• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공생태지역

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Ecology of the Forest Birds in Mt. Chiri, Korea (한국산(韓國產) 산림조류(山林鳥類)의 서식생태(棲息生態) - 지리산지역(智異山地域)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Choi, Jai Sik;Kim, Jai Saing
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.2
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    • pp.162-176
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    • 1991
  • For the purpose of contributing to wild birds protection and propagation, distribution characteristics and ecological breeding habitats were surveyed in Mt. Chiri from September, 1986 to December, 1989 by the use of the nestboxes installed in four study sites by the altitude. The results were as follows ; 1. During the study period, observed birds were 2,403 individuals belong to 59 species, especially, at the 1,400m above altitude the rare species, Falco tinnunculus and the protecting bird species such as Ninox scutulata, Strix aluco and Prunella collaris were observed. 2. In the inhabitation structure of birds by the altitude, Fringilla montfringilla was the highest dominance (41.33%) among the inhabitated birds in the surveyed area. 3. Phasianus colchicus and Streptopelia orientalis which were mainly inhabited in hilly area were observed until the altitude of 900m. 4. The 92.5% of nest boxes was mainly used by the small birds, Parus spp. and Sitta europaea. These species preferred the nest boxes installed at the edge or along the mountaineering path, because they could get food and water easily from those places. 5. The utilization rate of the nest boxes was showed 86% at 500m, 96% at 900m, 98% at 1,400m and 90% at 1,700m above the altitude, respectively. 6. The breeding rate of birds in the nest boxes was showed from 6% to 46% by altitude. Parus varius was the highest breeding species in the surveyed area. These birds inhabited above 500m laid eggs from 15th, April to 22th, May(n=22), but those above 1,700m laid eggs from 28th, April to 27th, May(n=13), that 13 days were delayed at high altitude. 7. Food items of the chicks of the 5 species collected by the collar method were animal matters ; 91.3% of the food was forest insects such as Phalera asiimilis and Pleuroptya batteata except 8.7% of spiders.

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Satellite-derived high-resolution land cover classification using machine learning techniques: Focusing on inland wetlands in Korea (머신러닝 기법을 활용한 인공위성 자료 기반 고해상도 토지피복 분류: 국내 내륙습지를 중심으로)

  • Beomseo Kim;Seunghyun Hwang;Jeemi Sung;Hyeon-Joon Kim;Jongjin Baik;Changhyun Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.423-423
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    • 2023
  • 습지 생태계는 탄소저장고, 대기 온·습도 조절 등의 기능을 수행하는 만큼 면밀한 관리가 요구된다. 습지의 규모와 생태계는 밀접한 연관성을 가지므로 그 규모를 우선적으로 파악할 필요가 있으며, 이를 위해 지표면의 상태를 산지, 습지, 수역 등의 항목으로 구분한 토지피복지도가 고려될 수 있다. 현재, 환경부에서 운영 중인 환경공간정보서비스(https://egis.me.go.kr/)에서는 각각 30 m, 5 m, 1 m의 공간 해상도와 7, 22, 41가지 분류 항목을 갖는 대분류, 중분류, 세분류로 구분된 토지피복지도를 제공하며 이러한 자료들은 모두 1년 이상의 시간 해상도를 갖는다. 습지의 경우, 계절에 따른 환경 변화로 인한 규모의 변동성이 크게 나타날 수 있기 때문에 1년 이하의 시간 해상도를 갖는 고품질 토지피복 분류 정보가 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기존 자료의 낮은 시간 해상도 보완을 목표로, 1개월과 30 m의 시·공간 해상도를 갖는 토지피복지도를 구축하기 위한 방법론을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 Landsat-8 등과 같은 다양한 인공위성 자료를 수집하고, Support Vector Machine 등과 같은 머신러닝 기법을 적용하였다. 최종적으로 습지보전법에서 지정한 습지보호지역 중 내륙습지 26개소를 대상으로, 본 연구로부터 산출된 토지피복지도를 기존 환경공간정보서비스 내 대분류 토지피복지도와 비교·평가하였다.

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Comparison of Two Methodsto Estimate Urban Sensible Heat Flux by Using Satellite Images (위성 영상을 활용한 두 가지 현열 플럭스 추정 방법 간의 비교)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyuck;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2022
  • In orderto understand the urban thermal conditions, many studies have been conducted to estimate the thermal fluxes. Currently sensible heat fluxes are estimated through various methods, but studies about comparing the differences between each method are very insufficient. Therefore, this study try to estimate the sensible heat flux of the same area by two representative estimation methods and compare their results to confirm the significance and limitation between methods. As a result of the study, the heat balance methods has a great advantage in terms of resolution but it can not consider the anthropogenic heat flux, so sensible heat flux can be underestimated in urban areas. When estimating based on physical equation, anthropogenic heat flux can be considered and the error is relatively small, it has a limitations in time and space resolutons. The two methods showed the largest difference in industiral areas where anthropogenic heat fluxes are high, with an average of 135 W/m2 and a maximum of 400 W/m2. On the other hand, the green and water have a very small difference with and average of 20 W/m2. The results between two methods show significant differences in urban areas, it is necessary to select a suitable method for each research purpose.

