• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구감소지역

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Real-Estate Price Prediction in South Korea via Machine Learning Modeling (머신러닝 기법을 통한 대한민국 부동산 가격 변동 예측)

  • Nam, Sanghyun;Han, Taeho;Kim, Leeju;Lee, Eunji
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the real estate is of high interest. This is because real estate, which was considered only a residential environment in the past, is recognized as a stable investment target due to the ever-growing demand on it. In particular, in the case of the domestic market, despite the decrease in the number of people, the number of single-person households and the influx of people to large cities are accelerating, and real estate prices are rising sharply around the metropolitan area. Therefore, accurately predicting the prospects of the future real estate market becomes a very important issue not only for individual asset management but also for government policy establishment. In this paper, we developed a program to predict future real estate market prices by learning past real estate sales data using machine learning techniques. The data on the market price of real estate provided by the Korea Appraisal Board and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport were used, and the average sales price forecast for 2022 by region is presented. The developed program is publicly available so that it could be used in various forms.

제주도(濟州道) 연근해어업(沿近海漁業)의 구조개선(構造改善)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Jang, Cheol-Ho;Lee, Byeong-Gi
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.14-30
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    • 1995
  • 한국(韓國)의 연근해어업(沿近海漁業)은 국내외 여건의 변화로 경쟁력(競爭力)을 잃어가고 있다. 따라서 구조개선(構造改善)을 통한 활로개척의 필요성이 강하게 대두되고 있으나, 중앙정부(中央政府) 차원의 어업여건(漁業與件) 개선은 장기간이 소요될 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 지방화시대(地方化時代)를 맞이하여 수산정책(水産政策)도 지방정책(地方政策)에 의한 지역적 특성을 가진 정책으로 발전시켜나갈 필요가 있다. 여기에서는 그런 차원에서 본토(本土)와는 지리적(地理的), 사회적(社會的), 경제적(經濟的)으로 상당히 독립된 특성을 가지고 있는 제주도(濟州道)에 있어서의 연근해어업(沿近海漁業)에 관한 각종 자료를 이용하여 어업의 현황을 분석하고, 나아가 생산성(生産性)을 보다 향상시킬 수 있는 어업구조(漁業構造)의 개선방향(改善方向)에 관하여 연구하였다. 그 연구결과(硏究結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 제주도(濟州道) 연근해어업(沿近海漁業)의 실태(實態) 1) 어업인구(漁業人口)는 계속 감소하고 있으며 부녀자(婦女子) 비율이 뚜렷하게 높다. 2) 어선세력(漁船勢力)은 10톤이하의 소형선(小型船)이 꾸준히 증가되고 있으며, 10~50톤급의 증가률(增加率)도 매우 높다. 3) 어항(漁港)은 107개가 있으나 그중 80%는 비법정(非法定)의 소규모(小規模) 어항(漁港)이었다. 4) 어선어업(漁船漁業)은 연승(延繩) 유자망(流刺網) 채낚기 분기초망어업(焚寄抄網漁業) 등을 중심으로 이루어지고 있다. 5) 생산물(生産物)의 종류는 어류(魚類)가 주축을 이루고 있고, 대부분 고급(高級) 어종(魚種)이며, 가격은 상당히 높다. 6) 어선어업(漁船漁業)의 한어기(閑漁期)에 관광산업(觀光産業)과 연계하여 운영하고 있는 유어어업(遊漁漁業)은 상당히 발전할 소지를 가지 고 있다. 2. 문제점(問題點) 1) 어업인구(漁業人口)는 감소하는 반면 부녀자(婦女子)의 참여율은 높아 어선어업(漁船漁業)에 종사할 인력의 수급이 어려우며, 이것이 조업규모(操業規模)를 지속적으로 확대하지 못하는 요인이 되고 있다. 2) 어항시설(漁港施設)이 미비하여 어선어업(漁船漁業)의 규모를 확대시키기가 곤란하다. 3) 연근해어업(沿近海漁業) 어획물(漁獲物)의 판매를 위한 제도 및 시설이 소비환경(消費環境) 및 기호변화(嗜好變化)에 적절히 대응하지 못하고 있다. 4) 유어어선(遊漁漁船)의 운영기반(運營基盤)이 취약하여 활성화되지 못하고 있다. 5) 어업의 경쟁력 확보를 위한 기술교육(技術敎育) 및 연구(硏究) 지도체제(指導體制)가 취약하다. 3. 구조개선(構造改善)의 방향(方向) 1) 어업인력(漁業人力)의 안정적인 수급(需給)을 위하여 어민(漁民)의 정주환경(定住環境)을 개선하고, 어민후계자(漁民後繼者) 육성사업(育成事業)의 자금지원 수준을 향상시켜야 하며, 수산고등학교(水産高等學校) 졸업자(卒業者)를 수산계대학(水産系大學)에 일정 비율 정원외(定員外) 특예입학(特例入學) 시킴으로써 기술(技術)의 고도화(高度化)와 어촌 정착 동기를 높여 주어야 한다. 2) 어업인력(漁業人力) 감소에 대비하여 어선의 장비를 현대화, 생력화(省力化)하여 적은 인력으로도 운영이 가능하도록 유도하여야 한다. 3) 어업의 경쟁력 확보를 위해 어항시설(漁港施設)을 확충하고, 소비자(消費者)의 기호변화(嗜好變化)에 대응하여 위탁판매(委託販賣) 장소를 중심으로 종합어시장(綜合魚市場)을 개설해야 하며, 이와는 별도로 활어위판장(活魚委販場)을 시설하여 어획물(漁獲物) 부가가치제고(附加價値提高) 및 유통개선(流通改善)을 이루어야 할 것이다. 4) 유어어선(遊漁漁船)의 운영도 편의시설(便宜施設)을 확충하고 인공어장(人工漁場)의 조성을 추진하여 안정적인 부업으로 정착될 수 있도록 하는 노력이 필요하다. 5) 연구(硏究) 지도(指導)의 강화를 위하여 제주도(濟州道)에 소재하고 있는 연구(硏究) 지도기관(指導機關)을 적극적으로 활용함은 물론, 필요하다면 기관을 개편 증설하고, 어업인력(漁業人力)의 질적 향상을 위한 어민교육원(漁民敎育院)의 설립도 검토해 볼 필요가 있다.

