• Title/Summary/Keyword: 적응사례

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A Case Study on Child-Centered Play Therapy for Young Child's Anger (분노하는 아동의 상담사례연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Sun
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the child counselling process of a 5-year old girl with anger problem. Her mother had difficult on caring a child. The researcher conducted 47 session of child counseling through child-centered play therapy once per week during 14months for 40 minutes. Parent consultation session follwed for 10 minutes. The child expressed her aggression, control, desire of affection and power during the sessions. As a result, the child's anger decreased, and child-mother relationship improved. Finally, the child successfully adapted new school life. The mother reported that raising children was much easier than before. This study is meaningful that it is a case study of a child's intervention in counseling prior to her entering elementary school. This study showed her adaptive school lifestyle during the beginning of the first year.

A development of service modeling methodology Based on Service Oriented Architecture (서비스 지향 아키텍처 기반의 서비스모델링방법론 개발)

  • Byun, Sung-Yook;Seo, Kyung-Ae
    • 한국IT서비스학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.413-418
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    • 2007
  • 국내 외 많은 컨설팅 및 SI회사들이 나름대로의 SOA방법론을 개발 및 적응하고 있다. 하지만 각 회사의 방법론 마다, SOA 사상 관점에 따라 접근 방향이 상이하고, 수행 방법과 태스크 또한 실제 적응하기에는 상세성이 부족하다. 이 연구에서는 국내 외 SOA 방법론을 비교 분석하고, 실제 적응된 사례를 통하여 특정 도메인에 무관한 현업 사용자 위주의 서비스 식별이라는 명제를 반영한 유저인터페이스 기반의 서비스 분석 및 모델링 방법론을 제시한다.

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Function Optimization and Event Clustering by Adaptive Differential Evolution (적응성 있는 차분 진화에 의한 함수최적화와 이벤트 클러스터링)

  • Hwang, Hee-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.451-461
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    • 2002
  • Differential evolution(DE) has been preyed to be an efficient method for optimizing real-valued multi-modal objective functions. DE's main assets are its conceptual simplicity and ease of use. However, the convergence properties are deeply dependent on the control parameters of DE. This paper proposes an adaptive differential evolution(ADE) method which combines with a variant of DE and an adaptive mechanism of the control parameters. ADE contributes to the robustness and the easy use of the DE without deteriorating the convergence. 12 optimization problems is considered to test ADE. As an application of ADE the paper presents a supervised clustering method for predicting events, what is called, an evolutionary event clustering(EEC). EEC is tested for 4 cases used widely for the validation of data modeling.

A Study on the International Transfer of Retail Know-how: A Case of 7-Eleven (소매 노하우의 국제이전에 관한 연구 : 7-Eleven 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the international transfer of retail know-how via the prism of Learning Organizational Theory. As a case, 7-Eleven, a worldwide chain of convenience stores was examined. Its international transfer of retail know-how occurred when 7-Eleven, originally founded by Southland Corporation in Dallas, Texas, was introduced in Japan in 1973 in the form of 7-Eleven Japan. Our analysis shows that both strategic core learning and adaptive learning played a significant role during the international transfer of retail know-how. Our findings reveal the evidence of the following elements of strategic core learning such as the convenience store concept, the three principles of store management, the minimum profit guarantee system, and the margin-based royalty system. On the other hand, the retailing mix such as store type, store location, store size, and merchandising acted as the acting agents of adaptive learning. The hypothesis verification methods acted as the main methods for adaptive learning. Through the persistent adaptive learning, inimitable innovations could be brought forth. However, the elements of strategic core learning should provide the direction for the adaptive learning.

