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Legal Issues Regarding the Civil Injunction Against the Drone Flight (토지 상공에서의 드론의 비행자유에 대한 제한과 법률적 쟁점)

  • Shin, Hong-Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.75-111
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    • 2020
  • The civilian drone world has evolved in recent years from one dominated by hobbyists to growing involvement by companies seeking to profit from unmanned flight in everything from infrastructure inspections to drone deliveries that are already subject to regulations. Drone flight under the property right relation with the land owner would be deemed legal on the condition that expeditious and innocent passage of drone flight over the land be assured. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) enshrines the concept of innocent passage through a coastal state's territorial sea. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state. A vessel in innocent passage may traverse the coastal state's territorial sea continuously and expeditiously, not stopping or anchoring except in force majeure situations. However, the disturbances caused by drone flight may be removed, which is defined as infringement against the constitutional interest of personal rights. For example, aggressive infringement against privacy and personal freedom may be committed by drone more easily than ever before, and than other means. The cost-benefit analysis, however, has been recognjzed as effective criteria regarding the removal of disturbances or injunction decision. Applying that analysis, the civil action against such infringement may not find suitable basis for making a good case. Because the removal of such infringement through civil actions may result in only the deletion of journal article. The injunction of drone flight before taking the information would not be obtainable through civil action, Therefore, more detailed and meticulous regulation and criteria in public law domain may be preferable than civil action, at present time. It may be suitable for legal stability and drone industry to set up the detailed public regulations restricting the free flight of drone capable of acquiring visual information amounting to the infrigement against the right of personal information security.

Study on Strain Measurement of Agricultural Machine Elements Using Microcomputer (Microcomputer를 이용(利用)한 농업기계요소(農業機械要素)의 Strain 측정(測定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kee Dae;Kim, Tae Kyun;Kim, Soung Rai
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 1981
  • To design more efficient agricultural machinery, the accurately measuring system among many other factors is essential. A light-beam oscillographic recorder is generally used in measuring dynamic strain but it is not compatible with the extremely high speed measuring system such as 1,000 m/s, also is susceptable to damage due to vibration while using the system in field. The recorder used light sensitive paper for strip chart recording. The reading and analysis of data from the strip charts is very cumbersome, errorneous and time consuming. A microcomputer was interfaced with A/D converter, microcomputer program was developed for measuring, system calibration was done and the strain generated from a cantilever beam vibrator was measured. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Microcomputer program was developed to perform strain measuring of agricultural machine elements and could be controled freely the measuring intervals, no. of channels and no. of data. The maximum measuring speed was $62{\mu}s$. 2. Calibration the system was performed with triangle wave generated from a function generator and checked by an oscilloscope. The sampled data were processed using HP 3000 minicomputer of Chungnam National University computer center the graphical results were triangle same as input wave and so the system have been out of phase distorsion and amplitude distorsion. 3. The strain generated from a cantilever beam vibrator which has free vibration period of 0.019 second were measured by the system controlled to have l.0 ms of time interval and its computer output showing vibration curve which is well filted to theoretical value. 4. Using microcomputer on measuring the strain of agricultural machine elements could not only save analyzing time and recording papers but also get excellent adaptation to field experiment, especially in measurement requiring high speed and good precision.

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A STUDY ON NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINATION: The Immunological Response to Inactivated and Attenuated Virus Vaccines (Newcastle병(病)의 예방접종(豫防接種)에 관한 연구(硏究); 사독(死毒)백신 및 감독(減毒)된 생독(生毒)백신에 대한 면역학적(免疫學的) 반응(反應))

  • Chung, Gill Taik
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1962
  • Immune response to two methods of Newcastle disease virus vaccine, one inactivated and the other attenuated was observed and the data presented. (1) Administration of inactivated virus vaccine in an amount of 1.0 ml. by intramuscular route gave an appreciable immunity to Newcastle disease for a period of at least three-and-half months. (2) The chickens given attenuated virus vaccine in the drinking water produced satisfactory immunity as manifested by the fact that immunized birds showed resistance when challenged 105 days after the vaccination and maintained high degree of HI titer for a period of 75 days. (3) Vaccination with the attenuated virus vaccine in drinking water is very simple and time saving in procedure, although the duration of immunity seems to be slightly shorter than that proced by inactivated virus vaccine. The author wishes to express his appreciation, to Drs. Kyu Myung Lee, Chang Koo Lee, and Ryong Sook Kee of their suggestions and help. The author is also indebted to Dr. Chang Hi Lee, Director of Anyang Veterinary Laboratory, who allowed the use of the facilities of the laboratory, whitout which this experiment could not have been undertaken.

