• Title/Summary/Keyword: 윤리적 과제

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An Essay on Establishing the Theory of Reverence-based Ethics Education : Focussed on 'Gyeong(敬)' in the Early Confucianism (외경윤리교육론 정립을 위한 시론 -원시유교의 '경(敬)'을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Seung Hee
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.74
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    • pp.35-62
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    • 2009
  • This study purports to explore the possibility of establishing the theory of ethics education based on the concept 'Gyeong(敬)' in Early Confucianism. There was a negative viewpoint on Confucianism directly after the modernization of Korea. However, a positive trend for Confucianism has emerged in almost all sorts of studies even though the results of the studies in Moral education are not always successful. West moral education theories and traditional ethics education theories should be integrated dialectically so that traditional ethics education may be updated. Recently a reappraisal of traditional values has been undertaken as a replacement of liberal democracy values. Faced with the modern civilization's crisis and a decline in morals in Korea, reverence needs to be dealt with in ethics education. This study is primarily concerned with the nature-transcendental relation whose concrete concept is 'Gyeong(敬)' in Confucianism. And the study attempts to put forward the theory of reverence-centered ethics education. The contents of the study consists of the substance of 'Gyeong(敬)' in Early Confucianism, and practical principles and methods of reverence-based ethics education. Some tasks of moral education are also suggested for the scientific establishment of reverence-centered ethics education.

Ecology and Naturalistic Justice in Nietzsche (니체의 생태학과 자연주의적 정의)

  • Byung-Doo Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.411-433
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    • 1998
  • This paper examines how Nietzsche, criticizing anti-naturalist philosophies, reformulated concepts of nature and human nature, and revaluated them from the perspective of naturalism. Especially, it focuses on his task for naturalistic ethics to naturalize nature and to place man back into nature. This paper also tries to reinterpret his attempt to transfer the concept of justice from the metaphysical realm to the naturalistic one, which seems to give some important insights to develop theory of environmental justice, while pointing out some limitations in his naturalistic concept of justice.

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A Triple Connected Teaching & Learning Model to Improve the Educational Level of Information and Communication Ethics in Elementary School (초등 정보통신윤리 교육수준 제고를 위한 3중 연계교수학습모형 연구)

  • Lee, Dae-Ho;Cho, Gi-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2011
  • Information and communication brings us some degree of convenient but also serious side effects. Especially, information and communication ethics is an important issue for elementary school children who are early stage in moral value. This paper proposes a triple-connected teaching and learning model. which can be applied to the elementary school children. in order to improve the educational level. The model is formed by selecting three discretionary teaching models, and applying independently them into the different classes with linking the contents for each class. A teacher can choose the teaching models based on what he wants to teach. Caring model, Home-Connected model and Simulation model were linked in our experiment. Experiments were conducted in the same condition but different learning models, Then, an educational effect was compared and analyzed in the educational level improvement point of view, between the Triple-connected teaching and learning model and the single teaching and learning model.

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Development and Application of PBL-Based Teaching Materials for Information Communication Ethics Education (PBL기반 정보통신윤리교육 수업자료 개발 및 적용)

  • Hwang, Jae-In;Shin, Jae-Han
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of problem-based learning(PBL) of information communication ethics on the problem-solving skills of fifth- and sixth-grade elementary school students about information communication ethics and their attitude. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the PBL-based teaching materials for information communication ethics could serve to stir up the interest of students by letting them face problem situations caused by the disfunction of the information society. Second, a wide variety of teaching-learning activities including cooperative learning and discussion were implemented while the selected students performed the given problem-solving tasks, and the activities had a very good effect on PBL-based information communication ethics education. Third, PBL-based information communication ethics education could be one of effective ways to boost not only the problem-solving skills of students but the teaching interest and capability of teachers.

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A Direction and Challenge of School Safety Policy : Focusing on 'Vision Zero' (학교안전정책의 방향 및 과제 : 'Vision Zero'를 중심으로)

  • Park, Youn-Ju
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.44-57
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    • 2019
  • 'Vision Zero' is a fundamental response to rapidly increasing number of traffic accidents. It was first introduced in Sweden in the late 20th century and is spreading worldwide. 'Vision Zero' criticizes an existing traffic safety policy that presupposes a reasonable human beings. It suggests that traffic safety policies should be on the possibility of making mistakes by irrational beings. Under the ethical vision that human life and health cannot be exchanged for any other social benefits, the policy issue should allow to make zero out the death rate and serious injuries of traffic accidents while allowing minor injuries. 'Vision Zero' argues that the government should design an environment in which individual mistakes never lead to fatal accidents. 'Vision Zero', which shows a different perspective from existing policies regarding safety ultimate goal, is spreading from traffic safety to other areas such as health, safety and well-being. This study examines the implication of the Korea's school safety policy from the perspectives of 'Vision Zero' on the five areas : "for what", "from what", "by what", "by whom", and "how". The study is intended to establish a new directions and challenges of school safety policy in Korea through an analytical discussions on 'Vision Zero'.

