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A Study on Improving Operating System of an Intangible Cultural Heritage by an Ecological Perspective (생태계적 방식에 의한 무형문화유산 체계 연구 - 자생력 강화방안을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Jung-Shim
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that transmissions of an intangible cultural heritage in Korea may be cut off because it is separated from human and social environment and protected and managed under the national system. In addition, another purpose is to criticize concept and method dichotomy in the current institution from an ecological perspective and consider the problem that the intangible cultural heritages are transmitted mainly by holders having skills and accomplishments by distinguishing them from others. Furthermore, the last purpose is to suggest a direction of policy emphasizing an importance of establishment of environment which allows nurture, change and development of local people, which may ensure continuous transmission in order to solve the problem and a transmission system of the intangible cultural heritage by using a principle in which the system is operated by self-recovery and natural rule of the ecology. The findings of this study show that seven problems can be analyzed by reviewing concept establishment and protection and transmission measure of intangible cultural heritages according to the Cultural Properties Protection Law, based on the ecological perspective. The protection and transmission methods of the intangible cultural heritage through the cultural heritage ecology are suggested by applying ecological theory to it. The intangible cultural heritage ecology defined in this paper means 'a sustainable community consisting of intangible cultural heritage, subject of activity and physical environment.' Since it is operated according to the principle reflecting the rules and features of natural ecology, it can keep system through self-recovery without an external intervention, as the case of natural ecology.

Distributional Characteristics and Population Substantiality of Viola mirabilis L.; Rear edge Population in Korea (한국이 후방가장자리 개체군인 넓은잎제비꽃(Viola mirabilis L.)의 분포특성과 지속가능성)

  • Chae, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Young-Chul;An, Won-Gyeong;Kwak, Myoung-Hai;Nam, Gi-Heum;Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.422-439
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    • 2019
  • The rear edge population is considered to have low genetic diversity and high risk of extinction according to a highly isolated distribution. However, the rear edge population is observed to have persisted for an extended period despite the low genetic diversity. As such, it is necessary to understand the ecological process involved in the persistence of the population. Viola mirabilis L. in Korea is considered the rear edge population from the perspective of the worldwide distribution. We surveyed the distribution range of V. mirabilis, which shows the isolated distribution in the central area of Korea, to find out the factors of its persistence. Next, we investigated and accessed the vegetational pattern of habitats, soil environment, phenology, self-compatibility, population structure, and extinction risk factors observed in the distribution area. V. mirabilis was distributed in the understory of the deciduous forest, planted forest of the deciduous conifer and deciduous broad-leaved trees, shrubland, and grassland in the limestone area. We also observed the re-establishment of seedlings in the population, and most of them showed a stable population structure. For chasmogamous flowers, the visit by pollinators has a significantly positive relationship with the production of fruits. However, we found that the production of the cleistogamous flowers was more numerous in all studied populations and that only the cleistogamous flowers were produced despite a more substantial plant size in some populations. The plant size was more related to the production of the cleistogamous flowers than that of the chasmogamous flowers. Accordingly, the cleistogamous flowers significantly contributed to seedling recruitment in the population. We found that the production of the chasmogamous flowers and the cleistogamous flowers did not have a correlation with the factors of the soil analysis except for phosphoric acid. V. mirabilis showed the self-incompatibility characteristics most likely due to the production capability of the cleistogamous flowers. Potential extinction risk factors observed in the distribution area was included the development of limestone mine, the expansion of agricultural fields, and the construction of houses. Although V. mirabilis showed an isolated distribution in the limestone area in the Korean peninsula, it showed a diverse distribution in a wide habitat environment ranging from the grassland to the understory of the trees with relatively low canopy closure rate. Moreover, we concluded that the persistence of the population was possible if we can maintain the current state of multiple populations and stable population structure.

Abundance and Occupancy of Forest Mammals at Mijiang Area in the Lower Tumen River (두만강 하류 밀강 지역의 산림성 포유류 풍부도와 점유율)

