• 제목/요약/키워드: 일상생활활동

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Possibility Study about Digital Media Art as a social Capital (디지털 미디어아트의 사회자본으로서의 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Soo;Chang, Geun-Oh
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.462-467
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    • 2006
  • 이 연구는, 대중매체를 미술에 도입한 미디어아트가 대중에게 긍정적인 평가를 받고 있고 콘텐츠의 범위가 증대되고 있는 시점에서 총체적 의미의 사회자본이 된다는 가능성의 연구이다. 이러한 가정 하에 현시점의 미디어아트와 대중의 유대관계, 그 커뮤니케이션의 변화 양상에 대해 몇 가지 사례를 중심으로 살펴보고자 한다. 미디어아트가 사회자본으로서 영향을 미치기 위한 전제를 세가지로 분류하였다. 첫 번째, 사회 참여적인 미디어 장치로서 저널리즘의 속성을 가진 미디어아트, 두 번째는 다양한 문화활동의 프로토타입이 되는 미디어아트, 세 번째로는 일상공간에서의 미디어아트이다. 대중매체의 이용이 사회자본의 구성 요소인 신뢰와 사회적 연계 망에 미치는 효과에 대해서는 기존에 발표된 연구들과 2003년 수행된 대규모 매체 이용행태 자료에서 이미 검증되었다. 디지털미디어아트가 사회자본의 하위구성 요소인 신뢰와 정치참여, 문화적 아이콘으로서의 역할 및 예술생산품으로서의 기능에 대해서는 현재 국내에서 대중과의 소통을 위한 미디어아트의 시도가 점차 증가되고 있는 추세이다. 웹 아티스트, 미디어 아티스트로 알려진 '장영혜중공업' 은 온라인미디어를 통해 현대사회의 정치적, 사회적 이슈와 화두들을 강력하게 표현하고 있고, 대중매체의 조명을 받고 있는 아티스트 '낸시랭' 은 'SSAMZIE' 브랜드를 통해 예술의 문화적, 경제적 활동에 새로운 모델을 제시하였다. 사용자에게 총체적인 경험을 제공하는 일상 생활공간 속에서의 미디어아트는 예술의 대중화를 실현하고 있으며, 일상에서의 경험으로 인하여 대중에게 시각적, 과학적, 심미적 즐거움을 주고 있다. 이처럼 디지털미디어를 이용한 예술은 인터넷을 비롯한 대중매체를 통해 디지털미디어아트의 공적 신뢰를 확대시키고 콘텐트의 범위와 가치를 증대 시키며, 사용자경험의 폭을 확대시켜 점차 새로운 가치체계를 형성해 나갈 것이다. 이는 디지털미디어아트가 사회자본으로서 아직은 미약하지만 사용자의 조작과 참여의 경험으로 인해 디지털 세대에게 적합한 문화아이콘을 만들어 나가며, 사회의 새로운 이용자 패턴, 참여 의식의 확대, 예술의 대중화로 인하여 미래 우리의 삶을 구성하는 사회자본이 될 것으로 그 가능성을 전망해본다.

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A Study on Exercise Intervention for Improving Physical Activity for the Disabled: From the Perspective of Convergence Device (장애인 신체활동 증가를 위한 운동중재에 관한 연구: 융합형 디바이스 활용 관점에서)

  • Kang, Sunyoung
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend of exercise intervention applying various devices to increase the physical activity of the disabled, and to suggest the exercise intervention using converged devices that meet the needs of the times due to the increase of elderly people with disabilities. Exercise intervention using converged devices applicable to the disabled is divided into two types: first, exercise intervention using virtual reality-based gamification, and second, exercise intervention based on wearable devices of wearable or body-attached such as bands and watches. For exercise intervention using converged devices that can be enjoyed by the elderly with disability, minimize of environmental limitations, and easy to personalize, there is a need for configuration requirements such as easy operation and simple rules of operation, easy device installation and wearing, a trainer who can complement immature device utilization. In order to maintain and improve the daily living performance of the elderly with disabilities who experience a significant decrease in their cognitive and physical functions, it is necessary to use a physical activity game that can be experienced and can be interested in everyday life or a variety of devices to increase the amount of physical activity.

