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Factors Limiting the Vertical Distribution of the Deep-Water Asian Eelgrass, Zostera asiatica on the East Coast of the Korean Peninsula (동해 연안 왕거머리말의 수직분포 제한 요인)

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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2020
  • Although most species in genus Zostera inhabit shallow coastal areas and bays with weak wave energy, the Asian eelgrass, Zostera asiatica is distributed in deep water depth (8-15 m) unlike other seagrasses on the eastern coast of Korea. To examine factors limiting distribution Z. asiatica in relatively deep coastal areas, a transplantation experiment was conducted on October 2011, in which Z. asiatica shoots were transplanted from the reference site (donor meadow, ~9 m) to the shallow transplant site (~3 m). We compared shoot density, morphology, and productivity of Z. asiatica as well as environmental factors (underwater irradiance, water temperature, and nutrients) between the reference and transplant sites from October 2011 to September 2012. Shoot density and shoot height of transplants dramatically decreased within a few months after transplantation, but were similar with Z. asiatica in the reference site during spring. Shoot productivity were significantly higher in the transplant site than in reference site because of high light availability and nutrient concentrations. Transplants showed photoacclimatory responses such as higher rETRmax and Ek and lower photosynthetic efficiency in the transplant site than those in the reference site. Most of Z. asiatica transplant in the shallow transplant site disappeared in summer, which may be due to the high wave energy and physical damages induced by typhoons (TEMBIN and SANBA) in August and September 2012. According to the results of this study, Z. asiatica could not survive in shallow areas despite of more favorable light and nutrient conditions. Thus, Z. asiatica may restrictively occur in deep areas to avoid the intense physical stresses in the shallow area on the east coast of Korea.


  • Lee, Young-Jun;Park, Young-Guk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.5 s.64
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    • pp.839-852
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    • 1997
  • It has been submitted that different ion solutions containing sulfate induce crystal growth and might substitute conventional acid etching for pretreatment of enamel in orthodontic bonding(\AArtun et al., Am. J. Orthod. 85, 333, 1984). This investigation was designed to evaluate the relevance of crystal growth on the enamel surface as an alternative to conventional acid etching in direct bonding of orthodontic brackets. Annexing Li2SO4, MgSO4, K2SO4 respectively in the solution with 25% polyacrylic md 0.3M sulfuric acids were employed to enhance the crystal growth. Human bicuspids were treated with various parameters as combinations of crystal growth and glass ionomer cement, crystal growth and orthodontic resin, acid etching and orthodontic resin for an investigative purpose. Crystal growth solution containing MgSO4 showed the highest shear bond strength(15.6MPa) within the groups of bonding brackets with glass ionomer cement(p<0.01). Bonding with glass ionomer cement on the surface of crystal growth demonstrated higher shear bond strength than with orthodontic resin(p<0.001). Bonding with glass ionomer cement on the surface treated with crystal growth solution containing MgSO4 or K2SO4 was not different shear bond strength statistically from bonding with orthodontic resin on the acid-etched surface. It suggests that bonding brackets with glass ionomer cement on the surface treated with crystal growth solution containing MgSO4 or K2SO4 is a potential alternative to bonding with resin on the acid etched sufrace.

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Comparison of In Vitro Lipid Deposition and Change of Optical Characteristics on Daily Disposable Lenses (1-day) and 3-days Lenses Over 3 days (3-days lenses와 daily disposable lenses(1-day)의 착용 시간 별 지방 침착량 및 광학적 특성 변화의 비교)

