• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이익의 지속성

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The Influence R&D Investment in Small & Medium Enterprises Technological Innovation Areashas on economic effect;centering around the number of supporting subject and supporting amount (중소기업 기술혁신분야 연구개발(R&D)투자가 경제적 효과에 미치는 영향;지원과제수와 지원금액틀 중심으로)

  • Park, Gyung-Ju
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.101-122
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    • 2007
  • In this study, as the result of analyzing the relationship and influence between economic outcome and R&D supporting investment, the number of supporting subjects among the technological innovational areas of SMEs, it is as below. First, as the economic result of analyzing companies from the investment in R&D of technological innovational areas of minor companies, the number of supporting subjects and amount of R&D have relationship with increase of sales and export amount, employee reduction & the effect of new job creation shows positive correlation with the effect of import replacement. Second, as analyzing the influence of the investment in R&D has economic effect from of technological innovational minor companies. This is thought that the financial and R&D support increase a significant effect on economical, technical against SMEs.

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Legal Issues and Regulatory Discussions in Generative AI (생성형 AI의 법적 문제와 규제 논의 동향)

  • Kim, Beop-Yeon
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.3-33
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    • 2024
  • This paper summarizes the legal problems and issues raised in relation to generative AI. In addition, we looked at what regulatory discussions individual countries or international organizations have in order to solve or respond to these issues or to minimize the risks posed by generative AI. Infringement of individual basic rights raised by generative AI, the emergence and control of new crimes, monopolization of specific markets and environmental issues are mainly discussed, and although there are some differences in the necessity and direction of regulation, most countries seem to have similar views. Regarding AI, the issues that are currently being raised have been discussed continuously from the beginning of its appearance. Although certain issues have been discussed relatively much, there are some differences between countries, and situations that require consideration of phenomena different from the past are emerging. It seems that regulations and policies are being refined according to the situation of individual countries. In a situation where various issues are rapidly emerging and changing, measures to minimize the risk of AI and to enjoy the utility and benefits of AI through the use of safe AI should be sought. It will be necessary to continuously identify and analyze international trends and reorganize AI-related regulations and detailed policies suitable for Korea.

A study of the income inequality of the aged in OECD 10 countries - Focusing on the life course perspective (OECD 10개국 노인의 소득불평등에 관한 연구 -생애주기관점을 중심으로-)

  • Ji, Eun Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.333-370
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    • 2011
  • This study views the aged inequalities according to the inequality hypothesis of the life course perspective in OECD 10 countries. Focusing on educational level which is early social status and welfare state regime which is social structure factors of inequality, this study analyzes income inequality for the aged who have transformed into old age period from non-aged period. The analysis is based on the data SHARE of Europe and HRS of USA. The main results of this study are summarized in four points. First, the income inequality is quite high by welfare system and the educational level. Second, the income inequality is somewhat reduced in case the people move from the period of non-aged to the period of aged. However, gini coefficient is still high(0.475). Considering welfare state regimes, although the income inequality is high in conservative regime of non-aged period, this would be higher in aged period. This result supports cumulative advantages/disadvantages hypothesis. The liberal regime remains high income inequality which supports the theoretical argument of status maintenance. Social democratic regime provides evidence to offer some support for the status leveling hypothesis. In there, income inequality is lower in aged period even though income inequality of non-aged period is low. Third, the cumulative advantages/disadvantages of disposable income according to educational level are strengthened and heterogeneity is grown in case people transition from the late period of non-aged to aged period. But public pension has been more equally distributed than gross income. Fourth, seeing welfare state regimes, public pension of aged-period is more inequally distributed than that of non-aged period in liberal and conservative regime. Specially in conservative regime, inequality of gross income is very high and public pension is also inequally distribute So this might show that the social security system strengthens the cumulative advantages/disadvantages. However, in the social democratic regime, public pension is more equally distributed than gross income and it could be much more equally distributed in aged period, which can support the status leveling hypothesis.

Needs and Implementations of Enhanced Capstone Design Course in the Field of Civil Engineering (토목공학분야의 개선된 종합설계과목의 필요성 및 적용)

  • Kim, Jang-Ho Jay;Park, Joon-Hong;Choi, Sung-Uk;Heo, Jun-Haeng;Han, Kyong-Hee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2010
  • Civil engineering based on construction and maintenance of infrastructures for social and human development, it has a conservative aspects to adopt the high-technology and pace of change from ancient society. Therefore, the education of civil engineering consists of very similar contents from the past until now. Also, civil engineering, area is established the infrastructure widely included structure, geotechnical, hydraulic, environmental, surveying, construction management. Civil engineering have totally difference characteristics compared to manufacturing industry field for market interests such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, material engineering etc. Therefore, the capstone design concepts of civil engineering for public interests must be changed and applied unlike any other engineering areas capstone design. In this paper, the modified capstone design contents and instruction in civil engineering of Yonsei University is informed and evaluated using undergraduate students' course evaluations and learning assessment to verify the efficiency of modified capstone design in civil engineering.

