• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전문소생술

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The effect of Simulation based KALS(Korean Advanced Life Support)education program on the knowledge and self-efficacy about KALS among nursing students (시뮬레이션 기반 한국형 전문소생술 교육이 간호대학생의 한국형 전문소생술에 대한 지식과 자기효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Jang, Kyeong-Min;Hwang, Hye-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effects and continuity of simulation-based KALS education training on the knowledge and self-efficacy of nursing students. The study participants were 41 nursing students in 4th grade in Gyeonggi-do. KALS education was conducted in January 2018. Data collection was conducted one month before and after KALS education and three months later to check the continuity of education. As a result, the knowledge of KALS before education, after education, and three months later were 8.65, 16.34 (p<.001), and 13.36 (p<.001), respectively. The self-efficacy of KALS before education, after education, and three months later were 2.37, 4.07, and 3.40 (p<.001), respectively. Therefore, simulation-based KALS education training is a suitable teaching method for enhancing the knowledge and self-efficacy of nursing students. On the other hand, re-education measures must be performed after three months to maintain the effectiveness of education.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Advanced Life Support Education and Reeducation Program Based on High-Fidelity Simulation (고충실도 시뮬레이션 기반 전문소생술 교육과 재교육 효과 연구)

  • Jihyun Kim;Sun-Young Park;Jeong Ha, Yang
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2024
  • This study was attempted to confirm the effectiveness and continuity of education by providing a simulation-based advanced life support education program to fourth-year nursing students and measuring the knowledge of professional CPR immediately after and after 5 months of training. After 5 months of conducting high-fidelity simulation-based professional CPR training, the results of knowledge measurement after retraining using video and training for team approach simulation were 19.23±1.923 in the experimental group and 16.03±2.752 in the control group(p.=<001). The effect of continuing education in the experimental group decreased from 22.30±1.473 to 19.23±1.923. Through the research results, the effect of professional CPR education consisting of theoretical lectures, skill practice, and team-based simulation practice was confirmed. However, the effect of continuing education after 5 months decreased, confirming the necessity of regular retraining. In other words, professional CPR education based on high-fidelity simulation is a very effective teaching method, but it is difficult to expect continued effects with one-time education, so periodic retraining is required.

Education Evaluation of Basic CPR on Guard Major Collegian in Gwangju and Jeonnam Region (광주·전남지역 경호학과 대학생의 심폐소생술(CPR) 교육평가)

  • Jang, Chul-Won
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.266-272
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    • 2011
  • This study is focused on guard major collegians who are composed of factor in medical emergency system. In the case of cardiac failure, it is to make its basic data develop its education program of CPR which can increase the patient's survival rate before his hospitalization. The subject of study is composed of 120 persons who are 94 boy-collegians(78.3%) and 26 girl-collegians(21.7%) in sex and 66 first-grade collegians(55.0%) and 54 second-grade collegians(45.0%) in a school year. There is significant difference in the practices of artificial respiration and the thorax pressure after the education of basic CPR in sex(p<0.01). The practices of artificial respiration in boy-collegians($93.72{\pm}4.21$) is higher than in girl-collegians($82.31{\pm}6.36$) and the practices of thorax pressure in boy-collegians($92.45{\pm}4.44$) is higher than in girl-collegians($88.08{\pm}6.49$). The satisfaction degree of boy-collegians($4.33{\pm}0.59$) is higher than that of girl-collegians($3.73{\pm}0.67$) after theory & practice education of basic CPR(p<0.01). It is necessary to develop the education program and educate its knowledge & technology in proportion to collegians characteristics of sex and school year. Also, education authorities should develop a subject of the accident provided the practical education of CPR for guard major collegians.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Pediatric Advanced Life Support for Pediatric Dentist (소아치과의사를 위한 심폐소생술과 소아고급생명구조술)

  • Kim, Jongbin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.243-255
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    • 2017
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency treatment that stimulates blood circulation and breathing when the function of the heart stops or stops breathing. CPR can be divided by basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS). BLS involves the use of chest compression to force the blood flow to the main organs, rescue breathing to improve the breathing to the respiratory failure patient and the use automated external defibrillator (AED). The categories of advanced life support include advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) for adult and pediatric advanced life support (PALS) for children. In the treatment of dental care for children, which is extremely difficult to deal with, and for a variety of reasons, the use of sedation is considered to treat the children who are unlikely to cooperate with dentistry. This is why there is an increasing possibility of an emergency situation involving cardiac arrest. PALS includes the BLS, and it presents a systematic algorithm to treat respiratory failure, shock and cardiogenic cardiac arrest. In order to manage emergency situations in the pediatric dental clinic, respiratory support is most important. Therefore, mastering professional PALS, which includes respiratory care and core cases, particularly upper airway obstruction and respiratory depression caused by a respiratory control problem, would be highly desirable for a physician who treats pediatric dental patients. Regular training and renewal training every two years is necessary to be able to immediately implement professional skills in emergency situations.