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Freiheit vom Zwang und Freiheit von der Notwendigkeit: Eine Untersuchung des Begriffs der Freiheit des Willens bei Kant im Vergleich mit Leibniz (강제로부터의 자유와 필연으로부터의 자유: 라이프니츠와 칸트의 의지자유개념 비교연구)

  • Yun, Sunkoo
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • no.114
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    • pp.177-212
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    • 2016
  • Kants Begriff der Freiheit des Willens ist sehr kompliziert und verwirrend. Denn sowie es Ziel der ${\gg}$Kritik der praktischen Vernunft${\ll}$ ist, die reine praktische Vernunft zu beweisen, liegt der Fokus von Kants Begriff der Freiheit auf der Freiheit von Zwang, wobei Kant eine unbestimmte Haltung zur Freiheit von Notwendigkeit einnimmt und sie dann $schie{\ss}lich$ leugnet. Leibnizens Begriff der Freiheit dagegen hebt die Freiheit von Notwendigkeit hervor, denn er sagt, dass der menschliche Wille nicht nur vom Zwang der Leidenschaft, sondern auch von Notwendigkeit frei sei. Die Struktur von Leibnizens Freiheitslehre unterscheidet sich zwar sehr von der Kants, aber die Charakterlehren beider Denker, in denen die $M{\ddot{o}}glichkeit$ der Vereinbarkeit von Freiheit und Notwendigkeit behandelt werden, weisen viele Parallelen auf. Zudem ist Leibnizens Begriff der Freiheit sehr eindeutig. Daher ist ein Vergleich von Leibnizens und Kants Begriff der Freiheit nicht nur sinnvoll und $f{\ddot{u}}hrt$ zu einem besserem $Verst{\ddot{a}}ndnis$ von Kants Freiheitsbegriff, durch die vergleichende Analyse stellt sich zudem auch heraus, dass auch bei Kant nicht nur Freiheit von Zwang, sondern auch Freiheit von Notwendigkeit $m{\ddot{o}}glich$ ist. Leibniz geht $f{\ddot{u}}r$ seine Freiheitslehre von dem Begriff der Freiheit vom Zwang der Leidenschaft, welcher von allen Rationalisten anerkannt wird, sowie von dem Begriff der Freiheit von der Notwendigkeit, welcher von Spinoza negiert wird, aus. Kant dagegen definiert Freiheit als $Unabh{\ddot{a}}ngigkeit$ von den Naturgesetzen, was diesen Begriff von Anfang an unklar macht. Kant war sich anfangs der Zweideutigkeit dieses Konzepts nicht $bewu{\ss}t$ und hat es undeutlich gebraucht, doch in der Neuauflage von ${\gg}$Die Religion innerhalb der $blo{\ss}en$ Vernunft${\ll}$ erkennt er den Unterschied in den zwei Begriffen der Willensfreiheit, weshalb er bei der Rechtslehre in der ${\gg}$Metaphysik der Sitten${\ll}$ dazu kommt, die Wahlfreiheit zu negieren. Aber in den Abschnitten, wo Kant in der ${\gg}$Kritik der reinen Vernunft${\ll}$ und der ${\gg}$Kritik der praktischen Vernunft${\ll}$ die Vereinbarkeit von Freiheit und Notwendigkeit behandelt, $f{\ddot{u}}hrt$ Kant aus, so wie auch Leibniz, dass der intelligible Charakter des Menschen sich durch wiederholte freie Wahl formt, womit sich $best{\ddot{a}}tigt$, dass auch Kant die Freiheit der Wahl anerkannt hat. Kant leugnet die Wahlfreiheit, weil er der Ansicht ist, dass der Begriff der Freiheit als ein einheitlicher Begriff definiert werden muss. Doch Freiheit muss nicht zwingend einheitlich definiert werden. Da Freiheit von Zwang und Freiheit von Notwendigkeit nicht $widerspr{\ddot{u}}chliche$ Begriffe sind, $k{\ddot{o}}nnen$ sie dem selben Willen gleichzeitig zugeteilt werden. Auch wird erst hierdurch Autonomie $m{\ddot{o}}glich$ gemacht.