Analysis of Land Cover Composition and Change Patterns in Islands, South Korea (우리나라 도서지역의 토지피복과 변화패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Jaebeom;Lee, Bora;Lee, Ho-Sang;Cho, Nanghyun;Park, Chanwoo;Lee, Kwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.190-200
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the island's land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) is analyzed in South Korea using remotely sensed land cover data(Globeland 30) acquired from 2000 to 2020 to meet the requirement of providing practical information for forest management. Analysis of LULCC between the 2000 and 2020 images revealed that changes to agricultural land were the most common type of change (7.6% of pixels), followed by changes to the forest (5.7%). The islands forests maintain 157,246 ha (42.2% of the total island area). Land cover types that changed to the forest from grasslands were 262 islands, while reverse cases have occurred on 421 islands. These 683 islands have a possibility of transition and disturbance. The artificial land class was newly calculated in 22 islands. The forests, which account for 42.2% of the 22 island area, turned into grassland, and 27.8% of agricultural land and grassland turned into forests. The development of artificial land often affects developed areas and surrounding areas, resulting in deforestation, management of agriculture, and landscaping. This study can provide insights concerning the fundamental data for assessing ecological functions and constructing forest management plans in islands ecosystems.

The Effect of Seasonal Input on Predicting Groundwater Level Using Artificial Neural Network (인공신경망을 이용한 지하수위 예측과 계절효과 반영을 위한 입력치의 영향)

  • Kim, Incheol;Lee, Junhwan
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2018
  • Artificial neural network (ANN) is a powerful model to predict time series data and have been frequently adopted to predict groundwater level (GWL). Many researchers have also tried to improve the performance of ANN prediction for GWL in many ways. Dummies are usually used in ANN as input to reflect the seasonal effect on predicted results, which is necessary for improving the predicting performance of ANN. In this study, the effect of Dummy on the prediction performance was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using several graphical methods, correlation coefficient and performance index. It was observed that results predicted using dummies for ANN model indicated worse performance than those without dummies.

Development of Natural and Ecological Wastewater Treatment System for Decentralized Regions and Rural Communities (분산지역 및 농촌마을 하수처리를 위한 자연정화 고도처리 공법 개발)

  • Kim, Song-Bae;Kwon, Tae-Young;Han, Jung-Yoon;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.4 s.118
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    • pp.489-497
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    • 2006
  • The feasibility of the Natural and Ecological Wastewater treatment System (NEWS) was examined for rural wastewater treatment in Korea. The intermittent trickling biofilter with high hydrophilic filter media was used for pretreatment for suspended solids and organic pollutants. The subsequent constructed wetland with porous granule materials was used for promoting nutrient removal. The results show that the removal efficiencies of the system were high with respect to the water quality parameters except COD. Even if the effluent from the biofilter did not meet the guidelines for wastewater treatment plant effluent in Korea in terms of $BOD_5$ and TN, the final effluent of the system meets the guidelines us to good performance of the constructed wetland. The regression analysis between pollutant loading rate and removal rate indicated that the system could have stable removal for SS, $BOD_5$, TN, and TP in the given influent ranges. The analysis in the winter period indicated that the wetland covered with transparent polycarbonate glass had the statble performance during the winter period dus to increase of temperature inside the wetland without any heating system. With the stable performance, effective poilutant removal, low maintenance, and cost-effectiveness, the NEWS could be considered as an alternative treatment system for decentralized regions and rural communities in Korea.

A Study on the Recovery Rate of Vegetation in Forest Fire Damage Areas Using Sentinel-2B Satellite Images (Sentinel-2B 위성 영상을 활용한 산불 피해지역 식생 회복률에 관한 연구)

  • Gumsung Cheon;Kwangil Cheon;Byung Bae Park
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 2023
  • The amount of damage and the area of damage to forest fires are increasing globally, and the effectiveness analysis of the restoration method after the damage is performed insufficient. This study calculated the area of forest fire damage was calculated using Sentinel-2B satellite images and stack map and the intensity of forest fire damage is analyzed according to the forest type. In addition, the vegetation index was calculated using various wavelength bands. Based on the results, the vegetation resilience by the restoration method was quantitatively. As results, areas with a high proportion of coniferous forests suffered high intensity forest fire damage, and areas with a relatively high ratio of mixed and broad-leaved forests tended to have low forest fire damage. Also, artificial forests showed a recovery of about 92.7% compared to before forest fires and natural forests showed a recovery of about 99.6% from the result of analyzing vegetation resilience in artificial and natural forests after forest fires. Accordingly, it was confirmed that natural forests after forest fire damage had superior vegetation resilience compared to artificial forests. It can be proposed that this study is meaningful in providing important information for efficiently restoring the affected target site and the selection criteria for trees to reduce forest fire damage through the evaluation of vegetation resilience by the intensity of forest fire damage and restoration methods.

