• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재현연구

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Growth Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in Enoki Mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) at Different Temperatures and Antilisterial Effect of Organic Acids (팽이버섯에서 Listeria monocytogenes의 온도별 생존과 유기산에 의한 저감화)

  • Kim, Se-Ri;Kim, Won-Il;Yoon, Jae-Hyun;Jeong, Do-Yong;Choi, Song-Yi;Hwang, Injun;Rajalingam, Nagendran
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.630-636
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    • 2020
  • Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) was responsible for several recall cases owing to its incidence in mushrooms exported from the Republic of Korea. In this study, we investigated the survival of L. monocytogenes in enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) at different temperatures and the antilisterial effect of its organic acids. Enoki mushrooms were innoculated with L. monocytogenes (initial concentration 4.5 log CFU/g) and stored at 1-35℃, No growth of L. monocytogenes in enoki mushrooms was observed at 1℃ for 30 days. 3.0 log CFU/g growth of L. monocytogenes was also achieved after 36 h and 24 h at 30℃ and 35℃, respectively. To evaluate the antilisterial effect of the organic acids (acetic acid, lactic acid, malic acid), enoki mushrooms were treated with 1-3% of each acid for 10-30 min. The efficacy of malic acid and lactic acid was significantly higher than that of acetic acid. Over 3.0 log reductions were observed when L. monocytogenes in enoki mushrooms was immersed in 3% lactic acid and malic acid over 10 minutes or more. Therefore, it is necessary to keep enoki mushrooms at 1℃ during the export process and treat them with 3% lactic acid and malic acid for 10 min prior to consumption.

Examination of Dose Change at the Junction at the Time of Treatment Using Multi-Isocenter Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (용적조절호형방사선치료(VMAT)의 다중치료중심(Multi- Isocenter)을 이용한 치료 시, 접합부(Junction)의 선량 변화에 대한 고찰)

  • Jung, Dong Min;Park, Kwang Soon;Ahn, Hyuk Jin;Choi, Yoon Won;Park, Byul Nim;Kwon, Yong Jae;Moon, Sung Gong;Lee, Jong Oon;Jeong, Tae Sik;Park, Ryeong Hwang;Kim, Se young;Kim, Mi Jung;Baek, Jong Geol;Cho, Jeong Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.33
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2021
  • This study examined dose change depending on the reposition error of the junction at the time of treatment with multi-isocenter volumetric modulated arc therapy. This study selected a random treatment region in the Arccheck Phantom and established the treatment plan for multi-isocenter volumetric modulated arc therapy. Then, after setting the error of the junction at 0 ~ 4 mm in the X (left), Y (upper), and Z (inner and outer) directions, the area was irradiated using a linear accelerator; the point doses and gamma indexes obtained through the Phantom were subsequently analyzed. It was found that when errors of 2 and 4 mm took place in the X and Y directions, the gamma pass rates (point doses) were 99.3% (2.085) and 98% (2.079 Gy) in the former direction and 98.5% (2.088) and 95.5% (2.093 Gy) in the latter direction, respectively. In addition, when errors of 1, 2, and 4 mm occurred in the inner and outer parts of the Z direction, the gamma pass rates (point doses) were found to be 94.8% (2.131), 82.6% (2.164), and 72.8% (2.22 Gy) in the former part and 93.4% (2.069), 90.6% (2.047), and 79.7% (1.962 Gy) in the latter part, respectively. In the X and Y directions, errors up to 4 mm were tolerable; however, in the Z direction, error values exceeding 1 mm were beyond the tolerance level. This suggests that for high and low dose areas, errors in the direction same as the progress direction in the treatment region have a more sensitive dose distribution. If the guidelines for set-up errors are established at the institutional level through continuous research in the future, it will be possible to provide good quality treatment using junctions.