  • Song, Sun Jung;Lee, Su Yeon;Kim, Ki Hong;Chu, Byoung Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2020
  • The study aimed to investigate in vitro lipid deposition of oleic acid, oleic acid methyl ester and cholesterol on a daily disposable (1-day lenses) and 3-days lenses over 3 days and changes of optical characteristics is also investigated. Artificial tear solutions were prepared to simulate actual tear compositions. Two types of contact lenses (1-day lenses (Senofilcon A) and 3-days lenses (silicone tripolymer)) were soaked in the artificial tear solutions within an incubator at 37 ℃ with 150 rpm for 8, 16, 24 hours. Lipid deposition (oleic acid, oleic acid methyl ester and cholesterol) were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrument. In addition, measurements of oxygen transmissibility, light transmittance and observation of lens surface were conducted. The amount of lipid deposition on the 1-day lenses were 127.55 ㎍/lens for Day 1, 302.96 ㎍/lens, for Day 2, and 353.30 ㎍/lens for Day 3. The 3-days lenses were 46.22 ㎍/lens for Day 1, 66.07 ㎍/lens for Day 2, and 67.45 ㎍/lens for Day 3. Oxygen transmissibility were 81×10-9(cm/sec)(ml O2/ml×mmHg)(Baseline) and 48×10-9(cm/sec)(ml O2/ml×mmHg) (Day 3) for the 1-day lenses, it were 13.23×10-9(cm/sec)(ml O2/ml×mmHg)(Baseline) and 9.6×10-9(cm/sec)(ml O2/ml×mmHg) (Day 3) for the 3-days lenses. Transmittance of each lenses were 97.21% (Baseline) and 94.25% (Day 3) for the 1-day lenses, 97.65% (Baseline) and 95.15% (Day 3) for the 3-days lenses. Observation of surface deposition indicated greatest deposition for the 3-days lenses type on Day 3. Lipid deposition for both lens types increased by day and was greater for the 1-day lenses type. Surface deposition appeared to differ as it was greatest for the 3 days lens type, which may suggest other deposits such as protein may be present.

Effect and Optimum Quantities of N and K for Chinese Cabbage (배추에 대(對)한 N-K의 효과 및 적량(適量)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Wang-Kun;Han, Sang-Kyung;Kim, Seong-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.219-223
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    • 1982
  • The results of study on the yield and absorption of N and K applied to the chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) which was grown at comparatively infertile red-yellow soil in the fall of 1980 are summerized as below. 1. The optimum quantities of potash to be applied for the autumn chinese cabbage is suggested in the range of 15kg-20kg/10a, K2O. 2. Combined treatments of N and K showed a positive interaction by promoting the effect of the other element. The increase of Nitrogen absorption from the additionally applied 10kgs of nitrogen on top of 15kg N/10a showed only 16 per cent at potash minus plot, while that of potash applied plot showed 60 per cent. The cabbage yield increase therefor, at high rate of nitrogen only was 1,700kgs per 10 are over low rate of nitrogen, while high nitrogen plus potash treatment produced additional 2,200kgs over the low rates of N and K. 3. Additional 10kgs of nitrogen applied on top of 15kgs N/10a resulted in increasing soil potassium uptake; 4kgs of soil potassium was additionally absorbed at potash applied plot and 6.5kgs at potash minus plot. 4. Utilization of applied potash was greater at low rates of N, and K application (each 15kgs of N and K2O per 10a) where 77 per cent of applied potash was utilized, while high rates of N and K application (each 25kgs of N and K2O per 10a) showed 44 per cent of potash utilization rate. Lower utilization of applied potash at high rate of nitrogen application is due probably to greater uptake of soil potassium. 5. N and K contents in the chinese cabbage are 0.17-0.20% and 0.35-0.43% respectively and these were not statistically correlated with the yields.

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Effect of Topical Application of Intercellular Lipids on Sodium Lauryl Sulphate-Damaged Skin Barrier Function in Dogs (개에서 sodium lauryl sulphate에 의한 손상 피부에 대한 각질세포간 지질의 국소적용 효과)