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A Study on Space Construction for the Aged's Welfare Center in Japan - Focusing on the Aged's Welfare Center in Utsnomiya City - (일본 노인복지센터의 공간구성에 관한 연구 - 우츠노미야시 지역의 노인복지센터를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo Eun-Yeong
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2006
  • Today, according to population decrease and aging of the old due to the decline of birthrate in our society in $21^{st}$ century, there is a stiff increase of the aged group. Complying with the request of epic needs, as there was a full scale amendment of law of the aged welfare in 1997, the centers appeared differently based on the regional dimension, the difference of the number of persons to be accommodated, and the social and economic characteristics. Coping with these problems occurring, along with the necessity of welfare facilities for the leisure of the aged, the government prepared and carried out a number of plans for the service of the aged and securing of facilities. This practice of the government, however, centered on the crease of service in quantity other than the quality, resulting in a situation of lacking the welfare facilities for the aged meeting the requirement of the aged in their aspect of consumer. On the contrary, building the welfare centers in Japan started in 1960 with a rapid increase of the number of centers in 1970s, and there were 2,214 welfare centers in operation in Japan in 1995, keeping a high level of service in quality and quantity. Thus, this study aims to present basic materials necessary for the criteria of space designing plans for the aged welfare centers in Korea through case analysis of the facility criterion, area constitution and space constitution by the floor that play an important role in regional welfare facilities for the aged in Japan.

