• Title/Summary/Keyword: 요양병원

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The Effects of Active Exercise Program using Sling on the Pain and Balance Following Total Knee Replacement (슬링을 이용한 능동 운동프로그램이 무릎 관절 전치환술 환자의 통증과 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Je-Ju;Jeong, Beom-Cheol;Yoo, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.174-183
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the active exercise program using sling on the pain and balance of total knee replacement patients. Subjects were 20 patients who received total knee replacement and are hospitalized, 10 patients in each group were randomly assigned to a group (CPM group) that applied only CPM (Continuous passive motion) and a group (CSG) that combined CPM with a active exercise program using sling. CG was performed CPM 5 days a week, CSG performed CPM 2 days a week and a active exercise program using sling 3 days a week, and each intervention was performed for 40 minutes a day for a total of 4 weeks. Pain was evaluated using VAS (Visual analog scale), and balance was measured using BT4 (Balance training 4) to measure C90 area, trace length, and Sway average velocity with eyes open and closed. As a result, there was a significant decrease in pain in both groups, and there was also a significant difference in the amount of change between groups. In balance, all variables except C90 of CG showed significant changes after intervention, and there was a significant difference between C90 and Vel with eyes closed in the amount of change between groups. Therefore, we believe that CPM and active exercise program using sling are effective interventions to reduce pain and improve balance in total knee replacement patients.

Characteristics of Environmental Color Image Vocabulary for Public Healthcare Facility (공공보건시설 환경색채이미지 어휘 특성)

  • Park, Heykyung;Oh, Jiyoung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.31
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of color image for establishing the color environment contributing to the promotion of public health in the public health facilities and to utilize it as data of public health color plan and index development. For this purpose, the results of the previous precedent studies were integrated and public health facilities were classified into medical facilities (general hospitals), health facilities (public health centers), and sub - healing facilities (elderly care facilities). We visited 18 public health facilities in total, measured the environmental color of with a spectroscopic, compared the results and the precedent studies results, and identified color image characteristics and future supplement points. The results are as follows. First, the previous studies related to the environment color image vocabulary of the public health facilities, it prefer comfortable, bright and positive image. Second, as a result of direct measurement the environmental color of the public health facilities, it is found that most of them use the high brightness and low saturation color of Y series. Third, as a result of analyzing vocabulary of environmental color image of public health facilities, 'natural' image showed the highest frequency, and other images such as 'gentle' and 'decent' appeared. It was difficult to understand the characteristics of the color image vocabularies of public health facilities. This study is a convergence study of color science and environmental design, and it extends the scope of multidisciplinary research related to design and it will be helpful in environmental planning on user's emotion.

Tracing Per Ankh as a Prototype of Ancient Egytian Libraries (고대 이집트 도서관의 원형, 페르 앙크(Per Ankh) 추적)

  • Hee-Yoon Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2023
  • In ancient Egypt, temples were not only religious sanctuaries but also community centers. One of the core spaces created in the temple is the facility where priests and scribes copied and preserved texts on papyrus and other media. Its common designation was 'pr-mḏȝ'(House of Books) and the 'per-(nw)-seshw'(House of Scrolls). The general term used during that time was 'Per Ankh', and the modern term for it is 'temple library'. Therefore, this study first identified the character and identity of the Per Ankh attached to the temple, and then traced whether it is appropriate to designate 'healing place of the souls' depicted on the hypostyle hall(Per Ankh) in the Ramesseum(mortuary temple) built by Ramses II of the New Kingdom as a library. As a result, Per Ankh, a hieroglyph combining the Per(house) and Ankh(life), was revealed to be a multi-purpose complex facility consisting of a learning and research center, a treatment and healing center with medical facilities and sanatoriums, a religious ceremony and a center for the celebration of eternal life, a scriptorium and a library. Therefore, the traditional argument that Per Ankh refers to a library cannot be justified. In the same context, the inscription 'Ψυχῆς ἰατρεῖον' on the doorplate of the hypostyle hall of the Ramesseum, which was first introduced by Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus in the 4th century BC, was translated into Latin as 'Psychēs Iatreion' by Diodorus Siculus in the 1st century BC and described as the motto of the sacred library. However, Psyche is the goddess of Greek and Roman mythology, and Iatreion means hospital(clinic, healing center) and pharmacy, so Per Ankh in the Ramesseum is a space to heal the soul of the pharaoh (Ka). Therefore, 'Psychēs Iatreion = library' is a distortion and a mistranslation. It is not the motto of the library, but a metaphor for the Per Ankh.

