• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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A Model of Enhancing Biodiversity through Analysis of Landscape Ecology in Seoul Cultivated Area (도시농경지의 경관생태학적 분석을 통한 생물다양성 증진 모델 - 서울시를 대상으로 -)

  • 송인주;진유리
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2002
  • The cultivated lands in metropolitan, such as Seoul, are quasi-natural areas that have been disturbed continuously by human being and is in needs to be preserved and to be managed than to get more crop production in the light of nature experience for civilians through conservation of biodiversity and landscape diversity. However, the cultivated lands in urban areas have decreased rapidly, being changed into developmental areas in its land use. This study is to review change of land use as time change of the cultivated lands in Seoul and to draw the landscape ecological characteristics and structure in the cultivated land after their analysis on the basis of biotope type map in Seoul. The ultimate goal of this study is for development of prototype to enhance biodiversity in urban drypaddy culture area on the results of these analyses.

Alternatives of the Korean Nationwide Survey on Natural Environments to Promote Biodiversity Conservation (생물다양성 증진을 위한 전국자연환경조사의 발전방안 - 선진 외국의 사례검토를 중심으로-)

  • Rho, Paik-Ho;Choung, Heung-Lak
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.25-56
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    • 2006
  • We reviewed and compared nationwide surveys conducted in advanced countries (i.e., Japan, Germany, USA, and UK) with those in Korea, including the third Nationwide Survey of Natural Environments, which began in 2006 and will proceed until 2010. Based on this comparative analysis, we suggest alternatives to the nationwide survey of natural environments that are suited to Korea. Given the focus on species abundances and distributions in previous nationwide surveys in Korea, surveys of habitats, ecosystems, and ecoregions are required to more effectively protect biological resources in Korea. Furthermore, their spatial distributions should be mapped using periodical satellite images and aerial photographs. In particular, satellite images can be used to survey species, habitats, and ecosystems. Natural resources monitoring and management specialists are needed to collect various data and improve survey results. The participation of community volunteers is also important to develop an awareness in local residents of natural environment conservation. Independent survey institute (i.e., a 'National Ecosystem Institute') should be established to develop a database and survey scheme for species, habitats, and ecosystems throughout Korea. Moreover, the survey institute could develop natural environmental policy through the data analysis to meet the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The establishment of a survey institute will allow the completion of a natural environment survey that considers various factors, including physical habitat conditions. This will allow us to detect subtle changes in species abundance and spatial distributions and provide accurate and timely information on natural environments.

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An Ecological Interpretation on Korean Traditional Dwelling Houses and Their Landscape Gardens (전통주택과 조경공간의 생태학적 해석 - 동계(桐溪) 정온(鄭蘊) 가옥과 전주(全州) 최씨(崔氏) 종택을 중심으로 -)

  • So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.120-130
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    • 2009
  • This study focuses on the methodology of an ecological interpretation of Korean traditional landscapes through both life-oriented philosophy and traditional Korean philosophy which are similar to ecology. Also, useful tools for discovering an ecological technique of formation based on the ecological thoughts in ancestors' life are shown. Ecological key words as interpretative tools on the traditional landscape replaced ecological concepts in Korean culture and landscape. There are 'Bonsung(本性; the original nature)', 'Chungjeol(中絶; moderation)', 'Hyoyul(效率; efficiency)', 'Sangsaeng(相生; symbiosis)', 'Jasaeng(自生; self-generation)', 'Chunghwa(中和; neutralization)', 'Bangtong(旁通; communication)', and 'Byuntong(變通; variableness)'. For the case study, the concepts of 'spatial structure', 'constructive elements in the traditional gardens', and 'structural elements in the dwelling houses' were extracted from $\ulcorner$Imwonkyeongjeji$\lrcorner$ as an interpretative subject. As a result, Jeongon house, Jongtaek of Choi's family(the first incoming resident) showed us an ecological technique of formation by interpretation on the composing elements. Namely, they are natural dwelling houses in harmony with natural conditions and delicate relational styles. Five kinds of ecological characteristics were exposed. They are: 1. land use method following natural features('本性' '相生' '中和'), 2. physical and spatial elements in a body with nature('中絶' '相生' '中和'), 3. sustainable circulation system by recycling limited resources('效率' '自生' '旁通'), 4. use of natural materials based on the regional climate ('中絶' '效率' '自生') and 5. plane and structural decision by microclimate('效率' '自生' '變通'). Consequently, the dwelling houses and their traditional gardens aimed at the consuming space of the efficient resources by utilizing and circulating natural energy more than different types of the traditional spaces.

