• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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Isolation and Identifieation of Entomopathogenic Nematodes from Soil and Insect (토양과 곤충 사체로부터 곤충병원성 선충의 분리 및 동정)

  • 한상미;한명세
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 1999
  • Nematodes were isolated using silkwom trap through the investigation of 100 soil samples from various biotopes in Korea. The 30 nematode strains from soil and dead insects by the pathogenicity aganinst silkworms (Bombyx mori mori) and insect pests of Calliphora vomitoria, Pseufazetia separata, Palomena angulosa, and Melolontha incana. Mortailty of the silkworm larvae and pupae were as high as 100% by nematode infection, those of insect of pests were varied from 20 to 100%. The 30 strains of entemopathogenic nematodes were classified into five groups of Rhabditidae, Diplogatroidae, Heterorhabitidae, Steinernematidae, and Tylenchida by morphological criteria. The genetic relationships among the 30 nematode strains were analyzed by various RAPD bands with twenty primers. The 30 nematode strains were classified into six major subgroups on the basis of the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.853. The grouping by RAPD was agree with those of morphological taxa in discrimination of the higher group, however, was not completely agree in the subgroup. The family Steinernematidae belong to Rhabditida was clarified as closer to the Tylenchida, rather than the other Rhabditida of Heterorhabitidae, Rhabditidae, and Diplogatroidae in genetic distance valule. From the result of the morphological classification and RAPD of the genomic DNA showed that genetic relationship analysis furnish infurmation on phylogenetic classification and relationships of entomopathogenic nematodes. The application of genetic similarity will overcome the limitation of taxonomy and classification of morphologically simple nematode. Several primers were confirmed those utility of identification for individual nematode strains, the methods of molecular genetics secured the simplicity, rapidity and accuracy on the selection of entomopathogenic nematodes.

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Englishness represented in a Cottage Garden (코티지 가든에 표상된 영국성)

  • Cho, Hye-Ryeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2017
  • Gardening activities, plant raising, and general flowerbeds the public makes today can be found in the original form of cottage gardens in the United Kingdom. A cottage garden is a popular garden style of modern Britain, implying unique Englishness including ethnic sense and vernacular. In addition, the purpose of this study is to consider the modern movement in the United Kingdom in the past 200 years and read Englishness of cottage gardens through style differentiation and background of occurrence of cottage gardens appearing in this process. Therefore, this study is summarized as follows. First, a view of nature of the Englishman loving freedom and landscape acts as a key part of patriotism and is connected to the preservation of idyllic England. For this ideal of the Englishman of the country, idyllic British characteristics are found in various literatures and artistic fruits; cottage gardens, that is a form of new garden, were made with invigoration of supply and collection of plants. Second, an early form of cottage gardens was the domestic garden, in which there is a vegetable garden by middle-class move to a suburb according to urbanization, but evolved into a form of garden having both artistry and regionality, vernacular, and ecological characteristics with various situations of modern society(handicraft promotion movement, preservation of remains, and ancient building restoration movement). Wild gardens occurring in this process are a type of garden realizing wild fields and forests in the United Kingdom;they have made a big impact on many garden designers up to now. Cottage gardens, reflecting a variety of Englishness, is a subject of city planning and flower shows and is a culture symbolizing the United Kingdom.

Trail Deterioration and Managerial Strategy on the Ridge of the Baekdudaegan : A Case of the Trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae (백두대간 마루금 등산로의 훼손실태와 관리방향 :남덕유산-소사고개 구간을 대상으로)

  • 권태호;이준우;김동욱
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2004
  • They are raising the necessity to prepare the conservational management strategy for the trail on the ridge of the Baekdudaegan where deterioration of natural environment along the trail as the rapid increase of visitors to the Baekdudaegan. The purpose of this study, followed after the Kwon and Lee(2003), is to research the deterioration condition of the trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae on the Baekdudaegan. To accomplish the purpose, not only trail condition such as altitude, entire width, bare width, maximum depth and slope of trail, but also deterioration types of trail were surveyed at the total 182 points for 32.3km in length. Furthermore, impact rating class, which could be effective means to check the step and extent of deterioration process, was judged on each points of trail. Results informs us that the deterioration condition of the trail between Namdeogyusan and Sosagogae is not reached the level of grave concern yet, but some points and sections of trail are in urgent need of the integrated and organized maintenance. And some managerial strategies of trail were proposed in connection with the maintenance for trail on the Baekdudaegan ridge.