Factors Influencing the Respiratory Infection Preventive Behavior among College Students (대학생의 호흡기감염 예방행위에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Sunhee Lee;Hana Yoo
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.449-457
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this descriptive research study was to investigate health beliefs and self-efficacy in respiratory infection management as factors that affect the respiratory infection prevention behavior of college students. The subjects were 178 students attending a university in K city of Gyeongsangbuk-do. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire from September 1st to October 16th of 2020. The results of this study are as follows; Health belief was significantly different from participant's gender (t=-2.86, p=.005), major classification (F=2.95, p=.034), and taking any medications (t=2.18, p=.030). Self-efficacy in respiratory infection management was significantly different from university students' gender (t=-3.56, p=<.001) and major classification (F=4.59, p=.004). Health belief (r=.276, p<.001) and self-efficacy in respiratory infection management (r=.660, p<.001) had a positive correlation with respiratory infection preventive behavior. Multiple regression analysis results show that self-efficacy in respiratory infection management (β=.66, p<.001) significantly affected respiratory infection preventive behavior. The model had an explanatory power of 43%. The findings demonstrate that the major factor influencing the respiratory infection preventive behavior of university students is self-efficacy in respiratory infection management. Therefore, in order to promote behavior to prevent respiratory infection in college students, a program that can strengthen self-efficacy in respiratory infection management should be developed.

Mediating effect of Intercultural Sensitivity on the relationship between Multicultural Awareness and Multicultural Acceptance (다문화 인식과 다문화 수용성의 관계에서 상호문화감수성의 효과)

  • Sowon Lee;Boyoung Kim;Chung Kil Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.919-926
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    • 2023
  • Aim(s): This study aims to explore the relationship between multicultural awareness, multicultural acceptance and sensitivity of nursing students in the midst of rapid changes in multiculturalism, and to explore the direction for improving multicultural awareness as health care workers in the future. A survey was conducted among 135 nursing students from two universities in one region, and 108 students, excluding random responses and dropouts, were the final subjects for analysis. For data analysis, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and mediation effects were tested using SPSS and process Macros. The results confirmed a statistically significant relationship between multicultural awareness and multicultural acceptance (r=.572, p<.001). The relationship between mutual cultural sensitivity, multicultural acceptance (r=.650, p<.001) and multicultural awareness (r=.456, p<.001) also showed a significant positive correlation. In addition, the effect of mutual cultural sensitivity was confirmed in the relationship between multicultural awareness and multicultural acceptance. As a result, in the relationship between multicultural awareness and multicultural acceptability, intercultural sensitivity ranged from 0.188 to 0.554, and the 95% confidence interval did not include 0; thus, indirect effect was statistically significant. Considering these results, it was confirmed that it is important to increase multicultural awareness and intercultural sensitivity in order to increase multicultural acceptance.

Effects of Thoracic Mobility Exercise on the Range of Motion, Pain, Disability Index and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Women with Chronic Back Pain (흉추 가동성 운동이 만성 요통 중년 여성 환자의 가동 범위, 통증, 장애 지수 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Dong-Ki Hwang;Ho-Young Jang;Suk-Min Lee;Byoung-Hee Lee
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study investigated the effects on the range of motion, pain, disability index, and quality of life when applying thoracic mobility exercise in middle-aged women with chronic back pain. Design: pretest-posttest control group design Methods: The study subjects were 32 patients with chronic back pain of 3 months or more among middle-aged women divided 2 groups. All groups were tested thrice a week for 30 minutes per session for four weeks. Each subject was evaluated using the thoracic rotation Range of Motion, the numerical pain rating scale and pressure pain threshold, Disability Index(Oswestry Disability Index), the Quality of Life(SF-36) before and after treatment. Results: As a result of the study, the range of motion at T1 and T2 of the exercise group to which thoracic mobility exercise was applied was significantly increased in both left and right rotations(p<0.05). In the evaluation of pain, the number pain rating scale(NPRS) score decreased significantly(p<0.05), and the pressure pain threshold was significantly increased (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference from the control group. In the evaluation of the disorder index, the Oswestry disorder index decreased significantly after the experiment (p<0.05), and there was a significant difference in group comparison with the control group (p<0.05). In quality of life, there was a significant increase in PCS of SF-36(p<0.05), but there was no significant difference from the control group. Conclusion: Through this study, thoracic mobility exercise can be used as an effective exercise therapy intervention method to improve and promote physical factors of range of motion, pain and disability index, and physical components of quality of life when treating middle-aged women with chronic back pain in the future.

