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Establishment Moving Picture & Recover of Image Eliminated Overlap Pixel using Picture Resemblance pattern (닮은패턴을 이용한 중첩영상 소거 동영상 화면복원법)

  • Jin, Hyun-Soo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, it is presented the method of image recovering which existing is only pixel processing, but suggesting method is concluding image clustering overlap degree after classfying around unit fixel to crowd pixel. Concluding overlap degree threshold value is after identifying pattern pixel and grasping geometry structure of sample pattern and deduction of deciding function. distinguishing feature space is above four dimension is reason of not visual observation of pattern structure. consideration of distribution structure is distance of center of crowd pixel, the number of each crowd pattern pixel and standard deviation. The over threshold value elimate the overlap image and the downward is recovered and established dynamic image. memory storage deduction of 20% and elevation of 15% performance is estimated in recovery of image.

Relationship between Vaginal Cytology and Reproductive Hormone during the Estrous Cycle and Optimal Mating Time in Beagle Dogs (비글개에서 발정 주기 및 교배 적기 동안 질세포상과 번식 호르몬의 관계)

  • Lee K.C.;Kang H.G.;Cheun H.M.;Kim I.H.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to examine relationship between vaginal cytology and reproductive hormones during the estrous cycle and to provide basic data to estimate for ovulation time and optimal mating time in 6 beagle dogs The duration of proestrus, estrus and diestrus were 8.5±1.4,10.0±1.4and54.0±2.8 days at pregnant respectively, and 7.9±2.1,9.5±0.7and62.0±11.3 days at non-pregnant respectively. The duration of interestrous intervals were 246.2±24.5 days at pregnancy, and 175.3±34.5 days at non-pregnancy. The duration of interestrous intervals at pregnancy was longer than that of non-pregnancy. A characteristic features of vaginal cytology during the estrous cycle were the high proportion of superficial cell, anuclear cell and erythrocyte in proestrus and estrus, parabasal cell, small intermediate cell and leukocyte in diestrus, and parabasal cell and small intermediate cell in anestrus, respectively. Cornification index (CI) in proestrus and estrus were significantly higher than that of CI in diestrus and anestrus. Plasma progesterone concentration was below 1.0 ng/ml at the first day of vulval bleeding at pregnancy and non-pregnancy, and then it was above 2.0 ng/ml at Day -2 in all bitches. When plasma progesterone concentration was first increased above 4.0 ng/ml, it was the second day after the first day of male acceptance. Plasma progesterone concentration showed above 40 ng/ml on Day 2022 in all bitches, and then it was gradually decreased until Day 35. Plasma progesterone concentration at pregnancy was higher than that of non-pregnancy from Day 35 to Day 63. Plasma estradiol-17β concentration was above 9.0 pg/ml at the first day of vulval bleeding, and it showed 26.4 pg/ml on Day -2. When it was timed from the first day of male acceptance (Day 0), plasma estradiol-17β concentration showed a peak on Day 0 and plasma progesterone concentration was first increased above 4.0 ng/ml on Day 2 which was the third day after plasma estradiol-17β peak. CI was first increased above 80 and 90% on Day -1 and Day 1, respectively. CI was maintained above 80% from Day -1 to Day 8 (10 days) and above 90% from Day 1 to Day 6 (6 days), respectively. CI was maintained above 80% from Day 0 to Day 8 (9 days) and above 90% from Day 1 to Day 6 (6 days), respectively. Plasma progesterone concentration was first increased above 4.0 ng/ml on the second day after the day which CI was first increased above 90%. In conclusion, beagle bitches ovulated on the second day after the day which CI was first increased above 90% and on the day which plasma progesterone concentration was first increased 4.0 ng/ml, and it was estimated that the optimal mating time was the day which the second day after CI was first increased above 90% and plasma concentration was between 225ng/ml. The measurement of plasma progesterone was used to determine of and accurate ovulation time and the optimal mating time, but vaginal cytology is low-priced and simple method to estimate estrous cycle, optimal mating time and ovulation time.