Characteristics Distribution of Vascular Plants of the Moaksan Provincial Park (모악산 도립공원일대의 관속식물 분포 특성)

  • Beon, Mu-Sup;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2007
  • The vascular plants of the Moaksan provincial park area were listed as 615 taxa: 120 families, 383 genera, 542 species, 1 subspecies, 69 varieties and 3 forms. Based on the list of Korean endemic plants, 6 taxa were recorded: Cephalotaxus koreana, Carex okamotoi, Lilium amabile, Salix purpurea var. japonica, Weigela subsessilis, Aster koraiensis and based on the list of the rare plants by the Forest Research Institute, 5 taxa were recorded in the studied areas: Lilium distichum (Preservation priority order; No. 159), Tricyrtis dilatata (No. 97), Iris ensata var. spontanea (No. 197), Aristolochia contorta (No.151), Viola albida (No. 202). Specific plant species by floral region were a total of 48 taxa; Prunus yedoensis in Class V, 2 taxa, as Carex arenicola, Wistaria floribunda in Class IV, 4 taxa, Spiraea salicifolia, Thea sinensis, Asperula lasiantha, etc. in Class III, 8 taxa, as Lilium distichum, Iris ensata var. spontanea, Acer triflorum, etc. in Class II, 33 taxa, as Camptosorus sibiricus, Orixa japonica, Lonicera praeflorens, etc. in Class I. The naturalized plants in this site were 16 families, 40 genera, 48 species, 2 varieties, 50 taxa and the naturalization rate was 8.1% of all 615 taxa vascular plants. As a conservation measure, there needs to be controls on the imprudent development and excessive visitors and a detailed plan like nature the rest of the year.

Germination of Buried Seeds in Secondary Forest of Basla Zone - Coniferous and Broadleaved Forest of Low Slope, Yesan-gun, Korea - (저지대 이차림지역의 매토종자 발아특성 -예산군의 침엽수림과 활엽수림-)

  • Kang, Hee-Kyoung;Park, Jun-Young;Ahn, Sang-Kyo;Cho, Yong-Hyeon;Park, Bong-Ju;Kim, Won-Tae;Shin, Kyung-Jun;Eo, Yang-Joon;Song, Hong-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.705-714
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    • 2014
  • This text was analyzed and investigated the aerial part plants and buried seed plants at coniferous forest and broadleaved forest in Yesan-gun, in order to offer the basic data of potential natural vegetation change on secondary forest. Plants of buried seed germination were consisted of 29 taxa in coniferous forest (28 species, 1 varieties, of 27 genus, 20 families) and 36 taxa in broadleaved forest (34 species, 2 varieties, of 32 genus, 18 families). Family classification of buried seed plant was the most in Compositae, and emergent plot frequency was the highest of Cyperus amuricus in coniferous forest and Crepidiastrum sonchifolium in broadleaved forest. The soil depth of the most plants appearance was 0~10 cm in coniferous forest and 0~5 cm in broadleaved forest, and the soil depth of the most population appearance was 0~2 cm in coniferous forest and broadleaved forest. Population of buried seed germination was decreased according as soil is deep. Crepidiastrum sonchifolium was a plant that population of buried seed germination is the most. Similarity index of the aerial part plants and buried seed plants was low as 0.22, and coniferous forest and broadleaved forest was 0.40.