Analysis of Frequent Disease and Medical Expenses Structure of Patients Admitted in a Vaterans Hospital (일개 보훈병원 입원환자의 상병 및 진료비 구조분석)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hwan;Lee, Sok-Goo;Kim, Jeong-Yeon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: This study attempts to analyze the length of hospital stay and expenses of frequent disease admitted in a Vaterans Hospital. Methods: Data was collected from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003 from the Claim records of 9,640 patients in a Vaterans Hospital. Results: The results were as follows: 1. In age & sex distribution, there was male 70.9%, female 29.1%, and 35.8% of them is 70 age group. Frequency by insurance program was Health insurance 78.1%, Medical aid 14.2%, no insurance 4.1%, others 3.6%. Distribution of each department was internal medicine 28.3%, orthopedic surgery 21.3%, surgery 16.6%, neurosurgey 7.1%, pediatrics 5.9%. Also, in the veterans group, male to female patient ratio was 99.3% male to 0.7% female, them over 70 years old was 51.6%, and them which live in daejeon was 43.5%. 2. In frequency of disease, there was gastroenteritis 4.8%, pneumonia 3.8%, cartaract 3.7%, cerebral infarct 3.2%, hyperplasia of prostate 3.0%. In frequency of korean standard classification of diseases, there was injury and poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes 17.1%, diseases of digestive system 16.1%, diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 13.9%, diseases of respiratory system 9.4%, diseases of genitourinary system 8.6%. Also, in veterans group, frequency of them was diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 19.4%, diseases of digestive system 16.8%, injury and poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes 15.7%, diseases of genitourinary system 9.7%, diseases of circuatory system 8.2%. 3. Average length of hospital stay was 29.0 days for total patients, 51.8 days for the veterans group, 15.7 days for the non-veterans one. Average total expenses was 3,669,579 won, the veterans group 7,263,877 won, the non-veterans one 1,560,333 won. The ratio of insurer to insuree was 55.2 : 44.8, the ratio of amount paid by patient in the veterans group 61.7%, in the non-veterans one 33.0%. 4. In items of medical expenses, fee for hospital accommodation was 34.7%, fee for medication 13.2%(injection 7.8%, drug 5.4%), fee for service 48.6%(physical therapy 26.3%, operation 9.7%, laboratory examination 5.2%, radiological examination 3.1%, etc), others 3.4%. In them for the veterans group, fee for physical therapy was 35.3%, fee for hospital accommodation 35.2%, fee for injection 6.2%, fee for operation 5.9%, for the non-veterans one, fee for hospital accommodation 35.7%, fee for operation 16.4%, fee for injection 11.4%, fee for laboratory examination 8.3%. 5. In the comparison of the frequency by Korean standard classification of diseases and distance between the hospital and home, the region under 21.5Km was more frequent in symptoms, signs an abnormal clinical and laboratory findings 56.0%, injury and poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes 55.6%, diseases of the eye and adnexa 52.9%, the one over 21.5Km was more frequent in neoplasms 57.4%, diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue 55.9%, diseases of genitourinary system 53.5%.

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Existent, but Non-existent Spaces for Others Focusing on Discourse-spaces of a Korean Movie (2016) (존재하지만 존재 않는 타자들의 공간 영화 <죽여주는 여자>의 담론 공간을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Eun Mi;Han, Hee Jeong
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.84
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2017
  • We analyzed the movie (2016/ directed by J-yong E), which is entangled in politics of gender, age, class, or sexuality, naming as "spaces of Others", using the concepts of heterotopia of Foucault. Foucault addressed three types of spaces: the realistic space where we currently live, the unrealistic and non-existent utopia, and heterotopia, which functions antithetically to reality. Thus, Foucault's heterotopia can be considered to indicate "heterogeneous spaces" in reality. The Bacchus Lady revolves a 65-year old prostitute So-Young, sells her body to old men at the parks in downtown of Seoul. Old prostitute on streets are often referred as "Bacchus Ladies", because suggest the popular energy drink a bottle of Bacchus while selling sex. The movie represents some minorities such as transgender, Tina and madam of the club, G-spot, migrant women like Camila and Aindu, and a amputee, Dohoon. Through these people's bodies, the problems such as imperials, nations, ethnics, gender, age, class are entangled in the movie. The politics of these points work and construct heterotopias in four spaces of Others. First, the spaces which ageing and death are intersected. Second, the spaces of So-Young for prostitutes, Third, the spaces of So-Young's mothering: she adopted her baby to American when he was a infant, so she have felt guilty. Fourth, the spaces for So-young's quasi-family with Minho, a Kopian boy who was abandoned by Korean father, Dohoon, who is a poor amputee, and Tina, who is a transgender singer. Fifth, the spaces of speech of So-Young as the subaltern: the subaltern does not have the language to express its own experiences. In order to listen to the words of subaltern, we must do the task of measuring the silence. This cinematic representation of So-young as the subaltern makes her speak about her situation. Finally, the spaces constructed by the movie can be connected 'heterotopia of crisis', 'heterotopia of deviation' and 'heterotopia of fantasy'. The spaces of the movie represents lives of Others, nevertheless, So-Young's Otherness through spaces of heterotopia was transformed to an absolute Other by patriarchal traits of cinematic narrative.

