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대순사상의 인문정신과 인류평안의 이념

  • 잔스촹
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.199-254
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    • 2013
  • 대순사상은 인간의 행위와 정신적 틀, 즉 몸과 마음을 닦고 세상을 다스리며 백성을 평안하게 하는 도리를 설파하고 있다. 우주 공간의 질서와 깊은 연관을 맺는 이러한 도리는 인간 자신의 인지(認知)와 심신 수양의 내용을 포함하며, 사람이 사회와 우주자연과의 관계를 어떻게 처리해 나갈 것인지에 관한 문제도 다루고 있다. 따라서 대순사상을 인문이라는 관점에 입각하여 분석해 볼 필요가 있다. 이탈리아에서 시작된 서양의 인문주의와 비교해 볼 때, 중국 전통의 인문정신은 인류 개체의 창조력과 그 성과를 인정하고, 인격적 수양과 개선을 주장하며, 사회의 조화를 강조하는 한편, 인류가 반드시 천지인의 조화로운 관계 속에서 개체와 전체의 생존을 파악해야 함을 강조한다. 이러한 인문정신은 『전경』에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 그 하나가 모악산과 단주(丹朱)에 대한 서술인데, 모악산은 산 즉 '간'(艮)괘이며 단주는 적색에 상응하니 곧 '리'(離)괘가 된다. 이 두 괘가 서로 조합하면 '비(比)'괘가 되며, 『주역』의 비괘와 연관하여 서로 간의 모순을 없애고, '바둑'을 두는 기법을 거울삼아 심성을 다스리며, 인격을 완성하고, 인신이 조화를 이루도록 하며, 사회를 안정시킬 것을 말한다. 대순 신앙의 최종 목표는 지상천국을 건설하는 것인데, 이런 목표를 실현하기 위해서는 인격수양을 그 출발점으로 삼아야 한다. 인격수양의 목표는 바른 도인이 되기 위한 것이며, 이를 위해서는 수도 공부를 해야만 한다. 수도는 춘추시기 노자 이래로 유구한 문화적 전통을 지닌 것이지만, 대순진리회는 한국사회 역사의 경향과 현실의 필요에 부응하여 수도 이론을 새롭게 수립하였다. 이를 살펴보면, 대순진리회는 수도자가 '성(誠), 경(敬), 신(信)'에 힘쓰는 품격 함양을 매우 중시한다. 또 도인들이 가정의 화목에 힘써야 하며, 솔선수범하는 도인으로서 사회의 모범이 되어야 한다고 말한다. 이렇게 볼 때, 대순진리회는 '인도'(人道)를 함양함을 강조하고 있으며, 이것은 전통적인 유가에서 말하는 '수신, 제가' (修身, 齊家)의 정신과 그 의미가 맞닿아 있다. 또한 중국 도교의 '선도(仙道)를 이루고자 하면 먼저 인도(人道)를 행하라'는 사상적 취지와도 일치한다. 대순진리회에서 수도의 최종 목표는 도통이다. 도통은 수도자가 매우 높은 경지에 이르게 되었을 때 가지는 특수한 능력과 정신의 경지이다. '도통'에 대한 기록은 『장자·제물론』, 『문자』의 「부언편>(符言篇) 등에서 찾아볼 수 있는데, 대순진리회가 말하는 도통은 중국의 도가 전통에 보이는 도통과도 연관되지만 강한 인륜수양(人倫修養)적 특색을 지니고 있다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 이것은 대순진리회가 가지는 중요한 인문적 함의라 하겠다. 대순진리회는 수도 공부로써 광제창생·보국안민·지상천국건설의 사회적 이상을 실현하고자 한다. 조화로운 사회적 관계를 수립하기 위한 토대는 대순진리회의 종지 첫 번째인 음양합덕이다. 음양합덕은 대순진리의 인문 취지의 이론적 기초를 형성하는 사상이다. 음양합덕의 철학적 사고는 종지 두 번째인 신인조화(神人調化)의 이상으로 이어진다. 신인조화는 『상서·순전』(尙書·舜典)의 신인이화(神人以和)에서 그 사상적 연원을 찾아 볼 수 있다. 다만 신인이화가 율려 조화의 '결과'를 표현한 것이라면, 신인조화에서 중시하는 것은 '과정'이며 인간과 신의 상호작용이라는 점에 그 특징이 있다. 신인조화를 이루기 위해서는 공부를 해야 하며, 그 배후에는 인본(人本)의 사상이 깃들어 있다. 그것은 종지 세 번째인 '해원상생'의 내용에서 더욱 명확하게 드러난다. 신인조화가 인간과 신의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다면, 해원상생은 인간과 인간의 관계를 조화롭게 하는 것을 말한다. 또 다른 한편으로는 긴 역사의 과정 속에서 맺힌 원을 풀어 우주의 기운을 잘 통할 수 있게 하고 인간 사회의 정상적인 교류를 이루도록 한다. 이러한 내용은 사회적인 인문적 관심과 배려를 다분히 포함하고 있는 것이다. 대순진리회의 종지 네 번째인 도통진경은 수도의 가장 높은 경지를 말하는데, 이러한 이념은 노장 일파의 도가 학자들이 말한 순박한 본성으로 회귀하자는 정신에서 그 원류를 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이는 한진(漢晉)시대 이래 중국 도교가 추구했던 '진경' 의 의미와도 합치된다. 그러나 시대와 환경이 다름으로 인해, 대순진리회의 '진경'은 사회생활의 의미까지 내포한다. 비록 대순진리회의 경전이 인본(人本)을 명확히 밝히고 있지는 않으나, 대순진리회의 요의(要義) 중 하나인 인존사상은 대순진리회의 인문정신을 말해주는 것이다. 인존사상의 직접적인 기능은 평안(平安)으로서 삶을 이롭게 하는 것이다. 대순진리회는 우주대원의 진리를 '도'라 하였는데 이러한 '도'는 중국의 도가에서 말하는 '도'와 동일하며, 여기에는 '안(安)'의 의미가 포함되어 있다. 대순진리회의 신조 중 '안심', '안신'은 마음을 정(靜)하게 하고, 몸을 편하게 하는 것으로 볼 수 있지만, 심신의 공포와 두려움을 떨쳐내어 안전과 보호를 얻는다는 의미도 있으므로 결국 평안이 전제가 된다. 이렇듯 대순진리회에서는 '평안에 대한 희구'를 근본으로 하여 신앙인들이 열심히 수도에 정진하고 있다. 대순진리회가 인류 평안을 기본으로 하는 종교라는 점에서, 반드시 세인들의 환영을 받을 것임을 믿어 의심치 않는다.