Predicting the Potential Habitat, Host Plants, and Geographical Distribution of Pochazia shantungensis (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) in Korea (갈색날개매미충(Pochazia shantungensis) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)의 기주식물, 발생지역 및 잠재서식지 예측)

  • Kim, Dong Eon;Lee, Heejo;Kim, Mi Jeong;Lee, Do-Hun
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2015
  • In 2014, surveys were conducted in Korea to study the geographical distribution, host plants, and potential habitats of Pochazia shantungensis. The occurrence of P. shantungensis was confirmed in 43 cities and counties nationwide, and identified for the first time in Gyeongsangbuk-do. P. shantungensis has a wide range of diverse host plants comprising 113 species in 53 families, including crops, fruits, and forest trees. Since the hemipteran was first reported in Korea, 138 species from 62 families have been identified as P. shantungensis host plants. This insect feeds on the following major host plants: Malus pumila, Aralia elata, Styrax japonicus, Salix gracilistyla, Broussonetia kazinoki, Albizia julibrissin, Ailanthus altissima, Castanea crenata, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Cornus officinalis. Potential habitat was analyzed in the present study using the Maxent model with 12 variables (8 climate, 1 land cover, 1 forest type, 1 ecological zoning, and 1 distance). The model ROC AUC was 0.884, indicating a high accuracy. In the present study, precipitation of warmest quater, mean temperature of warmest quarter, forest type, and land cover were the most significant factors affecting P. shantungensis distribution, and habitat.

A Comparative Study of Satisfaction and Pro-environmental Behavior on the Jeju Olle among Jeju Residents and Visitors (제주도민과 제주방문 도보여행객의 제주올레에 대한 만족도와 친환경 행동 비교)

  • You, Won-Hee;Seo, Se-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2017
  • The Jeju Olle Trail Route No. 1 has opened in 2007, and over one million visitors per year trek total of 26 Olle trails throughout the island of Jeju as of 2017. The Olle trekking is one of eco-friendly tourism activities in the era of social issues with environmental collapse and threats. Up until now, studies on the Jeju Olle trail are focused on the visitors while the studies on residents who are the other major pillar of Jeju Olle trail have been limited. The study aims to compare the visit types, satisfaction level and pro-environmental behaviors between the visitors and residents on Jeju Olle trails. Total of 290 survey was collected in three month period from December, 2016 to February, 2017. The survey result indicates the Jeju residents trek the Jeju Olle in a larger group than the Jeju Olle visiting trekkers and show lower level in the visit satisfaction and pro-environmental behaviors. The noticeable lower level in the pro-environmental behaviors of residents can directly connect to the issue of Jeju environment as a whole, and the continuing environmental education program and promotion for residents to improve the pro-environmental behavior level is essential.

Cost Allocation of River Water Quality Management Considering Development in Upper Basin and Total Pollution Load Management System (상류지역 개발과 오염총량관리제를 고려한 하천수질관리 비용분담 방안)