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A Study on the Design Guidelines of Healing Landscape in Housing Complexes (공동주택에서 치유조경계획을 위한 가이드라인 연구)

  • Chun, Hyunwoo;Lee, Shiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2016
  • As activities and convenience of residents in outdoor spaces in apartment houses have been considered important, strategies for making outdoor spaces in apartment houses healing spaces have emerged as a major interest. The purpose of this study is to draw elements for planning healing to create healing spaces in collective housing areas and to present design guidelines. The findings of this study are as follows. Functional elements of a healing environment were classified into safe environment, therapeutic environment, ancillary environment, orientation-reinforcing environment, amenities, and social environment. Outdoor spaces in collective housing areas were divided into collective housing entrance areas, internal and external spread areas, outdoor activity areas, and areas by theme. First, collective housing entrance areas should be planned in such a manner that residents can feel the area is private and easy to recognize. Second, internal and external spread areas should be planned in such a manner that they are easy to access and communicate with neighbors. Third, outdoor activity areas should be divided into an open space, resting space, playing space, and sports space. Open spaces should be planned in such a manner that they can command a fine view and respect the privacy of nearby residents. Resting spaces should be equipped with a shelter that protects users from direct sunlight, rain, and snow as well as include a movable bench. Playing spaces should be built considering development of children's curiosity, adventurous spirit, character, stimulation, and physical health. Playing spaces should be designed in such a manner that roadways and sidewalks can be separated for safe traffic. Sport spaces should be planned in such a manner that they can be associated with a pavilion and trail that provide residents with an opportunity to communicate with each other and rest. Fourth, spaces by theme are classified into sense garden, therapeutic garden, experiential garden, and learning garden. Sense gardens are a small garden based on the five senses. Sense gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can improve users' mental and physical health through programs that stimulate the sense of sight, auditory sense, and olfactory sense. Therapeutic gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can provide a comfortable and relaxing space by minimizing noise. It is advisable for therapeutic gardens to be equipped with a medicinal herb garden, meditation garden, and sense garden. Experiential and learning gardens should be designed in such a manner that they can provide users with a space in which they can enjoy nature and leisure activities. It is advisable for experiential and learning gardens to be equipped with a tea garden, vegetable garden, and camping garden. Healing programs should be designed in such a manner that users can feel relaxed by providing a healing environment, making the most of the natural environment. Further research on evaluating whether the findings of this study are effective in healing in a qualitative and quantitative manner is needed.

Public Attitudes Toward Dying with Dignity and Hospice.Palliative Care (품위 있는 죽음과 호스피스.완화의료에 대한 일반 국민들의 태도)

  • Yun, Young-Ho;Rhee, Young-Sun;Nm, So-Young;Chae, Yu-Mie;Heo, Dae-Seuk;Lee, So-Woo;Hong, Young-Seon;Kim, Si-Young;Lee, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: Even though there have been various efforts for the dying with dignity of terminal patients, no researches focused on the public attitudes. Methods: In February 2004, we sampled 1,055 persons over 20 years of age from the sixteen cities and local districts of Korea through the quota sampling method according to their gender, age, and location. We conducted a telephone survey with a structured questionnaire on the attitudes toward dying with dignity and hospice palliative care. Results: The most important conditions for the dying with dignity on the patients' views were 'removing burdens for other people' (27.8%). Over the half of the samples chose their home as a preference for place of death (54.8%). 82.3% of the respondents agreed to the idea of withdrawing the medically futile life-sustaining treatment. Fifty seven percents of the answered public said that they intended to use the hospice service in case of terminal illness. Eighty percents thought that health care insurance should cover hospice service, and 80.9% gave positive response to the necessity of advance directives. Respondents emphasized 'the financial support for the terminal patients' (29.8%), 'covering hospice service with health insurance' (16.5%), and 'the education and public relation for settlement of desirable dying culture and hospice service' (15.9%) as the roles and responsibilities of the government for the dying with dignity. Conclusion: This study shows that there is a possibility of significant consensus on hospice and palliative care system for the dying with dignity of patients and reduction of the suffering for their families among the general public.

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