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A Study on the Charterer's Duty & Right in Applying Laytimes of the Voyage Charterparty (항해용선계약상 정박기간에 관한 용선자의 권리와 의무에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Jae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.83-104
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    • 2012
  • The main purpose of tramp ships in shipping markets is to produce operation profits by minimizing the running days in a contract of the voyage charterparty. It is an especially difficult task for the owners to earn operation profits in the present recessional shipping market. Tramp ships are moving towards globalization in order to look for a variety of cargoes, which are distinguished from the liners operating regularly as per the fixed time schedule. Tramp shipping, therefore, requires special attention every voyage to secure operation efficiency which comes from minimized sea and laytime in port. The laytime is allowed by owners but if the charterers use more laytime than that which is incorporated in the charterparty, then a compensation known as 'demurrage' must be paid to owners. Conversely if the time is shorter this is called 'despatch' and in this case the owners are paid. As the laytime issue in the voyage charter is somewhat delicate, it often causes much disputes between charterers and owners during the cargo handling in ports. This study focuses on the charterers' right and duty on the laytime which is usually applied for the benefit of the charterers. Reference is also made to English law cases to reinforce this study and the conclusion will make relevant suggestions for further research.

Exploring Countries Eligible for Official Development Assistance Towards Global Forest Conservation Focusing on Green ODA Criteria (Green ODA 요건에 따른 산림 분야 공적개발원조 대상국 탐색)

  • Jang, Eun-Kyung;Choi, Gayoung;Moon, Jooyeon;Jeon, Chulhyun;Choi, Eunho;Choi, Hyung-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.2
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    • pp.330-344
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    • 2022
  • While deforestation and forest degradation has continued globally, global society has been making efforts to prevent deforestation towards sustainable development. Reforestation in developing countries is linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as climate change mitigation, conservation of biodiversity, eradication of poverty and upholding of human rights. Forest official development assistance (ODA) restores the global forest land, and increases the public benefit. Bilateral forest ODA projects of the Republic of Korea have gradually increased and most of those projects have currently been concentrated in Asian countries. Selecting recipient countries for forest ODA requires more comprehensive approach since the global goals for sustainable development has been widely adapted to ODA strategic plans. We proposed potentially promising countries that are eligible for receiving 'Green ODA' in perspective of economic, social and environment to implement reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+), conserving biodiversity, and combating desertification. As a result, the study suggests that forestry cooperation could be expanded from Asian countries more toward South America and African countries. In addition, we emphasized the need to promote convergence and integration with green technology to fundamentally solve the negative impacts of deforestation such as food, energy, water resource shortages, and forest fires. We advocated expanding bilateral ODA in the forestry sector through diversification of project activities, financial sources, and participants. Our study can contribute to the provision of basic information for establishing long-term strategies to expand bilateral cooperation in the forestry sector.

ESG management should consider environmental sustainability (환경 측면의 고려가 절실하게 요구되는 ESG 경영)

  • Chang Seok Lee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.248-256
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    • 2023
  • ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, becomes a keyword in managing a company as it becomes an "indicator" that judge companies. Since the environment has suffered so much damage for economic development, it is now to reflect the enormous environmental costs of the future in the management standard rather than the immediate financial benefits at the expense of the environment. Compared to the days when corporate social responsibility (CSR) was discussed, ESG management has improved significantly as it requires practice beyond the declarative level, but the level of consideration for the environmental field is still not high. There may be many backgrounds, but the biggest problem may be the lack of understanding for other fields. Accordingly, this study aims to inform corporates of the need for investment in the environmental field by explaining ESG reviewed in the environmental field and ESG management required in the environmental field. Furthermore, another purpose is to inform them that ESG management is a win-win strategy that can have a meaningful effect not only in the environmental field where investment is received but also in terms of companies by explaining the benefits that companies can gain through this. To reach this goal, this study proposed a method of restoring a damaged ecosystem based on corporate investment, evaluating its effects based on carbon absorption capacity, and using it as a means of carbon neutrality practice as well as ESG management performance of a company.

Using Fuzzy Set-Quality Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to Explore the Factors Influencing on the Hindrance to Tourist Resident's Quality of Life (퍼지셋 질적 비교 분석(fsQCA)을 활용한 관광지 거주민들의 삶의 질 저하에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구 )

  • Hyunae Lee;Hee Chung Chung;Juyeon Ham;Namho Chung
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.113-133
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    • 2019
  • Gentrification, caused by residents who are being forced out due to the rise of rent with vitalization by an excessive increase of city tourists and Touristification, meaning of phenomenon of residents' migration caused by residential area turning into tourist attraction have recently pointed out as a global problem. In Korea, the phenomenon such as environmental pollution, the rise of land value and rent, and the weakening of community culture in Jeju island and Bukchon Hanok Village has appeared as well. This phenomenon has become a serious problem by hindering resident's quality of life. In this circumstance, Smart tourism city has been regarded as a solution of these problems. Hence, this study chose Busan city, which has been designated as a smart city since 2015, and examined the complex impacts of the economic benefits, social costs, environmental substantiality, cultural benefits, and technical effects derived from tourism development on the residents' deteriorated quality of life based on Fuzzy-set Qualitative Analysis (fsQCA). As a result, three patterns of the hindrance to residents' quality of life were derived. If social costs of tourism development are perceived to be large, the residents perceive deteriorated quality of life, even if they recognize essential benefits (technological and economic benefits) (Pattern #1) or secondary benefits (environmental and cultural benefits) (Pattern #2) of tourism development. In addition, some residents were found not to recognize any benefits of tourism development (Pattern #3).