Establishing Habitat Quality Criteria for the Ecosystem Services InVEST Model Using AHP Techniques (AHP기법을 적용한 생태계서비스 InVEST 모형 서식지질 기준 설정)

  • Hae-Seon Shin;Jeong-Eun Jang;Sang-Cheol, Lee;Hye-Yeon Kwon;Gyeong-Rok Kim;Jin Jang;Song-Hyun Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2024
  • The term ecosystem services refers to natural ecosystems' benefits to humans. Various models have been developed and applied to quantify ecosystem services. Habitat quality assessment is a widely used leading InVEST ecosystem service model. In Korea, habitat quality assessment is conducted for national parks. For habitat quality assessment, the initial value of habitat quality must be used to assess the sensitivity to threats, which varies depending on the country and application field. Therefore, an expert survey (AHP) was conducted based on previous habitat quality assessments in national parks to adjust the sensitivity, the initial value for the habit quality assessment. As a result of the AHP, 18 items were adjusted, including 10 items, such as natural grassland and unarranged fields, upward and 8 items, such as rivers and ponds, downward. Based on the adjusted sensitivity results, the habitat quality of Bukhansan National Park and Gyeryongsan National Park (urban type), Gyeongju National Park (historic type), Hallyeohaesang National Park (ocean type), and Jirisan National Park and Seoraksan National Park (mountain type) were adjusted. The results of the analysis showed that the habitat quality of urban dry areas and water bodies distributed in the national parks was reflected in the habitat quality assessment. In the future, it will be possible to evaluate the habitat quality of natural parks using this standard.

Species Diversity of Terrestial Mammalia in the Nature Environment Research Park in Gangwon Province (강원도 자연환경연구공원의 육상 포유류 종다양성)

  • Lee, Gi-Yung;Kim, Eui-Kyeong;Jo, Jung-Hyeon;Park, Yung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2011
  • We surveyed diversity, distribution and diversity change of mammalian species in forests of the Nature Environment Research Park (Survey Area I; reservoir and surrounding forests, II; human habitat and surrounding forests and III; mountain forests) in Gangwon Province from 2004 to 2008. During our study, endangered species like Peromys volans, Lutra lutra and Prionailurus bengalensis were present in the surveyed areas. Diversity of mammalian species tends to be a little higher in the Survey Area I and III than the Survey Area II. Annual species diversity was a little higher in 2006, and then there was a little reduction from 2007. However, there was higher reduction in the number of individuals from 2007. Therefore, our results indicate that specific measures are needed for preservation of mammalian habitats to maintain the species diversity and the number of mammalian individuals.

A Study of Methods for Management and Assessment of Present State of the Coastal Wetlands as Protected Area - Focused on the awareness of local residents in Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park - (보호구역으로서의 연안습지의 현황 평가 및 관리방안에 관한 연구 - 태안해안국립공원 및 순천만 지역의 주민의식을 기초로 -)

  • Cho, Kye-Joung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is the investigation and analysis of information on the conservation and the sustainable use of coastal wetlands based on the awareness of local residents in Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park. To accomplish the purpose of study, a questionnaire survey was chosen and the 98 valid samples(38 from Taeanhaean National Park and 60 from Suncheon Bay) among them were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: The degree of the satisfaction on the natural environment is alike between Taeanhaean National Park and Suncheon-bay area. This is accorded with the order of the goodness of natural environment. The order for the degree of the satisfaction on the living environment is same as the order for the satisfaction degree on the natural environment. The residents of two regions are not satisfied with the socio·economic environment. The local resident of Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park Area where natural environment is well-conserved, prefer conservation to development of the region. These results show the following consideration for the ideal method of management for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal wetlands. In case of Suncheon Bay area, where the condition the natural environment is well conserved, should be managed with the minimum development with maintenance of the current state must be driven. In case of Taeanhaean National Park Area, where the condition of the natural environment is well conserved and the development potential exists, such as sustainable development and ecotourism destination the development that is in harmony with the nature must to be driven.

