• 제목/요약/키워드: 유지보전

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The Preservation of Vegetation Lanscape in Urban Park Using CAD - The Case of Kwangju Park in Kwangju Metropolitan City - (CAD를 활용한 도시공원 식생경관 보전방안 - 광주광역시 광주공원을 사례로 -)

  • 이규완;황국웅
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 1996
  • By preservation of vegetation landscape in urban park, the uniqueness and attractiveness of a city can be created and maintained. In this study, the CAD simulation of Dwangju Park was implemented, and it was proved that CAD simulation can be used to preserve the vegetation landscape and to regulate the building construction. But, when simulated short range vegetation landscape, such as the position, height and forms of trees, vegetation structure, dtc., are can be important factors. And, the method of suveying and presenting trees in CAD for efficient simulation are need to be sutdied futher.

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Long-term monitoring on change in hydro-geomorphology and vegetation landscape along the Naeseong stream (내성천의 수문지형과 식생 경관 변화에 관한 장기모니터링)

  • Lee, Chan-Joo;Kim, Dong-Gu;Hwang, Seung-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.67-67
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    • 2019
  • 내성천은 경북 북부지역을 흐르는 모래하천으로 계절적 변동이 큰 수문학적 특성에 반응하여 발달하는 모래 하상의 역동성과 이른바 '화이트리버'라고 하는 경관상 고유성이 대표적인 하천이다. 하지만, 2010년부터 영주댐이 건설되기 시작하였고, 2015년 전후로 식생이 광범위하게 활착하는 등 하천 변화가 발생하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 변화를 객관적으로 분석하기 위해 영주댐 하류내성천을 대상으로 장기 모니터링을 실시하였으며 이 논문은 2012~2018년 기간에 대해 기상 수문 수질, 하도 형태, 하천 지형 및 식생 등 다각적인 측면의 조사 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 조사 방법으로는 자료 수집, 수위계 운영, 드론/지상 사진 촬영, LiDAR 항공측량, 현장 조사 등을 포함되었다. 장기 모니터링을 통해 발견한 주요한 사실들은 다음과 같다. 2015년은 1982년 다음으로 심한 가뭄이 발생하였으며 이로 인해 여름철 첨두유량은 50년래 최저를 기록하였다. 내성천 하도의 식생 활착은 1987년부터 시작되었으며, 2013년 이전에는 하류 구간에서, 그 이후로는 전체 구간에서 식생 활착이 발생하였다. 그 중 일부 지점은 홍수로 인해 재나지화 되었으나 여러구간은 목본이 활착하였고, 퇴적으로 인해 하도의 형태 변화가 발생하기도 하였다. 내성천은 모래 하상의 본질적 특성을 유지해 왔지만, 최근 약간의 조립화 경향이 나타났으며, 조사 단면에서 최심하상의 저하가 관찰되었다. 조사 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 내성천에 나타난 변화는 주로 가뭄에 의한 것임을 확인하였다. 이와 함께 영주댐이 하도 변화에 미친 영향에 대해 고찰하였다.

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Studies on the Management Plan in Urban Ecological Protected Area of Seoul - A Case Study of the Baeksil Valley Ecological Scenery and Conservation Area - (서울 도시생태 보호지역 관리계획 연구 - 백사실계곡 생태·경관보전지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2015
  • This study is for constructing detailed data to secure biological diversity and maintain a healthy ecosystem in Backsasil Valley Ecological and Scenery Conservation Area, and for preparing an ecological management plan fit for the protected area. The period for this study was from April 2010 to May 2013. Recently, the increase of visitors to Baeksasil Valley, as well as the plantation and dissemination of introduced vegetable species, become factors accelerating ecological disturbance. Major research contents included the reviews of the management system of the protected areas, the necessity of ecological management at the basin level, establishing the system of a management plan, research and analysis of environment ecology, analysis of threatening factors, goal-setting, management strategies, and a plan through SWOT analysis. Survey items were the natural environment, major components of ecosystem, and human-use. The goals of ecological management were basin zone management for amphibians, conservation and restoration of forest vegetation for conservation habitat of Dryocopus martius, conservation habitat of Zelkova serrta for nature landscape, and management of users for environment protection. The conservation management plan at a basin zone level contains the management of point and non-point pollution sources in the upstream, securing growing conditions for native plants, securing safe habitats for amphibians, and securing of habitats for major wild birds. Also, restoration of natural forests, management of native plants and introduced vegetable species, and restoration of degraded forest paths are suggested for the restoration plans.