  • Hai-Long Li;Chang-Yong Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2023
  • The forest in the lower Tumen River serves as an important ecosystem spanning the territories of North Korea, Russia, and China, and it provides habitat and movement corridors for diverse mammals, including the endangered Amur tiger (Panthera tigris) and Amur leopard (Panthera pardus). This study focuses on the Mijiang area, situated as a potential ecological corridor connecting North Korea and China in the lower Tumen River, playing a crucial role in conserving and restoring the biodiversity of the Korean Peninsula. This study aimed to identify mammal species and estimate their relative abundance, occupancy, and distribution based on the 48 camera traps installed in the Mijiang area from May 2019 to May 2021. The results confirmed the presence of 18 mammal species in the Mijiang area, including large carnivores like tigers and leopards. Among the dominant mammals, four species of ungulates showed high occupancy and detection rates, particularly the Roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and Wild boar (Sus scrofa). The roe deer was distributed across all areas with a predicted high occupancy rate of 0.97, influenced by altitude, urban residential areas, and patch density. Wild boars showed a predicted occupancy rate of 0.73 and were distributed throughout the entire area, with factors such as wetland ratio, grazing intensity, and spatial heterogeneity in aspects of the landscape influencing their occupancy and detection rates. Sika deer (Cervus nippon) exhibited a predicted occupancy rate of 0.48, confined to specific areas, influenced by slope, habitat fragmentation diversity affecting detection rates, and the ratio of open forests impacting occupancy. Water deer (Hydropotes inermis) displayed a very low occupancy rate of 0.06 along the Tumen River Basin, with higher occupancy in lower altitude areas and increased detection in locations with high spatial heterogeneity in aspects. This study confirmed that the Mijiang area serves as a habitat supporting diverse mammals in the lower Tumen River while also playing a crucial role in facilitating animal movement and habitat connectivity. Additionally, the occupancy prediction model developed in this study is expected to contribute to predicting mammal distribution within the disrupted Tumen River basin due to human interference and identifying and protecting potential ecological corridors in this transboundary region.

The Vegetation and Flora of Village Groves in Paengseong-eup, Pyongtaek City, Gyonggi-Do, Korea (경기도 평택시 팽성읍 마을숲의 식물상 및 식생)

  • Ahn, Young-Hee;Lee, Sung-Je;Shin, Goung-Mi;Park, Eun-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.515-525
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    • 2007
  • A village grove is the one fostered and protected for a district's traditional community life near the vicinity of a village. This study is done by surveying the vegetation and flora at the village grove situated at the former location for the US military camp. Through such data collected from this study, this researcher could have access to preliminary data needed for restoration project & preservation of not only the village grove surveyed but also the village grove of its neighboring district. According to the survey, there appeared an outgrowth flora of Pteridophyta consisting of 2 families, 2 genuses, 1 species, and 1 variety, totalling to 2 taxa; a Gymnosperm of 2 families, 2 genuses, 3 species, totalling to 3 taxa; in the realm of an Angiosperm, a Monocotyledon consisting of 5 families, 10 genuses, and 11 species, totalling to 11 taxa; Dicotyledoneal consisting of 24 families, 39 genuses, 40 species, and 3 varieties, totalling to 43 taxa, thus revealing 33 families, 53 genuses, 55 species, 4 varieties and 59 taxa in total. Urbanization index(4.2%) and Naturalization ratio(20.3%) showed a relatively higher numerical value than those of other districts. The vegetation unit comprising a village grove is classified Into the four community units, such as Pinus densiflora community, Pinus densiflora-Quercus serrata community, Quercus serrata community, and Rosa multiflora community. Quercus serrata community is of a community type dominated by Quercus serrata, in place of Pinus densiflora selected by natural succession, which shows relatively superior lighting adaptability and was surveyed to grow up on not only a tree layer but also a sub-tree layer. With the recent appearance of industrialization, the use of a village grove is reducing due to villagers' leaving, decrease in the number of households, and urbanization; consequently, there came out a pattern of succession to Quercus serrata community, which could be assumed to be potential natural vegetation of this district, after passing through the process of Pinus densiflora-Quercus serrata community.

A study on the school health education curriculum development focused on the health education course in primary school (국민학교 보건교육 교과과정의 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hwa-Joong;Lee, In-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.36-63
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was development of school health education curriculum in primary school based on analysis of the textbooks published in 1991. 1) The health education curriculum in primary school consisted of four major components such as health education aspects of the healthful school environments, health education aspects of school health services, health education course, and health instruction in related subjects. However, health instruction taught by physical education, biology, and other health related subjects was not systematic organization for health care. 2) A considerable amount of health knowledge and attitude, and some health practices was learned as the result of experiences in other courses, where there was little or no reference to health. It must be developed health edcation course separated from health related subjects. 3) Direct health insruction was represented by the health education course. The health education courses must be considered to be heart of the school health education curriculum. 4) The health education course developed by this study was consisted of eight health units and problems in the early elementary grade or health classes in the higher years. 5) The health education course developed by this study provided the opportunity for acquring new knowledge, attitude, and practice, for discarding the unhealtful attitude and strengthening the healthful attitude and practices of primary school students.

