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An Empirical Investigation of Relationship Between Interdependence and Conflict in Co-marketing Alliance (공동마케팅제휴에 있어 상호의존성과 갈등의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Yi, Ho Taek;Cho, Young Wook;Kim, Ju Young
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2011
  • Researchers in channel dyads have devoted much attention to relationship between interdependence (i.e. interdependence enymmetry and total interdependence) and conflict that promote channel performance. In social science, in spite of the inconsistent results in marketing practice, there are two contradictory theories explain the relationship between interdependence and conflict - bilateral deterrence theory and conflict spiral theory. The authors apply these theories to co-marketing alliance situation in terms that this relationship is also incorporated both company's dependence, either from one company's perspective or each partner about its respective dependence. Using survey data and archival data from 181 companies enlisted in a telecommunication membership program, the authors find out the relationship between interdependence and conflict as well as investigate the antecedents of interdependence - transaction age, transaction frequency, the numbers of alliance partner, and co-marketing alliance specific assets according to previous researches. Using PLS analysis, the authors demonstrate that, with increasing total interdependence in a telecommunication membership program, two co-marketing partners' conflict level is increased in accord with the author's conflict spiral theory predictions. As expected, higher interdependence asymmetry has negative value to level of conflict even though this result is not statistically significant. Other findings can be summarized as follows. In the perspective of telecommunication company, transaction age, transaction frequency, and co-marketing alliance specific assets have influence on its dependence on a partner as independent variables. To the contrary, in a partner's perspective, transaction frequency, co-marketing alliance specific assets and the numbers of alliance partner have significantly impact on its dependence on a telecommunication company. In direct effect analysis, it is shown that transaction age, frequency and co-marketing alliance specific assets have direct influence on conflict. This results suggest that it is more useful for a telecommunication company to select a co-marketing partner which is frequently used by customers and earned high rates of mileage. In addition, the results show that dependence of a telecommunication company on a co-marketing partner is more significantly effected to co-marketing alliance conflict than partner's one. It provide an effective conflict management strategy to a telecommunication company for controling customer's usage rate or having the co-marketing partner deposit high level of alliance specific investment (i.e. mileage). To a co-marketing partner of telecommunication company, it is required control the percentage of co-marketing sales in total sales revenue or seek various co-marketing partners in order for co-marketing conflict management. The research implications, limitation and future research of these results are discussed.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of 3PL Logistics Information System : A Focus on the Role of Supply Chain Performance in Shipper and Long-term Relationship intention (3PL 물류정보시스템의 효과성에 관한 실증적 연구 : 화주기업의 공급사슬성과와 장기지향적관계성의 역할을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jae-yong
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 2020
  • Recently, in the process of globalization of companies, the use of third party logistics providers (3PL) has been strengthened. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the logistics information system provided by 3PL companies. This study is to test the relationship between the effect of the characteristics of the 3PL logistics information system on the shipper's supply chain performance, that is, logistics performance, customer performance, and organizational performance, and the shipper's loyalty to the 3PL company, that is, 3PL corporate performance. In addition, long-term relationship orientation is to test whether there is a moderating effect between the shipper company and the 3PL company. Through this, this study aims to provide strategic implications for improving the competitiveness of 3PL companies. In this study, a total 205 data were collected and used for analysis of shippers companies for hypothesis testing, and analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 statistical programs. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, it was found that the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the 3PL logistics information system all had a significant positive (+) effect on the performance of the shipper's supply chain. Second, it was found that the accuracy, timeliness, and usefulness of the 3PL logistics information system all had a significant positive (+) effect on 3PL corporate performance. Third, it was found that the performance of the supply chain of the shipper company had a significant positive (+) effect on the performance of the 3PL company. Finally, it was found that long-term relationship orientation had a moderating effect on the relationship between the performance of the shipper company's supply chain and the performance of the 3PL company. The purpose of this study is to provide academic and practical implications for securing competitive advantage through the logistics information system of 3PL logistics companies.