An Analysis on the Survey of the Cultural Heritage Committee (문화재위원회 설문조사 분석)

  • Kim, Hong-real
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.37
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    • pp.405-444
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    • 2004
  • The Cultural Heritage Committee is an advisory committee established under the Cultural Heritage Administration with the aim of carrying out examination and deliberation on preservation, management and use of cultural heritage. The Cultural Heritage Administration is the highest administrative organization in terms of Korean cultural heritage. It was founded to produce and execute policies on cultural heritage, an important task that requires a high level of specialized knowledge, skills and academic expertise. It involves in-depth investigation and consultation of experts in the field of cultural heritage. An organization consisting of distinguished experts, the Cultural Heritage Committee plays an important role in policymaking on cultural heritage of Korea. The Korean government established the Bureau of Cultural Heritage in October 1961, and enacted provisions (as a presidential decree) on the organization on March 27, 1962, according to the Cultural Heritage Act established on January 10 of the same year. The Cultural Heritage Committee was opened as a deliberation committee according to the law, on which currently 90 members serve in 8 subcommittees. The term of office of a committees member is two years. The deliberation of the committee, which covers the entire range of cultural heritage, including their designation and cancellation, is normally concluded by the deliberation and decision of each subcommittee. This study aims to analyze of the survey of the Cultural Heritage Committee as the highest organ for the deliberation of policies on the matters of cultural heritage. The subject of the analysis in this study is a questionnaire survey that was conducted between Oct. 20 and Nov. 29, 2003, of 116 former and current members of the committee.