A The Visualization of Semantic Context in the Film (영화 <이다>에 나타난 의미적 맥락의 시각화)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyue;Kim, Kyu-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2021
  • is a contemporary experimental film that forms ambiguity in the narrative and the psychological motivation of the characters, destroys linear temporality, and reminds of manipulation possibilities in digital images through varied techniques, and it carries implication by the fact that the transformation process of human subjects and self-awareness are connected to social trauma and makes way to infer by comparing it to the historical contexts of other nations or societies. centers on the space outside the screen, absent space, and the intrinsic meaning within the space and the frame and shares the information in the visible space and the space outside the screen and arouses an active perceptual process so that the audience can deduce the information that is not presented. The film visualized the historical meaning without describing the background of the times in detail and aimed to express the conflicts and worries between the god, a transcendental existence, with humans, which are marginal beings, within the conflicting structure among humans. Moreover, attempted to resolve the sadness of loss and absence through the spatial aesthetics and the film presented the progression of the situation through the contrast of the characters and also the comparison between light and darkness. This study intends to make an attempt of interpreting the realm involving personal (characters) stories and the social and historical backgrounds together with the religious sphere and discuss the visualization of the semantic context. In addition, this study analyzed the sequence of the scenes in , which reconstructs identity and historical cases and religious values to observe the meaning and characteristics and closely analyze the general meaning pursued by the film. discussed the issues of trauma that individuals, regions, and nations confront as a representation and interpretation of the trauma connoted in the film, and consideration can be provided about the implication concerning the situation and context in South Korea. Furthermore, the film placidly discusses the growth and agony in humans and the society without expressing it excessively, so it will be a valuable research result to inspire the trend of creating films that incorporate new imaging technology and original visualization techniques.

A Change of Japanese Jyosei Manga in the 2010s -Disappearance of Romance and the appearance of a Self (2010년대 일본 여성만화의 변화 -로맨스의 증발과 자아의 출현)

  • Kim, So-Won
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.123-160
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    • 2020
  • Manga develops by reflecting a change of society, reader's needs, and their thoughts and changes of tastes, sensitively. Shojo manga and Jyosei manga also do. We can find several kinds of meaningful changes in Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s. The works which represent preciousness of daily life, women's narrative and self-realization are gradually increasing. In addition, the works that deal with very touchy issues such as sex discrimination at work, sexual harassment begin to emerge. It has never been found in the manga of the former era. While this paper analyzes the social and cultural causes of these changes of the works that exclude romance and treat gender issues focusing on recent works, it examines changes of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s and their meanings. I investigate the current trends of Japanese Jyosei manga in the 2010s through Umimachi Diary that represents a precious everyday life with woman-centered narrative, Metamorphose no engawa that deals with women's story from a new perspective, Good-bye My Miniskirt that tackles gender issues. Furthermore I intensively analyze how Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan, which win popularity from women in their 20s~30, represent lives and troubles of contemporary Japanese women. Nagi's Long Vacation represents the heroine's quest for a self throwing everything out. While Darucyan deals with self-realization, it forms of a bond of sympathy of readers by representing the heroine who suffers sexual harassment and inequal conditions very realistically. Nagi's Long Vacation and Darucyan have something in common with portraying troubles and self-realization of the working women in their 20s based on a indigenous reality to Japanese society very realistically. However they are unusual in that it is different from the manga of the former era in dealing with heroine's troubles and their solutions. The most distinctive changes of Jyosei manga since 2010 are that real issues surfaced with social changes. In addition, these social contradictions result from irrational discriminations and old customs of Japanese society for a long time. Manga reflects subtly the portraits of the times, their images of women, and their values. These changes of Jyosei manga also show the concerns of readers at that time, and it means that women began to be aware of the issues.

Estimation of grid-type precipitation quantile using satellite based re-analysis precipitation data in Korean peninsula (위성 기반 재분석 강수 자료를 이용한 한반도 격자형 확률강수량 산정)

  • Lee, Jinwook;Jun, Changhyun;Kim, Hyeon-joon;Byun, Jongyun;Baik, Jongjin
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.447-459
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    • 2022
  • This study estimated the grid-type precipitation quantile for the Korean Peninsula using PERSIANN-CCS-CDR (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Cloud Classification System-Climate Data Record), a satellite based re-analysis precipitation data. The period considered is a total of 38 years from 1983 to 2020. The spatial resolution of the data is 0.04° and the temporal resolution is 3 hours. For the probability distribution, the Gumbel distribution which is generally used for frequency analysis was used, and the probability weighted moment method was applied to estimate parameters. The duration ranged from 3 hours to 144 hours, and the return period from 2 years to 500 years was considered. The results were compared and reviewed with the estimated precipitation quantile using precipitation data from the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) weather station. As a result, the parameter estimates of the Gumbel distribution from the PERSIANN-CCS-CDR showed a similar pattern to the results of the ASOS as the duration increased, and the estimates of precipitation quantiles showed a rather large difference when the duration was short. However, when the duration was 18 h or longer, the difference decreased to less than about 20%. In addition, the difference between results of the South and North Korea was examined, it was confirmed that the location parameters among parameters of the Gumbel distribution was markedly different. As the duration increased, the precipitation quantile in North Korea was relatively smaller than those in South Korea, and it was 84% of that of South Korea for a duration of 3 h, and 70-75% of that of South Korea for a duration of 144 h.

