• Title/Summary/Keyword: 의미지식

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Implications of the 'Sontanda' Phenomenon of Scientists for Science Education: Focusing on Ian Hacking's Creation of Phenomena (과학자의 '손탄다' 현상이 과학교육에 주는 함의 -이언 해킹의 현상의 창조를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jinhyeon;Jeon, Sang-Hak
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.253-264
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of scientists from the perspective of Ian Hacking's 'creation of phenomena'. Scientific phenomena, according to Hacking, are regular and do not exist in nature without the intervention of scientists or experimental tools. This study tries to derive scientific educational meaning by analyzing the thoughts and episodes of the 'Sontanda (inter-individual variability)' phenomenon experienced by four life scientists. The Sontanda phenomenon is a common term used by scientists to describe phenomena in which findings do not appear consistently even when studies are carried out using the same experimental procedure and materials. The following four educational implications were discovered as a result of the research. First, we confirmed the importance of embodied knowledge, or non-verbal knowledge, which solves issues by making appropriate judgments and reactions at all times, rather than simply becoming accustomed to the experimental method. This argues that propositional knowledge and non-verbal knowledge should be handled equally in order to provide students with a practical scientific inquiry. Second, we tried to reconsider the picture of the experiment. The phenomenon revealed in the interviews of scientists is rare, and it takes a long time to stabilize the phenomenon. On the other hand, the image of school experiments is always positive and consistent, necessitating a shift in perspective. Third, the precise meaning of scientific practice could be confirmed. This study confirms that scientists use their knowledge effectively in line with the circumstances, and we examined strategies to apply scientific practice to school instruction based on this. Finally, by provoking uncertainty, the Sontanda phenomena may give students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful scientific involvement. By breaking away from the cookbook experiment, this study expects school experimental education to help in efforts to experience scientific practice.

A Study on the Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Fraction in the Elementary School Mathematics (초등수학에서 분수에 관한 교수학적 내용 지식 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2007
  • This study is aimed at development of pedagogical content knowledge on fraction in the elementary school mathematics. Elementary students regard fraction as the difficult topic in school mathematics. Furthermore, fraction is the fundamentally important concept in studying mathematics. So it is important to develop the pedagogical content knowledge on fraction. The reason of attention to the pedagogical content knowledge is that improving the quality of teaching is the central focus of a high quality mathematics education. Shulman suggested that various knowledges are required for teacher to improve their classes. Of course, pedagogical content knowledge is the most valuable in teaching mathematics. Pedagogical content knowledge is related to the promotion of students' understanding about the learning. Pedagogical content knowledges are categorized by five factors in this study. These are understanding about curriculum, understanding about students and students' knowledge, understanding about teachers and teachers' knowledge, understanding about the methods, contents, and management of class, and understanding about methods of assessments. I develop the pedagogical content knowledge on fraction according to the these categories. I concentrate on the two types of pedagogical content knowledges in developing. That is, I present knowledges which teachers have to know for teaching fraction effectively and materials which teachers can use during the teaching fraction. Pedagogical content knowledges guarantee teachers as the professionalists. Teachers should not teach only content knowledges but teach various knowledges including the meta-knowledges which have relation to fraction.

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The Development of Design Knowledge Management System Using Data Mining (Data Mining 기법을 활용한 디자인 지식경영 시스템 구축)

  • 양종열;오민권;최경은
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.281-290
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    • 2003
  • In the knowledge and information-based age of today, it would be fair to say that the compatibility of each person, enterprise, and nation can be evaluated by how each of them manages and maintains the knowledge created from data and information. Since the importance and necessity of knowledge management has been acknowledged, there have been studies to create, apply, and evaluate the knowledge concerning design. Previous studies done on this subject can be divided into three main categories - CRM, online statistical research, and eCRM - according to the materials used to create knowledge. These studies are meaningful in that they can create knowledge in their respective fields, although they are somewhat inadequate because the designers can't create as much knowledge as can be applied in business; design-related consumers demand composite knowledge integrating the characteristics of all three fields. In other words, they want to know the ordinary customers'preferences in the previous off-line market in the CRM field, the research results of statistical questionnaires to the various elements of design in statistical research fields, and even the pattern of preference and consumption of many and unspecified persons transcending the time and place in eCRU field. This study proposes to solve the problem related with web-based design knowledge maintenance through the synthetic application of CRM, Statistical Research, and eCRM The information proposed in the solution can De expected to help designers working at design-related enterprises, as well as research institutes, to develop the knowledge necessary to design more consumer-oriented products.