Ethical Justification of Capital Punishment - Retributive Argument against the Death Penalty - (사형제도의 윤리적 정당성 - 사형에 대한 응보론적 논증을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yun-bok
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.145
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    • pp.351-380
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    • 2018
  • In every society, citizens must decide how to punish criminals, uphold the virtue of justice, and preserve the security of the community. In doing so, the members of society must ask themselves how they will punish those who carry out the most abhorrent of crimes. Many common responses to such a question is that death is an acceptable punishment for the most severe crimes. But to draw some theoretical distinction between a crime that deserves incarceration and a crime that is so heinous that it deserves capital punishment is subject to three errors. First, what possible line could be drawn? To decide on a particular number of deaths or to employ any standard would be arbitrary. Second, the use of a line would trivialize and undermine the deaths of those whose murderers fell below the standard. Third, any and all executions still are unjust, as the State should not degrade the institution of justice and dehumanize an individual who, although he or she has no respect for other human life, is still a living person. Simply put, all murders are heinous, all are completely unacceptable, and deserve the greatest punishment of the land; however, death as punishment is inappropriate. Also, while this article arrives at the conclusion that the death penalty is an inappropriate form of punishment, I have not offered an acceptable alternative that would appease those who believe capital offenders deserve a punishment that differs in its quality and severity. This is a burden that, admittedly, I am unable to meet. I finally conclude that the death penalty is unjustified retribution. This is the only claim that can effectively shift the intellectual paradigms of the participants in the debate. The continued use of the death penalty in society can only be determined and influenced by the collective conscience of the members of that society. As stated at the outset of this article, it is this essentially moral conflict regarding what is just and degrading that forms the backdrop for the past changes in and the present operation of our system of imposing death as a punishment for crime.

Der Vollrauschtatbestand de lege ferenda (완전명정죄 처벌규정의 입법론)

  • Seong, Nak-Hyon
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.55
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    • pp.137-166
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    • 2018
  • Wenn nach dem starken Trinken etwas strafbares passiert, so ist das Gesamtverhalten als $strafw{\ddot{u}}rdig$ und strafbar anzuerkennen. Aber nach dem Schuldprinzip handelt ohne Schuld, wer bei Begehung der Tat $unf{\ddot{a}}hig$ ist, das Unrecht der Tat einzusehen oder nach dieser Einsicht zu handeln(Koinzidenzprinzip). Die Rechtsfigur der "actio libera in causa" dient dazu, diese in $h{\ddot{a}}ufigen$ $F{\ddot{a}}llen$ als kriminalpolitisch $unerw{\ddot{u}}nscht$ empfundene $L{\ddot{u}}cke$ zu umgehen. Dabei kommt auch dem Vollrauschtatbestand in der Praxis $erh{\ddot{o}}hte$ Bedeutung zu. Der deutsche Gesetzgeber war sich bei der Aufnahme des Vollrauschtatbestandes in das Gesetz durchaus $bewu{\ss}t$, $da{\ss}$ die Vorschrift eine Ausnahme zur Schuldzurechnungsregelung darstellte. Er $w{\ddot{a}}hlte$ jedoch die Form eines $selbst{\ddot{a}}ndigen$ Tatbestandes, um die Durchbrechung des reinen Schuldprinzips $ertr{\ddot{a}}glich$ zu machen. Der Vollrauschtatbestand ist ein abstraktes $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrdungdsdelikt$ -demnach die im Rausch verwirklichte rechtswidrige Tat nur objektive Bedingung der Strafbarkeit ist -, das sachlich eine Schuldzurechnungsregelung $enth{\ddot{a}}lt$, und zwar eine Ausnahme $gegen{\ddot{u}}ber$ die Regelungen ${\ddot{u}}ber$ Schuldzurechnung. Dieser Vollrauschtatbestand ist dennoch als regitime $Erg{\ddot{a}}nzung$ der in Schuldzurechnungsregelungen beschriebenen $Schuldzurechnungsgrunds{\ddot{a}}tze$ anzusehen. Er steht $n{\ddot{a}}mlich$ in Einklang mit dem Schuldgrundsatz, wenn als subjektives Tatbestandsmerkmal des Vollrausches die Kenntnis der $Gef{\ddot{a}}hrlichkeit$ des Rauschzustandes $f{\ddot{u}}r$ die Begehung von Delikten vorausgesetzt wird.