The application of photographs resources for constructive social studies (구성주의적 사회과 교육을 위한 사진자료 활용방안)

  • Lee, Ki-Bok;Hwang, Hong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.117-138
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    • 2000
  • This study is, from the view point of constructive social studies which is the foundation of the 7th curriculum, to explore whether there is any viable program and to investigate it by which students, using photo resources in social studies, can organize their knowledge in the way of self-directed thinking. The main results are as follows: If it is a principle of knowledge construction process of constructive social studies that individual construction (cognitive construction) develops into communal construction(social construction) and yet communal construction develops itself, interacting with individual construction, it will be meet the objectives of social studies. In social studies, photos are a powerful communication tool. communicating with photos enables to invoke not only the visual aspects but also invisible aspects of social phenomena from photos. It, therefore, can help develop thinking power through inquiry learning, which is one of the emphasis of the 7th curriculum. Having analyzed photo resources appeared on the regional textbooks in elementary social studies, they have been appeared that even though the importance and amount of space photo resources occupy per page is big with regard to total resources, most of the photos failed to lad to self-directed thinking but just assistant material in stead. Besides, there appeared some problems with the title, variety, size, position, tone of color, visibility of the photos, and further with the combination of the photos. Developing of photo resources for constructive social studies is to overcome some problems inherent in current text books and to reflect the theoretical background of the 7th curriculum. To develop the sort of photo that can realize the point just mentioned, it would be highly preferable to provide photo database to facilitate study with homepage through web-based interaction. To take advantage of constructive photo resources, the instruction is strategized in four stages, intuition, conflict, accommodation, and equilibration stage. With the advancement of the era of image culture, curriculum developers are required to develop dynamic, multidimensional digital photos rather than static photos when develop text books.

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Influences of Roasted or Non-roasted Brown Rice Addition on the Nutritional and Sensory Properties and Oxidative Stability of Sunsik, Korean Heated Cereal Powder (현미의 볶음 처리 유무와 첨가량이 선식의 영양적 관능적 특성 및 산화안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byung-Yong;O, Jin-Hwan;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Jang, Ki-Hyo;Lee, Jae-Cheol;Surh, Jeong-Hee
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.872-886
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    • 2010
  • Six kinds of sunsik containing different contents of brown rice(BR; 20, 30, and 50%) were prepared and subjected to various processing conditions(with or without roasting at $200^{\circ}C$ for 20 min e.g., designated as RBR50 or BR50) to assess their functionality as ready-to-eat foods. They were also assessed for their nutritional and sensory properties and oxidative stability. Dietary fiber contents were proportionate to the levels of added BR. Protein was highest in RBR50 (p<0.001), which also had the highest amounts of free and structural amino acids. The amount of free amino acids tended to increase with roasting, although most amino acids were present in structural form. Oleic acid and linoleic acid were the predominant fatty acids in all prepared sunsik, and RBR50 presented noticeably higher peroxidability index due to its higher amount of linoleic acid(p<0.05). Nevertheless, RBR50 showed good oxidative stability; this phenomenon was observed in all sunsik with roasted BR but not in those with non-roasted BR. It is implied that potential antioxidants might have been newly formed or converted from their precursors while BR was roasted. Roasting process also had an impact on the sensory properties of sunsik, e.g., sunsik with added roasted BR showed lower dissolution and darker color intensity compared to its counterpart sunsik.

Analysis of Most Recent Dream Content Korean Early Adolescents by Hall/Van de Castle System (Hall/Van de Castle System에 의한 한국 초기 청소년의 최근 꿈 분석)