A Study of Methods for Management and Assessment of Present State of the Coastal Wetlands as Protected Area - Focused on the awareness of local residents in Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park - (보호구역으로서의 연안습지의 현황 평가 및 관리방안에 관한 연구 - 태안해안국립공원 및 순천만 지역의 주민의식을 기초로 -)

  • Cho, Kye-Joung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is the investigation and analysis of information on the conservation and the sustainable use of coastal wetlands based on the awareness of local residents in Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park. To accomplish the purpose of study, a questionnaire survey was chosen and the 98 valid samples(38 from Taeanhaean National Park and 60 from Suncheon Bay) among them were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: The degree of the satisfaction on the natural environment is alike between Taeanhaean National Park and Suncheon-bay area. This is accorded with the order of the goodness of natural environment. The order for the degree of the satisfaction on the living environment is same as the order for the satisfaction degree on the natural environment. The residents of two regions are not satisfied with the socio·economic environment. The local resident of Suncheon Bay and Taeanhaean National Park Area where natural environment is well-conserved, prefer conservation to development of the region. These results show the following consideration for the ideal method of management for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal wetlands. In case of Suncheon Bay area, where the condition the natural environment is well conserved, should be managed with the minimum development with maintenance of the current state must be driven. In case of Taeanhaean National Park Area, where the condition of the natural environment is well conserved and the development potential exists, such as sustainable development and ecotourism destination the development that is in harmony with the nature must to be driven.

The Regulation Effects of the Nature Preservation Region on the Distribution of Industrial Sites (자연보전권역의 입지규제가 산업입지 분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung-Koo Park;Chang-Soo Lee;Goog-Il Byun
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2024
  • This study examined various industrial location regulation policies applied to the metropolitan 'nature preservation region' and analyzed the impact of regulations in each region on the creation of planned industrial locations (via binary logistic analysis). Secondly, the characteristics of industrial location distribution by region were analyzed (via multiple regression analysis). As a result of the analysis, the probability of a factory being located in an industrial complex was 74.9% lower in the 'nature preservation region' than in the 'growth management region', and 90.5% lower in the 'special measures area (zone II)' than in areas outside the 'special measures area'. The industrial location in the 'nature preservation region' shows a stronger pattern than other regions, in terms of the individual location of medium-sized enterprises and type 4 and 5 small-scale wastewater discharge facilities in non-urban areas. In fact, the nature preservation region has been maintained for 40 years to preserve water quality and the environment. An abnormal industrial structure was formed with a ratio of factories outside the industrial complex, reaching 98.5% in 2020. This study is significant as it analyzed the characteristics of planned locations in depth, using 30,393 factories in Gyeonggi Province. Lastly, to effectively manage the environment for water quality within the 'nature preservation 'region and secure industrial competitiveness, we must urgently establish a policy to expand industrial complexes that treat wastewater while suppressing the proliferation of small-scale factories.

Development of Implementation Procedure for Reliability Centred Maintenance with Causing Analysis (원인분석을 통한 신뢰성 중심의 유지보수 시스템 절차 개발)

  • Lee, Hern-Chang;Choi, Min-Hong;Lim, Dong-Ho;Kim, Tae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2017
  • Current maintenance system are unable to suggest solid basis of maintenance for roating and static equipment. When a filure occurs, replacement or repair without proper process of failure cause analysis would often result in even greater risk. Therefore in this study, a procedure of Reliability Centred Maintenance is develped in order to perform maintenance in preventive mainer (PM), and to effectively manage risk of any equipment based on failure types and respective rates of failure. Ultimately an equipment with higher risk will be monitored which will lead to effectively prevent and manage any major accident.

Development of Sewage Treatment Equipment Control Unit by Embedded System (임베디드시스템에 의한 오수처리시설 제어장치 개발)

  • Jeung, Young-Dek;Kim, Gun-Ho;Park, Joo-Sik;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2007
  • 오수처리시설물 제어하는 기존 제어장치는 PLC에 의한 것으로 조건제어, 유지관리, 기능확장에 따른 운영에 많은 어려움을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 임베디드 시스템에 의한 제어장치를 개발하여 다양한 환경에 대한 유입수량, 농도상태에 따른 반응시간 및 전체 진행시간을 프로그램 하기 쉬운 구조로 하였다. 또한 효율적인 장비가동으로 설비보전을 할 수 있어 유지비용을 줄일 수 있다. 가장 큰 목적은 사용자와 관리자가 쉬운 유지관리를 위해 보다 더 신뢰할 수 있는 배출수 운영으로 하천 수질개선을 위함이다.