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A Case Study on Children's Informal Knowledge of the Fractional Multiplication (분수의 곱셈에서 비형식적 지식의 형식화 사례 연구)

  • Haek, Sun-Su;Kim, Won-Kyung
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.139-168
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate children's informal knowledge of the fractional multiplication and to develop a teaching material connecting the informal and the formal knowledge. Six lessons of the pre-teaching material are developed based on literature reviews and administered to the 7 students of the 4th grade in an elementary school. It is shown in these teaching experiments that children's informal knowledge of the fractional multiplication are the direct modeling of using diagram, mathematical thought by informal language, and the representation with operational expression. Further, teaching and learning methods of formalizing children's informal knowledge are obtained as follows. First, the informal knowledge of the repeated sum of the same numbers might be used in (fractional number)$\times$((natural number) and the repeated sum could be expressed simply as in the multiplication of the natural numbers. Second, the semantic meaning of multiplication operator should be understood in (natural number)$\times$((fractional number). Third, the repartitioned units by multiplier have to be recognized as a new units in (unit fractional number)$\times$((unit fractional number). Fourth, the partitioned units should be reconceptualized and the case of disjoint between the denominator in multiplier and the numerator in multiplicand have to be formalized first in (proper fractional number)$\times$(proper fractional number). The above teaching and learning methods are melted in the teaching meterial which is made with corrections and revisions of the pre-teaching meterial.

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Relationships between Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science Teaching of Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers and Their Attitude toward Science and Science Teaching Efficacy Belief (예비유아교사의 과학교수지식과 과학적 태도 및 과학교수 효능감 간의 관계)

  • Lee, Eun Jin
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.135-158
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching of pre-service early childhood teachers and their attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. A total of 294 pre-service early childhood teachers responded to a questionnaire that examined their pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching, attitude toward science, and science teaching efficacy belief. The results of this study were as follows: First, teachers had average pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching. The groups of 3rd and 4th grades were significantly higher than the 2nd grade group. Second, the teachers' recognition was below average in attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. The groups of 3rd and 4th grades were significantly higher than the 2nd grade group. Third, a meaningful statistical relationship was found between the pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching of pre-service early childhood teachers and their attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief. As the score of pre-service early childhood teachers in pedagogical content knowledge in science teaching became higher, the score in attitude toward science and science teaching efficacy belief became higher.

Die Aktualgenese von Nominalkomposita im Deutschen (독일어 '임시복합명사'의 생성과정과 해석)

  • Oh Young-Hun
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.6
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2002
  • '임시복합명사'는 명사 하나 하나의 의미가 개인의 머릿속에 저장되어 있지만, 이들이 결합해서 생긴 단어가 일반적인 언어사전에 등록되어 있지 않고 문맥에 따라 새로운 의미가 형성되어서 결합된 명사를 의미한다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 사전의 목록에 등록되어 있지 않아서 의미적으로 애매한 복합명사들을 '임시복합명사' ad-hoc Nominal-komposita 라고 지칭하였다. 이때 이러한 '임시복합명사'를 생성하는데 있어서 '임시복합명사'를 구성하는 각 요소들은 새로운 복합명사를 만드는데 필요한 '입력'의 역할을 담당한다. 이 논문에서는 '임시복합명사'를 구성하는데 필요한 일종의 다양한 원칙들을 다루어 보았다. 그러한 원칙들은 순수 언어학적인 논거를 바탕으로 '임시복합명사'를 생산하고 해석해 나가는 과정에 대한 타당성을 입증해 주었다. 그러나 일반적인 지식 Weltwissen과 텍스트 문맥에 맞는 구조를 편입함으로써 그 형태와 해석이 가능한 다른 형태의 복합어는 이 논문에서 자세히 다루지 않았다. 이 논문에서 제시된 복합명사의 생성과 해석과정은 대부분의 경우 복합어 고유의 현상만을 설명한 것이 아니라, 일반적으로 복합어를 생산하고 해석하는 과정을 다룬 것이다. 마찬가지로 이 점은 텍스트 문맥과 상관없이 해석이 가능한 복합어 내지는 텍스트 문맥에 따라 해석이 가능한 복합어에서도 똑같이 적용된다. 텍스트의 문맥을 통해서 자체적으로 해석이 가능하지 않은 복합어를 명확하게 의미를 부여하고 해석하는 과정, 예를 들어 의사소통상에서 일반적인 지식을 이용하여 '임시복합어'를 해석하는 과정은 이후의 연구에 다양하게 다루어 질 테마가 될 것임이 분명하다. 또한 '임시복합명사'를 생산하기 위해 이 논문에서 다룬 전제조건들은 또 다른 새로운 복합어를 생산하는데, 예를 들어 명사로부터 파생된 동사들의 복합어를 연구하는데 밑거름이 될 것이다.학의 강력한 연구가 요구된다.에 기대어 텍스트, 문장, 어휘영역 등이 투입되어 적용되었으며, 이에 상응되게 구체적인 몇몇 방안들이 제시되었다. 학습자들이 텍스트를 읽고 중심내용을 찾아내며, 단락을 구획하고 또한 체계를 파악하는데 있어서 어휘연습은 외국어 교수법 측면에서도 매우 관여적이며 시의적절한 과제라 생각된다. Sd 2) PL - Sn - pS: (1) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn - pS (2) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - pS (3) PL(VPL - Sa - pS) - Sn - pS 3) PL[VPL - pS) - Sn -Sa $\cdot$ 3가 동사 관용구: (1) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - Sd - Sa (2) PL[VPL - pS] - Sn - Sa - pS (3) PL[VPL - Sa] - Sn - Sd - pS 이러한 분류가 보여주듯이, 독일어에는 1가, 2가, 3가의 관용구가 있으며, 구조 외적으로 동일한 통사적 결합가를 갖는다 하더라도 구조 내적 성분구조가 다르다는 것을 알 수 있다. 우리는 이 글이 외국어로서의 독일어를 배우는 이들에게 독일어의 관용구를 보다 올바르게 이해할 수 있는 방법론적인 토대를 제공함은 물론, (관용어) 사전에서 외국인 학습자를 고려하여 관용구를 알기 쉽게 기술하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있기를 바란다.되기 시작하면서 남황해 분지는 구조역전의 현상이 일어났으며, 동시에 발해 분지는 인리형 분지로 발달하게 되었다. 따라서, 올리고세 동안 발해 분지에서는 퇴적작용이, 남황해 분지에서는 심한 구조역전에 의한 분지변형이 동시에 일어났다 올리고세 이후 현재까지, 남황해 분지와 발해 분지들은 간헐적인 해침과 함께 광역적 침강을 유지하면서 안정된 대륙 및 대륙붕 지역으로 전이되었다.