Insect Fauna of Cemetery Area in Forest from Korea (산림 내 묘지 지역의 곤충상에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Young;Park, Jong-Kyun
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to know the insect fauna of turf grass area in forest. In Korea, graves and public cemetery in mountain areas are usually covered by turf grass which were mainly examined. There were 86 species belonging to 77 genera of 39 families in 11 orders. Among them, site 3 had highest occurrence (38%), second was site 2 (36%) and in the last place was site 1 (26%). Hemiptera revealed best species composition (29.1%) and came Coleoptera (19.8%), Orthoptera (15.1%), Lepidoptera (12.8%) and Odonata (5.8%) etc. The reason why Hemiptera and Orthoptera are mainly found in these areas is because they usually feed on short plants that grow in there. Taxonomic species composition, occurrence ratio by site and species and comparison analysis were provided.

Studies on Ecological Environments and Indoor-rearing Conditions of the Common Grass Yellow Butterfly, Eurema hecabe (남방노랑나비(Eurema hecabe)의 생태환경 및 실내사육 조건에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Se-Gwon;Nam, Gyoung-Pil;Son, Jai-Duk;Lee, Jin-Gu;Park, Young-Kyu;Choi, Young-Cheol;Lee, Young-Bo
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2012
  • The Aims of this study are to investigate ecological environments and indoor-rearing conditions of Eurema hecabe for artificial rearing. Two different nesting site, a open area nearby small river(A area; Daejin-ri, Gonyang-myeon, Sachun-si, Gyoungsangnam-do) and a foot of a hill area(B area; Noryang-ri, Seolcheon-myeon, Namhae-gun, Kyoungsangnam-do), selected for investigation of ecological habitat environment, and investigated two times per month, during six month, from June to November in 2010. In result, the number of butterflies, Eurema hecabe, at the hill area(B area) was 6 times more than the open area(A area). We observed the number of eggs, larvae and puapae in the B area more times compared to those in the A area. In the B area, Lespedeza cuneata was higher preference than the other host plant, Lespedeza pilosa and Albizia julibrissin. For development of indoor-rearing conditions, common grass yellow butterfly, Eurema hecabe, was reared in a room condition. As a result of oviposition preference experiment, 100-mated-female laid significantly higher number of eggs $104.9{\pm}19.6$ on Lespedeza cuneata plant, whereas the number of eggs was $12.7{\pm}4.5$ on Cassia obtusifolia plant. Moreover, the eggs hatched within $5.1{\pm}0.9$ days from the day of oviposition and procent of egg hatchability was 53.7% on host plant. The headwidth of each developmental larval stage were $0.36{\pm}0.02$(1st), $0.61{\pm}0.02$(2nd), $0.93{\pm}0.05$(3rd), $1.46{\pm}0.08$(4th), $2.25{\pm}0.11$(5th). The larval period was $12.1{\pm}0.9$ days under high temperature, long day condition($25^{\circ}C$, 16L : 8D), showing 81.0% pupal ratio. The pupal period was $6.9{\pm}0.7$ days, and the emergence rate was 79.6%. Based on above experiment, artificial rearing system of common grass yellow butterfly, Eurema hecabe was completed in indoor condition.

Breeding Ecology according to Altitude and Temperature Variation in Titmouse (고도와 기온변화와에 따른 박새류의 번식생태)

  • Kim, Dong-Min;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.666-675
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    • 2013
  • This research was carried out from March 2009 to July 2012 to explicate the height change based breeding-ecological characteristics of Titmice that were breeding in the artificial nests installed in the Halla Mountain. The first egg-laying day was delayed as the height of the area under investigation increased, and it turned out that the decrease in temperature due to the elevated height had influence on that delay (p<0.05). Generalizing the annual results of the analyses, we see that there was no significant correlation occurring between the average temperatures and egg-laying days in the breeding season (April~June) (p>0.05). The rate of artificial nest use was not different among areas and among year, but between the species, Parus major and Parus varius. There were differences in clutch sizes among species (p>0.05), but no differences in heights and years (p<0.05). The hatching-, fledging-, and breeding-success rates were 67.3%, 99.5%, and 67.0% respectively in 2011, and 71.3%, 96.8%, 69.0% respectively in 2012, from which we can tell that the fledging-success rate was high but the hatching- and breeding-success rates were similar. Though we confirm that temperature changes due to height differences had influence on breeding periods, but we cannot identify a significant correlation with other breeding-ecological characteristics. Thus, in order to more precisely explicate the influence of temperature changes due to heights on Titmice's breeding, long-term research is needed in terms of the investigation of microclimatic factors and food resource.