  • Hwang, Sun-Jin;Oh, Won-Seok;Ku, Sae-Kwang;Lee, Keun-Woo;Oh, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.330-339
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    • 2008
  • Ceramide, cholesterol and free fatty acids are the major intercellular lipids, maintaining the integrity of the skin barrier. However, the roles of these lipids in canine skin barrier function are little known. The aim of this study was to evaluate the repairing effects of 2% ceramide (CER), 2% cholesterol (CHO), 2% linoleic acid (LIN) and 2% intercellular lipid mixture (ILM) on damaged canine skin barrier by 1.25% sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). Transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin hydration, skin pH and skin thickness were assessed. Histological profiles and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) profiles were assessed on day 12. SLS effectively induced the canine skin barrier damage. TEWL was significantly decreased by topical application of CER and ILM in SLS and vehicle-treated skin on day 8 and 12, respectively (p < 0.05, p < 0.0 I). By end of the experiment all lipids significantly decreased the TEWL as compared with SLS and vehicle control, but CER and ILM more significantly decreased the TEWL than UN and CHO, respectively (p < 0.01). Skin hydration was significantly increased by CER and ILM during experimental periods (p < 0.01). Skin pH was significantly decreased by CER, LIN and ILM. In histological profiles, the thickness of the stratum corneum (SC) was significantly increased by the SC lipids as compared with vehicle and SLS (p < 0.01). Especially, CER and ILM showed more prominent improvement of barrier recovery. In TEM of the SC, SLS induced exfoliations of corneodesmosomes in the SC, and CER and ILM effectively protected exfoliations of corneodesmosomes on SLS-damaged canine skin. These results indicated that topical application of CER and ILM dramatically improved damaged-skin barrier function by SLS. Also, it was considered that the use of CER or ILM was recommended for the management of skin barrier dysfunction by irritant and inflammatory skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis.

Asbestos Analysis and Mineralogical Characterization for Commercial Products Containing Talc, Vermiculite, Sepiolite, and Serpentine (활석, 질석, 해포석, 사문석 등 석면함유 가능성이 있는 광물 함유 제품의 석면 분석 및 광물학적 특성)

  • Yeonju Choi;Yumi Kim;Chaewon Kim;Yul Roh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.563-575
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    • 2024
  • In Korea, talc, vermiculite, sepiolite, and serpentine were designated as minerals likely to contain asbestos (MLCA) according to the Ministry of Environment (Asbestos Safety Management Act). The asbestos content in commercial products made of MLCA must not exceed 0.1 %. In this study, mineralogical analyses using PLM, XRD, and TEM-EDS were used to characterize the presence, content, and morphological characteristics of asbestos in MLCA-containing commercial products. A total of 28 samples were analyzed, including 18 cosmetics containing talc, 5 fertilizers containing vermiculite, 2 pet sanitary products containing sepiolite, and 3 accessories containing serpentine. All samples were heated at 450 ℃ for 6 hours to remove organic matter prior to XRD and PLM analyses according to the Ministry of Environment guidelines. Additionally, the presence and morphology of elongated mineral particles (EMPs) were investigated using TEM-EDS analysis according to the recently revised asbestos analysis method (FDA-2020-N-0025) by the US FDA. The analyses showed that no asbestos was detected in both talc-containing cosmetics and sepiolite-containing products, but actinolite asbestos was found (<0.25 %) in vermiculite-containing fertilizers and chrysotile was found (<0.25 %) in decorative serpentine stones. In TEM-EDS analysis, multiple columnar/fibrous particles measuring 0.5 ㎛ or more in length were observed in talc-containing products, and short chrysotile fibers were observed in bracelets containing serpentine. Therefore, these results indicated that the MLCA-containing products that come into direct contact with the human body would require management through precise inspection and continuous monitoring considering EMPs of 5 ㎛ or less. Furthermore, TEM-EDS for asbestos analysis indicated that it could overcome the detection limits of XRD and PLM analyses for short or thin asbestos fibers, thereby improving the precision and accuracy of asbestos analysis.

The Study of Dose Variation and Change of Heart Volume Using 4D-CT in Left Breast Radiation Therapy (좌측 유방 방사선치료 시 4D-CT를 이용한 심장의 체적 및 선량변화에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Seon Mi;Cheon, Geum Seong;Heo, Gyeong Hun;Shin, Sung Pil;Kim, Kwang Seok;Kim, Chang Uk;Kim, Hoi Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: We investigate the results of changed heart volume and heart dose in the left breast cancer patients while considering the movements of respiration. Materials and Methods: During the months of March and May in 2012, we designated the 10 patients who had tangential irradiation with left breast cancer in the department of radiation Oncology. With acquired images of free breathing pattern through 3D and 4D CT, we had planed enough treatment filed for covered up the whole left breast. It compares the results of the exposed dose and the volume of heart by DVH (Dose Volume histogram). Although total dose was 50.4 Gy (1.8 Gy/28 fraction), reirradiated 9 Gy (1.8 Gy/5 Fraction) with PTV (Planning Target Volume) if necessary. Results: It compares the results of heart volume and heart dose with the free breathing in 3D CT and 4D CT. It represents the maximum difference volume of heart is 40.5%. In addition, it indicated the difference volume of maximum and minimum, average are 8.8% and 27.9%, 37.4% in total absorbed dose of heart. Conclusion: In case of tangential irradiation (opposite beam) in left breast cancer patients, it is necessary to consider the changed heart volume by the respiration of patient and the heartbeat of patient.