The Effect of Consumption Value and Consumers' Need for Cognition on Satisfaction through the Mediating Role of Trust in Online Shopping Websites (소비가치와 소비자의 인지욕구가 온라인 쇼핑 웹사이트에 대한 신뢰성을 매개로 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yun-sun
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to confirm that consumers' satisfaction with online shopping websites has changed to a phenomenon different from the past. In other words, in a situation where the use of e-commerce is expanding worldwide after the pandemic and various types of commerce such as mobile commerce and social commerce are formed, the consumer's information processing and decision-making process are meaningful in examining the behavior that has been changed based on the perceived motivation level of consumers by the new environment according to the consumption value and personal characteristics perceived by the consumer. In other words, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumption value and need for cognition on the satisfaction toward online websites as a mediating role in the trust of the website. As a result of testing Hypothesis 1, not only the hedonic value of the consumer for the website but also the utilitarian value had a positive influence on the satisfaction toward the website, and in particular, the utilitarian value showed a relatively greater influence than the hedonic value. However, the negative relationship between the need for cognition and satisfaction was found to be at a significant level under one-sided verification. In Hypothesis 2, only the utilitarian value among the consumption values of 2-1 showed a positive effect on satisfaction through a mediating role of trust. It was confirmed that the utilitarian value among the consumption values was an important factor in the satisfaction toward the website. The significance of this study is that, unlike previous research results, not only consumption value based on senses and emotions but also utilitarian value has a greater influence. Therefore, utilitarian value and need for cognition have a stronger influence on satisfaction if they play a mediating role based on the trust of the website used by consumers. These findings reflect the current market trend of online consumption, and they are helpful in the management and strategy of online websites based on consumer behavior understanding and major factors.

The Effect of Technology Start-up Companies' Absorption Capacity on Start-up Performance: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Patent Activities (기술창업기업의 흡수역량이 창업성과에 미치는 영향: 특허활동의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim Jong Sik;Nam Jung Min
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.191-209
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    • 2023
  • Amid rapid changes in technological innovation due to the influence of the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19, research related to absorption capacity and patent activities to promote technological innovation of Korean technology start-ups is important in this uncertain environment. This study aims to examine the effects on entrepreneurial performance and patent activities by reconstructing absorptive capacity, an organizational capability, for technology-based startups in fields such as BT and ICT with less than seven years of establishment, distinguishing between potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity. The study also seeks to develop a theoretical research model. To accomplish this, data was collected from managerial executives, including CEOs of 215 technology startups. The following hypotheses were tested: Firstly, potential absorptive capacity had a significant impact on patent activities, while realized absorptive capacity did not. Secondly, potential absorptive capacity had a significant impact on technological performance, while realized absorptive capacity did not. Thirdly, both potential and realized absorptive capacity had a significant impact on financial and non-financial performance. Fourthly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and technological performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. Fifthly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and financial performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. Lastly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and non-financial performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. The practical significance of this study lies in providing useful guidelines for building the core capabilities of organizations through absorptive capacity and patent activities. Furthermore, it is expected that startups that have not recognized the formation process of absorptive capacity for patent activities will perceive the formation mechanism of absorptive capability anew and show considerable interest in future potential and realized absorptive capacity as part of their management strategies. This is anticipated to play an important role in adapting to rapidly changing technological advancements, the startup ecosystem, and securing sustainable competitive advantages.

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A Study on the Impact of Venture Capital Investment Experience and Job Fit on Fund Formation and Investment Rate of Return (벤처캐피탈의 투자경험과 직무적합도가 펀드결성과 투자수익률에 미치는 영향력에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Dae-Hee;Ha Kyu-So
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2023
  • Venture capital invests the necessary capital and supports management and technology in promising small and medium-sized venture companies in the early stages of start-up with promising technology and excellent manpower. It plays a role as a key player in the venture ecosystem that realizes profits by collecting the investment through various means after growth. Venture capital's job is to recruit various investors(LPs) to invest in small and medium-sized venture companies with growth potential through the formation of venture investment funds, and to collect investment as companies grow, distribute and reinvest. The main tasks of venture capitalists, which play the most important role in venture investment, are finding promising companies, corporate analysis and evaluation, investment screening, follow-up management, and investment recovery. Venture capital's success indicators are fund formation and return on investment, and venture capitalists are rewarded with annual salary, performance-based incentive, and promotion with work performance such as investment, exit, and fund formation. Compared to the recent rapidly growing venture investment market, investment manpower is insufficient, and venture capital is making great efforts to foster manpower and establish infrastructure and systems for long-term service, but research has been conducted mainly from a quantitative perspective. Accordingly, this study aims to empirically analyzed the impact of investment experience, delegation of authority, job fit, and peer relationships on fund formation and return on investment according to the characteristics of the venture capital industry. The results of these empirical studies suggested that future venture capital needs a job environment and manpower operation strategy so that venture capitalists with high job fit and investment experience can work for a long time.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Patent Innovation in the Service Industry (서비스 산업의 특허권 혁신 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Pyoung Yol Jang
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.82-100
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    • 2024
  • Due to the intensifying global technological competition, the strategic and economic importance of intellectual property such as patents as intangible assets is increasing. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of patent innovation in the service industry and to derive the characteristics and implications of patent innovation in the service industry. To this end, this study conducted an investigation and analysis to understand the characteristics of patent innovation in the service industry based on the data from the business activity survey. The proportion of patent companies in the service industry, characteristics of each service industry, proportion of each service industry, and the number of patent rights holdings were analyzed. In addition, the trend of patent changes in the service industry was investigated. The service industry was compared and analyzed with other industries based on the results of the analysis of patent innovation in the service industry. In particular, the service industry was divided into four types in terms of the rate of increase in the proportion of patent companies and the ratio of patent holing companies, and the types were derived. Based on the analysis results, the characteristics of patent innovation in the service industry were presented. As a result of the study, the proportion of patent holding companies in the service industry was lower than that of other industries, and the gap with other industries was widening, showing that the patent innovation of service companies is lower than that of other industries. The average number of patents held by service industry companies was lower than that of other industries, and the increase rate of the number of patent rights held was also lower than that of other industries, widening the gap. Patent innovation in the service industry can be divided into four quadrants in terms of the rate of increase in the proportion of patent holding companies and the proportion of patent holding companies, and it has been studied that the service industry needs policy support suitable for the characteristics of patent innovation in the quadrant to which the individual service industry belongs.