A Study on the Clinical Usefulness of MMSE and BCRS for Cognitive Function Test in Patients with Non-Traumatic Subcortical Cerebrovascular Disease (비외상성 피질하 뇌혈관질환 환자에서 인지평가도구로서 정신상태소검사(MMSE)와 간이인지평가척도(BCRS)의 임상적 유용성에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Hong;Lee, Young-Ho;Choi, Young-Hee;Ko, Dae-Kwan;Chung, Young-Cho;Park, Byoung-Kwan;Kim, Soo-Ji;Chung, Sook-Haui;Ko, Byoung-Hee;Song, Il-Byoung;Park, Kun-Woo;Lee, Dae-Hie
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 1996
  • Objective : The Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE) and Brief Cognitive Rating Scale(BCRS) are frequently using screening tests fur evaluating the cognitive function in clinical practice and research. The authors tried to evaluate the clinical usefulness of these tests for the patients with non-traumatic subcortical cerebrovascular disease. Method : We administered the MMSE and BCRS to 85 patients and 195 normal control group. In order to compare the test results according to the lesion site, we divided patients into left sided lesion group(21 patients), right sided lesion group(31 patients) and both sided lesion group(13 patients). Their cognitive function was evaluated by the BNA and daily living functional activity was examined by the IADLs(Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale)and GERRI(Geriatric Evaluation by Relative's Rating Instrument). Results : The results are as follows : 1) In the BNA, the patients scored significantly lower than control group at all items(except Right-Left Orientation and Motor Impersistence), but there were no difference in the MMSE(total score and all 5 items), and only 2 items(recent memory and self-care) were significantly different between two groups in the BCRS. 2) In the comparison by lateralization, there were significant differences among three groups at 3 items(Left Tactile Form Perception, Left Finger Localization and Right Finger Localization) in the BNA. But, there were no difference in the MMSE and BCRS. 3) In the correlation between daily living functioning and the MMSE/BCRS, control group showed no relation(except item of cognitive functioning), but patient group was significantly correlated with 3 items(social functioning, instrumental activities of daily living and cognitive functioning). Conclusions : These findings suggest that MMSE and BCRS are not useful as the test for cognitive function and discrimination of lateralization in patients with non-traumatic subcortical cerebrovascular disease. However, scores of these tests may be related with the functional level(such as daily living function) of patients.

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Exploring Meaning for Change of Social Awareness of Art Activity (예술활동의 사회적 인식변화를 위한 의미 탐색)

  • Seo, Sang-Gyu;Oh, Kwang-Suk;Sin, Dae-Sik;Hong, Sea-Hee;Sung, Gun-Jae;Jung, Ha-Ni
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to point out the social meaning of acting and art and the change of perception according to the time change. The research method was based on qualitative research through literature review. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions should be made. Acting is an art directly linked to the life of an individual. Therefore, the life of an individual is an activity that sublimates his or her life into art through acting. Every activity that we do in our daily life is acting, which is directly related to our talents. In other words, a talented person is recognized as a good actor, and a person with a lack of talent plays the role of an extra person. However, talent is influenced by effort and is also influenced by a given environment. That is, an individual's talent is not fixed but can be changed according to the situation. Education is the area that deals with the possibility of changing these talents. Education has been operating in a variety of ways, but with regard to acting, it has long been centered on apprenticeship education. However, as the 20th century began, systems gradually began to emerge, and in recent years, countries have developed into different educational systems. Therefore, it is necessary to practice the development and operation of various education programs so that the acting and the art are naturally applied in everyday education process and can be applied in daily life.

Characteristics and Factors Affecting of Depression by Households Type of Elderly with Disabilities: Convergent Approach of Living Environment and Psychology (가구유형에 따른 장애노인의 특성과 우울 영향 요인: 거주환경과 심리의 융복합적 접근)

  • Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to analyze characteristics and factors affecting of depression by households type of elderly with disabilities. Data were analyzed using chi-square test, logistic regression analyses according to the PSED. Data were 608 individuals. First, The one-person households group showed significantly female, non-capital, severe disorder, lower health status, lower economic level, higher help for daily life, higher experience of discrimination, lower satisfaction with relationship, lower participation in social activities. Second, Factors affecting depression included experience of discrimination, participation in social activities. Multi-person group included gender, occupied area, health status, economic level and one-person group were help for daily life. In order to reduce depression, it is necessary to reduce experience of discrimination, improve awareness of disability, health care, economic supports and so on. This study is meaningful in that it classifies households types. In the future, there is a need to longitudinal studies.