The Restoration and Application of Cultural and Ecological Environments of Daegu City (대구의 문화생태환경 복원과 활용)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2008
  • This research is undertook as a preliminary study for cultural and ecological environments of Daegu city which is required to improve urban image as the host city of 2011 World Championship in Athletics. The main findings of this research are as follows: Firstly, it is necessary to correct some errors in the natural scenery, such as Shincheon and Ibam which are known as important natural scenery of Daegu city. and also necessary to correct some errors in the name of places. Secondly, according to the old literature, it is known that there are two famous rocks in Daegu. Ibam, one of the two, is known as already disappeared. However, Hwaam, the other one, has been recently revealed as substantial. Therefore, the city needs to preserve the natural inheritance. In this sense, the city needs to consider to utilize natural scenery as cultural eco-tourism resources. Lastly, some part of landforms are related to culture and history. Thus, I proposes to name them as 'cultural landforms'.

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The Study for Estimation of Instream Flow to Improve Natural & Social Environment (자연.사회환경 개선을 위한 하천유지유량 산정방안 연구)

  • Ko, Ick-Hwan;Kim, Gee-Hyoung;Woon, Seok-Young;Kim, Woo-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.414-418
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    • 2008
  • 하천유지유량에 대한 인식과 개념은 시대와 사회, 경제의 발전에 따라 변화되어 새로운 물 배분 패러다임에 입각한 하천유지유량이 정립되고 있다. 우리나라에서 하천유지유량의 필요성이 제기되기 시작한 것은 댐 건설 이후부터이며, 하구의 염수침입을 방지하기 위해 하천에서 기본적으로 유지되어야 할 필요수량을 정하면서 부터이다. 실제적인 하천유역의 관리에서 댐 건설 이전에는 하천의 유량을 조절할 수 있는 능력이 거의 없었기 때문에 하천유지유량의 설정 자체가 크게 의미를 갖지 못하였다. 우리나라 하천유지유량의 주요 기능은 1960년대 이전에는 하천의 주운기능, 1970년대는 하구의 염수침입방지 기능, 1980년대는 수질보전을 위한 희석용수의 기능으로 인식되었으며, 1990년대 이후 환경에 대한 인식 변화로 수질과 함께 하천생태계 보전의 필요성이 증가하여 이에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어 왔고, 2000년대에 들어서는 자연환경을 중심으로 하는 하천유지유량과는 별도의 용수개념인 사회환경 개선을 위한 환경개선용수의 도입의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 하천유지유량에서 고려하는 항목은 갈수량을 기준으로 하고 하천기능 유지에 필요한 하천생태 및 하천수질 보전을 기본항목으로 하여 고려하도록 하며, 현실적으로 하천유지유량 산정 검토시 부수적인 미미한 비중을 차지하고 있는 하천경관, 하구막힘 방지, 지하수위 유지, 하천시설물 보호, 염수침입 방지 등의 항목은 필요항목으로 구분하되 하천 상황에 따라 추가적인 항목에 대한 검토가 필요한 경우 감안할 수 있도록 하였다. 갈수량의 산정은 반드시 유역 개발과 각종 유수사용, 수공구조물에 의한 유량 조절 효과가 없는 자연상태를 기준으로 산정하도록 하고 어류생태를 고려한 필요유량 산정 시 대표어종은 하천의 특성을 고려하고 지역사회의 의견을 수렴하여 단일어종보다는 생태적 군(Guild, 군(群))을 고려하여 선정하고 최소유량의 개념보다는 계절별 유량변동성을 고려하도록 하였다. 수질보전에 필요한 필요유량 산정 목표는 생태계 서식 및 생육 환경의 보전과 인간의 물 이용 측면에서 요구되는 목표수질을 구분하여 적용하도록 하였다. 하천유지유량 이외에 친수공간 확보, 물놀이, 관광, 하천문화행사 등 사회환경 개선을 위해 하천의 일부구간 또는 일부지역에 필요한 수량은 이를 이용하고자 하는 수혜대상 집단(지자체, 특정 기관 또는 개인 등)의 요구에 의해 발생되는 수량이므로 환경개선용수로 분류하여 별도로 산정하도록 하였다.