  • Yeo, Kyu-Dong;Kim, Gil-Ho;Jung, Young-Hun;Lee, Sang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.822-822
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 상류의 개발행위와 더불어 현재 수질관리의 기준이 되는 오염총량관리제를 대상으로 '규모의 경제'의 논리를 따른다는 가정 하에, 지자체간에 협조를 통해 비용을 절감하여 서로 혜택을 볼 수 있도록 상 하류 지자체와 중앙정부 등 관련 당사자들 간의 비용배분 방안을 도출하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해서 광주광역시에 위치한 평동산업단지와 영본B, 영본C를 대상으로 광주, 전남, 중앙정부를 이해당사자로 하여 협조적 상황 하에서 대상 비용배분 문제를 정의하였고, 협조적 게임이론에 근거한 SCRB법 및 샤플리법을 적용하여 비용배분 결과를 제시하였다. 우선 광주와 전남이 각각 삭감해야 할 오염량을 산정하고, 해당 삭감량 만큼 처리하기 위한 하수처리시설의 규모를 설정하였다. 또한 하수처리시설의 건설비와 하수관거 공사비, 유지관리비를 산정하였으며, 하수처리시설의 내용연수인 20년간의 총비용을 2010년 현재가치 기준으로 산정하였다. 상 하류 지자체가 공동으로 대처할 경우 20년간 총비용은 416,311.8 백만원, 개별로 대처할 경우 464,439.6 백만원이며, 공동 대처가 42,359.3 백만원이 절감되므로 양 지자체 모두 협조적 게임에 응할 기본배경은 성립되었다. SCRB법에 의한 지자체별 비용배분율을 산정 결과, 광주 74.24%, 전남 25.76%로 산정되었으며, 2001~2010년 하수도 세입현황을 기준으로 중앙정부의 지원 비율은 10년간 최소 23.98%, 평균 29.22%, 최대 34.17%로, 각각의 비율별로 중앙정부, 광주, 전남의 비용분담액을 도출하였다. 본 논문에서는 개략적으로 비용을 산정하였으나 오염총량관리 사업은 막대한 예산을 필요로 하기 때문에 실제로 두 지자체가 협조하여 비용배분을 하게 된다면 하수처리시설의 수질개선효과, 하수처리시설 위치선정, 사업비용 등을 세밀하게 분석해야 할 것이다. 본 논문은 오염총량관리제에서 제시하는 목표수질을 대상으로 하였으나, 지자체의 정책에 따라 친수활동 증대와 생태 자연환경 개선 등과 같은 수질개선에 따른 간접적인 효과를 고려하여 오염 총량관리제의 목표수질보다 더 나은 수질을 원할 수도 있을 것이다. 협조적 게임의 상황을 복잡하게 하여 해결 가능성이 낮아질 수 있으나, 수질개선에 의한 다양한 효과를 편익으로 산정할 수 있다면 이를 협조적 게임에 적용하여 전반적인 수질개선에 대한 지자체의 적극적 활동을 유도할 수도 있을 것이다.

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Application Methods of Traditional Culture in Modern Landscape Design of Korea and China -Focused on Seoul and Beijing Olympic Park- (한국과 중국의 현대조경설계에서 전통문화의 적용방법 - 서울·북경 올림픽 공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Liu, Bing;Shim, Joon-Young;Wang, Qiao;Lee, Shi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.224-237
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    • 2012
  • Based on the Olympic Park in Seoul and Beijing, respectively, a analys is of the two successful examples of the designers in a traditional way to design a unique culture of a traditional folk culture. Rooted in traditional culture to create their own characteristics, and by studying abroad, a good way to design a unique work not to pursue the international trend has been displayed now. Based on the above two parks of the application of the traditional culture of analysis and studying the literature, I summarized the traditional culture in modern landscape application methods as follows:Firstly, understand the traditional culture. Secondly, the method can be divided into four steps, namely, to preserve, to reproduce, to imitate, and to learn from. 1. A reservation is divided into functional retention and conversion of the prototype. 2. Reproduction is also divided into two types, first is the site of reproduction and the reproduction of literature or legend. 3. Simulation includes three types, the original use, changed use and re-creation. Imitation. 4. Reference. In a garden design, the other art forms or cultural phenomena reference are always allowed and encouraged.

Constructed Wetlands in Treating Domestic and Industrial Wastewater in India: A Review (인도의 가정 및 산업 폐수 처리를 위한 인공습지: 총론)

  • Farheen, K.S.;Reyes, N.J.;Kim, L.H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.242-251
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    • 2021
  • Surface water pollution is a serious environmental problem in developing countries, like India, due to the unregulated discharge of untreated wastewater. To overcome this, the constructed wetlands (CWs) have been proven to be an efficient technology for wastewater treatment. In this study, different existing and experimental facilities were reviewed to be able to determine the current status of constructed wetlands in India. Based on the collected data from published literature, industrial wastewater contained the highest average chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). In terms of total nitrogen (TN), Total phosphorous (TP), the lowest concentration was found on domestic wastewater. Vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) and Horizontal flow constructed wetland (HFCW) were more effective in removing TSS, BOD, TP in domestic and industrial wastewater, whereas hybrid constructed wetlands (HCW) showed the highest removal for COD. The use of constructed wetlands as advanced wastewater treatment facilities in India yielded better water quality. The treatment of wastewater using constructed wetlands also enabled further reuse of wastewater for irrigation and other agricultural purposes. Overall, this study can be beneficial in evaluating and promoting the use of constructed wetlands in India.