• Title/Summary/Keyword: 작업 흐름

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Three-Dimensional Approaches in Histopathological Tissue Clearing System (조직투명화 기술을 통한 3차원적 접근)

  • Lee, Tae Bok;Lee, Jaewang;Jun, Jin Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • Three-dimensional microscopic approaches in histopathology display multiplex properties that present puzzling questions for specimens as related to their comprehensive volumetric information. This information includes spatial distribution of molecules, three-dimensional co-localization, structural formation and whole data set that cannot be determined by two-dimensional section slides due to the inevitable loss of spatial information. Advancement of optical instruments such as two-photon microscopy and high performance objectives with motorized correction collars have narrowed the gap between optical theories and the actual reality of deep tissue imaging. However, the benefits gained by a prolonged working distance, two-photon laser and optimized beam alignment are inevitably diminished because of the light scattering phenomenon that is deeply related to the refractive index mismatch between each cellular component and the surrounding medium. From the first approaches with simple crude refractive index matching techniques to the recent cutting-edge integrated tissue clearing methods, an achievement of transparency without morphological denaturation and eradication of natural and fixation-induced nonspecific autofluorescence out of real signal are key factors to determine the perfection of tissue clearing and the immunofluorescent staining for high contrast images. When performing integrated laboratory workflow of tissue for processing frozen and formalin-fixed tissues, clear lipid-exchanged acrylamide-hybridized rigid imaging/immunostaining/in situ hybridization-compatible tissue hydrogel (CLARITY), an equipment-based tissue clearing method, is compatible with routine procedures in a histopathology laboratory.

Continuum Based Plasticity Models for Cubic Symmetry Lattice Materials Under Multi-Surface Loading (다중면 하중하에 정방향 대층구조를 가진 격자재료의 연속적인 소성모델)

  • Seon, Woo-Hyun;Hu, Jong-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The typical truss-lattice material successively packed by repeated cubic symmetric unit cells consists of sub-elements (SE) proposed in this study. The representative continuum model for this truss-lattice material such as the effective strain and stress relationship can be formulated by the homogenization procedure based on the notation of averaged mechanical properties. The volume fractions of micro-scale struts have a significant influence on the effective strength as well as the relative density in the lattice plate with replicable unit cell structures. Most of the strength contribution in the lattice material is induced by axial stiffness under uniform stretching or compression responses. Therefore, continuum based constitutive models composed of homogenized member stiffness include these mechanical characteristics with respect to strength, internal stress state, material density based on the volume fraction and even failure modes. It can be also recognized that the stress state of micro-scale struts is directly associated with the continuum constitutive model. The plastic flow at the micro-scale stress can extend the envelope of the analytical stress function on the surface of macro-scale stress derived from homogenized constitutive equations. The main focus of this study is to investigate the basic topology of unit cell structures with the cubic symmetric system and to formulate the plastic models to predict pressure dependent macro-scale stress surface functions.

Two Approaches to Public Understanding of Science: How Survey Analyses and Constructivist PUS Might Benefit Each Other (공중의 과학이해 연구의 두 흐름 - 조사연구와 구성주의 PUS의 상보적 발전을 향하여)

  • Bak Hee-Je
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.25-54
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    • 2002
  • Without much communication, large-scale surveys of public knowledge of, and attitudes to, science (quantitative PUS) and case-study analyses of the public's understandings of science in particular (constructivist PUS) have dominated in the public understanding of science (PUS) area. Not only methodological preference but also a strong antipathy against value-orientations that each approach presumed to have and support has been barriers for quantitative PUS and constructivist PUS to benefit each other. In order to overcome such barriers, this paper demonstrates that value orientations guiding quantitative PUS have been much more diverse than what constructivist PUS researchers might think, and that quantitative PUS has indeed yielded the results consistent with and complementary to constructivist PUS. Finally this paper proposes that (1)quantitative PUS should test propositions provided by constructivist PUS, so that it can contribute much to the construction of more generalizable PUS theories and policies, and (2)constructivist PUS uses the outcome of quantitative PUS to develop more complex case studies which consider heterogeneous publics, trends of public evaluations of science, and how public attitudes to science in the abstract and public attitudes to science in particular in a specific context have effect on each other.