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D$\acute{e}$veloppement d'un Programme d'$\acute{E}$cotourisme dans la R$\acute{e}$gion de Yeosu en Coree du Sud: le Cas de l'$\hat{I}$le de Sado et de son Relief Caract$\acute{e}$ristique (지형 특성에 기반한 여수시 사도일원의 생태관광 프로그램 구성)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.738-752
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    • 2011
  • La c$\hat{o}$te m$\acute{e}$ridionale de la Cor$\acute{e}$e du sud, et principalement la ville de Yeosu et ses environs pr$\acute{e}$sentent un int$\acute{e}$r$\hat{e}$t particulier puisque le paysage offre de nombreuses presqu'$\hat{i}$les, baies et $\hat{i}$les. Pour tirer profit de ces paysages naturels il est d'abord n$\acute{e}$ssaire de les prot$\acute{e}$ger. Malgr$\acute{e}$ la haute valeur de ces paysages naturels, ils demeurent peu connus et les analyses $\acute{e}$cotouristiques de la ville de Yeosu et ses environs sont encore incompl$\grave{e}$tes. Par ailleurs, la protection de ces paysages naturels est rendue difficile par la d$\acute{e}$sagr$\acute{e}$gation d$\hat{u}$e aux sels halo$\ddot{i}$des. Cette recherche a pour objet l'$\acute{e}$tude du tourisme physico-$\acute{e}$cologique et sa contribution au d$\acute{e}$veloppement $\acute{e}$conomique d'une r$\acute{e}$gion de Yeosu en Cor$\acute{e}$e du sud. Nous nous int$\acute{e}$ressons particuli$\grave{e}$rement au d$\acute{e}$veloppement d'une route $\acute{e}$cotouristique, aux crit$\grave{e}$res de s$\acute{e}$lection du lieu $\acute{e}$cotouristique et $\grave{a}$ la pr$\acute{e}$sentation des explications touristiques, en tenant compte de l'$\hat{i}$le de Sado et de ses paysages naturels sur le plan de l'$\acute{e}$cotourisme. Il y a plusieurs ressources $\acute{e}$cotouristiques sur l'$\hat{i}$le de Sado et dans ses environs: la plage de sable et la falaise de l'$\hat{i}$le de Sado; les traces fossiles de dinosaures, la ripple-mark et la crevasse dans le sol boueux de l'$\hat{i}$le de Joungdo; le tombolo, l'affleurement tufac$\acute{e}$ et le dyke de l'$\hat{i}$le de Silouseom; le trou provoqu$\acute{e}$ par les sels halo$\ddot{i}$des et le dyke de l'$\hat{i}$le de Jangsado; la mer ass$\acute{e}$ch$\acute{e}$e entre l'$\hat{i}$le de Naquek et l'$\hat{i}$le de Choudo. On a, g$\acute{e}$n$\acute{e}$ralement, d$\acute{e}$velopp$\acute{e}$ les reliefs li$\acute{e}$s $\grave{a}$ la couche s$\acute{e}$dimentaire et les fossiles de la derni$\grave{e}$re p$\acute{e}$riode du m$\acute{e}$sozo$\ddot{i}$que. La route $\acute{e}$cotouristique part de l'embarcad$\grave{e}$re de l'$\hat{i}$le de Sado et continue du Nord jusqu'au Sud.

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