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Factors Influencing the Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue in 18F-FDG PET/CT in National Cancer Center (양전자방출단층촬영 시 갈색지방조직 활성화에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • You, Yeon Wook;Lee, Chung Wun;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Yun Cheol;Lee, Dong Eun;Park, So Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2021
  • Purpose Brown fat, or brown adipose tissue (BAT), is involved in non-shivering thermogenesis and creates heat through glucose metabolism. BAT activation occurs stochastically by internal factors such as age, sex, and body mass index (BMI) and external factors such as temperature and environment. In this study, as a retrospective, electronic medical record (EMR) observation study, statistical analysis is conducted to confirm BAT activation and various factors. Materials and Methods From January 2018 to December 2019, EMR of patients who underwent PET/CT scan at the National Cancer Center for two years were collected, a total of 9155 patients were extracted, and 13442 case data including duplicate scan were targeted. After performing a univariable logistic regression analysis to determine whether BAT activation is affected by the environment (outdoor temperature) and the patient's condition (BMI, cancer type, sex, and age), A multivariable regression model that affects BAT activation was finally analyzed by selecting univariable factors with P<0.1. Results BAT activation occurred in 93 cases (0.7%). According to the results of univariable logistic regression analysis, the likelihood of BAT activation was increased in patients under 50 years old (P<0.001), in females (P<0.001), in lower outdoor temperature below 14.5℃ (P<0.001), in lower BMI (P<0.001) and in patients who had a injection before 12:30 PM (P<0.001). It decreased in higher BMI (P<0.001) and in patients diagnosed with lung cancer (P<0.05) In multivariable results, BAT activation was significantly increased in patients under 50 years (P<0.001), in females (P<0.001) and in lower outdoor temperature below 14.5℃ (P<0.001). It was significantly decreased in higher BMI (P<0.05). Conclusion A retrospective study of factors affecting BAT activation in patients who underwent PET/CT scan for 2 years at the National Cancer Center was conducted. The results confirmed that BAT was significantly activated in normal-weight women under 50 years old who underwent PET/CT scan in weather with an outdoor temperature of less than 14.5℃. Based on this result, the patient applied to the factor can be identified in advance, and it is thought that it will help to reduce BAT activation through several studies in the future.

Optical Property of Chermimechanical Pulp Sheet from Fast-Growing Kenaf (Kenaf 반화학펄프로부터 제조한 종이의 광학적 특성)

