• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유형적 하부구조

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Forest Structure in Relation to Altitude and Part of Slope in a Valley Forest at Sanggyesa Chirisan national Prark (지리산국립공원 쌍계사지역 계곡부의 해발고와 사면부위에 따른 산림구조)

  • 서영권
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.340-347
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    • 2000
  • 지리산국립공원의 쌍계사지의 불일폭포-성불재 계곡부(해발 600-1.1200m)의 해발고와 사면부위에 따른 교목층의 산림구조를 조사하기 위하여 해발고와 사면부위에 따라 42개 조사구를 설정하였다 교목상층의 밀도 평균흉고직경 흉고단면적의 범위는 각각 545-1,700본/ha 11.0-23.5cm, 19.1-27.8m2/ha 이었다 교목상층의 평균흉고직경과 흉고단면적 교목층 전체의 흉고단면적은 계곡중부에서 가장컸다 해발고가 높아짐에 따라 중요치가 증가하는 경향을 보이는 수종은 신갈나무 소나무 등이었으며 감소하는 수종은 굴참나무 졸참나무, 비목나무 등이었다 사면하부에서 상부로 갈수록 중요치가 증가하는 수종은 굴참나무 쇠물푸레 철쭉꽃 등이었으며 감소하는 수종은 노각나무 비목나무 느티나무 당단풍 때죽나무 등이었다 해발고와 사면부위가 높을수록 종수와 종다양도는 감소하였으며 해발고대별 종다양도는 0.626-1.320 의범위를 보였다 계곡정부를 제외한 해발고대간 유사도지수는 36.1-60.6% 사면부위간 유사도지수는 59.2-74.4% 로서 사면부위보다 해발고에 따른 종구성 상태의 차이가 심한 것으로 나타났다 수종별 중요치에 의한 Cluster 분석결과 계곡하부의에 위치한 서어나무-활엽수군집 계곡상부의 사면중 하부에 위치한 신갈나무-활엽수군집 계곡정부와 계곡상부의 사면상부에 위치한 신갈나무-소나무군집 등 4개 유형군집으로 구분되었다 종상관 분석결과 소나무 신갈나무 쇠물푸레 철쭉꽃 등 4개 수종간 비목나무 산뽕나무 생강나무 등 3개 수종간에는 유의적인 정의 상관이 있었다. 신갈나무, 쇠물푸레 철쭉꽃 등은 졸참나무와 소나무 쇠물푸레 등은 비목나무 서어나무와 유의적인 부의 상관이 있었다.증가에 따라 250 g/L까 지 증가하여 최대 51.0%의 수율과 0.63 g/L-h의 생산성을 나타내었다. 얻을 수 있었다. 따라서 이 방법이 일단 생산성 향상을 위한 세포의 고농도 배양에는 조사한 여러 배양 시스템 중에 가장 효율적인 시스템임올 알 수 있었다 하지만 이 시스템 에서 포도당을 낮은 level로 유지할 수 있었으나, 초산의 과도한 축적으로 항체 생산성의 향상은 예상에 비해 크지 않았다. 81%), C18 0(12.38%), C18: 1(25.93%), C22:6(9.95%)이며 결합지방질(結合脂肪質)은 C14 : 0(11.60%), C16 : 0(18.94%), C16: 1(10.42%). C18 : 1(10.89%), C22 : 6(23.44%)이었다. 총필수지방산(總必須脂肪酸) 함량(含量)은 극성지방질(極成脂肪質)$(20.14{\sim}31.12%)$이 비극성지방질(非極成脂肪質)$(6.97{\sim}11.13%)$보다 훨씬 높았고, 결합지방질(結合脂肪質)이 유리지방질(遊離脂肪質)보다 높았으며 부위별(部位別)로는 피부(皮部)$(15.18{\sim}15.41%)$가 육질부(肉質部)$(6.97{\sim}11.13%)$보다 높았다. 또${\omega}3$고도부포화지방산(高度不飽和脂肪酸) 함량(含量)은 육질부(肉質部)$(15.15{\sim}28.32%)$가 피부(皮部)$(6.77{\sim}18.18%)$나 내장부(內臟部)$(8.35{\sim}9.74%)$보다 높았으며, 육질부(肉質部)에서는 극성지방질(極成脂肪質)

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Distribution Characteristics of Ageratina altissima Community in Gangbuk Area, Seoul (서울 강북 도시화지역 서양등골나물군락 분포특성)