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Factors Affecting the Conservation and Distribution of Migratory Waterbirds in the Southern Tidal Flats of Ganghwa Island, Korea (강화도 남단 갯벌에 도래하는 물새류의 분포요인 및 보전방안)

  • ;;;;Colin Levings
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2002
  • Of the four tidal flat areas(Yeocha-ri, Dongmak-ri, Sundu-ri and Donggum-ri) on Southern Ganghwa Island, the distribution of migratory waterbirds showed a difference in the numbers of individuals and species. Higher numbers of individuals and species were observed on the Yeocha-ri tidal flat. The dominant waterbirds species at the four areas was the Dentin(Calidris alpina). This species showed an occupancy rate(42.0-79.1%) on the Yeocha-ri tidal flat, which was much higher relative to the other areas. The Yeocha-ri tidal flats were higher relative to MSL than the other tidal flats. When the Dongmak-ri tidal flat was covered by sea water, the Yeocha-ri tidal flat was 0.0317km2 in area and on this space we observed many resting waterbirds. The biomass of the waterbirds' potential prey on the Yeocha-ri tidal flat was higher(1.6~2.5×) than other tidal flats. Twenty-three species and 266 individuals were found on the Yeocha-ri tidal flat, which was higher than the tidal flats. The food of Dunlin, which was the dominant species in these four areas, was mainly Reticunassa festiva and Umbonium thomasi(Gastropoda) and Perinereis aibuitensis(Polychaeta). A Dunlin(38.11g) used to eat 1,295 individuals of these food items for daily basal energy. Gastropod, its density was highest on Yeocha-ri tidal flats. The distribution of waterbirds seemed to be closely related with the distribution of the benthos, space and safety of resting site. We suggest that the environments of tidal flats, which are rich foraging habitats, are important factors for conservation of waterbirds.

Evaluation of Water Quality Characteristics on Tributaries of Dongjin River Watershed (동진강 유역내 하천의 특성별 영향평가)

  • Yun, Sun-Gang;Kim, Won-Il;Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Seon-Jong;Koh, Mun-Hwan;Eom, Ki-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.243-247
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    • 2002
  • Irrigation water quality along Donjin river watershed was monitored to find a possible pollutant, for maintaining water quality to achieve food safety through water quality preservation of river. As a pollution indicators, such as Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), Total Nitrogen(T-N), and Total Phosphate(T-P) in Dongjin river were examined from May to November in 2001. The results were as follows : The BOD level of Dongjin river ranged from 2.84 to 6.45 mg/L, which would be in a IIIV grade of the potable water criteria by Ministry of Environment. Averaged BOD level of downstream DJ6(After Jeongupcheon confluence) was 4.07 mg/L. The average COD level of Dongjin river ranged from 11.20 to 32.96 mg/L. COD level of DJ6 rapidly increased rapidly after the junction of Dongjin river and Jungupcheon because it showed the latter had relatively high pollution level. T-N content were significantly high in all sites of Dongjin river ranged through 4.16 to 5.84 mg/L. T-P examined high concentration than another thing point by 0.19 mg/L after Jeongupcheon confluence as BOD and COD. COD of main stream was expressed high concentration to dry season after rainy season. In case of T-P, pollution degree of dry season before rainy season appeared and examined that quality of water was worsened go by dry season after rainy season. The water quality of Dongjin river was deteriorated with inflow of Jungupcheon polluted by municipal and industrial sites near Jungup city.

1-Methylcyclopropene and Carbon Dioxide Absorber Reduce Chilling Injury of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) during MAP Storage (1-Methylcyclopropene과 이산화탄소 제거제 처리에 의한 가지(Solanum melongena L.) 과실의 MAP 저장 중 저온장해 경감)

  • Veasna, Hay;Hwang, Yong-Soo;Choi, Jong-Myung;Ahn, Young-Jik;Lim, Byung-Sun;Chun, Jong-Pil
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to extend the postharvest life of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by modified atmosphere packaging using a OPP bag with 1-MCP to evaluate the alleviation effects of that treatment on external chilling injury during at low temperature. 1-MCP treatment at the level of 1.0μLL1 were very effective in delaying the progress of surface bronzing of eggplant during 10 days of storage at 8C, but not significant at 1C. Also, the treatment of 1-MCP at the levels of 0.11.0μLL1 are beneficial to complement low temperature storage and maintain quality indices such as higher firmness and lower weight loss than untreated control even at a critical low temperature 4 to 8C. The treatment of carbon dioxide using dry ice (DI, 5 g/3 fruits) significantly promoted chilling injury of eggplant stored at 4C, symptoms were appeared from 3 days after treatment and combination treatment of 1-MCP did not block the development of chilling injury symptom. Meanwhile, single treatment of CO2 absorber (CA, 5 g/3 fruits) or combination treatment with 1-MCP at the level of 1.0μLL1 prevented effectively the external and internal chilling injury at 4C during 6 days and 15 days of MAP storage, respectively. Results suggest that 1-MCP and carbon dioxide absorber treatments delay fruit deterioration and are beneficial to broaden storage temperature of eggplant fruits.