An Analysis on the Connectivity and Duplication of Curriculum Contents between Elementary and Secondary Levels on 'Family Life' Contents Area of the Practical Arts(Technology & Home Economics) Subject in the 2015 Revised Curriculum (2015 개정 실과(기술·가정) 교육과정의 초·중등 '가정생활' 분야의 연계성 및 중복성 분석)

  • Yoon, Ji Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which the contents of elementary and secondary curricula are connected and overlapped in the 'family life' area of Practical Arts(Technology & Home Economics) subjects. The procedure and results are as were like below. First, the types of criteria for analyzing curriculum contents are developed. The connectivity are classified as 'discontinuous hierarchy' and 'spiral hierarchy' and duplication are classified as 'repetition (high level of overlapping)', 'reproducing', 'deepening (intermediate level of overlapping)', 'substitution', and 'omission (low level of overlapping)'. Second, as a result of analyzing the contents of elementary and secondary curricula, the 'Human Development' area showed higher connectivity with a deepening type of duplication. The 'Safety' and the 'Lifelong Planning' concepts showed lower connectivity. Third, as a result of analyzing the achievement standards of the 2015 Curriculum, the secondary Home Economics curriculum showed a considerable increase in the level of difficulty and the volume compared to the elementary curriculum. There was low connectivity between the contents of elementary and secondary curricula in the core concepts 'Safety' and 'Lifelong Planning', an intermediate level of connectivity in 'Life Culture' and 'Management', and high connectivity in 'Development' and 'Relationship'. Also, there was a high level of duplication in the core concepts 'Safety' and 'Lifelong Planning', being classified as 'reproducing', 'substitution', and 'omission', analyzed to have low connectivity. When structuring the curriculum contents with a spiral hierarchy, one should connect the elementary and secondary school contents organically: the hierarchy with core concepts considering the different characters of constructuring knowledge in each school level, with a moderate volume, with a moderate difficulty level, with a moderate level of duplication of the contents, and with the minimum level of repetition of the same topics within the same school level.

Reliability Analysis on Stability of Armor Units for Foundation Mound of Composite Breakwaters (혼성제 기초 마운드의 피복재 안정성에 대한 신뢰성 해석)

  • Cheol-Eung Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2023
  • Probabilistic and deterministic analyses are implemented for the armor units of rubble foundation mound of composite breakwaters which is needed to protect the upright section against the scour of foundation mounds. By a little modification and incorporation of the previous empirical formulas that has commonly been applied to design the armor units of foundation mound, a new type formula of stability number has been suggested which is capable of taking into account slopes of foundation mounds, damage ratios of armor units, and incident wave numbers. The new proposed formula becomes mathematically identical with the previous empirical formula under the same conditions used in the developing process. Deterministic design have first been carried out to evaluate the minimum weights of armor units for several conditions associated with a typical section of composite breakwater. When the slopes of foundation mound become steepening and the incident wave numbers are increasing, the bigger armor units more than those from the previous empirical formula should be required. The opposite trends however are shown if the damage ratios is much more allowed. Meanwhile, the reliability analysis, which is one of probabilistic models, has been performed in order to quantitatively verify how the armor unit resulted from the deterministic design is stable. It has been confirmed that 1.2% of annual encounter probability of failure has been evaluated under the condition of 1% damage ratio of armor units for the design wave of 50 years return period. By additionally calculating the influence factors of the related random variables on the failure probability due to those uncertainties, it has been found that Hudson's stability coefficient, significant wave height, and water depth above foundation mound have sequentially been given the impacts on failure regardless of the incident wave angles. Finally, sensitivity analysis has been interpreted with respect to the variations of random variables which are implicitly involved in the formula of stability number for armor units of foundation mound. Then, the probability of failure have been rapidly decreased as the water depth above foundation mound are deepening. However, it has been shown that the probability of failure have been increased according as the berm width of foundation mound are widening and wave periods become shortening.