  • Song, Hyoung-Seok;Chang, Sok-Ha;Kang, Seung-Gul;Park, Young-Min;Lee, Heon-Jeong;Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: It has been known that the contents of dreams change according to neuro-developmental differences in sex, progression of age and various environments, unlike the established psychoanalytic theory. To investigate the changes, we collected "most recent dream report" and analyzed the contents of dreams by using Hall/Van de Castle System. Method: Most recent dream reports were gathered from age 12-14 years old, 2,673 middle school students (1,544 male 1,129 female) and analyzed those reports using Hall/Van de Castle System. The data were sorted in SAS and dream SAT. Result: There were prominent differences between male and female middle school students in Male/Female Percentage (male/ female;56%/35%), Familiarity Percentage (57%/69%), Aggression/Friendliness Percentage (79%/65%), Befriender Percentage (50%/33%), Physical Aggression Percentage (90%/70%), Indoor Setting Percentage (40%/55%), Negative Emotion Percentage (56%/68%) and Torso/Anatomy Percentage (51%/36%). There were significant differences in Male/Female Percentage (65%/44%), Friendliness, Physical Aggression and Self Negativity Percentage in male and there were significant differences in Friendliness, Familiarity and Friends Percent in female between 1st and 2nd grade. But, it showed much similar dream patterns between 2nd and 3rd grade in both gender. In male, Aggression/Character Index with male character is significantly increased by 2nd grade (1st/ 2nd/ 3rd;0.48/ 1.04/0.98), In female, Friendliness/Character Index with male character had significantly decreased by 2nd grade (0.38/ 0.19/0.20). Conclusion: There were apparent differences between age 12-14 years old male and female. Male adolescents have differences mostly in categories related with aggression, but female adolescents have differences in categories related with environment or character. It shows that developmental level of male are slower than female as of yet and male needs more active interpersonal relationship to find identity. Otherwise, the influences of passive attitude and actual circumferential environment are reflected in female's dream. There are no prominent differences among ages, but age 12-13 years old adolescents shows significant differences in interacting with the other gender. It means that circumferential environment and interpersonal relationship affect the contents of dreams and also the cognitive development related to age and sex. Afterwards, the development of dreams could be better understood through the neurocognitive study and dream analysis between other ages and nations.

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The Usefulness of Product Display of Online Store by the Product Type of Usage Situation - Focusing on the moderate effect of the product portability - (사용상황별 제품유형에 따른 온라인 점포 제품디스플레이의 유용성 - 제품 휴대성의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Dong-Il;Choi, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2011
  • 1. Introduction: Contrast to the offline purchasing environment, online store cannot offer the sense of touch or direct visual information of its product to the consumers. So the builder of the online shopping mall should provide more concrete and detailed product information(Kim 2008), and Alba (1997) also predicted that the quality of the offered information is determined by the post-purchase consumer satisfaction. In practice, many fashion and apparel online shopping malls offer the picture information with the product on the real person model to enhance the usefulness of product information. On the other virtual product experience has been suggested to the ways of overcoming the online consumers' limited perceptual capability (Jiang & Benbasat 2005). However, the adoption and the facilitation of the virtual reality tools requires high investment and technical specialty compared to the text/picture product information offerings (Shaffer 2006). This could make the entry barrier to the online shopping to the small retailers and sometimes it could be demanding high level of consumers' perceptual efforts. So the expensive technological solution could affects negatively to the consumer decision making processes. Nevertheless, most of the previous research on the online product information provision suggests the VR be the more effective tools. 2. Research Model and Hypothesis: Presented in

    , research model suggests VR effect could be moderated by the product types by the usage situations. Product types could be defined as the portable product and installed product, and the information offering type as still picture of the product, picture of the product with the real-person model and VR. 3. Methods and Results: 3.1. Experimental design and measured variables We designed the 2(product types) X 3(product information types) experimental setting and measured dependent variables such as information usefulness, attitude toward the shopping mall, overall product quality, purchase intention and the revisiting intention. In the case of information usefulness and attitude toward the shopping mall were measured by multi-item scale. As a result of reliability test, Cronbach's Alpha value of each variable shows more than 0.6. Thus, we ensured that the internal consistency of items. 3.2. Manipulation check The main concern of this study is to verify the moderate effect by the product type of usage situation. indicates that our experimental manipulation of the moderate effect of the product type was successful. 3.3. Results As
    indicates, there was a significant main effect on the only one dependent variable(attitude toward the shopping mall) by the information types. As predicted, VR has highest mean value compared to other information types. Thus, H1 was partially supported. However, main effect by the product types was not found. To evaluate H2 and H3, a two-way ANOVA was conducted. As
    indicates, there exist the interaction effects on the three dependent variables(information usefulness, overall product quality and purchase intention) by the information types and the product types. As predicted, picture of the product with the real-person model has highest mean among the information types in the case of portable product. On the other hand, VR has highest mean among the information types in the case of installed product. Thus, H2 and H3 was supported. 4. Implications: The present study found the moderate effect by the product type of usage situation. Based on the findings the following managerial implications are asserted. First, it was found that information types are affect only the attitude toward the shopping mall. The meaning of this finding is that VR effects are not enough to understand the product itself. Therefore, we must consider when and how to use this VR tools. Second, it was found that there exist the interaction effects on the information usefulness, overall product quality and purchase intention. This finding suggests that consideration of usage situation helps consumer's understanding of product and promotes their purchase intention. In conclusion, not only product attributes but also product usage situations must be fully considered by the online retailers when they want to meet the needs of consumers.