A Study on Inhabitants Consciousness of Urban Residential Area Scenic Sites - Focused on Historical and Cultural Environment Conservation Area of Seongragwon(Scenic Sites no.35) Area - (도심지 내 명승 주변지역 거주민의 의식 연구 - 명승 제35호 성락원(城樂園) 주변 역사문화환경 보전지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yeon, Ung;Lee, Won-Ho;Lee, Se-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed in order to preserve and protect the scenic sites and surrounding environment is located in the Urban Residential Area. After classifying the type of area surrounding parcels of Seongbuk-dong is located in Seongragwon, Satisfaction Survey, scenic sites designated areas for residents living near the analyzed. Research methods, Cadastral research, literature survey, field survey, and the survey was conducted. Cultural heritage awareness about the collected questionnaires of frequency analysis, and reliability analysis for cultural heritages around satisfaction, satisfaction analysis by parcel area, parcel area for the verification of specific differences regression analysis for the full-on relationship satisfaction, one-way ANOVA was conducted for each. Overall Cultural awareness analysis results, the residence is located close to the Seoul Seonjamdanji, Seongragwon, Simujang, Sanghoe Lee Tae-Joon's houses, Seoul Hanyang castle showed that cultural heritage were know unfulfilled cultural heritage. The purpose of cultural heritage visit was to break/walks. Preservation was usually level and there is no inconvenience caused as a cultural heritage. Regulatory intensity level was usually level and showed a positive reaction to the impact of cultural heritage in Seongbuk-dong image mostly. cultural heritage have a positive impact on the image of the town. but access to cultural heritage is not easy and doesn't affect the life is expected. Overall satisfaction for cultural heritages in the surrounding space, the larger the size of the lot, and higher satisfaction. Seongbuk-dong most of the residents satisfaction was higher. Small lots of residents showed low satisfaction for safety when walking at night, heritage value rise, private ownership of heritage use, harmony with surrounding environment, Building exterior, non-physical uniqueness like culture art mental. It can be interpreted that small lots of residential environment quality is low compared to the large lots, influx of residents in other regions due to the redevelopment of one of Seongbuk-dong, private ownership of heritage use. And generally lower satisfaction on the harmonization of the facility(street lights, signs, etc.). Therefore cultural heritage signs for facility expansion, cultural educational programs, will be needed to maintain the uniqueness village when scenic sites in the city center around the area of management strategy.

Ecological Characteristics and Management Proposal of Abeliophyllum distichum Subpopulations in the Byeonsanbando National Park (변산반도국립공원 내 미선나무 아개체군의 생태적 특성과 관리제언)

  • Lim, Dong-Ok;Hwang, In-Chon;Choi, Hyon-Woo;Kim, Yong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.116-126
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out focused an ecological characteristics and habitat management of Abeliophyllum distichum subpopulations in the Byeonsanbando National Park, Korea. Among three subpopulations of the target species in the studied area, Gamaso region are known as translocation site due to the dam construction while the wild populations which is located at both the lower terrain of the Buandaem bank and Chongnim-ni, which is designated as Natural Monument No 370, is threat due to an intensive site management likes clearance of scrub amongst the Abeliophyllum plants. Vascular plant taxa in the studied sites were summarized as 182 taxa; 65 families, 143 genera, 164 species, 17 varieties and 1 form, and Gamaso area, the lower terrain of the Buandaem and Cheongnim-ni areas are summarized as 75, 102 and 89 taxa, respectively. The plant species likes persimmon tree, paulownia tree and wild mulberry tree are dominant species in the Gamaso subpopulation, while Quercus variabilis is dominant at the lower terrain of the Buandaem. The intensive site management was applied to the Cheongnim-ni subpopulation, one of the original wild habitats of the species. The population dymanics was varied; the one or two sprouting number of stems was over 87% both at Gamaso area and the lower terrain of the Buandam, while the Cheongnim-ni subpopulation recorded as 74.8%. Also three sprouting number recorded as 16% and as 9.2% for sprouting on numbers of four to eleven. The invaded species likes Chenopodium album, Rumex obtusifolius, Phytolacca americana, Pharbitis nil, Solanum lyratum, Erigeron canadensis and Erigeron annuus, were found at the wild habitat of the species, and those invaded species grow faster than Abeliophyllum plants. Among three habitats of the target species in the studied area, the habitat which in located at the lower terrain of the Buandam and Gamaso region are known as translocated due to the dam construction, and wild subpopulation at Chongnim-ni, which is designated as Natural Monument No 370, is under threatened due to an intensive site management likes clearance of scrub amongst the Abeliophyllumplants. It is one of the evidence that Cuscuta japonica at the population indicated an intensive site management likes clearance of scrub is not proper habitat management protocol. Thus, further researches should be followed to determine the effect of canopy removal and other disturbance factors as management techniques.