A Comparative Study on Daesoon (大巡) Thought and Dangun (檀君) Thought: Focused on the Analysis of Narrative Structure and Motifs (대순사상과 단군사상 비교연구 - 서사구조와 모티프 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.31
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    • pp.199-235
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    • 2018
  • Most of the new religions derived from Jeungsan have claimed that Jeungsan's religious thought reproduced Dangun [檀君] Thought in its original form. However, Daesoon Jinrihoe is the only religious order out of the many new religions within the Jeungsan lineage, which has constantly kept its distance from Dangun Thought since 1909 during the earliest period of proto-Daesoon Jinrihoe. Even a mere trace of Dangun cannot be found in the subject of faith or the doctrinal system of Daesoon Jinrihoe. In this context, this study aims to examine possible connections between Daesoon Thought and Dangun Thought in order to determine why other Jeungsanist religions frequently exhibit Dangunist features. Specifically, a major part of this study will be devoted to comparing and analyzing the narrative structure of Daesoon Thought and Dangun Thought as well as their respective motifs. In fact, Jeungsan does not seem to have ever mentioned Dangun in his recorded teachings, therefore, after his passing into the Heaven, most of the religious orders including Daesoon Jinrihoe derived from him did not pay any attention to Dangun Thought for almost for 40 years. These orders did not originally perceive Dangun as an object of belief. After Korea's liberation, Dangun became widely accepted as a pivotal role among the Korean people. As Dangun-nationalism claimed to unify Koreans as one great Korean ethnic society, the religious orders of Jeungsan lineage also climbed aboard this creed and their faiths or doctrines were acculturated to reflect this change. The reason for this has been attributed to following modern trends to increase success in propagation. In the meantime, Daesoon Jinrihoe was the only order that did not accept Dangun-nationalism because it was not a teaching given by the order's founder. And the two systems of thought have more dissimilarity than parallelism in terms of philosophical ideology. These seem to be the main reasons why Daesoon Jinrihoe did not adopt Dangun into its doctrine or belief system.

The Transmission Activities and characteristic of the Naeseo Traditional Folk art Conservation Association in Masan (마산 내서전통민속문화예술보존회의 전승 활동과 특징)

  • Choi, Ja-Un
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.43
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    • pp.121-143
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    • 2021
  • The Aim of the this paper is to figure out impetus of the Naeseo Traditional Folk art Conservation Association. This Preservation Society derived from Hogaeri farmers' band. Through aging and hollowing out Hogaeri farmers' band got into a period of stagnation. In order to overcome slump villager and people of a township organized a conservation society in 1994. Members restored and directed folk song which from age to age for performance. are designated as cultural asset in 2017. Sutguldeong song is only song in inland area. This song are worthy of notice in . which is consist of various agricultural work songs experienced two changes. Rice-planting songs are characteristic. Especially, Executive playing a central role harden foundation of the Preservation Society. The mainspring of activity is the sense of responsibility. Preservation Society laying emphasis on recruiting new members. Preservation Society is planning to develop curriculum for Jurisdiction elementary and middle school students. This Preservation Society is made up of First generation members and Second generation members. First generation members who are born and bred in Hogaeri have been good friends both in joy and in sorrow Early days of Preservation Society. So, They has a strong family bond. In order to induce membership Members are practicing Nongak, popular folk songs, dancing program. Second generation members are not conversant with a folk song. Nonetheless They have a strong mind on a member line.

A Study on the Memory of the Korean War and the Representation of the Play-Focused on Shin Myung-soon's (한국 전쟁에 대한 기억과 연극의 재현 양상 -신명순의 <증인>을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-hee
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.43
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    • pp.145-172
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    • 2021
  • Shin Myung-soon's is based on the taboo 'bombing of the Han River Bridge'. The reality of the bombing of the Han River Bridge in 1950 and the shooting of Colonel Choi Chang-sik was known only as a word of mouth. At that time, the ruling class did not want to reveal the painful mistakes of the unfavorable war situation in the early days of the war and the false broadcasting of the president. The truth of the case, which was kept completely secret even to the bereaved family, could only be revealed after the regime change. After that, the bereaved family of Colonel Choi Chang-sik confirmed the innocence of the deceased through a request for retrial, and then the was born. However, the fate of was not so smooth. At the time, the performance officials vividly remember the difficulties they had with the text. Despite passing the pre-screening of the script, the performance was canceled just before the performance. The fact that the National Theater, officials from the Ministry of Culture and Education, and even military generals visited the practice room to stop the performance, on the contrary, was a testimony to the dangers of . It can be summarized as a crack in official history and a move to stop it. was later adapted into a special TV drama in 1981 and was first released to the public. This was a very meaningful step in terms of dealing with politically sensitive subjects on television, but the inconsistency of in the first place has largely disappeared. After that, in 1988, only after democracy entered the phase of appeasement, could be performed in its full form. In short, can be said to be an example of a process in which the history of the Korean War recorded from the standpoint of an established order and the counter-memory that crack it up are transformed according to the changes of the times and media.