• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인상재

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Synergy Effect of Chlorhexidine and Essential Oils on Antimicrobial Activity in Dental Impression Materials (치과용 인상재에서의 클로르헥시딘과 에센셜 오일의 항균성능에 대한 상승효과)

  • Lee, Kwang-Rae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.240-244
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    • 2018
  • There is growing concern about cross infection among the patients to patients, patients to staffs, and tools to patients in healthcare facilities, especially in dentistry. In this study, the most widely used dental impression materials were prepared and the synergy effect of Chlorhexidine and essential oil on antimicrobial activity was examined in the impression materials. Chlorhexidine concentration of 0.1 wt% and 0.5 wt% showed no antimicrobial activity on Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Candida albicans. At 1.0 wt% Chlorhexidine, 0% of E. coli and 34.7% of Candida albicans were survived. Bergamot (Essential oil) concentration of 0.5 wt% and 1.0 wt% showed no antimicrobial activity on E. coli. At 2.0 wt% Bergamot oil, 71.9% of E. coli were survived. Tea tree oil (Essential oil) of 0.5 wt% showed no antimicrobial activity on E. coli. At 1.0 wt% Tea tree oil, 11.2% of E. coli was survived. At 2.0 wt% Tea tree oil, no E. coli was survived. However, no E. coli was survived at the concentration of 0.8 wt% Bergamot with 0.3 wt% Chlorhexidine. At the concentration of 0.8 wt% Tea Tree oil with 0.3 wt% Chlorhexidine, 1.3% of E. coli were survived. The experimental results showed that the synergy effects between Chlorhexidine and essential oils on antimicrobial activity were prominent.


  • Ha, Chee-Yang;Lee, Sung-Bok;Woo, Yi-Hyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.574-592
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    • 1996
  • This study investigated the time-dependent dimensional changes of elastomeric impression materials using holographic interferometry. Six commercial impression materials, Permlastic(polysulfide), Xantopren VL (condensation silicone), low and medium viscosity of Exafine, Provil (addition silicone), and Impregum(polyether), were selected. Steel plate was used as custom tray, and each impression specimen was 20 mm in width, 15 mm in length and 3 mm in thickness. Each impression material was evaluated at 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours after setting using real-time holography. The results were as follow : 1. Xantopren VL and Permlastic showed relatively severe and continuous dimensional changes after setting. Low viscosity of Exafine, Provil, Impregum showed relatively slight dimensional changes with function of time and medium viscosity of Exafine showed almost no dimensional change from 2 hours after setting to 6 hours. 2. On initial dimensional changes within 1 hour, the amount of change in low viscosity of Exafine was the least and Xantopren VL was the largest. 3. On dimensional changes at 4 hours after setting, the amount of change in medium viscosity of Exafine was the least and tile change of Xantopren VL was the largest. 4. In overall dimensional stability during 12 hours, medium viscosity of Exafine was the most stable and Xantopren VL and Permlastic were least stable.

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  • Kim, Yong-Hak;Yang, Hong-Seo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.650-658
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    • 2000
  • This study was investigated to compare the bond strength of polysulfide adhesive between tray resin and border molding materials and to evaluate the effect of saliva contamination on them. We made the 135 resin tray secimens with a dimension of $1{\times}1{\times}1cm$ and divided them into 3 groups by the materials 1) Quicky group, 2) Compound group, and 3) Impregum group Each group was subdivided by saliva contimination. Group S1 : applied adhesive without saliva contamination Group S2 : applied adhesive after drying 15seconds after saliva contamination Group S3 : applied adhesive no after saliva contamination. Tensile tests were performed with a Universal Load testing machine. Results showed Impregum group significantly higher bond strength than Quicky group, but there was no significant difference in adhesive bond strength between Compound group and Quicky group in experimental group by materials In experimental group by saliva contamination, S1 group is significantly higher bond strength than S2 group and S2 group is significantly higher bond strength than S3 group in Quicky group and S1, S2 group is significantly higher bond strength than S3 group in Compound group and Impregum group. Impression compound and Impregum F which are usually used as an individual tray border mold-ing material can be said to be satisfied in adhesive bond strength to polysulfide impression materials. After try-in and clinical adjustment are performed, a custom tray should be properly rinsed and air dried before tray adhesive was placed.