The effect of restrictions on oral health-related activities of adults in Korea on quality of life: Using the 8th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (우리나라 성인의 구강건강 관련 활동 제한이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향: 국민건강영양조사 제8기 1차년도(2019)자료 활용)

  • Mi-Jeong Kim;Cha-Young Lim
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study aims to investigate the effect of restrictions on oral health-related activities of young adults, middle-aged, and elderly in Korea on the quality of life and contribute to the development of intervention strategies to improve the quality of life by improving the importance of oral health care and healthy lifestyle habits of adults. Methods: The 8th National Health and Nutrition Survey was used, targeting adults categorized into three age groups: young adults aged 19 to 29, middle-aged adults aged 30 to 49, and prime-aged adults aged 50 to 64. Demographic characteristics and EQ-5D, HINT-8 and oral-related toothache experience, chewing problems, speaking problems, and complaint of discomfort to chew analyzed. T-test and one-way ANOVA were performed to find out the difference in quality of life according to the restrictions on oral activities of adults, and linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the factors affecting the quality of life of adults. Results: The differences between EQ-5D and HINT-8 according to the restrictions on oral health-related activities of young, middle-aged, and prime-aged were statistically significant in all oral activity restriction variables(p ≦0.05). Factors affecting EQ-5D of all adults were statistically significant in all variables such as region, gender, household monthly income, education level, basic living status, economic activity, subjective oral health status, toothache experience, chewing problem, speaking problem, and complaint of discomfort to chew(p ≦0.05). Factors affecting HINT-8 of all adults were statistically significant in variables such as gender, household monthly income, education level, basic living status, economic activity, toothache experience, chewing, speaking, and complaint of discomfort to chew(p ≦0.05). Conclusions: Various measures are needed to improve the quality of life in old age by allowing adults to face physically, mentally, and socially prepared old age. Based on the results of this study, an adult oral health program should be developed to improve the oral health and quality of life of adults.

Communities' Perception of the Effect of Ecosystem Services on the Forest Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas: A Case Study in Taebaek-si and Jeongseon-gun (강원도 폐광산 산림복구지의 지역사회 생태계서비스 인식조사: 태백시 및 정선군을 중심으로)