A Study of Labor Force Participation and Living Arrangement on Health Status and Subjective Life Satisfaction in Later Life (노인들의 노동시장 참여형태와 동거유형이 건강수준 및 주관적 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kang, Lee-Ju;Lee, Young-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1031-1044
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    • 2010
  • Corresponding to the rapid growth of the aging population without an adequate social safety net for the elderly, older people face great disadvantages due to sudden illness or poor health and a lack of support from the younger generation. Furthermore, older women are suffering from a drastic deterioration of their economic status because of insufficient retirement savings. Examining the impact of labor force participation and living arrangement on health status and life satisfaction in later life, it is important to consider gender differences in context of social policies for the elderly. Using data based on a stratified national sample of the elderly by the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (KLoSA), multiple regression model were used to estimate the relationships between labor force participation and health status and subjective life satisfaction concerning the quality of their later life. The result indicates that good health status and high level of life satisfaction are associated with the type of paid work status for the elderly men, but those are associated with the type of non paid work, such as family businesses employees for the elderly women. Significant differences in chronic health condition and subjective life satisfaction by employment characteristics are found among the elderly. In addition, older women's high level of life satisfaction was associated with the participation of the social activity. The major conclusion from these results should help us understand gender differences in the elderly and acknowledge further exploration of gender variations in these people's later life.

A Disital Siver Care for the Health and Rehabilitation of the Elderly (노인 건강과 재활을 위한 디지털 실버케어)

  • Kang, Seungae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2019
  • This study introduces trends on silver care implemented with the fourth industrial revolution technology, and discusses the use of digital technology for elderly health and rehabilitation by reviewing relevant literature to examine and present directions for future digital-based silver care commercialization. First, health smart home, which is a smart residential service available through digital technology or IT technology that supports independent living in your home, is available. Second, there are technical services using artificial intelligence(AI) and robots. Robots based on advanced intelligence can serve as an assistant for the health and rehabilitation of senior citizens by supporting services that enable the daily lives of senior, checking their health conditions, and high-quality medical care. For the commercialization of these silver care systems, information and services appropriate to the current situation, such as the physical ability and health status of the elderly, should be provided, and it would be desirable to gradually expand the use of essential technology to reflect the needs of the elderly in use so that the digital alienated.

A study of the factors influential on a health-related quality of life using complex sample design (복합표본 설계를 이용한 건강관련 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheolyong;Choi, Hyun Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.829-846
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    • 2014
  • Using complex sample design, this article analyzes the difference between sex and age groups of mental health, physical activity, suffering lifestyle diseases, drinking, and smoking using the fifth Korea national health and nutrition examination survey data (2011-2012), and then analyzes the effect of mental health, physical activity, suffering lifestyle diseases, drinking, and smoking on EQ-5D, a measure of health-related quality of life. The results show that mental health, physical activity, suffering lifestyle diseases, drinking and smoking are statistically different among gender and age groups, and that age group, education level, suffering diabetes, recognizing stress, thinking suicide are statistically influential on EQ-5D.

The Effects of the Single Parents' Spending Family Time and Participation of Leisure Activities on Their School-aged Children (한부모와 자녀가 함께 보내는 시간 및 여가활동이 학령기 자녀의 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Mi Suk;Lim, Hyo Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.606-616
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    • 2022
  • This study explored the degree of change in children perceived by single parents and examined the effect of single parents' spending family time and participation of leisure activities on their school-aged children. Hierarchical multiple regression was utilized to analyze data of 1,162 people who responded to the single parent survey collected by the Korea Women's Policy Research Institute in 2018. Results showed that single parents' spending family time and participation of leisure activities influenced positive change on their school-aged children. Implications and suggestions to support single parents' parenting environment are discussed.

The Effects of Mother's Daily Hassles, Cognitive Regulation and Emotive Regulation on School Readiness (어머니의 일상적 스트레스와 아동의 인지조절 및 정서조절이 아동의 학교준비도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Yoon Joe;Song, Ha Na
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.27-51
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze that mother's daily hassles, children's cognitive regulation and children's emotive regulation are prospectively related on children's school readiness and to investigated the mediating role of children's cognitive regulation and children's emotive regulation between mother's daily hassles and children's school readiness. Also in particular children's sex. This study used data from 273 preschooler and their mothers from kindergartens and child care centers located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The data was processed by SPSS 24.0 and Mplus 6.0. Pearson's correlation, confirmatory factor analysis(CFA), structural equation modeling(SEM), multi group analysis were used to find out the relationships and mediating effect. The results of this study were as follows: First, mother's hassles had a direct effect on children's cognitive regulation and children's emotive regulation. However, mother's hassles didn't have a direct effect on physical health and motor development, cognition development and general knowledge, social-emotional development, and life habit and attitude. Second, children's cognitive regulation had a direct effect on physical health and motor development, cognition development and general knowledge. And children's emotive regulation had a direct effect on social-emotional development. Third, children's cognitive regulation fully mediated the relation between mother's hassles and physical health and motor development, cognition development and general knowledge of school readiness. Also, children's emotive regulation fully mediated the relation between mother's hassles and social-emotional development of school readiness. Forth, mother's hassles had a little effect on boy's cognitive regulation, but boy's cognitive regulation had effect on physical health and motor development of school readiness stronger than girls.