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Review of the Structural Shape for Aft Transition Ring of Submarine (잠수함 함미 트랜지션 링 구조 형상에 대한 고찰)

  • Oh, Dohan;Ahn, Namhyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.936-944
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    • 2019
  • Submarines, which have been called an invisible force, are strategic underwater weapon systems that perform missions such as anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, and high payoff target strikes with the advantage of underwater covertness. A submarine should be able to withstand the hydrostatic pressure of the deep sea. In this respect, the submarine pressure hull, as the main structural system to resist the external pressure corresponding to the submerged depth, should ensure the survivability from hazards and threats such as leakage, fires, shock, explosion, etc. To do this, the initial scantling of the submarine pressure hull must be calculated appropriately in the concept design phase. The shape of the aft transition ring varies according to its connection with the submarine aft end conical structure, pressure hull cylindrical part, and non-pressure hull of the submarine; the design of the aft transition ring should not only take into account stress flow and connectivity but also the cost increase due to the increased man-hours of its complex geometry. Therefore, trade-off studies based on the four different shapes of the aft transition ring are carried out considering both the review of the structural strength through nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) and economic feasibility by reviewing the estimations of the manufacturing working days and material costs. Finally, the most rational structural aft transition ring shape for a submarine amongst four reviewed types was proposed.

The Origin and Development of Hybrid Environmental Design (혼성적 환경설계의 기원과 전개)

  • Kim, Han-Bai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Since the late 20th century, post-modern society has needed new styles in environmental design. The land art begun during that time supplied the momentum for the birth of the hybrid environmental design. The new design approach, focusing on land form and landscaping begun with land-form architecture, raised a powerful current of hybridization in the environmental design genres. The new picturesque landscape design distinguished by manipulated land forms and sublimated aesthetics appeared under the influence of land art and land-form architecture. Similarly, landscape urbanism was formed by the fusion of landscape architecture and urbanism. Therefore, the representative hybrid styles in environmental design appear as new picturesque landscape design, land-form architecture and landscape urbanism. With the new, strong interest in land and landscape, this same new interest was given to 'time' on account of the dynamics and indeterminacy of urban society. This new interest in land and time gave rise to new hybrid methodologies for environmental design such as mapping, diagramming and folding. These three tools have been applied most comprehensively in landscape urbanism. The 'fold' is the most popular design tool for most of the hybrid genres. The 'diagram' is the second-most popular design tool mostly for landscape urbanism and land-form architecture. Mapping is being actively applied to landscape urbanism and passively applied in new picturesque landscape design. In general, landscape urbanism seems to be a timely and suitable alternative for contemporary urban society. It displays very high potentials in the regeneration of the locality through the comprehensive hybrid methodology. It is necessary to actively engage in and develop landscape urbanism fit the local needs.

Simplified Clearance Formalities of Northeast Asia port (동북아 항만의 입출항 수속 간소화 방안)

  • Choi Hyung-Rim;Park Nam-Kyu;Park Young-Jae;Cho Jae-Hyung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.5 s.101
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    • pp.439-445
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    • 2005
  • Recently, owing to the increasing demand on the simplification of arrival and departure procedures, IMO's (International Maritime Organization) Facilitation Committee (FAL) is carrying out the standardization project of arrival and departure formalities and clearance form. Also, many port authorities of developed countries are making active researches for the smooth flow and efficiency of the information inbound and outbound ships by way of simplifying their formalities or through electronic means. However, this standardization project cannot be done by one country but by mutual cooperation among related nations. And to carry out this task, the first thing to be done is to standardize the formalities and document form, and to integrate information. To this end, this study has reviewed the model cases of advanced ports of developed countries with regard to their simplification and standardization efforts. And also we have analyzed the formalities and clearance form of the three countries Korea, China, and Japan. And then for the solution of common problems of three countries, this paper has suggested an ebXML-based Global Port B2B framework. Through this framework, we can reuse and automate the necessary information on the arrival and departure of ships, consequently realizing simplification, and laying a foundation for the introduction of e-commerce to the port industry.

Automatic Parameter Estimation of Hydrogeologic Field Test around Underground Storage Caverns by using Nonlinear Regression Model (비선형 회귀모형을 이용한 지하저장공동 주변 현장수리지질시험 매개변수의 자동 추정)

  • Chung, Il-Moon;Cho, Won-Cheol;Kim, Nam-Won
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2008
  • For the design and effective management of underground storage caverns, preliminary investigation on the hydrogeologic parameters around caverns and analysis on the groundwater flow must be carried out. The data collection is very imporatnat task for the hydrogeologic design so various hydraulic tests have been performed. When analyzing the injection/fall off test data, existing graphical method to estimate the parameters in Theis' equation is widely used. However this method has some sources of error when estimating parameters by means of human faults. Therefore the method of estimating parameters by means of statistical methods such as regression type is evaluated as a useful tool. In this study, nonlinear regression analysis for the Theis' equation is suggested and applied to the estimation of parameters for the real field interference data around underground storage caverns. Damping parameter which reduce the iteration numbers and inhance the convergence is also introduced.