Health Promotion Through Healthy People 2010 ("2010년대 건강한 시민" 정책을 통한 미국의 건강증진 방향)

  • Cho, Jung H.
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.17-58
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    • 2004
  • 뉴저지주 보건교육/건강 증진정책을 논하기전에 건강증진과 보건 교육사의 뜻을 먼저 기술하기로 한다. 건강증진이란 일상 사회생활과 행동과학의 응용에서 시작하며 교육의 효율적 작전 및 기술, 질병 역학 조사, 개인 및 가족단위 건강 위해 행위 절감, 사회연관 구축망 조성, 그리고 적게는 이웃, 더 나아가 조직체계 및 지역 사회의 네트웍 실시등을 실시한다. 보건교육 및 건강증진 전문가란 ' 전국 보건교육 인증 위원회(NCHEC) ' 에서 채택된 다음 7개 활동 영역에서 개인적, 그룹, 각주단위, 그리고 범 국가적 조직에서 종사하는자로 한다. 개인 및 지역사회 보건 교육 필요성 분석- 계회, 실행, 효율성 평가, 사업 진행 조정, 자문, 컴뮤니케이션 등의 활동범위를 들 수 있다. 공인 보건 교육사(CHES)란 대학 및 대학원에서 보건 교육학 소정의 필수 과목을 이수하고 학.석사 소지자로서 ' 전국 보건 교육 인증 위원회 ' 에서 그 자격을 인정 받고 공인 자격 시험에 합격한자로 한다. 합격자는 자기 성명뒤에 CHES란 칭호를 부치며 매 5년마다 75단위이상 인정된 전문 직업 보수 교육을 받아야 한다. 보건 교육사 고용 분야는 연방, 주, 지방 정부의 보건 교육사(10-15%) 및 건강 증진 전문가로 종사하며; 이들은 지역 사회 조직화, 프로그람 기획, 공공사업 마켓팅, 메디아, 컴뮤니케이션 자질을 갓추어야 하며; 상해 예방, 학교 보건, 지역 사회 영양 실태 향상, 그 외 모든 건강 증진과 질병 예방에 일익을 담당 하여; 의사, 간호사, 약사, 영양사,환경 위생사드의 전문분야종사자들괴 한팀이 되어 지역 사회 보건 사업에 기여한다. 쥬저지 보건 교육사들은 주법령 8조 '||'&'||' 보건행정 표준 시행령 ' 에 따라 포괄적 보건교육/건강증진 프로그램을 개발하여 총체적으로 조절 관장한다. 특희 ' 미국 학술원 의료 연구원 ' 에서 제정한 ' 10대 필수 공중 보건 사업 ' 에 기준을 두고; 1) 개인 및 지역사회 필수 보건 여건 분석 평가, 2) 보건 교육 이론에 따른 사업 계획 설정, 3) 교육 전략과 보건문제 발굴에 따라 일반 대중 대상 보건 교육 실행 (프로그람 기획, 연수 교육, 미디어 캠페인, 공중보건 향상책 옹호), 4) 사업 진행 과정 정리, 그 결과에 대한 영향력과 결과 평가, 5) 프로그램진행, 인사 및 예산관리 참여, 6) 근무향상을 위한 