46.3%), in that order by both of them. But in office workers, seasoned bean sprouts and steamed beef-rib were shown to have high preference and in laborers seasoned spinach and steamed pork-rib were high. Preference of snacks : The preferences for snacks were high in milk(office workers : 50.3%, laborers : 48.5%), Songpean(28.9%, 30.1%), coffee(30.8%, 32.5%), Sikhye(18.8%, 17.5%), in that order by two groups.

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A Research on Kimchi Culture for the Koreans in CIS 1. Dining Habits in Relation to Kimchi (구 소련거주(독립국가연합) 한인들의 김치 이용의 실태에 관한 조사 1. 김치와 식생활)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Young-Sook;Lee, Kyeoung-Im;Shin, Ae-Sook;Park, Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.593-600
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    • 1996
  • To investigate the dining habits in relation to Kimchi for the Koreans in Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS), a survey was conducted to 199 Koreans living in Moscow, Sahalin, Uzbekistan, and Kazakstan. Most of the respondents answered that thor keep the Korean food lifestyle, and especially the old age group and Koreans in Sahalin showed higher ratio for Korean food lifestyle. In the Kimchi preference and Kimchi consumption, 85.9% of the respondents like Kimchi because Kimchi is our traditional food and its taste is good, and 95% of them consumed Kimchi once or more everyday. In the kinds of Kimchi, 99% of the respondents had experiences in eating or seeing Chinese cabbage Kimchi, 91.5% cucumber Kimchi, 88.4% cabbage Kimchi, 82.4% white water Kimchi, 75.4% sikhae, respectively, while the frequencies of kakdugi, chonggak Kimchi, and leek Kimchi were relatively low. In connection with the utilization of Kimchi, many respondents answered that Kimchi is sometimes used in cooking of Kimchi cchigae or Kimchi bokkum. Most of Russians like Kimchi in spite of the hot taste and it shows the possibility that Kimchi can be spread throughout foreign countries.

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Study on Frequently Consumed Dishes and Menu Patterns of Middle-aged Housewives for 1 Year (중년 주부의 연중 음식 섭취 및 식단 패턴 조사)

  • Choe, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.764-778
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the dishes and menu patterns consumed frequently for 1 year, using estimated record method with 30 housewives. The purpose of this study was to suggest the dishes and menu pattern for the basis data of the nutrition education program and menu development project. The results were following : cooked rice and kimchi had the highest number of frequencies. The dish group (classified by the cooking method) consumed in largest quantities per capita per meal is the rice group (146.5g). Most frequently consumed dish group were the rice (72.7%), kimchi (60.6%), beverages (33.6%), fruits and juice (26.2%), soup (25.1%), stew and casserole (25.1%) in the order. Some dishes in several dish groups had small number of frequencies. Thus they were not included in the frequently consumed dishes list although they are in the top list of their own dish group. The menu had traditional menu pattern based on cooked rice, Korean soup, and kimchi. Most frequently used menu patterns were rice+soup+kimchi, rice+noodle (or Mandu)+kimchi, rice+kimchi, rice+soup+kimchi+seasoned-vegetable in the order. These were very simple menu patterns with only 1~2 kinds of side dish. Therefore, it is necessary for middle-aged housewives to consume menu that the composition of main dish and side dish are adequate. This result can be used as basic data for nutrition education programs in middle-aged housewives.

Effect of microwave radiation on physical special quality of normal, high amylose and waxy corn starches (마이크로웨이브를 조사한 옥수수전분의 물리적 특성변화)

  • Lee Su Jin;Choe Yeong Hui
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2004
  • Effect of microwave radiation on physico-chemical properties of cor'n starches was studied. Waxy com, com and high amylose com starches of varying moisture content(20~35%) were subjected to microwave processing(2450MHz) at $120^{\circ}$ and the experimental starch samples were examined by a X-ray diffractometry, rapid viscosity analyzer(RVA) and. with the samples in temperature was observed and the peaks of high amylose com starches at $2^{\circ}$=5.0, 15.0 and $23.0^{\circ}$, were disappeared indicating the melting of crystallines while those of com and waxy com had not changed. A change in gelatinization pattern was observed in the case of corn starches from type A with nearly no peak-viscosity and breakdown to type C. Except a decreased viscosity, no change was observed in those of waxy com starches.

