• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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Ecological Restoration on Degraded Ecosystem in the Tropical and Subtropical Region of China (중국 열대 및 아열대 훼손지 생태계 복원)

  • Jin Yong-Huan;Oh Koo-Kyoon;ZHAO Fuqiang
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2004
  • Due to the rapid increase of human population and economic development, the natural ecosystem has been severely degraded. To restore the degraded ecosystem is extremely urgent and an important task in China. High biodiversity status in the natural ecosystem in tropical and subtropical regions in China has given high attention to the conservationists. The recent trends to the ecological restoration on degraded ecosystem in the tropical and subtropical regions of China were discussed for four different ecological recovery types: watershed ecosystems, wetlands, mining wastelands and mountain forests. The successful restoration case studies in tropical and subtropical regions of China were also discussed.

Avifauna Effects by Sport and Leisure Complex(I) - Bird Fauna in Minjujisan Area, Korea - (관광휴양지 개발이 조류분포에 미치는 영향(I) - 민주지산 일대의 조류상을 중심으로 -)

  • 박병상;백남극
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 1993
  • Recently, by fast industralization and development without environmental concern, our environment deterioration have being continued rapidly. Therefore, many species is placed on crisis of extinction or was already extincted by habitat destruction. In Minjujisan area, there is a plan to construct the Sport and Leisure Complex by which convert the forest conservancy district to the district of development promotion and district of sighseeing and leisure by Yongdong District. To investigate the avifauna impacts by habitat destruction, bird censuses was carried out before the Sport and Leisure Complex be construct in Minjujisan and Sokgisan area during 4-5 May, 1992 and 16-21 June, 1992. Total 229 birds of 41 species in 23 family of 9 orders were recorded during censuses. Sitta europaea amurensis was the most abundant species and Parus ater amurensis, Phylloscopus borealis xanthodryas, Parus major wladiwostokensis, Parus palustris hellmayri, and Turdus pallidus were dominant species. Accipiter nisus nisosimilis, Accipiter soloenis, and Otus scops stictonotus were found out to the natural monuments in this suvey. Halcyon pileate was observed to a rare bird in this surveyed area. Species diversity of this census was 3.381 which showed slightly higher degree than other surveyed area. The area of Minjujisan, Sokgipong, and Samdopong which have little pollution agent around there and kept away from mankind were approved the heavy avifauna area which have so many bird species. Biogeographically, the Taebaek Mountains was connected with the Sobaek Mountains through this area, therefore it was significant that many animal species could be move to each mountains ranges. The construction plan of the Sport and Leisure Complex in Minjujisan area should be restrain with concern about environmentally destruction by the Muju Resort in Dokyusan National Park which connected to that area have master plan to development the ski slopes for the 1997 Universiad with permission by the Ministry of Environment.

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Ecotourism Planning Framework for Korean Rural Communities(I) - A Case Study in Jeongdori, Wandogun, Korea - (농어촌지역의 생태관광지 육성을 위한 계획모형(I) - 전남 완도군 정도리지역에서의 사례연구 -)

  • 유기준;이경재;오구균
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 1998
  • Ecotourism has surged from conflicts between negative impacts of mass tourism and environmental issues. As an alternative tourism, ecotourism compromises extensively environmental, economic, educational, and cultural concerns. Ecotourism can be defined as environment-based tourism that ensures sustainable growth and development through conservation of natural and human environment, promotion of regional economy, and provision of tourism service in natural environment areas. Ecotourism should consider two key challenges; an effective means that may protect local economy through tourist-based income and improvement of residential circumstances, and role as leisure space that can improve tourist's experiences. The purpose of this study was to summarize ecotourism concepts through literature search and develop an ecotourism planning framework for Korean rural communities. In addition, developed planning framework in this study was applied to Jeongdori area, Wandogun, Korea as a case study in order to analyze its feasibility. A trial application in Jeongdori area demonstrated a possibility that ecotourism planning framework can be successfully adopted to a wide range of Korean rural communities. To ensure objectivity of framework, systematic case studies must be done in the future.