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  • Cho, Lee-Ra;Chung, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2000
  • Wettability of addition silicone impression material is very important property for making an accurate restoration. This study examined the impression quality in clinical condition and the wettability of impression and die material. Four commercially available addition silicone impression material (Express, Examix, Contrast, Perfect) and three die materials (Die-Keen, Vel-Mix, Fuji-Rock) were studied. A total of 50 putty/wash and heavy body/wash impressions of wet intact permanent molar teeth were examined for definition of the gingival sulcus reproduction and then classified in quality ranking. The percentage of the sulcus reproduction ability of each material was calculated from the sulcus depths of cross-sectioned epoxy resin casts from the impressions and clinically measured sulcus depths, The same impression materials were used to produce 3 groups of die stone casts form void entrapment die had been exposed to milk. Voids in the impression body and stone casts ere counted under a stereoscopic microscope. From the experiment, the following results were obtained : 1. Sulcus reproduction ability of additional silicone impression material were diminished in order of Express, Examix, Perfect, Contrast. The significant difference was found between Perfect and other material. Heavy body/wash combination was superior In putty/wash method n Perfect impression material. 2. In direct observation, Contrast showed least void in impression body but correlations ere not found between sulcus reproduction and void production. 3. In void entrapment laboratory test, wettability were diminished in order of Examix, Contrast, Express, Perfect. Clinical impression recording seems not to correlate with laboratory test. 4. The wettability of die material to impression material was not different in Express, Examix, Contrast. But, in Perfect, Die-Keen had superior wettability to others.

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The Influence of Different Gypsum Materials on the Accuracy from Complete Arch Digital Impression (전악의 디지털 인상 채득 시 치과용 모형재가 디지털 모형 정확성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Baek;Lee, Gyeong-Tak;Kim, Hae-Young;Kim, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.617-623
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to measure the accuracy of different gypsum materials by a white light dental scanner. A master model with the prepared lower full arch tooth was used. The type IV and scannable stone were used for 20 stone casts (10 casts each) duplicated a master model of mandible. The distance between the reference points were measured and analyzed by the Delcam $Copycad^{(R)}$ (Delcam Plc, UK) 3D graphic software. The t-student test for paired samples were used for statistical analysis. The mean differences to master model for type IV stone and scannable stone model were 0.29~0.56 mm, and 0.17~0.35 mm, respectively. There were statistical differences in dimensional accuracy for full arch impression between the master model and type IV/scannable stone (p<0.05). Two different gypsum materials showed clinically acceptable accuracies of full arch digital impression produced by them. Besides, in both gypsum materials, the differences to the master model detected appear to provide enough accuracy for clinical application.

Market Trend of PET & Nylon Film (PET 필름 및 NYLON 필름 수급 동향)

  • Korea Packaging Association INC.
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • no.8 s.184
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2008
  • 원자재 가격상승과 유가 폭등으로 인해 국내 폴리에스터 업계는 중국 제품에 가격 경쟁력이 밀리는 범용 제품 비중을 줄이고 부가가치가 높은 광학 및 특수용도 제품 비중을 높여나가는 등의 노력에 주력하고 있다. 유가 인상과 단가 하락 압력, 경쟁 격화 등으로 포장재 등에 쓰이는 범용 PET 필름은 물론 확산필름 등 일반 LCD용 광학필름의 수익성이 낮아지면서 수익성이 좋은 분야의 비중을 확대하려는 움직임에 따라 올해 폴리에스터(PET) 필름 업계의 화두는 광학 및 태양전지에의 PET 필름의 적용 및 응용이었다. SKC가 먼저 광학필름의 원자재로 쓰이는 고순도 후막 베이스필름이나 태양전지나 하이브리드 자동차 부품용 필름 분야로 진출을 계획중이며 코오롱도 후막 필름 라인을 1기 증설하고 기존 포장재 라인도 전환키로 했다. 또한 도레이새한도 후막 필름을 주력제품으로 끌어올릴 계획을 갖고 있다. 본 고에서는 PET 필름 및 나일론 필름 수급동향을 살펴보고, 업체별 상황 및 전망을 살펴보도록 한다.