보수교육 프로그램 개발, 7) 보건 의료 업무 종사자 상호 협조성 향상 훈련, 8) 지역 사회자원 밭굴, 9) 적절한 고객 의뢰 체제 시행, 10) 위기 관리 컴뮤니케이션 체제 개발실시, 11) 일반 대중에게 공중 보건 향상 고취, 12) 각종 협력 지원금 신청서 작성 제출, 13) 문화/인종적으로 적절한 시청각 교재 발굴, 15) 질적 및 양적 보건교육/건겅증진책 연구 실시, 16) 비 보험 가담자, 저 보험자, 빈곤자, 이민자 색출 선도, 17) 관활 구역내 상재하는 각 건강증진 프로그램 밝혀 내서 불필요한 중복 회피등이다. 그 외에도 보건 교육사들은 사회 복지 단체인 미국 암 협회, 미국 심장 협회,미국 폐장 협회 등 각종 사회 복지 비영리단체 와 자선 사업 단체들과 긴밀희 협조하거나 그 단체 임직원으로서 건강 증진 사업에 종사한다. 병원 및 의료기관에선 임직원 보수 교육, 환자의 질병 예방및 건강증진 교육, 그리고 의료 사업장내 건장 증진업무에 종사한다. 건강 유지 의료 기관(HMO)에선 예방주사, 정기검진 촉진등을 통한 입원일수 절감, 응급실 사용도 절감등으로 의료비 감축, 삶의질 향상상에 종사한다. 사업장 보건 교육사는 스트레스 관리, 금연 및 흡연 중단선도, 체중 절감, 종업원 건강증진 생활화참여 유치, 컴뮤니케이션 개발, 마켓팅, 질병 예방등에 그 전문 직업적 노하우를 사업체 건강 증진 프로그램 개발에 접목한다. 뉴저지 2010년대 건강 증진책은 5대 목표 설정하여 현재 시행하고 있다. 특이한점은 2001년 9.11사태 이후 연방정부와 주정부의 상당한 예산 지원을 그랜트 지원금 형식으로 받아 연방, 주정부, 지방 정부, 의료 기관등에서 일사 불란하게 생물/화학/방사성 테러에 대비하는데 보건 교육사들은 시민 인지도 향상과 위기관리 컴뮤니케이션 영역에서 활약한다. 총체적인 보건 교육/건강 증진책은 다음 천년간 뉴저지 건강증진 백서와 미연방 정부 건강증진 2010에 준하여 설립한 뉴저지 건강 증진 2010 에 의한다. 그 모델을 보면; 1) 생활 습관 향상으로 위해 행위 절제; 적절한 영양 섭취 와 과체중화 차단 불필요한 투약 절제와 그 관리 흡연 탐익 절감, 금연, 흡연관련 신체/정신적 피해 관리/치료 습관성 약물 중독 조기발견 예방 낙상 예방 폭력, 의도적/비의도적 상해 예방 2) 심장질환, 암, 뇌졸중, 당뇨, 폐염, 인프루엔자등 주사망원인 질병 조기 발견 예방 책 마련; 독감.폐렴 예방 주사 실시 3) 보건 교육 대상과 표적 설정 특히 보건사업 참여 동반자 발굴하여 그 동참과 책임분담 책려; 주. 지방 정부기관, 의료 종사자, 의료 보험 업자, 대학 등 교육 기관, 연구 기관, 교육자, 지방 보건소, 지역 사회 비 영리단체, 종교 단체 및 교역자 등의 참여 촉구., 지역 사회 비 영리단체, 종교 단체 및 교역자 등의 참여 촉구.