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폐수 배출사업장에 TMS 도입된다.

  • 환경보전협회
    • Bulletin of Korea Environmental Preservation Association
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    • v.27 s.359
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    • pp.32-35
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    • 2005
  • 오염물질을 실시간으로 측정해 배출사고를 예방할 수 있는 원격측정시스템(TMS : Tele-metering System)이 폐수 배출사업장에도 도입된다. 환경부는 오는 2007년까지 1~3종 배출업소와 하$\cdot$폐수종말처리시설 등 2,443개 폐수배출사업장에 오염물질 측정기기를 부착해 환경관리공단에 설치될 관제센터에 연결한다고 밝혔다. 이를 통해 한해 동안 배출되는 폐수의 86.2%가 실시간으로 관리될 전망이다. 배출사업장은 폐수의 특성에 따라 유량계, 자동시료채취기, 생물학적산소요구량(BOD)$\cdot$화학적산소요구량(COD),$\cdot$총질소(T-N)$\cdot$총인(T-P)$\cdot$부유물질(SS)측정기기 등을 최소 1종부터 최대 7종까지 설치해야 한다. 그러나 자동측정이 어려운 총대장균군수$\cdot$색도$\cdot$노르말헥산 등은 수동측정법을 유지키로 했다. 업체별로 최대 1억7천~2억원까지 예상되는 설치비는 사업자의 부담을 덜기 위해 융자 지원할 계획이다. 이에 본지에서는 그 내용을 간략히 파악해 보고자 한다.

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Function of Environmental Flows for Sustainable Water Resources Management (지속가능한 물 관리를 위한 환경유량의 기능정립에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Ji-Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.47-70
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    • 2007
  • In recent days, people's requests about water resources have been developed from managing quality and quantity of water resources to forming a river environment by restoring normal function of river. To meet these requests, it is necessary to establish the concept of environmental flows. In Korea, the environmental flows was introduced as a concept of river maintenance flows in a sense of river management. The function of river maintenance flows has been changed according to what the major issue is in that age such as navigation, water quality, and prevention of saline water intrusion. As the assesment of river maintenance flows in Korea focused mainly on the function of water usage oriented in human, it could not be defined and emphasized in a sense of ecosystem as a pure meaning of environmental flows. And while the existing river maintenance flows are included the assesment of flows, there is not a practical procedure to supply them and the efficient management in a sense of environment is not performed. The environmental flows should be further developed from the river maintenance flows and changed to a new concept focused on maintaining the health of ecosystem. In other words, the environmental flows should be defined as a necessary flows for maintaining the function of river and its original value, and be considered on the same or higher value of flows for maintenance of economic activity, recreation, and power generation.

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Review of No Net Loss(NLL) of Wetland and Suggestion of Appropriate NLL in Korea (내륙습지 총량관리제도의 고찰 및 도입 방안 제안)

  • Yujin Kang;Junhyeong Lee;Taewoo Lee;Duckgil Kim;Jaeseung Seo;Soojun Kim;Hung Soo Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 2024
  • Inland wetlands provide important ecosystem services or functions, including biodiversity conservation, water purification, flood control, and carbon sequestration. However, many inland wetlands are being degraded by urbanization and industrialization, raising the need for conservation and restoration. This study proposes the adoption of No Net Loss(NLL) of Wetland for wetland conservation and restoration in Korea by the review of the literatures. To this end,, we analyzed the wetland conservation and management systems of the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, and Australia, and identified institutional features and success factors of each country, and sought ways to adapt them to domestic conditions of Korea. The case of the United States highlights the importance of legal frameworks and public-private collaboration, Canada demonstrates systematic management approaches, Germany maintains a balance between development and conservation, Japan underscores the need for cooperative conservation efforts, and Australia emphasizes the efficiency of offset markets. The introduction and operation of these schemes are expected to contribute to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and water quality improvement, but ongoing research and policy efforts are needed to ensure that the schemes are well established.