Financial Analysis on Changes in Profitability for Chaebol Firms in the Post-period of the Global Financial Turmoil (국제금융위기 이후 국내 재벌 계열사들의 수익성 변화요인에 대한 재무분석)

  • Kim, Hanjoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.352-362
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    • 2019
  • The study investigates one of the long-standing, but still controversial issues in modern finance from the international and domestic perspectives. That is, financial components and differences on corporate profitability are identified and compared under the primary hypotheses. Empirical research settings include the sample data as KOSPI-listed chaebol firms, time reference covering the post-era of the global financial turmoil and two differently defined profitability indices measured by the market- and the book-value bases. A majority of total 7 explanatory variables except firm size and leverage ratio reveal their statistically significant power to explain profitability indices for the chaebol firms in the first hypothesis. The results are generally compatible with those obtained from their counterparts of non-chaebol firms. In the second hypothesis applying multinomial logistic model, the chaebol firms are classified into three groups according to the level of profitability. It is then confirmed that variables to represent the market-valued debt ratio, business risk and growth potential are financially discriminating factors among the three groups. The study may provide a new vision to identify financial factors of corporate profitability for Korean chaebol firms after the global financial crisis, which can enhance the benefits of interested parties at the government or corporate level in a virtuous cycle.

Basic Science and Technology Policy Toward the 21st Century) (21세기 대비 기초과학정책의 방향)

  • 송충한
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.6-6
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    • 1998
  • 다가오는 21세기를 대비하여 많은 나라들이 정보와 지식을 확보함으로써 국제적 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해 노력하고 있다. 특히 지식의 공급원천인 기초과학에 대해서는 그 본질을 훼손하지 않으면서 기초과학을 국가경쟁력 강화에 어떻게 연계시키느냐에 초점을 맞추어 정책을 수립하고 있다. 21세기를 앞둔 지금 우리의 바람직한 기초과학정책의 방향은 우리의 현실을 바탕으로 한 실용적이면서, 기초과학이 지니는 특성을 충분히 감안한 것이어야 한다. 따라서 21세기 우리의 기초과학정책이 추구해야 할 목표를 다음과 같이 3가지로 설정하고자 한다. 첫째 지식의 증진, 둘째 과학기술인력의 양성, 셋째 경제성장과 삶의 질 향상에 기여이다. 이 세 가지 목표는 상호 독립적으로 존재할 수 없으며 상호 밀접하게 연계되어야 한다. 이 세 가지 목표를 달성하기 위한 추진전략은 다음과 같다. (ⅰ) 기초과학에 대한 지속적인 정부지원의 강화 : 기초과학에 대한 지원은 정부가 중추적인 역할을 담당해야 하며, 창의적 연구와 학제간 연구에 대한 지원을 강화하여야 한다. (ⅱ) 연구와 교육의 연계를 통한 과학기술인력의 양성에 기여 : 창의적이고 수준 높은 연구를 통해 훌륭한 과학기술인력이 양성되어야 한다. 지식기반경제 하에서 훌륭한 과학기술인력은 미래의 우리 나라의 성공을 좌우하는 요소가 될 것이다. (ⅲ) 국제적 연계의 강화 : 우리 나라의 SCI 점유율은 1%에 불과하다. 국제적 과학기술연계를 통하여 세계의 과학기술지식에 접근하고 협력의 이익을 얻을 수 있어야 한다. (ⅳ) 프로그램 위주의 지원방식과 분야별 지원방식의 병행 추진 : 기초과학에 사용될 수 있는 자원은 한정되어 있으므로 해당 분야의 특성과 경제 사회적 요구를 감안하여 분야별 우선 지원을 병행하여야 한다. 분야별 우선 지원을 위해서는 분야별 전망보고서가 작성되어야 한다. 그러나 분야별 우선 지원 분야의 도출 및 이의지원은 창의적 연구에 대한 보완적 개념으로 이루어져야 한다. 선진국의 경우에도 우선 지원분야에 대한 연구비 배분은 5-10%사이이다. (ⅴ) 성과관리를 통한 지원효과의 극대화 : 기초과학의 지원에 있어서 그 성과를 특정한다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니지만 연구비 지원효과를 극대화하기 위해서는 프로그램 평가를 통해 성과관리를 하여야 한다. (ⅵ) 효율적인 혁신시스템의 구축 : 혁신시스템의 효율적인 운영이 매우 중요하다. 이를 위해서는 첫째, 연구부문과 산업부문을 연결시킬 수 있고, 새로운 분야를 담아낼 수 있는 유연한 분야분류체계를 정립하여야 하고, 둘째 연구결과의 효율적인 활용이 이루어져야 하며, 셋째 연구지원기관간 연계시스템의 구축을 구축하여야 한다.

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