  • Lee Kyong-Jae;Hong Suk-Hwan;Kim Jong-Yeop;Han Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2004
  • This study was achieved to investigate the distribution state and the characteristic of Ageratina altissima community in five districts(90.15$\textrm{km}^2$), north of Seoul, Korea. Total distribution area of Ageratina altissima community was 1,860,805$m^2$ and the distribution rate of Ageratina altissima community was 23.7% in Yongsan-gu, Seoul and it was 13.7% in Joong-gu, Seoul including the Namsan-mountain. As a result of correlation between Ageratina altissima community and the actual vegetation, in case of the whole sites Ageratina altissima community was distributed mainly in the Robinia pseudo-acacia forest and in case of Namsan-mountain area it was distributed mainly in the lower layer of the Pinus densiflora forest especially. In case of the whole sites, the distribution ratio of Ageratina altissima community was highest in the Pinus koraiensis forest; on the other hand, it was highest in the Robinia pseudo-acacia forest with planted area excepting the Namsan-mountain. As a result of correlation between Ageratina altissima community and Green Covered Ratio(GCR), the more the distribution ratio of Ageratina altissima community was heigher, the more GCR was higher in case of canopy and understory layer. Especially the distribution ratio of Ageratina altissima community was most high where GCR was over 50%. As a result of correlation between Ageratina altissima community and aspect, Ageratina altissima community was distributed mainly to the west, so we suppose that Ageratina altissima community was distributed mainly in the lower layer of the Robinia pseudo-acacia forest which has fine canopy in the west. We should improve the Robinia pseudo-acacia forest to multi-layer natural forest to control the flourishing Ageratina altissima community in the long term.

Conservation Status, Construction Type and Stability Considerations for Fortress Wall in Hongjuupseong (Town Wall) of Hongseong, Korea (홍성 홍주읍성 성벽의 보존상태 및 축성유형과 안정성 고찰)

  • Park, Junhyoung;Lee, Chanhee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.4-31
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    • 2018
  • It is difficult to ascertain exactly when the Hongjuupseong (Town Wall) was first constructed, due to it had undergone several times of repair and maintenance works since it was piled up newly in 1415, when the first year of the reign of King Munjong (the 5th King of the Joseon Dynasty). Parts of its walls were demolished during the Japanese occupation, leaving the wall as it is today. Hongseong region is also susceptible to historical earthquakes for geological reasons. There have been records of earthquakes, such as the ones in 1978 and 1979 having magnitudes of 5.0 and 4.0, respectively, which left part of the walls collapsed. Again, in 2010, heavy rainfall destroyed another part of the wall. The fortress walls of the Hongjuupseong comprise various rocks, types of facing, building methods, and filling materials, according to sections. Moreover, the remaining wall parts were reused in repair works, and characteristics of each period are reflected vertically in the wall. Therefore, based on the vertical distribution of the walls, the Hongjuupseong was divided into type I, type II, and type III, according to building types. The walls consist mainly of coarse-grained granites, but, clearly different types of rocks were used for varying types of walls. The bottom of the wall shows a mixed variety of rocks and natural and split stones, whereas the center is made up mostly of coarse-grained granites. For repairs, pink feldspar granites was used, but it was different from the rock variety utilized for Suguji and Joyangmun Gate. Deterioration types to the wall can be categorized into bulging, protrusion of stones, missing stones at the basement, separation of framework, fissure and fragmentation, basement instability, and structural deformation. Manually and light-wave measurements were used to check the amount and direction of behavior of the fortress walls. A manual measurement revealed the sections that were undergoing structural deformation. Compared with the result of the light-wave measurement, the two monitoring methods proved correlational. As a result, the two measuring methods can be used complementarily for the long-term conservation and management of the wall. Additionally, the measurement system must be maintained, managed, and improved for the stability of the Hongjuupseong. The measurement of Nammunji indicated continuing changes in behavior due to collapse and rainfall. It can be greatly presumed that accumulated changes over the long period reached the threshold due to concentrated rainfall and subsequent behavioral irregularities, leading to the walls' collapse. Based on the findings, suggestions of the six grades of management from 0 to 5 have been made, to manage the Hongjuupseong more effectively. The applied suggested grade system of 501.9 m (61.10%) was assessed to grade 1, 29.5 m (3.77%) to grade 2, 10.4 m (1.33%) to grade 3, 241.2 m (30.80%) and grade 4. The sections with grade 4 concentrated around the west of Honghwamun Gate and the east of the battlement, which must be monitored regularly in preparation for a potential emergency. The six-staged management grade system is cyclical, where after performing repair and maintenance works through a comprehensive stability review, the section returned to grade 0. It is necessary to monitor thoroughly and evaluate grades on a regular basis.