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An Ontology Editor to describe the semantic association about Web Documents (웹 문서의 의미적 연관성 기술을 위한 온톨로지 에디터)

  • Lee Moo-Hun;Cho Hynu-Kyu;Cho Hyeon-Sung;Cho Sung-Hoon;Jang Chang-Bok;Choi Eui-In
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.12D no.6 s.102
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    • pp.881-888
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    • 2005
  • As the internet continues to grow, the quantity of information on the Web increases beyond measure. The internet users' abilities and requirements to use information also become varied and complicated. Ontology can describe correct meaning of web resource and relationships between web resources. And it can extract conformable information that a user wants. Accordingly, we need the ontology to represent knowledge. W3C announced OWL(Web Ontology Language), a meaning description technology for such web resources. But, the development of a professional use of tools that can compose and edit effectively is not yet developed adequately. In this paper, we design and implement an Ontology editor which generates and edits OWL documents through intuitional interface, with a OWL parser, a Internal DataModel, and a Serializer.

A Study on Usability of Interface Metaphors in the Information Retrieval Systems (검색시스템에서 인터페이스 은유모형의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • 서은경
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.179-202
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    • 2001
  • In information system research. there has been a strong interest in developing the user-centered interface. Interface metaphors have been regarded as a user friendly device of the information retrieval systems. This study is to discover overall opinions about metaphors and to evaluate the usability of metaphors used in the homepages and retrieval interfaces of academic and public libraries. It is found that some metaphors cause users to confuse because they are similar each others or don\`t have unique meaning and because some have weak relationship between texts and images of metaphors. It is necessary to develop a metaphor model suitable for the a specific interface. This study proposes to develop functional metaphors which can help users easily understand how to operate and remember the procedures, and which are based in user\`s knowledge and experiences. The organizational metaphors of a virtual community also will be considered as a new type of retrieval interfaces.

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User-based Document Summarization using Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Wikipedia (비음수행렬분해와 위키피디아를 이용한 사용자기반의 문서요약)

  • Park, Sun;Jeong, Min-A;Lee, Seong-Ro
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we proposes a new document summarization method using the expanded query by wikipedia and the semantic feature representing inherent structure of document set. The proposed method can expand the query from user's initial query using the relevance feedback based on wikipedia in order to reflect the user require. It can well represent the inherent structure of documents using the semantic feature by the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). In addition, it can reduce the semantic gap between the user require and the result of document summarization to extract the meaningful sentences using the expanded query and semantic features. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better performance than the other methods to summary document.

Improvement of Korean Homograph Disambiguation using Korean Lexical Semantic Network (UWordMap) (한국어 어휘의미망(UWordMap)을 이용한 동형이의어 분별 개선)

  • Shin, Joon-Choul;Ock, Cheol-Young
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2016
  • Disambiguation of homographs is an important job in Korean semantic processing and has been researched for long time. Recently, machine learning approaches have demonstrated good results in accuracy and speed. Other knowledge-based approaches are being researched for untrained words. This paper proposes a hybrid method based on the machine learning approach that uses a lexical semantic network. The use of a hybrid approach creates an additional corpus from subcategorization information and trains this additional corpus. A homograph tagging phase uses the hypernym of the homograph and an additional corpus. Experimentation with the Sejong Corpus and UWordMap demonstrates the hybrid method is to be effective with an increase in accuracy from 96.51% to 96.52%.