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Important-Satisfaction Analysis as a Management Strategy of Suncheon Bay Ecological Park (순천만 자연생태공원 관리를 위한 중요도.만족도 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2010
  • The coastal area is the place where two conflicting values provide opportunities for recreation, tourism and conservation of the natural environment. Most of these coastal areas have been disregarded in terms of tourism because of the high value placed on natural resources. Management strategy has usually been first on the priority list of natural. resources. However, due to the significant number of visitors, the Important-Satisfaction Analysis(ISA) was applied as a mean of complement since the 1970s. This study analyzed the difference between visitor satisfaction and the importance of the main management strategy targeting visitors to Sun-cheon Bay Ecological Park on weekdays and weekends. Results show that Sun-cheon Bay Ecological Park and the city government have paid a lot of attention and invested a lot of money, but efficiency of publicity didn't come up to their afford. Therefore, we should prepare information facilities, public education facilities and human power. Also needed are visitors' temporal-spacial control to set specific programs and a guide for information education control. It means visitors' company forms change depends on weekday and weekend. In addition, a breeding space for birds should be built for observation, education and exhibition to help meet visitor expectations. Visitors' positive satisfaction might be provided in establishing strategy as a very important measure in limited area. In conclusion, this study might be provided as preliminary data when the management strategy and related guidelines are established through the management priority of coastal regions where importance and satisfaction conflict.

Regional Development and the Improvement of Water Quality using Bivalves in Lake Suwa (Japan) (조개를 이용한 일본 수와호의 수질개선과 지역발전의 역사)

  • Okino, Tokio
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.spc
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Lake Suwa is a natural lake which is well-known for sightseeing and fisheries. It had suffered severe eutrophication during 1960s and 1970s with the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms and the extinction of some benthic animals. Since 1980 water quality has been improved due to efforts of local government, scientists, and citizens. Of various methods that were attempted to improve the water quality of Lake Suwa biological methods received much attention, because it can improve the lake ecosystem integrity and fisheries in addition to the water quality. The aim of this paper is to introduce the biological methods for water quality improvement that had been employed in Lake Suwa, Japan, and their contribution to the economic benefit of local residents. Until now a significant restoration of water quality has been achieved, but there are insufficient recovery of the sediment and biota due to anoxic hypolimnion of the lake. This study proposed suspended cage culture of bivalves as a feasible method of water quality improvement. Increased grazing by bivalves will contribute to the improvement of water quality and fisheries production, which will contribute both to the ecological restoration and economy of local residents.

The Conservation strategy of DMZ wetland in Cheolwon, Korea (비무장지대의 습지생태계 보전방안 -철원지방을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Sang Don
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2004
  • 우리나라의 비무장지대는 북위 38도를 중심으로 동서로 띠 모양을 이루고 있으며 총 면적이 $907.3km^2$에 이른다. 비무장지대외곽에는 민통선이 비무장지대의 남쪽 5-20km 아래에 위치하고 있으며 이곳에는 15개의 시, 군, 98개 읍, 면이 있다. 또한 동해에서 서해로 이르는 내륙의 접경지역은 약 248km에 이르며 이곳에는 2,800여종의 동식물과 146종의 희귀 동식물이 다양하게 분포하는 우수한 생태계를 이루고 있다. 하지만 이 지역은 남북교류 및 협력의 강화로 인해 향후 남북교류와 통일을 위한 전략지역으로 활용되기 위한 방안이 논의되고 있다. 그 결과 남북접경지원법(2000)이 제정되었고 각종 개발사업의 시행이 이 지역의 우수한 생태계를 훼손하려하고 있다. 철원의 비무장지대를 비롯한 습지지역은 세계적인 희귀 철새이며 우리나라의 멸종위기종인 두루미의 서식지공간으로 활용되고 있다. 철원지방의 두루미서식지 보전을 위해 벼농사 추수 후 농경지를 그대로 유지하는 것이 중요하다. 우리나라 비무장지대의 보전을 위해 유네스코의 접경지원보전방안의 도입이 필요하다. 보전계획을 수립한 후, 보전지역 확보를 위한 자금이 조성되어야 하며, 지역주민의 참여를 유도하는 생태관광의 도입이 필요하고, DMZ를 교육 및 연구의 중심지역으로 발전시키는 방안이 강구되어야 한다. 국제사회의 주목을 받고 있는 자연생태계우수지역의 유지, 발전을 위해 정부, 학계는 같이 노력하여야 한다.