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Visual Image Analysis on the Types of Natural Funeral (자연장의 유형별 시각적 이미지 분석)

  • Kim, Chuljae;Lee, Shiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 2014
  • This research aims to introduce the external type of natural funeral landscape facilities and to examine the effect of its visual image factor on the preference for them. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among 549 persons including 224 experts on the funeral services. The majority of respondents in this research live in the Seoul, Daejeon, Jeonju, and Busan areas. Burial place facilities and memorial facilities among natural funeral landscape facilities for the study are selected and categorized into five types, respectively. Of these, the funeral area type includes a woody style, a garden style, a flower style, a grass style and a scattered ashes style. As a result, firstly, from the factor analysis, three image factors are extracted such as a physical factor, an external-appearing factor and a symmetrical factor from the burial place facilities. Secondly, the most flavored among 5 burial palace facilities is woody style, followed a flower style, a garde style, a grass style and a scattered ashes style. Third, we draw a perception map based on the average values of each image factors. Forth, we find some significant difference in the evaluation of the image factors of burial place facilities by characteristics of the respondents. The gender, age, the education level and the facilities type reveal the significant difference in a physical factor. Moreover, we find a significant difference in the level of an external-appearing factor according to a gender, religion, a group members, and in the level of a symmetrical factor according to the gender, the education level, and the facilities type. Fifth, we execute a regression analysis in order to analyze the effect of the image factors on its preference for the burial place and memorial facilities. We find a positive effect of a physical, an external appearing and a symmetrical factor on its preference. Finally, we examine a moderating effect of a group member between the image factors and its preference. We find a significant positive moderating effect of an external-appearing factor for a garden style in the case of the burial place facilities. In this study are suggests that fix the problem of natural funeral landscape facilities typical naming contribute to the development of the early beginning natural funeral landscape facilities and study on development of natural funeral landscape facilities suitable for domestic. In addition, this study has shown that having rational guideline when people use natural funeral that develop a funeral culture through preference natural funeral standard visual image analysis such as preserve the traditional funeral philosophy and a new aesthetic needs.

Type A behavior pattern and social control of parents (A형행동양상과 부모의 사회적인 통제)

  • Lee, Choong-Won;Yoon, Nung-Ki;Suh, Suk-Kwon;Shin, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.23 no.1 s.29
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 1990
  • Associations between type A behavior Pattern (TABP) and parental social control were examined by a questionnaire survey in a sample of 803 undergraduates of the three universities in Daegu city in 1988. TABP was assessed by the Student Jenkins Activity Survey (SJAS, short form) and social control of parents by Bernstein and Brandis' Index of control and communication which were both dichotomized by median. The mean age of the sample was 20.7 (standard deviation, 2.2) and mean of total score of SJAS was 5.6 with its standard deviation and median, 2.7 and 5, respectively. In stratified analysis for TABP-social control association by the native place, sex and socioeconomic status (SES), males of rural origin with low SES showed odds ratio (OR), 2.49 but those with high SES 0.40. For females of rural origin, those with low SES showed OR, 1.02, whereas those with high SES did 0.35. For those who was of urban origin, males with low SES had OR 1.27, and those with high SES did 1.29. Females with high SES showed 0.85 and those with low SES 0.67. None of the TABP-social control associations among the strata showed confidence intervals not including unity. In multiple logistic regression by native place, for those with rural origin the only term showed a statistically significance was the social control-SES of parents interaction, OR 3.99 (95% confidence interval, $1.03{\sim}15.46$). For those of urban origin, none of the terms are statistically significant. These results suggest a social upward mobility by education of the rural disadvantaged group and a Confucian idea that regards academic achievement as one of social virtues, both of which may reflect the different sociocultural structures from the West.