Detection Characteristics of Gamma-Irradiated Korean Medicinal Herbs by Using PSL, TL, and ESR (PSL, TL 및 ESR 분석에 의한 감마선 조사 한약재의 검지 특성)

  • Yang, Hee-Sun;Park, Yong-Dae;Jin, Chang-Hyun;Choi, Dae-Seong;Chung, Hyung-Wook;Byun, Myung-Woo;Jeong, Il-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.1529-1533
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    • 2008
  • The detection characteristics of gamma-irradiated (010.0kGy) medicinal herbs (Platycodon grandiflorum, Acanthopanax chiisanensis) were investigated by photostimulated luminescence (PSL), thermoluminescence (TL), and electron spin resonance (ESR). The results of the PSL, a first screening method in comparison with the TL, showed photon counts greater than 5,000 counts/60 s (positive) in the irradiated samples, while the non-irradiated samples yielded photon counts less than 700 counts/60 s (negative). The TL was also applied for the detection method of irradiated medicinal herbs and showed that the non-irradiated sample revealed a glow curve with a low intensity, while the irradiated samples showed a higher intensity. These results were normalized by re-irradiating the mineral grains with a irradiation dose of 1.0 kGy, and a second glow curve was recorded. The ratio of the intensity of the first glow curve (TL1) to that after the normalization dose (TL2) was determined and compared with the recommended threshold values. TL ratio (TL1/TL2) was below 0.007 for the non-irradiated sample and higher than 0.1 for all irradiated samples (above 1.0 kGy). ESR spectroscopy revealed specific signals (6.065 mT) derived from free radicals in cellulose containing irradiated medicinal herbs. The P. grandiflorum showed clearer signals than A. chiisanensis. From the results of our studies, the PSL, TL, and ESR determinations were found to be suitable for the detection of irradiated medicinal herbs such as P. grandiflorum and A. chiisanensis.

Cross-sectional Survey for Prevalence Rate of Scoliosis in Primary, Middle and High School Boys in Pusan City (부산시내 남자 초.중.고등학생의 척추측만증 유병률 측정을 위한 단면조사)

  • Kim, Bok-Yong;Park, Jung-Han;Kim, Poong-Taek
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.21 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 1988
  • A cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of scoliosis in elementary, middle and high school boys in May 1988. The study population included 1,393 male students in Pusan ; 463 students of 4th grade in two elementary schools, 543 students of 1st grade in one middle school and 387 students of 1st grade in one high school. The students of elementary school were screened with inspection by two physicians at the same time and the students of middle and high schools were screened with both inspection by the same physicians and 70mm chest X-ray. Positive students in any one of the two screening tests were measured for height and body weight and asked for the shoulder side on which he carries the school bag. The angle of curvature on X-ray film was measured by Cobb's method. The number of positive students in any one of the two screening tests were 15(3.2%) in elementary schools, 174(32.0%) in middle school and 92(23.8%) in high school. However, positive rates in both tests were only 2.2% for the middle school students and 2.6% for the high school students and among these students 1.1% out of total middle school students and 2.3% of high school students had a curvature equal to or greater than 5 of Cobb's angle on 70mm chest X-ray film. There was a statistically significant association between the direction of spinal curve and the shoulder side on which one carries school bag among positive students in both screening 1.sts (p<0.05) Mean height and body weight of 281 positive students in any one of two screening tests were compared with the Korean standard for the same age. Mean weight of elementary school students was nearly the same as the standard weight but the height was slightly shorter than the standard. However, both mean height and weight of the middle school students were lower than the standard while those of the high school students were higher. The prevalence rate of scoliosis for the 2nd and 3rd grades of high school is presumed to be higher than that of the 1st grade of high school and the rate for girls will be even higher than the rate for boys of the same age. Thus, scoliosis seems to be an important school health problem. To prevent scoliosis, it is recommeded to reduce the weight of school bag, educate the students to keep a right posture and exercise periodically.

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Development of Prediction Technique of Landslide Hazard Area in Korea National Parks (국립공원의 산사태 발생 위험지역 예측기법의 개발)

  • Ma, Ho-Seop;Jeong, Won-Ok;Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.3
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    • pp.326-331
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to analyze the characteristics of each factors by using the quantification theory(I) for prediction of landslide hazard area. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows; The stepwise regression analysis between landslide sediment (m3 ) and environmental factors, factors affecting landslide sediment (m3 ) were high in order of mixed (forest type), < 15 cm(soil depth), 801~1,200 m (altitude), 3140 (slope gradient), 46 cm < (soil depth), 1,201 m < (altitude) and s(aspect). According to the range, it was shown in order of soil depth (0.3784), altitude (0.2876), forest type (0.2409), slope gradient (0.1728) and aspect (0.1681). The prediction of landslide hazard area was estimated by score table of each category. The extent of prediction score was 0 to 1.2478, and middle score was 0.6239. Class I was over 1.1720, class II was 0.7543 to 0.1719, class III was 0.4989 to 0.7542 and class IV was below 0.4988.