  • Bohwi Lee;Dawou Joung;Jihye Kim;Gwan-in Bak;Hakjun Rhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.1
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    • pp.118-130
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    • 2024
  • Rehabilitation of mining areas can reduce damage to ecosystems. However, the effects of rehabilitation on ecosystem services (ESs) and its contribution to local communities are not well known. Thus, the aims of this study were to clearly identify the ES beneficiaries affected by mining activities, to determine how the beneficiaries profit from surrounding areas in cooperation with local stakeholders, and to manage the rehabilitation areas for the ESs that the beneficiaries want. This study chose 18 ESs (4 provisioning, 7 regulating, 5 cultural, and 2 habitat services) based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. A semi-structured questionnaire survey using an 11-point Likert scale was conducted among 87 community residents to investigate social awareness and identify key ESs. The survey results from two local communities showed high awareness and demands mainly on cultural (mental and physical health, aesthetic appreciation, and recreation) and regulating services (local climate and air quality, and moderation of extreme events). These services were related to the daily lives of residents in local communities, provided positive benefits, and potentially improved the residents' future livelihoods. However, the average questionnaire scores were limited to 6-7 points, indicating that the benefits to local communities were meager. The residents' awareness of provisioning service was negative, even if it provided goods and profit opportunities. This indicated a disconnection between local communities and provisioning services due to forest rehabilitation that did not consider local communities that traditionally relied on specific provisioning services before the onset of mining activities. Future forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas must consider the welfare of local communities for sustainable use of rehabilitated forests and enhancing ESs. In this study, only a qualitative evaluation based on frequency analyses was conducted. The quantification and valuation of key ESs are warranted in the future to promote ESs from forest rehabilitation in abandoned mine areas. The study results would be useful for developing site-specific ES promotion strategies for reforesting mine areas.

Integrative CVP Framework Design, Using Lean-startup Methodology (린스타트업방법론을 이용한 통합 고객가치제안모델 설계)

  • Ahn, Eung-hee
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2024
  • The success of a company in the market is linked to the value it delivers to its customers. However, that value is not always constant. As the environment changes, so do customer experiences and requirements, and eventually the value they seek also evolves. Thus, a timely, clear, and effective value proposition, along with the associated benefits, becomes the functional, psychological, and economic foundation of a business. Therefore, the customer value proposition is crucial in terms of Product-Market Fit (PMF), establishing competitive differentiation, and delivering consistent messaging. Despite this, the most widely known and utilized model related to the Customer Value Proposition (CVP) in general businesses is the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) by Osterwalder and Pigneur. Apart from that, there are only a few other models used by scholars and experts. In this paper, I selected the VPC model, which is widely used by business practitioners globally, and two other major CVP models well-known to experts. I conducted a detailed analysis of these models and derived the essential elements and key features of a customer value proposition. These were then combined with the Lean Startup methodology, which is frequently used for innovation today, to design an integrated CVP model that startups can easily utilize. The framework proposed in this study is a comprehensive CVP model that incorporates the strengths, weaknesses, characteristics, and commonalities of the three existing CVP models. It is designed to flexibly adapt depending on the business direction or strategic characteristics of the company by comprehensively considering all circumstances of the entire company or a specific product/service. Additionally, it systematically manages the contents of customers' wants & needs, strategic focus, and growth horizons, even after application. The Integrative-Lean CVP Model, designed for easy use by startups, is expected to help them with limited funding and marketing capabilities identify value proposition elements for timely PMF, fostering the creation of a new startup ecosystem.

The Effect of Empathy Value of Chinese Female University Students on Affection with Sustainable Fashion Products on Affection and Purchase Intention (중국 여대생의 지속가능한 패션제품에 대한 공감가치가 호감도와 구매의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Yi-Fei Wu;Young-Sook Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the value empathy of environmentally sustainable fashion products, encompassing environmental, economic, and social values, drawing from existing literature. We sought to verify the relationship between empathic value and the likability and purchase intention towards these products. To validate these relationships, we formulated research hypotheses and conducted an online survey targeting female college students residing in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, who have experience purchasing environmentally sustainable fashion products. The survey was conducted from August 10th to August 20th, 2023, with a total distribution of 352 questionnaires. Among the collected responses, 313 valid responses were utilized for data analysis. The collected survey data underwent frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 26.0 software. The analysis yielded the following results. First, the empathy value of environmentally sustainable fashion products was classified into environmental protection values, economic values, and social values. Second, the economic and social values of environmentally sustainable fashion products were found to have a positive effect on favorability. Third, it was found that the environmental protection value and social value of environmentally sustainable fashion products had a positive effect on purchase intention. Fourth, it was found that Chinese female college students' favorability toward environmentally sustainable fashion products had a positive effect on their purchase intention. Based on these results, it is judged that companies need to emphasize the characteristics of products such as environmental protective value, economic value, and social value in order to promote consumers' purchase of environmentally sustainable fashion products. The purpose of this study is to help develop marketing strategies for environmentally sustainable fashion products by providing basic data, development ideas, and methods useful for environmentally sustainable fashion-related industries and companies by analyzing the relationship between empathy value, favorability, and purchase intention.