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Analysis of physical conditions and vegetation distribution characteristics in Han river estuary (한강하구습지에서 물리적 조건과 식생분포 특성 분석)

  • Chung, Sang-Joon;Ahn, Hong-Kyu;Oh, Joon-Seok;Kim, Si-Nae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.208-208
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    • 2011
  • 하구는 하천의 담수와 염수가 교차되고 혼합되는 기 수역으로서 수생 생태계의 중요한 서식처이며 바다와 하천의 중요한 생태통로가 되고 있다. 국내에서는 4대 하천 중에서 한강하구가 유일하게 하구 둑이 없는 자연하구이며 나머지 대하천은 둑으로 인해 담수와 해수의 자연스러운 흐름이 제한되고 생태적인 연결이 단절된 형태이다. 한강하구에는 대규모 습지가 분포하고 있으며 특히 장항습지는 종단길이 약 7.5km, 폭 최대 500m에 달하는 대규모 습지로서 고라니를 비롯한 동물과 줄, 선버들을 비롯한 식물의 대규모 군락이 분포하는 등 생태적 가치가 높은 지역이다. 본 연구에서는 한강하구의 장항습지와 산남습지를 대상으로 특정구간의 물리적 특성, 식생의 분포특성을 파악하고 연관성을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 1차적으로 포괄적인 현장조사를 통해 전체 식생군락과 분포를 파악하고 특징적인 식생군락을 선정하였다. 2차적으로는 선정된 줄 및 선버들 군락지를 대상으로 토양단면, 토양입경을 분석하고, 새섬매자기 군락지를 대상으로 측량을 실시하였다. 3차적으로는 대상 군락의 지하수위를 측정하여 상호관계를 분석하였다. 이 결과는 우선 한강하구의 지역적 특징에 국한되지만 향후 타 지역과의 비교연구가 수행된다면 대상 식생과 물리적 생장조건과의 정량적인 관계가 도출될 것으로 판단된다.

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A Study on the Ecosystem Conservation based on Natural Environment Investigation of Jinhae Area Troops (진해지역부대 자연환경조사를 통한 생태계 보전에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Cheol-Hyeon;Yu, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.733-738
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    • 2014
  • Within the scope that does not interfere with the performance of basic duty, the military has been actively supporting the national policy for the conservation of the natural environment in accordance with the "military environmental protection guidelines". Since there is a lack of information regarding inhabitation for wild fauna and flora, field investigations of the natural environment at Jinhae local unit were performed three times in 2003. As a result of the investigation, lycoris sanguinea as flora, marten, otter, and leopard cat as mammalia, and accipiter soloensis, accipiter gentilis schvedow, accipiter gularis, buteo hemilasius, falco tinnunculus and terpsiphone atrocaudata as bird were confirmed to inhabit. For the conservation of the natural ecosystem, the expansion of research for natural ecosystems within the military unit is required. Additionally, environmental pollution can be prevented through the proper maintenance of basic environmental facilities including sewage treatment facilities, soil pollution control facilities, and waste storage facilities. In cooperation with local governments and private organizations, the natural cleansing action and sustainable wildlife conservation should be expanded.

해안 서식지 분류를 통한 생태계 단위 설정 -태안해안국립공원을 대상으로-

  • 신수영;박종화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 1999.12a
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 1999
  • 우리나라 특히 서ㆍ남해안은 전형적인 리아스식 해안으로 해안선 출입이 잦아 해안의 대표적인 지형들이 골고루 발달해 있는 곳이며, 해안생물자원도 풍부한 지역이다. 종래의 생태계 조사방법은 종목록을 작성하는 수준이었기 때문에 자연자원과 생태계 보존 및 관리에 필요한 해안생태계의 서식지 유형을 분류하여 지도화하는 작업이 우선적으로 이루어져야 한다. 이 연구는 태안해안국립공원 지역을 대상으로 다음의 세가지 연구를 시행하였다. 첫째, 해안생물의 서식 기반이 되는 물리적 요소인 기질, 경사도, 파랑에너지에 입각하여 서식지 유형을 분류하였다 둘째, 해안의 생태계 보존 및 관리에 영향을 미치는 토지이용 현황을 원격탐사를 이용하여 분류하였다. 셋째, 서식지와 토지이용을 결합하여 암석해안과 갯벌(모래, 펄)의 생태계 단위를 설정하였다. 이러한 생태계 단위는 생태적으로 관리전략을 세울 수 있는 토대가 될 수 있다.

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