A Study of Development Gains Estimation in Building Land Development Projects (택지개발사업의 개발이익 추계에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.595-613
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    • 2006
  • In the debates of development gains, the general rule is that it results from actions other than those of the landowner, most notably of the public sector as in granting of permissions for the development of specific land uses and densities or through infrastructure investments, or of socio-economic forces due to a general capital accumulation in space. A huge academic literature has investigated the development gains capture that refers to the process by which a portion of or all land value increments attributed to the community effort are recouped by the public sector. Policy instruments for applying development gains capture are based on deepening land value taxation, financing infrastructure, controling land use. But one of the most basic for the efficient policy implementation is the accurate estimation of development gains. This paper estimates the development gains generated by the total 204 building land projects of Korea Land Corporation and Korea National Housing Corporation since 1995.

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A Study on the Construct Building of Service Quality in the International Passenger Terminal (해상여객터미널에 있어서 서비스품질 구성요인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Jae-Hyun;Han, Chul-Hwan;Lee, Su-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.107-124
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    • 2009
  • In order to create value for maritime tourism industry, new port infrastructures have been planned, improvements in passenger terminal services have been designed, and new maritime transport technologies have been applied, so that ports improve their efficiency and the quality of their service more than their national and international competitors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to verify the dimensions of the service quality of ocean passenger terminal. Based on a survey of 260 customers in port of Busan and Inchon, terminal service quality's five main dimensions have been checked regarding their fit with the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Empirical results support that this is a valid instrument for measuring service quality of a ocean passenger terminal. The interactive sequence of computing Cronbach's alpha, corrected item-to-total correlation, and factor analysis was repeated a few times and resulted in a final set of 19 items representing five distinct dimensions-tangibles, responsiveness, knowledge, reliability, and accessibility. This finding provides the more appropriate instrument to evaluate the customers perception as well as to measure the service quality of ocean passenger terminal.

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The Cause and Adaptation Process of Kwihyang Nongga (귀향농가(歸鄕農家)의 발생원인(發生原因)과 적응과정(適應適程))

  • Woo, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to find out about the cause and adaptation process of urban households going to rural areas for agricultural management(Kwihyang nongga) through the microscopic analysis of a case study. Research results are summarized in the followings. The cause of Kwihyang nongga before the 1980s was generally due to the social causes like the support of dependent family or rural-to-urban migrants' maladjustment in urban society. After the 1980s, however, it was related to the economic reasons such as the increase of households' income by commercial agriculture more than the social ones. Most of Kwihyang nongga was traditionally the households which came back to their native places, rural areas. Recently the urban households which did not originally come from rural areas are going to rural space because of the cultivation of high profit oriented agricultural products. Recent Kwihyang nongga increased the size of commercial agriculture through leased farmland, not by a purchase of agricultural land. Even though the number of Kwihyang nongga is now a few, it is expected that the influence of Kwihyang nongga on rural society will be various and high because it consists of young generation. The increase of Kwihyang nongga may be one of the ways to mitigate the decreasing rate of utilization of agricultural lands due to the labor shortage of rural areas after industrialization. To solve rural problems related to underpopulation, it is necessary to establish the active plicies of helping Kwihyang nongga. The actions for Kwihyang nongga ought to emphasize the improvement of educational conditions and living facilities as well as financial aids and the improvement of farming conditions.

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Vegetation Structure in Otter (Lutra lutra) Home Range of Hwacheon, Gangwon-do (강원도 화천군 수달(Lutra lutra) 서식지의 식생 구조)

  • Seo, Hyungsoo;Shin, Youngseob;Lee, Kyungeun;Kim, Yoonmi;Jeon, Mina;Nam, Taek-Woo;Han, Sung-Yong;Choung, Yeonsook
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.spc
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2014
  • In order to determine whether vegetation would be one of the factors for the selection of otter home range, vegetation structure and other potential factors were studied in Hwacheon, Korea. Thirteen sites, otter's activity found and not found, were investigated in North Han River and connected tributary streams of Hwacheon-gun. Three types of vegetation were classified by cluster analysis, which is short grass, tall grass and shrub type. Vegetation zone of each channel is composed of either one type, or mosaic of tall grass and shrub type. Short grass type is common in Lake Paro and upper North Han-river where water level is highly variable throughout a year. Therefore, annual species such as Persicaria nodosa, Fimbristylis dichotomam and Chenopodium ficifolium are the most dominant. Shrub type is common at the downstream sites of Jichon stream and along mainstream of North Han River down Lake Paro. A shrub species, Salix koreensis, is the most common. Tall grass type is dominant occupying the most vegetation zone of the tributary channels. Phragmites japonica is absolutely dominant. Due to its dense cover, a few plant species are co-existed. Otter activity was found in all three vegetation types and no marked activity was found at some sites of tall grass type. There is no difference in species composition and physiognomy between tall grass sites with and without otter activity, while it shows significant difference in fish availability between two groups. Overall we found that home range of otters in the region is along the mainstream and downstream of tributary streams with high fish availability in all vegetation types and in various human activity levels.