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  • Analysis of Misconceptions on Oceanic Front and Fishing Ground in Secondary-School Science and Earth Science Textbooks (중등학교 과학 및 지구과학 교과서 조경 수역 및 어장에 관한 오개념 분석)

    • Park, Kyung-Ae;Lee, Jae Yon;Kang, Chang-Keun;Kim, Chang-Sin
      • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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      • v.41 no.5
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      • pp.504-519
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      • 2020
    • Oceanic fronts, which are areas where sea water with different properties meet in the ocean, play an important role in controlling weather and climate change through air-sea interactions and marine dynamics such as heat and momentum exchange and processes by which properties of sea water are mixed. Such oceanic fronts have long been described in secondary school textbooks with the term 'Jokyung water zone (JWC hereafter) or oceanic front', meaning areas where the different currents met, and were related to fishing grounds in the East Sea. However, higher education materials and marine scientists have not used this term for the past few decades; therefore, the appropriateness of the term needs to be analyzed to remove any misconceptions presented. This study analyzed 11 secondary school textbooks (5 middle school textbooks and 6 high school textbooks) based on the revised 2015 curriculum. A survey of 30 secondary school science teachers was also conducted to analyze their awareness of the problems. An analysis of the textbook contents related to the JWC and fishing grounds found several errors and misconceptions that did not correspond with scientific facts. Although the textbooks mainly uses the concept of the JWC to represent the meeting of cold and warm currents, it would be reasonable to replace it with the more comprehensive term 'oceanic front', which would indicate an area where different properties of sea water-such as its temperature, salinity, density, and velocity-interact. In the textbooks, seasonal changes in the fishing grounds are linked to seasonal changes in the North Korean Cold Current (NKCC), which moves southwards in winter and northwards in summer; this is the complete opposite of previous scientific knowledge, which describes it strengthening in summer. Fishing grounds are not limited to narrow coastal zones; they are widespread throughout the East Sea. The results of the survey of teachers demonstrated that this misconception has persisted for decades. This study emphasized the importance of using scientific knowledge to correct misconceptions related to the JWC, fishing grounds, and the NKCC and addressed the importance of transferring procedures to the curriculum. It is expected that the conclusions of this study will have an important role on textbook revision and teacher education in the future.

    Comparison of Service Quality between Local and Global Coffee Brand Shops (국내와 국외브랜드 커피전문점의 서비스품질 비교)

    • Ryu, Si-Hyun;Lee, Ju-Young;Kim, Dong-Gun
      • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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      • v.40 no.8
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      • pp.1164-1171
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      • 2011
    • The purpose of this study was to compare service quality between local and global coffee brand shops and to investigate improvement. Of 350 questionnaires distributed to customers of six brand coffee shops (three local brands, three global brands) located in Daejeon, 330 complete questionnaires (94.3%) were analyzed. The questionnaire included a seven-point multiple-item scale for measuring service quality. The 21 items measuring service quality were grouped into four factors, and the mean scores for the levels of "representativeness", "coffee sensory and beverage features", "employee attitude" and "physical environment" were 5.42, 4.77, 4.74, and 4.13, respectively. The levels of "coffee sensory and beverage features" and "employee attitude" of the high income customers were significantly lower than those of the low income customers. The results showed that the levels of "employee attitude" of local coffee brand shops was significantly higher (p=0.050) than that of global coffee brand shops. Whereas, the levels of "representativeness" of global coffee brand shops was significantly higher (p=0.003) than that of local coffee brand shops. Based on the results, the global coffee brand shops should pay attention to internal marketing and the local coffee brand shops must strive to improve service quality through strategies such as improving brand awareness and developing representative beverages and foods.