A Comparative Case Study on Studio Specialized in Digital Concept Art -Focused on the Field of Animation and Game- (디지털 컨셉 아트 전문 스튜디오에 관한 사례 비교 연구 -애니메이션 및 게임 분야를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Do-Won;Lee, Heon-Woo;Lee, Hyun-Seok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2014
  • Animation-related films and game industries have been expanding their markets rapidly responding to sharply increasing public demand. The production processes of major studios are getting more and more specialized and detailed. Therefore, they feel burden to manage and maintain as the HR and physical sizes are getting greater. So, independent studios which perform partial processes of the works are increasing over North America and Europe. Specialized studios build previous functions and related business models. They are expanding their areas. Therefore, this study targeted studios specialized in digital concept art in free production step. The characteristics of such studios were analyzed. To this end, first definitions of digital concept art concepts and functional & artistic features of entire production, and their application to business were deliberated through documents and online. Based on the results, the features of 'concept art service', 'self-brand business/ communication', and 'education service' were drawn. Second, based on it, targeting three con cept art studios such as Atomhawk (UK), FengZhu Design (Singapore), and Studio Gage (Korea), case research was done. Comparative analysis for the cases was conducted. It turned out that concept art studio s lead new market demand through active business strategies such as related contents development, marketing, etc. based on specialization. This research is significant to understand global trend of newly establishing specialized studios market and suggest reference data to improve prospective domestic specialized studios competitiveness.

A Study on the Application of 3D Virtual Human in the prior stage of Design Works - With the emphasis on the determining design layout of a forklift truck (디자인 초기단계에서의 3차원 가상인간(Virtual Human) 활용에 관한 연구 - 지게차 레이아웃 결정 단계를 중심으로)

  • 김관명
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.294-303
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    • 1999
  • With the breakthrough development of computing environment, the design phases have been changed a lot nowadays. In the case of prior phases of transportation design such as cars and forklift-trucks design, designers have depended on surveys and 2D line drawings for fixing a product layout and extracting ergonomic data. In this method, designers don't meet only the problem of reliability of measuring data but also, the problems of unknown situation of operators' fatigue and comfort in work situation. In these methods, it has much less creditability to have a 2D human model to check the real world motion due to the limitation of the 3 Dimension. Even though with a 2D human model, perfect layout is determined, it is still difficult to measure about comfort and fatigue for a user because it measuring an analysing method is static. The development of computer hardware and software have not only changed the flow in the social-wide range but also immerged design into Virtual Environment. In conventional design method, visualization and data transferring have been the main issues but, in virtual environment, determining of design layout and analysing ergonomic data with sophisticated feeling about comfort and fatigue are possible by using 3D virtual human. In this study, the general characteristics of virtual environment was discussed and the possibility of digital process of design was treated. For these studies, layout design for forklift-trucks was tested. Eventually, the merits of each design phase applied virtual environment are discussed.

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Numerical Analysis of Flow Characteristies inside innes part of Fluid Control Valve System (유동해석을 통한 유체제어벨브 시스템의 내부 유동 특성 분석)

  • Son, Chang-Woo;Seo, Tae-Il;Kim, Kwang-Hee;Lee, Sun-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2018
  • The worldwide semi-conductor market has been growing for a long time. Manufacturing lines of semi-conductors need to handle several types of toxic gases. In particular, they need to be controlled accurately in real time. This type of toxic gas control system consists of many different kinds of parts, e.g., fittings, valves, tubes, filters, and regulators. These parts obviously need to be manufactured precisely and be corrosion resistant because they have to control high pressure gases for long periods without any leakage. For this, surface machining and hardening technologies of the metal block and metal gasket need to be studied. This type of study depends on various factors, such as geometric shapes, part materials, surface hardening method, and gas pressures. This paper presents strong concerns on a series of simulation processes regarding the differences between the inlet and outlet pressures considering several different fluid velocity, tube diameters, and V-angles. Indeed, this study will very helpful to determine the important design factors as well as precisely manufacture these parts. The EP (Electrolytic Polishing) process was used to obtain cleaner surfaces, and hardness tests were carried out after the EP process.