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Parametric Study of Instability in Obstructed Channel Flow (장애물이 부착된 평판 사이 유동의 불안정성에 관한 파라미터적 연구)

  • Hwang, In-Sang;Yang, Gyeong-Su;Kim, Do-Hyeong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.546-553
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    • 2001
  • A Parametric study is numerically carried out for flow fields in a two-dimensional plane channel with thin obstacles(“baffles and blocks”) mounted symmetrically in the vertical direction and periodically in the streamwise direction. The aim of this investigation is to understand how various geometric conditions influence the critical characteristics and pressure drop. A range of BR(the ratio of baffle interval to channel height) between 1 and 5 is considered. Especially when BR is equal to 3, for which the critical Reynolds number turned out to be minimal, we add blocks in the center region in order to study their destabilizing effects on the flows. It is revealed that the critical Reynolds number is further decreased by the presence of the block.

특집 - 최근 골판지포장업계 경영환경과 대책

  • 한국골판지포장공업협동조합
    • Corrugated packaging logistics
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    • s.90
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2010
  • 수출및 유통산업에 핵심적인 역할을 하는 골판지 상자 시장에 긴급상황이 발생하였다. 2월 12일 현재 골판지상자 생산하는데 약 3-4일간의 지체현상이 나타나고 원자재 부족이 수도권 및 지방을 망라, 속출하고 있는 실정이어서 골판지포장업계 관련 모든 주체는 가수요를 자제하고 근본적인 해결책강구에 협력해야 하지만, 개별적 이해가 앞서 원만한 수습책을 내기가 어려운 상황입니다. 또한 최근 칠레 강진의 여파가 구리가격 인상만이 아니라, 국내 최대 펄프 수입국의 펄프 공급 중단에 따른 국내 제지업계의 생산차질이 심각히 우려되는 문제점을 자료화 하였습니다. 제지업계, 특히 골판지상자 제조업계는 여러 가지의 요인이 중첩되어 가격 급등의 아픔과 원지 부족으로 생산 차질이 불가피할 것이라는 예측이 여기저기서 나오고 있어 매우 어수선합니다. 따라서 포장재 구입의 낭비요소를 제거한 적정포장 구입 질서가 정착되어 포장재가 없어서 제품이 포장되지 않는 사태가 나오지 않기를 바라는 심정으로 보고서를 작성하였사오니 관련 업계에서는 업무에 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

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Fabrication of complete denture using digital technology in patient with mandibular deviation: a case report (하악 편위 환자에서 디지털 방식을 이용한 총의치 제작 증례)

  • Lee, Eunsu;Park, Juyoung;Park, Chan;Yun, Kwi-Dug;Lim, Hyun-Pil;Park, Sangwon
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2022
  • Recently, digital technology and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) environment have changed the clinician treatment method in the fabrication of dentures. The denture manufacturing method with CAD/CAM technology simplifies the treatment and laboratory process to reduce the occurrence of errors and provides clinical efficiency and convenience. In this case, complete dentures were fabricated using stereolithography (SLA)-based 3D printing in patient with mandibular deviation. Recording base were produced in a digital model obtained with an intraoral scanner, and after recording a jaw relation in the occlusal rim, a definitive impression was obtained with polyvinyl siloxane impression material. In addition, facial scan data with occlusal rim was obtained so that it can be used as a reference in determination of the occlusal plane and in arrangement of artificial teeth during laboratory work. Artificial teeth were arranged through a CAD program, and a gingival festooning was performed. The definitive dentures were printed by SLA-based 3D printer using a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved liquid photocurable resin. The denture showed adequate retention, support and stability, and results were satisfied functionally and aesthetically.

Measurement of the Ar Recovery Time of a Cryopump and Analysis on the Ar Instability (크라이오펌프 알곤 회복시간 측정과 알곤 불안정성 분석)

  • In, Sang Ryul;Lee, Dong Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2013
  • Cryopump removes gas molecules by condensation and adsorption. Therefore, cryo-surface temperature and corresponding vapor pressure influence directly the pumping performance. If the surface temperature of any part is neither low nor high, there occurs the desorption of gas molecules condensed or adsorbed, and the emitted molecules can be captured again, which leads to a time-consuming and fluctuating change of the pressure. Though every gas can show such a pressure instability at a specified temperature range, the instability generated in a sputter system using Ar as a working gas and operating with a cryopump is especially undesirable. In this paper the cause of the argon instability is analyzed and corrective is provided through the measurement of the Ar recovery time.