    GRO-${\alpha}$, IL-8 and ENA-78 : Expressed by Stimulated Endothelial Cells and Increased PMN Adhesion (활성화된 내피세포에서 GRO-${\alpha}$, IL-8 및 ENA-78의 발현양상과 호중구 부착에 미치는 영향)

    • Ryu, Ki-Chan;Kim, Yun-Seong;Kim, Yong-Ki;Kim, In-Ju;Kim, Young-Dae;Lee, Chang-Hun;Park, Do-Youn;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Ha, Tae-Jeong;Lee, Min-Ki;Park, Soon-Kew
      • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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      • v.52 no.2
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      • pp.145-155
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      • 2002
    • Background: Inflammation, where vascular endothelial cells are activated by cytokines, recruits circulating leukocytes such as neutrophils into the tissues. Mononuclear phagocytes as well as tissue cells activated by these stimuli produce these chemokines. In this study, thr effects of IL-1 and LPS on the expression of CXC chemokines such as GRO-${\alpha}$, IL-8 and ENA-78 in vascular endothelial cells and the neutrophil adhesion effects of ENA-78 and GRO-${\alpha}$ was investigated. Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were cultured and stimulated with various concentrations of IL-1 and LPS. The concentrations of the GRO-${\alpha}$, IL-8 and ENA-78 secreted were measured using enzymelinked immunosorbent assay. The effects of ENA-78 and GRO-${\alpha}$ on neutrophil adhesion to the endothelial cells were also investigated. Results: The addition of IL-1 and LPS to the vascular endothelial cells induced GRO-${\alpha}$ IL-8 and ENA-78 secretion in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The neutrophil adhesion was also increased by induction of ENA-78 and GRO-${\alpha}$ to the vascular endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: CXC chemokines such as GRO-${\alpha}$, IL-8 and ENA-78 secreted by the vascular endothelial cells play an important role in the acute inflammatory responses by stimulating neutrophil adhesion to the vascular endothelial cells, raising the possibility that the CXC chemokines are one of the targets in the clinical application of acute inflammation.

    Quantitative Electroencephalogram Markers for Predicting Cerebral Amyloid Pathology in Non-Demented Older Individuals With Depression: A Preliminary Study (비치매 노인 우울증 환자에서 대뇌 아밀로이드 병리 예측을 위한 정량화 뇌파 지표: 예비연구)

    • Park, Seon Young;Chae, Soohyun;Park, Jinsick;Lee, Dong Young;Park, Jee Eun
      • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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      • v.28 no.2
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      • pp.78-85
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      • 2021
    • Objectives: When elderly patients show depressive symptoms, discrimination between depressive disorder and prodromal phase of Alzheimer's disease is important. We tested whether a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) marker was associated with cerebral amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition in older adults with depression. Methods: Non-demented older individuals (≥ 55years) diagnosed with depression were included in the analyses (n = 63; 76.2% female; mean age ± standard deviation 73.7 ± 6.87 years). The participants were divided into Aβ+ (n = 32) and Aβ- (n = 31) groups based on amyloid PET assessment. EEG was recorded during the 7min eye-closed (EC) phase and 3min eye-open (EO) phase, and all EEG data were analyzed using Fourier transform spectral analysis. We tested interaction effects among Aβ positivity, condition (EC vs. EO), laterality (left, midline, or right), and polarity (frontal, central, or posterior) for EEG alpha band power. Then, the EC-to-EO alpha reactivity index (ARI) was examined as a neurophysiological marker for predicting Aβ+ in depressed older adults. Results: The mean power spectral density of the alpha band in EO phase showed a significant difference between the Aβ+ and Aβ- groups (F = 6.258, p = 0.015). A significant 3-way interaction was observed among Aβ positivity, condition, and laterality on alpha-band power after adjusting for age, sex, educational years, global cognitive function, medication use, and white matter hyperintensities on MRI (F = 3.720, p = 0.030). However, post-hoc analyses showed no significant difference in ARI according to Aβ status in any regions of interest. Conclusion: Among older adults with depression, increased power in EO phase alpha band was associated with Aβ positivity. However, EC-to-EO ARI was not confirmed as a predictor for Aβ+ in depressed older individuals. Future studies with larger samples are needed to confirm our results.

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