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AHP Study on the Decision Making Factors of Farm-Returning and Rural-Returning: Focusing on the Determinants of Migration Area (귀농·귀촌 의사결정요인에 관한 AHP 분석 연구: 이주지역 선택 결정요인을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Won Suk;Jang, Sang-hyun;Choi, Joowon;Shin, Yongtae
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2021
  • As the aging population of Korean agriculture and rural areas and the decline of the agricultural population are gradually deepening, the influx of population through returning to farming and rural areas is urgently needed. To this end, the most important problems to be solved were the lack of information that would help those who want to return to farming or rural areas when making decisions. Therefore, a survey was conducted for AHP analysis on related experts to find out the information (decision factors) required when selecting a return-to-farm or return-to-country migration area through this study. The AHP analysis showed that "Economic factors" were the most important among the three items in the primary class, while "Housing and land prices", "Metropolitan accessibility and traffic" and "Residential information" were the most important in the secondary class. The results of these studies are reflected in the information system to systematically support the decision-making of those who wish to return to farming or rural areas.It is hoped that it will be indirectly helpful and ultimately contribute to the revitalization and development of Korean agriculture and rural areas, which are aging.

Changes of Land Use Pattern due to Urbanization in Taejon Korea (도시화에 따른 대전시 토지이용의 변화)

  • 강신호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this study were to determine how land use pattern in Taejon the sixth largest city in Korea has changed with urbanization. Degree of green naturalness (DGN) was used to analyze land use pattern from 1990 to 1998. Number of 1km$\times$1km grids numbers of satistical land use data and compared rate of population increase quantified land use pat-tern. The rate of population increase of Taejon was 27.8% from 1990 to 1998. Eight degrees of DGN were identified with secondary forest(grade 7) occupied the largest area (203 grids: 37.5%) of the total 541 grids in 1998. The changes in land use were compared among 1990, 1994 and 1998. Grade 1 increased by 9 grids while grade 2 decreased by 6 grids. Likewise paddy field decreased by 10km2 from 62 to 52km2 dry field and forest also decreased by 4km2 and 1km2 respectively while residence and factories increased by 10km2 and 0.5km2 respec-tively. The green space was mostly distributes in a national park and greenbelts in the outer zone of the city. As a result paddy and dry fields in central area of the city have been changed to residential and industrial areas. The city environment in term of DGN reduced its quality and quantity.

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The Linkage between Planned and Spontaneous Migration: The Roles of the Migration on Coffee Production in Dak Lak, Vietnam (계획 이주와 자발적 이주 간 연계 -베트남 닥락 성 커피 생산에서 이주의 역할-)

  • Chung, Su-Yeul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.344-358
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    • 2013
  • Vietnam's growth as the second largest coffee producer in the world has been fueled by domestic migration into central highlands. However, the detail migration processes have not been explicitly discussed. In particular, the existing literatures tend to describe the migration flow in a framework of planned migration versus spontaneous migration, paying less attention to the linkage between them. With a case study of Dak Lak province which is the leading robusta producer in Vietnam, this research investigates the linkage between planned and spontaneous migration in a multiscalar approach. The statistic data allow the researcher to know temporal association between the two type of migration in a provine scale. The survey and interview about two coffee-producing communes - Ea H'Ding in Cu M'gar district and Doan Ket in Krung Buk district - inform us that the linkage between planned and spontaneous migration is contingent to the local contexts including ethnic composition, timing of settlements, governement's development program, and timing of a large flow of in-migration.

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Investigation into the Future Direction of Multicultural Education to Decrease Bias against Multicultural Students: A Case Study of Kwangju.Jeonnam Region (다문화 가정 학생 편견 감소를 위한 다문화교육 방향성 모색 -광주.전남지역을 사례로 -)

  • Hong, Ki-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.381-394
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, the number of foreigners reached about 1,260,000. So we are now living in a multicultural society. There are more than 36,000 multicultural students in kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school(2010's standards). In other words, Still more multicultural students are expected to increase in the future. As a matter of fact, one of the biggest problems which mixed couples and immigrants from other countries have had is most concerned about possible bias and discrimination of their children. Study has shown that multicultural students are alienated from the others at school, because of their skin colours, the pronunciation they speak Korean, and maladjustment in their school life. Actually, multi-cultural education program should be applied to the first grade in elementary school. Besides, teachers have to direct multicultural and general students with integrated education. Study also found that it is necessary to use more visuals and pictures as the main multi-cultural education. And books and CDs should be used as guide materials. It's desirable that the appropriate time to teach relate to lesson.