Implementation of the CPR system of baby with Arduino (아두이노를 이용한 영유아 심폐소생술 시스템 구현)

  • Jang, Chang-Keun;Shin, Hong-Seob;Lee, Kyung-Moo
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2013.11a
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    • pp.1702-1705
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    • 2013
  • 영 유아 및 아동의 위급상황 시 정확한 심폐소생술을 실시하여 영 유아 및 아동을 소생시키거나 전문 의료진이 도착 할 때까지 생명을 연장 시킬 수 있는 기술과 노하우를 습득하는 것에 중점을 두고 있다. 이 연구로 인해 영 유아 심폐소생술을 아직 배우지 못한 사람들도 위급한 상황 시 당황하지 않고 영 유아에게 능숙하게 심폐소생술을 시행할 수 있게 하여 "4분의 기적"을 이룰 수 있도록 한다.

Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Response to a Pregnant Woman by the 119 Emergency Medical Service System: A Case Study (119구급대에 의한 병원 전 임산부 심장정지 소생환자 1례)

  • Lee, Jae-Min;Hong, Soo-Mi;An, Guk-Ki;Yun, Hyeong-Wan
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2020
  • When a pregnant woman experiences cardiac arrest, resuscitation is of the utmost importance. Cardiac arrest in pregnant women differs from cardiac arrest in the general population since both mother and fetus need to be taken into consideration. In the event of cardiac arrest, determining whether to deliver the baby is significant. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is not always successful, and the survival rate depends on the speed and precision of the procedure. In this study, we focus on the case of a 30-year-old pregnant woman who experienced cardiac arrest and whose family was quick to perceive her condition and call the hospital. A witness performed initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation, while rescue workers performed the advanced procedure. In this case, the patient and baby received proper treatment and left the hospital after six days. It is extremely rare for a pregnant patient to achieve return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) or receive advanced cardiac life support before reaching the hospital. However, the woman in question in this study achieved ROSC and received both cardiopulmonary resuscitation before reaching the hospital and advanced cardiac life support at the hospital. The specifics of the case are reported in the context of a literature review.

The Effect of a Mechanical Chest Compressions for Out-of-hospital Advanced Cardiac Life Support (병원 전 전문심장소생술을 위한 기계적 가슴압박기의 효과)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Ji
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of chest compression by conducting comparison research between mechanical chest compressor(LUCAS) and manuale cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) in a out-of-hospital environment and suggest effective advanced cardiac life support using mechanical chest compressors. For this, a out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was simulated with a team of 3 ambulance workers, and manuale CPR and CPR using LUCAS were performed on site and during transport in an ambulance. The research results are as follows: the comparison of manuale CPR between on site and in an ambulance revealed that on-site manuale CPR showed significant differences in the average compression depth, compression rate, and relaxation rate. Second, the comparison between manuale CPR and LUCAS in an ambulance showed significant differences in the average compression depth, compression rate, the number of compression per minute.

응급 의료 정보-성인 심폐 소생술(1)

  • Lee, Dong-Pil
    • 건강소식
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    • v.22 no.6 s.235
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    • pp.24-26
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    • 1998
  • 응급의학은 여러 가지 질환이나 외상, 사고 등의 원인으로 생명이 위독한 상태에 있는 긴급한 사람을 신속히 진단하고 치료하는것이 주 역할이나, 때로는 사람이 사망하였을경우 이를 다시 살리는 이른바 심폐소생술을 시행함으로써 죽은 사람을 살리는 일도 취급한다. 이러한 행위를 심폐소생술이라 일컫는 이유는, 사람이 죽으면 심장이 멎고 폐를 통한 호흡이 중단되므로 호흡과 심장박동을 인위적으로 다시 소생시켜 주는 시술이기 때문이다. 심폐소생술에는 기본심폐소생술과 전문심폐소생술로 구분한다.

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Knowledge and Educational Experience about CPR in Dental Hygiene Students (치위생과 학생의 심폐소생술(CPR) 관련 지식수준 및 교육실태)

  • Jun, Soo Kyung;Choi, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.341-347
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    • 2010
  • This paper reports is a descriptive study for analyzing the knowledge level and educational condition of dental hygiene students regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR). This study was implemented from May 24, 2010 to June 4, 2010. The results were as follows: 1. The score was low for the knowledge level of CPR (3.72 out of 8.0). 2. The knowledge level of CPR was higher in the students with heart disease in their family than in those without(t=5.725, P<0.05). 3. While students had a high percentage of correct answers e.g. 93.5% and 73.8% for the mouth-to-mouth CPR and hand position in pressing the upper part of the belly, they had low percentage of correct answers, e.g. 8.2%, 28.9%, 25.4%, and 49.2% for consciousness and breathing check, maintaining the airway and the time to brain damage from a heart attack, respectively. 4. The students used TV(55.2%) and the Internet(20.1%) as the medium for observing CPR. 5. 60.2% of students did not have any training in CPR. 6. More than 90.0% of students required training in CPR. Most of the students requested CPR training when they attended middle and high school. They had hoped to receive CPR training at school or a specialized training organization. In conclusion, the knowledge level of CPR of dental hygiene students is low, and the need for training and participation is high. Therefore, dental hygiene students should receive CPR training.


    • 건강소식
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    • v.24 no.8 s.261
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2000
  • 응급 처치는 일상생활에서 발생할 수 있는 생명을 위협하는 긴박한 상황을 대비하는 기술이다. 사고현장에서 급성 환자에게 치료 전문 팀이 도착하기 이전에 실시하는 적절한 조치로 회복기간의 단축과 후유증 발생을 줄일 수 있다.

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