스마트 시대의 인터넷과 정보보호 과제

  • Seo, Jong-Ryeol
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2010
  • 현재 우리사회는 인터넷의 진화와 정보통신기술의 비약적인 발전으로 급속하게 변화하고 있으며, 스마트폰의 확산과 무선 인터넷 활성화, 신규 융합서비스가 급격한 성장세를 보이며 인터넷을 기반으로 한 컨버전스가 산업 발전의 새로운 패러다임으로 대두되고 있다. 이러한 패러다임의 변화는 세계 최고 수준의 IT 인프라를 기반으로 새로운 비즈니스 창출과 사회현안 해결을 위한 IT 활용의 중요성을 말해주며, 우리의 일상생활 전반에 큰 변화를 가져올 것이다. 그러나 정보화의 진전이 진행될수록 이에 대한 역기능 또한 다양해지고 심화되어 사회적 이슈로 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 인터넷의 익명성과 비대면성으로 인해 프라이버시 침해, 불건전 정보의 유통, 중독현상 등 개인과 사회의 피해가 점증하고 있다. 따라서 IT 발전과 활용에 따른 인터넷 진흥과 보호의 균형 있고 체계적인 대책 마련, 책임 의식과 윤리성 강화, 협력체계 구축이 절실히 요구되는 시점이다. 본고에서는 이러한 환경 변화에 대응한 한국인터넷진흥원의 중점 추진과제로서 인터넷 정책 개발과 활성화 기반 마련, 건전한 인터넷 문화와 이용환경 조성, 신속한 침해사고 대응과 선순환 구조 마련, 커뮤니케이션 패키지를 통한 국제협력 활동 등을 살펴보고 사회적 공감대 형성과 적극적인 참여를 도모하고자 한다.

A Study on the Residential Institution for the Disabled in Korea based on Welfare Rights - between Self-Reliance and Caring - (복지권 관점에서 본 한국 장애인 거주시설의 개선방안 -자립과 돌봄 사이-)

  • Yu, Dong Chul;Kim, Kyung Mee;Kim, Dong Ki;Shin, Yu Ri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.409-436
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea on the base of welfare rights, and to propose some actual ways for improvement. For this, we analyzed the attributes of the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea. The results shows that the residential institutions for the disabled in Korea are characterized by massiveness, isolation, inequality in power, and no choice. For improvement we suggested that the residential institutions for the disabled should be run by the principles of supplement, normalization, inter-reliance, and individualization. In order to achieve these goals, the government has to invest the needs for de-institutionalization of the users, run the institutions on the smaller scale and replace them in communities, and systemize the person-centered support and service provision processes. In addition to them, the managers of the institutions should try to socialize the institutions, and to increase the participation of the users in management.

A Case Study on Operation of Innovative School in Special Education (특수교육에서 혁신학교 운영에 관한 사례 연구)

  • 황순영
    • The Journal of Special Children Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study looks at the practical aspects of the operation of innovative schools in special education and proposes practical measures for community education of learning and practice. Methods: Eight teachers of A Special School in B district who are operating innovation school were interviewed in depth, and related data were collected and examined. Results:. A Special School was a major project of the Innovation School: (1) establishing a democratic school operating system, (2) establishing an ethical life community, (3) forming a professional learning community, (4) practicing creative curriculum preparation and operating education. Conclusion: Special teachers participating in innovation schools cannot change all the major tasks of education in a year, and it is important to know that it is important to implement these tasks slowly and steadily together. Only when long hours of effort with school members and the support of the education office continue to be accompanied will the effectiveness of innovation schools be revealed, and more so in special education.

A Study on the Confucian Natural Legal Ideology Embodied in the Korean Constitution (유가(儒家) 자연법사상의 헌법상 전승)

  • Moon, Hyo-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.56
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    • pp.47-80
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    • 2018
  • The traditional laws of Korea have undergone various stages of development over time. This includes the voluntary standards of the clean society. Korea's traditional legal systems, ranging from those of the Goryeo(高麗) to those of the Republic of Korea, have taken Confucian Phiosophy as their major ideological bases. At the center of these Confucian ideals, particularly in regards to pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy(先秦儒家思想) from where these ideals originated, lie the core ideals which emphasize the responsibility of each individual regardless of the social status(正名), the needs for a democracy in which people are empower and guide the state(民本), the importance of reigning with benevolence, moral excellence, and rite (仁義), and the differential love centered on kinship and humanity(親親愛人). These were the ideas as set forth by Confucius(孔子), Mencius(孟子) and Xun Zi(荀子). The current laws of Korea, especially in regards to the Constitution and the Civil and Criminal Laws, include a number of provisions that contain the Confucian Ideas of Law. The Constitution, in particular, which is also supported by the judgement of the Constitution Court, reflects several core Confucian ideals including filial duty (孝) and respect for ascendants and the traditional culture. The Court also suggested the two important standards of the constitutional legitimacy of the Traditional Culture. One is 'Age Compatibility (時代 適合性)', the other is 'Manifested Universally Validity(現在的 普遍妥當性)'. So we have burdened with the reestablishment of the Universal Ethics of the Confucian Ideology.

The Method of Moral Education in the Age of Transhumanism (트랜스휴머니즘 시대의 도덕교육방안)

  • Choi, Yong-seong
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.146
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    • pp.271-307
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to elucidate on moral education's direction in the age of transhumanism. For transhumanism's moral education, I suggest a genetically modified plan, moral artificial intelligence method, and pharmacological method for moral bio-enhancement. I also suggest a plan for anti-transhumanism's moral education. Anti-transhumanism as a position in the ethical debate on human enhancement makes two main claims. One is a moral claim that human enhancement may disregard or violate something intrinsically valuable about human nature. The other is a political claim that human enhancement should be banned or severely restricted. In this article, I try to make a critical evaluation of transhumanism and anti-transhumanism. For this aim, I critically analyze the logic of both. Finally I argue that transhumanism's moral education has technological strengths and ethical weaknesses. But transhumanism's moral education can overcome the ethical weakness through human enhancement debate and real possibility. Anti-transhumanism's moral education needs to make significant influence through traditional education.