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The Characteristics and Improvement Directions of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Policies in accordance with Damage Cases (지자체 기후변화 적응 대책 특성 및 개선 방향)

  • Ahn, Yoonjung;Kang, Youngeun;Park, Chang Sug;Kim, Ho Gul
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 2016
  • There is a growing interest in establishing a regional climate change adaptation policy as the climate change impact in the region and local scale increases. This study focused on the analysis of 32 regions on its characteristics of local climate change adaptation plans. First, statistic program R was used for conducting cluster analysis based on the frequency and budgets of adaptation plan. Further, we analyzed damage frequency from newspapers regarding climate change impacts in eight categories which were caused by extreme weather events on 2,565 cases for 24 years. Lastly, the characteristics of climate change adaptation plan was compared with damage frequency patterns for evaluating the adequacy of climate change adaptation plan on each cluster. Four different clusters were created by cluster analysis. Most clusters clearly have their own characteristics on certain sectors. There was a high frequency of damage in 'disaster' and 'health' sectors. Climate change adaptation plan and budget also invested a lot on those sectors. However, when comparing the relative rate among regional governments, there was a difference between types of damage and climate change adaptation plan. We assumed that the difference could come from that each region established their adaptation plans based on not only the frequency of damage, but vulnerability assessment, and expert opinions as well. The result of study could contribute to policy making of climate change adaptation plan.

A Case Study on Mother's Perceived the Adaptation Process and Program of One-year-old Toddlers in Daycare Center (어머니가 인식하는 만 1세 영아의 어린이집 초기 적응과정 및 적응프로그램에 관한 사례연구)

  • Chung, Hyo Jin;Choi, Hyun Suk
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2019
  • Objective: This study is a case study on mother's perceived the adaptation process and program of a one-year-old toddlers in daycare center. Methods: This study is a case study of four mothers who live in Seoul, South Korea and whose first child enters in daycare center at 18 or 20 months. The data collection method was applied to group interview and the individual in-depth interview method. Results: After the interview data was analyzed, first, they decided to enroll their child to a daycare center after two mothers were pregnant with the second child or the others received a phone call for admission. The first impression of the teachers had a great influence on the choice of admission when mother first visited the daycare center. mother, as well as toddlers who exhibited anxiety, experienced an adaptation process. Through communication between mother and teacher, mothers could feel the toddler's adaptation. Second, as for the difference of the adaptation program according to the daycare center type through the adaptation process of the one-year-old toddlers, there was a big difference in the program guide, the period, the content and the proceeding method. Conclusion/Implications: Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will be a basic data for the development of the adaptation program for one-year-old toddlers in daycare center at the national level.

대화형 사례 기반 계획 시스템의 설계 및 구현

  • Kim, Man-Su;Yu, Chang-Hun;Kim, In-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.533-544
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    • 2007
  • 사례 기반 계획 시스템은 과거의 유사한 사례 계획들을 이용함으로써 새로운 문제를 위한 계획을 효율적으로 생성할 수 있다. 하지만 대부분의 기존 사�� 기반 계획 시스템들은 사례 검색 및 사례 일반화를 위한 제한적 기능들만을 제공할 뿐만 아니라, 계획 생성과정에 사용자 참여를 허용하지 않는다. 이러한 문제점들을 극복하기 위해, 본 논문에서는 새로운 사례 기반 계획시스템인 JCBP를 제안한다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 JCBP 시스템의 설계와 구현에 대해 설명하고, 실험을 통해 JCBP시스템의 성능을 분석한다. JCBP 시스템은 효율적인 메모리 사용과 사례 검색을 위해 각 도메인의 동일한 작업목표를 가진 사례들을 개별 사례베이스로 그룹화하고, 이들에 대한 색인들을 유지한다. 도 이 시스템은 문제모델로부터 자동으로 추출한 휴리스틱 지식을 사례 검색과 적응 단계에 이용하며, 목표 회귀를 통한 사례 일반화 기능을 제공한다. 또한 JCBP 시스템은 대화형 모드를 통해 혼합 주도 계획 생성 기능을 제공한다. 따라서 사용자의 지식과 선호도를 이용할 수 있어, 계획 생성의 복잡도를 줄이고 사용자의 만족도를 높일 수 있다.

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