  • PDF

A Study on the Mind Theory of the JeongJae School of Cho Geung-seop and the Hanju school of Kwak Jong-seok (정재학파 조긍섭과 한주학파 곽종석의 심론 고찰)

  • An Yoo-kyoung
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.49
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    • pp.295-329
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    • 2024
  • This article reveals their theoretical differences by examining the interpretation of the mind theory of Cho Geung-seop (1873~1933) and Kwak Jong-seok (1846~1919). The characteristic of Cho Geung-seop's mind theory is that it is simhapligi (心合理氣 the mind is a combination of principles and internal energy). It is a position to recognize the role and status of Gi as an action while also acknowledging Li as the presidency of mind. In this theory, Li can exist only when there is Gi, and the presidency mind is thereby possible. For this reason, Cho Geung-seop criticized Kwak Jong-seok, who insisted on simjeokli (心卽理 the mind is precisely principles) from the perspective of simhapligi. The characteristic of Kwak Jong-seok's theory of mind lies in simjeokli. Although the mind is not without Gi, it is because of Li that the mind can preside over one body such that it can be described as simjeokli. Accordingly, Kwak Jong-seok criticized Cho Geung-seop, who insisted on simhapligi from the perspective of simjeokli. In addition, their theories of mind leads to problems of perception, such as whether to see perception as a Gi or a Li. If Cho Geung-seop could be said to have interpreted the perception of deliberation as spiritual Gi, then Kwak Jong-seok interpreted the perception as spiritual Li. According to Cho Geung-seop, the perception of mind is possible due to "spiritual Gi," and at this time, the action of spiritual Gi is the perception of the mind. In the end, there is a perception action corresponding to spiritual Gi. Thereby, the mind should not be interpreted directly as a Li in Kwak Jong-seok's theory. According to Kwak Jong-seok, perception is possible by applying the novelty of Li to the mind. The perception of mind is not the action of spiritual Gi as it is in Cho Geung-seop's model, but it is rather the result of spiritual Li making it new. Accordingly, Kwak Jong-seok criticized Cho Geung-seop for not knowing simjeokli properly because he understood the perception of mind as an action of Gi.

A Study on the Priority Analysis of Information Systems Audit Evaluation Factors using Fuzzy-AHP Method (Fuzzy-AHP 기법을 이용한 정보시스템 감리서비스 평가항목에 대한 우선순위 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung, Tae-Won;Kim, Sang-Kuk
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.155-183
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    • 2008
  • Current trend of audit is to check the physical aspects of developed information system, such as checking the budget constraints, time constraints or functional fluency etc. However, ultimate goal of information system is to help the organization to achieve the competency over their competitors. Also, there are three different interest groups in system auditing, like audit requesting group, audited group and audit group, who may have different points of interests in auditing. Current auditing process, however, ignores this point, and so does not check the differences between three groups. This study tries to develop new auditing method to cure these two problems. Contributions of this study may be summarized as follows. First, Introduce the new indexes that can check the possibility that the information system may contribute the competency of organization. Also check the feasibility of indexes through Fuzzy AHP. Second, Divide the audit related person into three groups, and their different needs toward the information system was analyzed. Third, Analyze and compare the main interests of three groups, and weights of each groups to each indexes were calculated. Fourth, Fuzzy theory was applied to quantify the qualitative answers, which may minimize the ambiguity of questionnaire replies.

A Study on the Classification of Income on University's Industrial Consultations (대학 산업자문료 소득 구분에 관한 연구)

  • CHEE, Seonkoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.461-467
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    • 2020
  • Industrial consultation is a kind of personal service for companies. The Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation sets up a consultation contract in which a professor performs the consultation as the person in charge. Recently, there is an issue regarding taxation of the consulting fee paid to the professor; in short, there is no standardized practice for the imposition of income tax. In this study, we examine the characteristics of industrial consultation and present an acceptable taxation rule based on related laws. First, it is not appropriate to regard consulting fees as wage income, considering that there is no employment relationship between the Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation and the professor. Considering that the base consulting fee amount is the same as the invention compensation, according to accounting practices, and that an employee invention is apt to be derived in the consultation, it is reasonable that the consulting fee should be regarded as wage income similar to employee invention compensation. As treating the consulting fee as wage income could end up reducing industrial consultations, the government should amend the income tax law to include industrial consultation as a type of other income.