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Characteristics of Commercial Sigumjang meju (시판 전통 시금장 메주의 품질특성조사)

  • Chung, Yung-Gun;Son, Dong-Hwa;Ji, Won-Dae;Choi, Ung-Kyu;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 1999
  • It is very distinctive that sigumjang meju was produced with smoking after molding. Every shapes of traditional sigumjang meju gathered from Kyeongsangbukdo were doughnut types. Fermentation time were $60{\sim}90$ days. Aerobic bacteria were $6.8{\times}10^7\;cfu/g$, and anaerobic bacteria, yeasts, molds count $3.2{\times}10^6\;cfu/g,\;1.0{\times}10^6\;cfu/g\;and\;4.0{\times}10^6\;cfu/g$, respectively. Analysis showed: moisture content, $10.5{\pm}2.6%$; fat content, $2.9{\pm}1.1%$; protein content, $8.3{\pm}0.7%$; ash content, $3.8{\pm}0.7%$; pH, $6.0{\pm}0.5$; L-value, $54.5{\pm}4.7$; a-value, $+3.3{\pm}0.7$; and b-value, $+10.7{\pm}2.0$. K content was the most in quantity among the minerals in sigumjang meju. Maltose was most abundant component among the tested sugars followed by mannitol. Total content of amino acid was $1524.9{\pm}1295.3\;mg%$. Proline was the most abundant component among the amino acids. The ratio of essential amino acid was $30.0{\pm}12.9%$. The principal fatty acids were 18:2, 18:1 and 16:0. Saturated fatty acid and mono unsaturated fatty acid were $23.2{\pm}1.9%\;and\;23.5{\pm}5.2%$, respectively. The PUFA/SFA was $2.3{\pm,}0.3$ which higher than 1.

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Comparative Assessment of Specific Genes of Bacteria and Enzyme over Water Quality Parameters by Quantitative PCR in Uncontrolled Landfill (정량 PCR을 이용한 비위생 매립지의 특정 세균 및 효소 유전자와 수질인자와의 상관관계 평가)

  • Han, Ji-Sun;Sung, Eun-Hae;Park, Hun-Ju;Kim, Chang-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.895-903
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    • 2007
  • As for the increasing demanding on the development of direct-ecological landfill monitoring methods, it is needed for critically defining the condition of landfills and their influence on the environment, quantifying the amount of enzymes and bacteria mainly concerned with biochemical reaction in the landfills. This study was thus conducted to understand the fates of contaminants in association with groundwater quality parameters. For the study, groundwater was seasonally sampled from four closed unsanitary landfills(i.e. Cheonan(C), Wonju(W), Nonsan(N), Pyeongtaek(P) sites) in which microbial diversity was simultaneously obtained by 16S rDNA methods. Subsequently, a number of primer sets were prepared for quantifying the specific gene of representative bacteria and the gene of encoding enzymes dominantly found in the landfills. The relationship between water quality parameters and gene quantification were compared based on correlation factors. Correlation between DSR(Sulfate reduction bacteria) gene and BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) was greater than 0.8 while NSR(Nitrification bacteria-Nitrospira sp.) gene and nitrate were related more than 0.9. A stabilization indicator(BOD/COD) and MTOT(Methane Oxidation bacteria), MCR(Methyl coenzyme M reductase), Dde(Dechloromonas denitrificans) genes were correlated over 0.8, but ferric iron and Fli(Ferribacterium limineticm) gene were at the lowest of 0.7. For MTOT, it was at the highest related at 100% over BOD/COD. In addition, anaerobic genes(i.e., nirS-Nitrite reductase, MCR. Dde, DSR) and DO were also related more than 0.8, which showing anaerobic reactions generally dependant upon DO. As demonstrated in the study, molecular biological investigation and water quality parameters are highly co-linked, so that quantitative real-time PCR could be cooperatively used for assessing landfill stabilization in association with the conventional monitoring parameters.