  • Guo-Min Tan;Nam-Seok Cho
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1997
  • 오늘날 열대림 면적의 급격한 감소, 지구온난화등 지구환경 보전의 관점에서 이들 목재이외의 자원의 활용 및 양마와 같은 새로운 비목재자원 개발의 중요성이 재인식되기에 이르렀으며, 이 가운데서 양마는 생장이 라르고 수확량이 크며, 목질부의 단섬유는 물론 긴 섬유장을 가진 인피부섬유로 구성되어 있고, 실리카함량도 매우 적어, 특히 산림자원이 부족한 개발도상국에서 펄프.제지용 자원으로서 주목되고 있다. 양마가펄프.제지용자원으로서 오늘날과 같은 세계적 주목을 받게 된 것은 미국 농무성 북부지역연구센타 에서 이루어진 “새로운 섬유작물”에 관한 기초연구에서 양마가 제지용 섬유작물로서 높이 평가되고 있다. 양마의 경우 인피부는 비교적 리그닌함량이 적고, 목질부는 활엽수재에 가까운 리그닌을 함유하고 있는데다, 섬유형태에 있어서도 인피부와 목질부간에 큰 차이가 발견된다. 본 연구에서는 양마를 중성아황산법으로 전처리하여 제조한 반화학펄프로 부터 제조한 종이의 광학적 성질을 검토하였다 펄프의 광학적 성질은 원료의 화학적 조성,섬유의 형태, 부위.화학적 처리정도, 원료의 저장기간 및 충전제의 첨가에 따라 크게 영향을 받았다. 장섬유와 낮은 리그닌함량을 가진 전간부 펄프시트는 불투명도가 낮았으며, 목질부 펄프로부터 상대적으로 밀도가 다소 높고, 불투명도도 높은 종이를 만들 수 있었다. 펄프원료의 저장기간이 백색도를 낮추었으며, 불투명도에는 그다지 영향하지 않았다. 약품전처리 및 표백이 백색도 및 불투명도에 크게 영향하였고, 특히 충전제 첨가로 광산란을 증가시켜 불투명도가 높은 종이를 제조할 수 있었다.6. CL종의 난황콜레스테롤 수준에 대한 계란의 일령 상호간에는 전체적으로 상호간에 차이가 없었다. 7. 26주령시 혈중콜레스테롤 수준은 CL종이 다른 두 육계종들 보다 유의적 (P0.05)으로 높았다. 8. 성별간 혈중콜레스테롤 수준의 차이는 CL종, BR1 및 BR2 중에서 CL종에서만 나타났으며, 수컷은 암킷보다 혈액 100 mL당 약 90 mg이 낮았다.구체적인 생화학적인 연구가 이루어져야 될 것으로 여겨진다.야 할 것으로 사료된다. 냉장 저장을 하고 저장기간이 길어질 경우는 냉동저장을 사용하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각된다.S, FOS나 말티톨로 대체된 스폰지 케익은 설탕 100% 사용한 케익과 비교하여 크게 나쁘지 않거나 휠씬 나은 특성을 보이므로 스폰지 케익 제조에 그들의 이용이 가능함을 확인하였다.thione 같은 다른 항산화제의 절약 효과, CYP2El의 유도 저하를 통하는 것으로 생각되며 그중 어떤 것에 가장 큰 영향을 받는 지는 아직 알려지지 않았고 더욱 많은 연구가 요구된다.우와 사료에 ω3계 지방산 급원을 첨가, 동물에게 이행시켜 ω3계 지방산 강화식품을 제조하는 두 가지 방법이 있을 수 있는데 전자는 통조림, 과자, 건강보조식품류에 다용되며 후자는 다양한 기능성 축산식품에 활용되고 있다. ω3계 지방산 강화 축산식품에는 돼지고기, 우유, 치이즈, 계란, 분유, 햄 등 다양한 제품에 활용, 개발되고 있으며 최근에는 이러한 식품 개발에 더욱 박차가

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Activation of Porcine Oocytes Following Intracytoplasmic Injection of Various Sperm Components and foreign species spermatozoa (여러 가지 정자구성성분 및 이종정자 주입에 의한 돼지난자의 활성)

  • Jun, S.H.;Shin, J.S.;Do, J.T.;Kwon, J.K.;Kim, N.H.;Lee, H.T.;Chung, K.S.
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 1998
  • We determined the incidence of activation, male pronuclear formation and apposition of pronuclei in porcine oocytes following intracy-toplasmic injection of various porcine sperm components and foreign species spermatozoa, such as mouse, human or cattle. The porcine oocytes were activated by injection of a spermatozoon or an isolated sperm head. Neither isolated sperm tail nor perinuclear material removed sperm head activated oocytes. Because injection of mouse, bovine or human spermatozoon activated porcine oocytes, the sperm born activation factors is not strict species specific. Male pronuclear formation and pronuclear apposition were observed in the porcine oocytes following injection of porcine, bovine, mouse or human spermatozoa. The electrical stimulation following sperm cell injection did not enhance the incidence of male pronuclear formation nor pronuclear apposition comparent with sperm cell injection alone (p>0.1). Mitosis and two cell division in some oocytes were observed at 20 to 24 h after injection of porcine spermatozoon. However, none of oocytes following injection of mouse, bovine or human spermatozoa developed to the mitotic metaphase or normally divided to the two cell stage. These results suggested that the oocyte activating factor(s) presented in the perinuclear material and it is not species specific for the porcine oocyte.

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