Effects of Dry Matter Content of Liquid Swine Manure on Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of Italian Ryegrass, Rye and Oat, and the Chemical Characteristics of Soil in Jeju (제주지역에서 건물 함량이 다른 돈분 액비 시용이 이탈리안 라이그라스, 호밀 및 귀리의 수량, 사료가치 및 토양 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Sang-Taek;Kim, Moon-Chul;Hwang, Kyoung-Jun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of two dry matter levels of liquid swine manure on dry matter yield and nutritive value of Italian ryegrass, rye and oats, and the chemical characteristics of soil in Jeju. This experiment tested in split plot design. Three forage crops (Italian ryegrass, rye and oats) were the main plot and four fertilizers (no fertilizer=T0, chemical fertilizer=T1, liquid swine manure with DM 2.7%=T2 and liquid swine manure with DM 5.9 %=T3) were the sub plots. Yield and nutrient contents of forage crops and soil properties were determined. Application of liquid swine manure containing 5.9% dry matter resulted in highest DM yield in all three forage crops species compared with the other treatments (p<0.01). Crude protein content(%) and crude protein yield(kg/ha) of forage crops were highest in rye compared with the other forage crops species(p<0.01). K and Mg contents of soil were higher(p<0.01) in rye than in the other species while Na contents was higher(p<0.01) in Italian ryegrass than others. Mg content of soil appeared higher in rye than in the others and higher(p<0.05) in forage crops applied with liquid manure containing 2.7% DM compared with the other species. NO3N contents in soil was lower in rye than the other species and higher in species with chemical fertilizer. These findings indicate that most of liquid swine manure produced on local pig farms containing low levels of dry matter and other nutrients suggest a low efficiency of its use as a fertilizer. The liquid swine manure is recommended as a fertilizer for rye production in winter, compared with Italian ryegrass or oat.

Cardioprotective Effect by Preconditioning with Calcium-free Solution (칼슘결핍용액 투여 전처치에 의한 심근보호 효과)

  • 조대윤;이종화;김호덕
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.9
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    • pp.773-780
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    • 1999
  • Background: It has been demonstrated that brief periods of calcium depletion and repletion (calcium-free preconditioning, CP) have cardioprotective effects as seen in ischemic preconditioning(IP) which enhances the recovery of post-ischemic contractile dysfunction and reduces the incidence of reperfusion-induced arrhythmia or infarct size after a prolonged ischemia. In the present study, we tested this paradoxical phenomenon in isolated rabbit hearts. Material and Method: Hearts isolated from New Zealand white rabbits(1.5∼2.0 Kg body weight) were perfused with Tyrode solution using the Langendorff technique. After stabilizing the baseline hemodynamics, the hearts were subjected to 45 minutes of global ischemia followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion with IP(IP group, n=7) or without IP (ischemic control group, n=7). IP was induced by a single episode of 5 minutes global ischemia and 10 minutes reperfusion. In the CP group(n=7), the hearts were subjected to perfusion with Tyrode solution with calcium depletion for 5 minutes and repletion for 10 minutes, and 45 minutes of ischemia and 120 minutes of reperfusion. Left ventricular function including developed pressure, dP/dt, heart rate, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and coronary flow was measured. Infarct size was determined by staining with 1% triphenyltetrazolium chloride and planimetry. Data were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test. Result: In comparison with the ischemic control group, IP significantly enhanced the recovery of the left ventricular function including the left ventricular developed pressure, contractility, and coronary flow; in contrast, these functional parameters of the CP group tended to be lower than those of the ischemic control group. However, the infarct size was significantly reduced by IP or CP(p<0.05). Conclusion: These results suggest that in isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit heart model, CP(induced by single episode of 5 minutes calcium depletion and 10 minutes repletion) could not improve the post-ischemic contractile dysfunction(after a 45-minute global ischemia) but it has an infarct size-limiting effect.

