Korean society in the 2000 has experienced new many social and spatial issues such as the process of neoliberalism and changes in urban and spatial policies, the development of information and communication technology and reconfiguration of informational social space, radically increasing foreign immigrants and transformation to multicultural society, global warming and environmental injustice, and these new issues have promoted development of social geography in Korea. In addition to a review on them, this paper provides a review on empirical researches on traditional issues which have been dealt with in social geography in the 2000 in Korea. Even though there have been numerous sub-issues, they can be divided into two categories: one is urban and communal social geography including urban housing and residential segregation, urban social problems such as poverty, crime, education, health care, social welfare, urban and rural community building, identity, sense of place, and social movement; the other is social geography of population and migration, including population movement, aged society and social welfare for elderly people, and foreign immigrants and formation of multicultural social space. As some difficult conditions such as path-dependent process of neoliberalism, transformation toward informational, aged, and multicultural society would continue, so social geography in Korea to tackle with these external conditions should deepen its theoretical insights and widen its research issues.
The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
Purpose: The number of patients receiving radiotherapy has increased every year and will keep increasing in the future. Therefore, the technique of radiotherapy is developing from day to day, as a result of it, the quantities of image and data used for radiotherapy are also considerably increasing. Therefore, there have been many difficulties in storing, keeping and managing them. Then, we developed and applied this system for improving complicated work process as well as solving these problems with the collaboration Medical Information Team. Materials and Methods: We exported its image at R & V (Record and Verify: Varis vision, Varian, USA) system and planning system after giving some code to be able to access from management system(RO) for department of radiation oncology to PACS. And, we programmed their information by using necessary information among many information included in DICOM head. Results: All images and data generated by our working environment (Simulation CT, L-gram image and internal body structure, DRR, does distribution )were realized at PACS and it became to be possible for clear image to be printed from any computer in department of radiation oncology. Conclusion: It was inevitable to use film during radiotherapy for patients in the past, however, due to the development of this system, film-less system became to be possible. Therefore, the darkroom space and its management cost in relation to the development process disappeared and it became to be unnecessary for spending tangible and intangible financial expense including human resources, time needed for finding film storing space and film and purchasing separate storing equipment for storing images. Finally, we think this system would be very helpful to handle ail complicated processes for radiotherapy and increasing efficiency of overall working conditions.
The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
Objective : This study sought to characterize and determine the qualitative level of a single target study for stroke patients. Methods : The National Science and Technology Information Center (NDSL), DBpia (DBpia), RISS (Radical Research Information Service), Korea Research Information (KISS), and the National Assembly Library's original case study from 2002 to 2017. A total of 24 single target research papers were selected through the screening process to analyze the quality level of research methods and research design. Results : ABA design was th most common study design method. One person was the most with 12(50%). and three were the second with 8(33.3%). Imagination was the most used as an independent lawyer. Dependent variables had the highest level of situability and one-sidedness. The study was also conducted with a variety of target behaviors, including 'memory', 'visual attention', 'dysphagia', 'visual-motor coordination', 'balance', 'activity of daily life' and 'edema' behaviors. It also showed a positive effect on all dependent variables. The Qualitative level was found to be above the intermediate level except for one study. Conclusion : It is academic significance that this study analyzes the items to be prepared for in the performance of a single target study and further studies may require the establishment of a weak but good-quality single target study for researchers conducting research in local communities and clinical sites.
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
This paper aims to look at the perspective that the latest cutting-edge technologies are predicting individual diseases in the actual medical environment in a situation where various types of wearable devices are rapidly increasing and used in the healthcare domain. Through the process of collecting, processing, and transmitting data by merging clinical data, genetic data, and life log data through a user-participating wearable device, it presents the process of connecting the learning model and the feedback model in the environment of the Deep Neural Network. In the case of the actual field that has undergone clinical trial procedures of medical IT occurring in such a high-tech medical field, the effect of a specific gene caused by metabolic syndrome on the disease is measured, and clinical information and life log data are merged to process different heterogeneous data. That is, it proves the objective suitability and certainty of the deep neural network of heterogeneous data, and through this, the performance evaluation according to the noise in the actual deep learning environment is performed. In the case of the automatic encoder, we proved that the accuracy and predicted value varying per 1,000 EPOCH are linearly changed several times with the increasing value of the variable.
Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
In ancient Egypt, temples were not only religious sanctuaries but also community centers. One of the core spaces created in the temple is the facility where priests and scribes copied and preserved texts on papyrus and other media. Its common designation was 'pr-mḏȝ'(House of Books) and the 'per-(nw)-seshw'(House of Scrolls). The general term used during that time was 'Per Ankh', and the modern term for it is 'temple library'. Therefore, this study first identified the character and identity of the Per Ankh attached to the temple, and then traced whether it is appropriate to designate 'healing place of the souls' depicted on the hypostyle hall(Per Ankh) in the Ramesseum(mortuary temple) built by Ramses II of the New Kingdom as a library. As a result, Per Ankh, a hieroglyph combining the Per(house) and Ankh(life), was revealed to be a multi-purpose complex facility consisting of a learning and research center, a treatment and healing center with medical facilities and sanatoriums, a religious ceremony and a center for the celebration of eternal life, a scriptorium and a library. Therefore, the traditional argument that Per Ankh refers to a library cannot be justified. In the same context, the inscription 'Ψυχῆς ἰατρεῖον' on the doorplate of the hypostyle hall of the Ramesseum, which was first introduced by Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus in the 4th century BC, was translated into Latin as 'Psychēs Iatreion' by Diodorus Siculus in the 1st century BC and described as the motto of the sacred library. However, Psyche is the goddess of Greek and Roman mythology, and Iatreion means hospital(clinic, healing center) and pharmacy, so Per Ankh in the Ramesseum is a space to heal the soul of the pharaoh (Ka). Therefore, 'Psychēs Iatreion = library' is a distortion and a mistranslation. It is not the motto of the library, but a metaphor for the Per Ankh.
Thanks to the rapid increase of the interest in the quality control of the General X-ray systems, this research proposes the direction of the quality control through comparing and inspecting the actual condition of the respective quality control in the Clinic, the educational institution and the hospital. The subjects of the investigation are diagnostic radiation equipment's in the clinic, the educational institution and the hospital around the capital. A test of kVp, mR/mAs out put test and reproducibility of the exposure dose, half value layer, an accordance between the light field and the beam alignment test, and lastly reproducibility of the exposure time. Then the mean difference of the percentage, the CV (Coefficient of Variation, CV) and the attenuated curve which are respectively resulted from the above tests are computed. After that we have evaluated the values according to the regulations on the Diagnostic Radiation Equipment Safety Administration regulations. In the case of the clinic and the educational institution, there were 22 general X-ray devices. And 18.2% of the kVp test, 13.6% of the reproducibility of exposure dose test, 9.1% of the mR/mAs out put test, and 13.6% of the HVL (Half Value Layer) test appeared to be improper. In the case of the hospital, however, there were 28 devices. And 7.1% of the reproducibility of exposure dose, 7.1% of the difference in the light field/ beam alignment, and 7.1% of the reproducibility of the exposure time appeared to be improper. According to the investigation, the hospital's quality control condition is better than the condition in the clinic and the educational institution. The quality control condition of the general X-ray devices in the clinic is unsatisfactory compared to the hospital. Thus, it is considered that realizing the importance of the quality control is necessary.
Noh, Jin Chul;Park, Hyang Mi;Park, Jong Hyun;Won, Youn Kyung;Lee, Chang Hyu;Kim, Jae Yoon
Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
Purpose : This study aims to investigate preexposure prophylaxis and postexposure prophylaxis of rabies that the National Medical Center (NMC) handled and to check whether appropriate measures were performed according to the recent domestic and overseas guidelines after animal bites. Methods : This study surveyed 41 people who were 18 years or under and received preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis of rabies at the NMC from November 2006 to December 2011. Their medical records were reviewed for their age, gender, the reason for preexposure prophylaxis, the body sites of animal bite, the kind of the animal that bit children, the region where the biting occurred and rabies vaccination and inoculation of immunoglobulin. Results : Eleven children took rabies vaccination for preexposure prophylaxis and 30 children received post exposure prophylaxis of rabies. Of patients who were bitten by unvaccinated animals including wild animals or by animals which were not certain to be vaccinated, 50% (13 of 26 children) received postexposure prophylaxis, while 75% (3 of 4 children) of patients who were bitten by vaccinated animals received postexposure prophylaxis of rabies. Ten of 30 bitten patients knew whether or not the biting animals had received rabies vaccination. Of them, four people (40%) were bitten by animals which had received rabies vaccination. Conclusion : To prevent the occurrence of rabies, people and health care providers need to correctly understand latest guideline for rabies preexposure and postexposure prophylaxis and the information for bitten patient, biting animal and area at bitten by animal should be accurately recorded.