Calculation of Crack Width of the Top Flange of PSC Box Girder Bridge Considering Restraint Drying Shrinkage (구속 건조수축을 고려한 PSC BOX 거더교 상부플랜지 균열폭 산정)

  • Young-Ho Ku;Sang-Mook Han
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2023
  • The PSCB girder bridge is a closed cross-section in which the top and bottom flanges and the web are integrated, and the structural characteristics are generally different from the bridges in which the girder and the floor plate are separated, so a maintenance plan that reflects the characteristics of the PSCB girder bridge is required. As a result of analyzing damage types by collecting detailed safety diagnosis reports of highway PSCB girder bridges, most of the deterioration and damage occurring during use is concentrated on the top flange. In particular, cracks in the bridge direction on the underside of the top flange occurred in about 70 % of the PSCB girder bridges to be analyzed, and these cracks were judged to be caused by indirect loads such as heat of hydration and drying shrinkage rather than structural cracks caused by external loads. In order to improve durability and reduce maintenance costs of PSCB girder bridges in use, it is necessary to control restraint drying shrinkage cracks from the design stage. Therefore, in this paper, the cracks caused by drying shrinkage under restraint, which is the main cause of cracks under the flanges of the top part of the PSCB girder bridge, were directly calculated using the Gilbert Model, and the influencing factors such as the amount of reinforcing bars, diameter and spacing of reinforcing bars were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the crack width caused by restraint drying shrinkage exceeded the allowable crack width of 0.2 mm for reinforcing bars with a reinforcing bar ratio of 0.01 or less based on the H16 reinforcing bar and a reinforcing bar with a diameter greater than H19 based on the reinforcing bar ratio of 0.01. Finally, based on the results of the crack width review, a method for controlling the crack width of the top flange of the PSCB girder bridge was proposed.

Reconsideration of the taxonomic characteristics of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and C. dichotoma (Lour.) K. Koch (Verbenaceae) in Korea (한국산 작살나무와 좀작살나무(마편초과)의 분류학적 형질 재검토)

  • Yoon, Min-Ji;Choi, Bo-Kyung;Hong, Suk-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2012
  • To clarify some ambiguous diagnostic characters of Callicarpa japonica Thunb. and Callicarpa dichotoma (Lour.) K. Koch in Korea (Verbenaceae), the external morphology and micromorphology (leaf, anther, pollen, fruit, in particular endocarp surface and structure) of two taxa are studied and described in detail. It is confirmed that the following characteristics (e.g., the stem outline in a cross-section, the bud shape and length, the corolla tube length and the lobe length, the pattern of the anther dehiscence and length, and the endocarp morphology) are useful for distinguishing these two taxa. In particular, following three characteristics are most useful for an identification: (1) the corolla tube length of C. japonica (2.5-4.6 mm) is longer than that of C. dichotoma (0.7-1.0 mm); (2) the anther is dehiscing by an apical pore at the anthesis of C. japonica, while it is opening by a long fissure from the apex to the base in C. dichotoma; and (3) the edge of the endocarp (lateral view) in C. japonica is concave, while in C. dichotoma it is shown to be flat. On the other hand, the teeth state on the leaf margin and the position of inflorescence are not good diagnostic characteristics for identification. Additionally, the keys for all known Callicarpa taxa in Korea are provided.

3 Dimensional Changes of Bedrock Surface with Physical Modelling of Abrasion (마식에 의한 기반암면의 표면 변화에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.506-525
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    • 2007
  • Incision into bedrock channel is the primary control of landform evolution, but research into bedrock incision process stagnated for long time. Due to the scaling problem of the application of results from flume studies to bedrock channel, there is a strong need to simulate the bedrock incision process with more realistic models. As a part of investigation into controls of bedrock channel incision, three-dimensional changes of rock surface with abrasion was investigated with physical modelling. 18 rock plates were abraded with various sediment particle size and sediment load and abraded surfaces of the plates were scanned with high resolution 3-D scanner. To identify the spatial pattern of erosion of the rock plates, various methods were used. There was no synthetic or holistic method that showed all features of bedrock plate produced by abrasion, so each plate was analyzed using some available methods. Contour maps, shaded relief maps and profiles show that abrasion concentrated on the centre of plate (cross profile) and upstream and downstream edges (longitudinal profile) and eroded area extended inwards. It also found that the cracks and boundaries of forming materials easily eroded than other parts. Changing patterns of surface roughness were investigated with profiles, regression analysis and spectral analysis. Majority of plates showed decrease in small-scale roughness, but it depends on microstructures of the plates rather than general hardness or other factors. SEM inspection results supported this idea.