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The Effect of the Serum Progesterone and Estradiol Levels of hCG Administration Day on the Pregnancy and Fertilization Rate in IVF-ET Patients (체외수정 과배란 유도에서 hCG 주사 당일의 혈청 Progesterone과 Estradiol 농도가 수정율 및 임신율에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Sook;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Bae, Do-Hwan
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 1996
  • Controlled Ovarian hyperstimulation(COH) is generally used to obtain synchronous high quality oocytes in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer(IVF-ET). Many investigators have studied the relationship between serum hormone levels and outcomes of IVF-ET because there is no accurate estimation method of oocyte quality. Early premature luteinization of follicles before oocyte retrieval is the most troublesome problem in COH for IVF-ET. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists(GnRH-a) are used as adjuncts with gonadotropins for COH in patients undergoing in IVF. The possible benefits of GnRH-a pretreatment include improving oocyte quality, allowing a more synchronous cohort of follicles to be recruited, and preventing premature lueinization hormone surges. In COH of IVF cycles, we investigated whether an elevated progesterone(P4) level on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) administration indicates premature luteinization and is associated with a lower fertilization rate. Many investigators have studied that the lower fertilization rates seen in patients with elevated P4 levels might result from an adverse effect of P4 on the oocytes. We hypothesizes that serum P4 levels around the day of hCG may be helpful prediction of out come in IVF-ET cycles. Success rates after COH of IVF-ET cycles are dependent upon many variable factors. Follicular factors including the number of follicles, follicular diameters and especially serum estradiol(E2) levels as an indirect measurement of follicular function and guality have been thought to influence the outcomes of IVF-ET. To assess whether serum P4 and E2 levels affect the fertilization and pregnancy rate, we reviewed the stimulation cycles of 113 patients (119 cycles) undergoing IVF-ET with short protocol with GnRH-a, from March 1993 to August 1994 retrospectively. The serum P4 and E2 levels were compared on the day of hCG in the pregnant group, 45 patients(47 cycles) and in the non-pregnant group, 68 patients (72 cycles) respectively. The serum E2 level in non-pregnant group was 1367±875.8 pg/ml which was significantly lower than that of pregnant group, 1643±987.9 pg/ml( p< 0.01 ). And the serum P4 level in non-pregnant group was 2.1±1.4 ng/ml which was significantly higher than that of pregnant group, 1.0±0.7 ng/ml( p< 0.001 ). The fertilization rate was 61.3±21.3 in pregnant group which was higher than that of non-pregnant group, 41.1±20.2 (p< 0.01). We suggest that the serum levels of P4 and E2 on the day of hCG administration are additional parameters that predict the outcomes of IVF-ET cycles.

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Body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis in children below 7 years old (7세 미만의 소아에서 생체전기저항법에 의한 체성분 분석)

  • Jung, Jiyoung;Kim, Han Wool;Kim, Tae Hyun;Hong, Young Mi
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Body composition is important to define and manage obesity and undernutrition. Obesity is a significant health problem with medical and psychological consequences for children and adolescents. Body composition analysis (BIA) is a simple, rapid, noninvasive, and reproducible technique. However, comparative analysis of body composition has not been done in young children below 7 years old. The aim of this study is to estimate antropometric data and body composition by BIA, and to investigate the correlation between anthropometric data and fat mass or fat percent in young children. Methods : We measured height, weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass, and fat percent by BIA in 1,376 children aged 3-6 years of whom 688 were males and 688 were females. Results : Fat mass, fat percent, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein, and minerals were significantly higher in the obese group. A significant positive correlation exists between fat mass and BMI or weight. A significant positive linear correlation was also noted between fat percent and BMI. Protein, weight, fat mass, and fat percent were significantly different among groups. Conclusion : BIA is an objective, accurate method to estimate body fat in childhood obesity cases. Fat mass and fat percent data acquired by using BIA highly correlated with BMI. However, a large-scale study is needed to diagnose obesity in young children.

Genetic Variation of Pinus densiflora Populations in South Korea Based on ESTP Markers (ESTP 표지를 이용한 국내 소나무 집단의 유전변이)

  • Ahn, Ji Young;Hong, Kyung Nak;Lee, Jei Wan;Hong, Yong Pyo;Kang, Hoduck
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.279-289
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    • 2015
  • Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of thirteen Pinus densiflora populations in South Korea were estimated using nine ESTP (Expressed Sequence Tag Polymorphism) markers. The numbers of allele and the effective allele were 2.2 and 1.8, respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 98.8%. The observed and the expected heterozygosity were 0.391 and 0.402, respectively, and the eleven populations except for Ahngang and Gangneung population were under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium state. The level of genetic differentiation (Wright’s FST = 0.057) was higher than those of isozyme or nSSR markers. We could not find out any relationship between the genetic distance and geographic distribution among populations from cluster analysis. Also, the genetic differentiation between populations was not correlated with the geographic distance (r = 0.017 and P = 0.344 from Mantel test). From the result of FST-outlier analysis to identify a locus under selection, six loci were detected at confidence interval of 99% by the frequentist’s method. However, only three loci (sams2+AluⅠ, sams2+RsaⅠ, PtNCS_p14A9+HaeⅢ) were presumed as outliers by Bayesian method. The sams2+AluⅠ and sams2+RsaⅠlocus were originated from the sams2 gene and seemed to be the loci under balancing selection.