Korea's period for preservation of embryos is up to five years (the Bioethics Act). However, the study reviewed domestic and foreign laws and drew issues due to the recent demand that the development of related science and technology and the period limitation limit the rights of consent holder for embryo production. the first issue is that preserved embryos are intended for pregnancy, and it is important to ensure that the autonomy of the consent holder is protected through careful consideration based on information such as scientific evidence. the second is that regulations regarding the obligation to manage embryonic preservation institutions are needed. the third is to create a social atmosphere in which embryo creation, preservation, and disposal take place in a minimum range, considering the special status of embryos. based on this issue, the first of the proposals for rational improvement of the regulation and system about embryo preservation is the introduction of an environment in which sufficient explanation and appropriate consent can be exercised and to extend the reasons for the extension of the period, rather than specifying the specific period in law. the second is that institutionalization is necessary considering not only the obligation to manage preservation institutions but also the overall site, such as concerns that may arise as a result. lastly, we propose the introduction of a management method considering the future use of embryos, such as transfer to provide research purposes and donation of pregnancy purposes by others. this process should be a method of sufficient social discussion and consensus, as well as a general consideration of the family relationship with the born child.
Kim, Min-Jee;Lee, Hyoung-Song;Kang, Inn-Soo;Jeong, Seon-Yong;Kim, Hyon-J.
Journal of Genetic Medicine
Purpose: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), also known as embryo screening, is a pre-pregnancy technique used to identify genetic defects in embryos created through in vitro fertilization. PGD is considered a means of prenatal diagnosis of genetic abnormalities. PGD is used when one or both genetic parents has a known genetic abnormality; testing is performed on an embryo to determine if it also carries the genetic abnormality. The main advantage of PGD is the avoidance of selective pregnancy termination as it imparts a high likelihood that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration. The application of PGD to genetic practices, reproductive medicine, and genetic counseling is becoming the key component of fertility practice because of the need to develop a custom PGD design for each couple. Materials and Methods: In this study, a survey on the contents of genetic counseling in PGD was carried out via direct contact or e-mail with the patients and specialists who had experienced PGD during the three months from February to April 2010. Results: A total of 91 persons including 60 patients, 49 of whom had a chromosomal disorder and 11 of whom had a single gene disorder, and 31 PGD specialists responded to the survey. Analysis of the survey results revealed that all respondents were well aware of the importance of genetic counseling in all steps of PGD including planning, operation, and follow-up. The patient group responded that the possibility of unexpected results (51.7%), genetic risk assessment and recurrence risk (46.7%), the reproduction options (46.7%), the procedure and limitation of PGD (43.3%) and the information of PGD technology (35.0%) should be included as a genetic counseling information. In detail, 51.7% of patients wanted to be counseled for the possibility of unexpected results and the recurrence risk, while 46.7% wanted to know their reproduction options (46.7%). Approximately 96.7% of specialists replied that a non-M.D. genetic counselor is necessary for effective and systematic genetic counseling in PGD because it is difficult for physicians to offer satisfying information to patients due to lack of counseling time and specific knowledge of the disorders. Conclusions: The information from the survey provides important insight into the overall present situation of genetic counseling for PGD in Korea. The survey results demonstrated that there is a general awareness that genetic counseling is essential for PGD, suggesting that appropriate genetic counseling may play a important role in the success of PGD. The establishment of genetic counseling guidelines for PGD may contribute to better planning and management strategies for PGD.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
Recently, as the non-face-to-face environment has developed due to COVID-19 and environmental pollution, the importance of online digital healthcare is increasing, and venture start-ups and activities such as health care, telemedicine, and digital treatments are also actively underway. This study conducted the impact on the acceptability of digital healthcare smartwatches with an integrated approach of the expanded integrated technology acceptance model (UTAUT2) and the behavioral inference model (BRT). The most advanced integrated technology acceptance model for innovative technology acceptance research was used to identify major factors such as utility expectations, social effects, convenience, price barriers, lack of alternatives, and behavioral intentions. For the study, about 410 responses from ordinary people in their teens to 60s across the country were collected, and based on this, the hypothesis was verified using structural equations after testing reliability and validity of the data. SPSS 23 and AMOS 23 were used for research analysis. Studies have shown that personal innovation has a significant impact on the reasons for acceptance (use value, social impact, convenience of use), attitude, and non-use (price barriers, lack of alternatives, and barriers to use). These results are the same as the results of previous studies that confirmed the influence of the main value of innovative ICT on user acceptance intention. In addition, the reason for acceptance had a significant effect on attitude, but the effect of the reason for non-acceptance was not significant. It can be analyzed that consumers are interested in new ICT products and new services, but purchase them more carefully and selectively. This study has evolved from the acceptance analysis of general-purpose consumer innovation technology to the acceptance analysis of consumer value in smartwatch digital healthcare, which is a new and important area in the future. Industrially, it can contribute to the product's purchase and marketing. It is hoped that this study will contribute to increasing research in the digital healthcare sector, which will play an important role in our lives in the future, and that it will develop into in-depth factors that are more suitable for consumer value through integrated approach models and integrated analysis of consumer acceptance and non-acceptance.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.