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Semantic Structure Represented in College Presidents' Welcome Greetings Using Network Analysis : Daegu & Gyeongbuk Provinces (연결망 분석을 활용한 대학 총장 인사말의 의미론적 구조: 대구·경북 지역을 중심으로)

  • Son, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Jae-Hun;Park, Han-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2021
  • This study examined a semantic relationship expressed in college presidents' welcome greetings in order to explore the promotion strategies and future direction of universities in Daegu & Gyeongbuk provinces in South Korea. Greetings were collected from university websites as of September, 2020. According to word frequency analysis, "everyone," "welcome," and "visiting" were mostly used in the headlines. In the body texts, "college" and "education" were frequently paired. While the two- & three-year colleges focus on industrial and technical capabilities, four-year universities tend to emphasize educational excellence and academic research performance. This study is valuable in that it understands the direction that universities in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province put forward amid the decreasing school-age population and the changing social environment.

Analysis of Community Residents' Recognition on Autonomous Integration of Process : The case of Goesan-gun and Jeungpyeong-gun (행정구역 자율통합의 추진 과정에서 나타난 주민인식도 분석 : 괴산군과 증평군 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Han, Hyung-Seo
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the awareness of citizens towards the autonomous integration process between Goesan-gun and Jeungpyoung-gun. According to the survey, the citizens of Goesan-gun agreed on the integration, but the citizens of Jeungpyoung-gun disagreed on the plan. This result is different from the findings of the opinion surveys which were conducted in 2009 and 2012. The reason why some citizens agreed on the integration is that the integration will help more with the systematic administration service and the convenience of administrative process. Also the citizens are expecting the expansion of the convenient facilities and the economic growth through the local festivals. In the political view, it will cut the operating cost of the two provinces. However, there are some reasons for the disagreement of the integration. The first reason is that the independent development will be more beneficial for each province. And it will be more effective if each province separately promotes the local festivals to be more productive. Nevertheless, the citizens in both areas admit the necessity of the population influx and elevating the local economy for both provinces. These two areas are expecting to have the autonomous local economy and the complementary and competitive relationship with the nearby metropolitan councils while building the Jungwon cultural zone which is supported by the regional association.

Development of A Comprehensive Diagnosis Index for Disasters in Declining Areas and Comparison of Risks between Regions: A case of Seoul (쇠퇴지역 재난·재해 종합진단지수 개발과 지역간 위험성 비교·분석 - 서울시 사례 -)

  • Im, Hyojin;Ahn, Minsu;Yi, Changhyo;Lee, Sangmin;Lee, Jae-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2021
  • In urban declining areas, the population is decreasing, and drying environments such as buildings and facilities are aging. Therefore, it is vulnerable in the event of disaster, and recovery takes a lot of time and money. The purpose of this study is to develop an evaluation technique for comprehensively diagnosing disasters in declining areas and to present implications through case analysis. Evaluation indicators were selected to calculate the comprehensive diagnosis index of disasters, and weights were calculated for each class, including disaster types, components, and evaluation indicators, through Analytic Hierarchy Process analysis. The comprehensive diagnoses index for each type of disaster was calculated with the calculated weight, and the risk according to the level of urban decline was analyzed. As a result of analyzing Seoul as a case area, it was analyzed that the overall risk of disasters was high in southern regions such as Seocho-gu, Dongjak-gu, Geumcheon-gu, and Gangseo-gu, and relatively low in downtown and northern Seoul, parks and green areas. The results of this study are of academic significance in that they presented a comprehensive diagnostic index evaluation system and technique for each type of disaster, including natural and social disasters.